f>H ELDY UKAL ESTATE CO„ IS NAME SELECTS!) P The Shaihv lleai EkUi.o Comooi'.y 1 is the name salt.'tart for the new ft y estate agency (iwr.^ ; t:,l operated by Joh.s W. Dojipts, C.r over I’ ;<n ,vk! Ban Subtle, who nmioc'ieed ten dr. vs ' ago their intention of entering: this & firfd of endeavor and offered So to th • >.ro Who v.'iiutti rvlc-t Ule !‘ -t uii;e! na .te to, th, now fhMike if Uo.tr , j v.tio live-..on th*- ( U»vi*;and .sprit: cffi-rtel tin- ita.-r.o and tv:*- aware:* i th f-.V rn - nr: :e, t -afro »w< :?(! r.anif-; off-;--!1 Vy |voj>!c nm e.” 1 y in Shelby hul •*« part of tit- county. The- • r--,yn-in^ .on a: • ahvn-ly *foi:!.j? ;nuiiitaiin:ijr th; if < -ffiw for itu-iprew i PARD hoi ho able to rhaMcr • hi:' : pots but t hut's ho reason for a human animal "'.in-' around with (<rif on his ve - f. a.dt her nerd you conir if baby ha.' corten cnndv all over your new • uit. > r painted the portiere, w ib his box nf v. a' ( r be-. • Whether von have spilled a, on down .he front of Voifr i v parly dr< <.:• a pas-dne auto has splashed lovely mud on your new r at. Don't Experiment, every time a ' or stii’u i j mi pored with it makes it that much rd r for th. cleaner to remove. Don't worry, ’pi us do the worrying for you. WKtTEWAY DRY CLEANING CO. C1.EAS SIS: _ OVERS. PHONE 105. o o iff: $$68 NO. M. BEST FURNITURE CO. Shelby, N. C. FINAL COUNTY TAX NOTICE The time for payment of 1924 County Taxes expires -day 1st, 1925. Already there is a penalty of 1 1-2 -per •;t and the law adds an,additional penalty where f ed r '' Utade. Delay is cosily to you and unpleasant to me, therefore .see me at once. The County Commis sioners have instructed mo to force collection by May first and after that date I will proceed, as Is pro\ idee by hw, to advert1'so and sell all property on which the taxes are not paid. In the past I have riven all tax payers all the time allowed by law for payment and have done so this year but on the aiiovc m aliened date all taxes must be.paid. HUGH A. LOGAN, Sheriff Cleveland Cotsnly. ill kinds of granite md marble memor als. It will pay you to ouy direct from our /ard and save agent’s iommission. All sizes and grades. Satisfac tion guaranteed. S. A. Ellis, Prop. W. E. Green, Mgr. CLEVELAND MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS at Uojrjfftt jlroihers gr.rag?. A. i non si* a suitable oifiec I swat n-i can '•<* mum) the> v;.U .pen no at a ferent place where ore ate mb* r of i tl'.e firm will always he in chMCjfe to , attend to business. 'McSwain Gives His Proposed Platform To the Voters of Shelhv:—~ In a; king fry your upport in the ! comint; election V<-> Sltelhy for the next tvv.> year 1 ..{ (hjit it I' -y duty to state n few of the thisv'S in which 1 believe nml veil! attempt to do if elected. However, in an article ! <>f thin kind it is impossible to go i; to (detail, or to *51 it' my posit; ji ■ n iv-' ( y cue. ;ior. ih.e ,v.ny arise dur'ne r..v 1 arfn ini;;tr.y i m, 1 .r-1: T favor the Creation of o■ - .a : yr'r*m are the providing i f an ade l-pur.te force to keo p err . :;<-et dean !»»1*5 town sanitary. In h“ by. inea <!' - | i-t'h’t the streets should he thoroughly j eleaned* swept and n'l dth removed j each and every nueubu;. And the j h l' iness houses should he required at. ..!! time's to keep the -Idr walks in front t of them «v apt end elwn at nil titr.es Ad! the way out to the curb. The e;e.r , ba> • or tra il wagon* should g. throio.h the suck streets and alleys >ri he buslncr* section every morning aPd remove all trash and filth that has accumulated during the day, In the residence, section tic garbufr* v.agnn , .oannpt go* around every day, but they shhuh: have a certain day for each street so that the people liv ! bis- cm that street would know when I to expert them. On account of my ex jpciionce In army ct ups and. pods.' wh< re everything i hi nt absolute;., j clean ard ranilvrv, I feel that if I j .- heuki have a hoi hy during my ;i;i ! ministration it v.wubl th;Kt of keep. . inr tire town dea l. I oeeonq,* \\ v tire badly in need of no me. kinu of regulation about the or, f ition of building:, in our town. No nm> hould ho allowed to erect any I '•’(! of budding <>n hh premise with* ( >i‘ firrl ‘•ubmittinp- his plaits aiui t ic., to the town and getting n permit to erect the .-a me. This is the only way to jirc.toot adjoining pr s . <y <,wrier;' r'"- to int-pe, the building: of a beau fisul town. This system is in use in practically ad towns of any size that 1 know ..anything about. Third: 1 ■ a in favor of the ex ten* doa of oiir raved streets, water works, , ’ifthtK, and •ic.. to the new city limits, j We- have brought these people in the : town and are going t a retjuiro them to pay taxer- and they are entitled to | these privileges. And aside from that | it we nr - r.r.meus to ,.(> the town go jfoiwnid we nips' admit that the opty ! v ay for us to grow is by putting down improvements-. Of course the streets can be paved only where a 'majority of the property owner: ask for it. But [ am. sure that moat of them will In ’• '• upon ireUiiit; it'soon ; poyeihlf. • i urth: I believe in maintaining it '•<' fnr.t* .--uffiriCiit to I;;•{•)> out '' that arc not paved worked and "end eondiiion at ell times. The of Shelby are payio * a town. >in road tar to support llie chain * an;' i.nd convict camp of No. (i town ’d o. nd I see no reason why the t n isn't cnitUed to some t f this In h*■” oh it-; street.;. 1 feed sure that the ; sad commissioners would assign r. certain nttnihcr of those convict' to be worked dally on our rtreetv. i they " ere >>ri ya.iii i to do so. ! Tth: 1 believe In a strict onforee : ’set of i ur trrdfic lav. : , nrd also far itiV ordinance njsrainrt Ioafirdr and ioit i ri ipr or. t!i>' ! idewalk• in the ica ines s'ctUiil. i (l!!: h;v become ;o l ad in son.'1 ;<•'•* ions on Saturday afternoon* ‘>..V it. ia r.lvicd ' impossible to wet rionp. Ar.d <c, that matter f am foi n - 'lift enfi rcsment, of all lav. . If a law i ; a bad law it rnould !».• lvpcnl <•'. Hut ■ o 1 i: a;; it. retrial! • on ti e ’.sinter i! should be enforced. One of t.‘‘e tr- at e\il> iii this, countr\ today is the disregard and lac); of respect lor law. not only in She'hv hat every where'. There ,ue a multitude of caur < that co.-n.riivute t> this evil, and 1 will endeavor to remedy'-them so fat a . is in my -power. To the good women and law a'ddiny citizen.; < f Shelby 1 promise. ., far a; 1 am concerned,'a clean town not. only physically, but n.orally a ; wed!. Six'h: F< r my fitvn benefit in man aging the town (hiring’ th« nest two years, and fi r the in formal ion of the public, ryOon a/, elected I will cal! for a i o’opfeto audit < f the t nvr, •• boohs '■ r;! win have prepared and published i< cbm plat* si element of the t' was fi r r-r.rjat rendition showing1 im-t how h the • '.vn owes, including all la nds and ethrr indebtedne. , shervv j 'eg what the town collect's in ievenut nd rxen and the <ii position of mine I will 'horoughiy go over’all the t vvr’ y e rpemlit ire:;, income, revenue, end r« rourco: . making a complete check n i all thine-- in < rdev that the town may he keptwithin its income ritt! run during- my administration , without getting in the hide. It is my , purp.cno to run the town on a syiste ‘ :>.*no jness bard--. wove nth; I ■war net pulle d or forced ini.i ’.hi:; race by any group of prop erty owners or politician:- who will be [lee! irg to me for special .favors nflot ’ am elected. 1 have made oh promises *• to any onp. I am pledged only to the 'pcoiiL' for pvivyriyisivo business ad i ministration, fey-wte upbuilding of our town, and for a- tmie and square deal Jto everybody. Finally, it is .ifn'possihl? to see ah , ike voters pcr-scnal'ty, and be iiies 1 r :n a very poor campaif -vr when Jt i ■ mes to asking people to vote for me. But 1 son or.pcetfr.g every man and : woman in Shelb; who feels that 1 am the most capable ' min in the race, ..- - - -.. arsis■saHEaflBKiKawKi. &3!m&2a1fisaimaBB2W&mEma6 HENDERSON GILMER CO, WHOLESALE PAPER C harlot lt«, N. C. SPEC L\ LIZ! NC, TOTAL A CEO* NT SYSTEMS AND SALKS.nooKS. Pa|»cr Of AH Kinds Eor Merchants Only. GETTING THE GARDEN STARTED RIGHT It wonderful w hat a pice.' o* ground v/Ul do for you if you JUPt.tf? at it right; In our stci > we have the handiest of tools, awaiting your selection fer your '•articular laewls. ! HOSE COri'UMJS Help you get the u^e of goon lengths of old hose. LA'.'N SPRINKLERS (ict the grass; roots i'iimly riown now u'itU :;yo;i wakaon^.; (>u ASH Gc HOOKS gras ;n corners and hollow.; the mower won’t reach. HEDGE SHEARS With o n c blade n o t e h c d to cut tough branches. LAWN MOWSBS Blue Grass lawn mowera aro easy running and long wearing. FLOWER POTS In all the popular SIKOS. J. D. LINEBERGER’S SON THE FARMERS* HARDWARE CO. THE STORK OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE. PHONE »I7. SHELBY, N. C and who, feel* tha1 iri.v election would lx1 for the h'-.- t interests of the town to east their ballot for me and also to use their infkwike in my behalf. And ! want to most heartily assure you that yov.r effort* will always be real ly appreciated. (At!’.*.> PEYTON McSWAIX. -TV ■ r lit ii'iaBl litiv:rc Of Mail OrJe* Optical Hot'-o-i Also glassor «o)d from over t’.e count r a-t merchandise. Glasses huif-t bo pro-, s-. i ;,nd fLled to t ii ' nr>‘<!", of tin huli viu...,L From va-rr.lng issued l<v the Nation al (umnitteo fit the Prev tiion of Blind ness, DR. DAV1I) M. MORRISON (her Fanning’s Store. f* li $ K 4; i-tf l* i 1, y • t» > '[ ,'i v-i ‘•a •; 1/1 EFFICIENCY koi'sehold S i MANAGEMENT The proper management of | the home requires the same ; painstaking care on the part ! of the wife as the manajre 1 ment of a business on the part of the husband. I No business, could be tun 1 -efficiently without a clwk | ittg account. For home efi'ic ; ienvy a household the.-king | account is equally import’, "t. We invit' vou to open one with us. You’ll find every banking feature hero. CLEVELAND BANK & trcst CO., Shelby, N. C. PRINCESS THEATRE, SHELBY, N. C. u 7rSDAY,. APRIL 21ST in; ; •: r m:; t.t roadway in a *■ !iii i ,.0N. Yhf* rT That 1\: MiUioiis Laach. JiW Trrjrm..! A -< ,-V iv:"1 f inisL«j “f A v i.. (J ■j RECORD k; break; ho | COMEDY 5 A'mf in it* o:vdyt <r in New W k—CO Avoolfin Chicago. AH Shell';' wiil re ;>i 11>. throw- 01 laughter our thht \\ ondorfr;’ i.lay < i the age, A Vt '»«':<! ; Ad Cast! A wonderful play! L'iy y'!nt' or.:!; You t-n't afford to miss it! ■ ’ 1 - 5 Maii ;oo'. Mi ATS NOW ON SACK AY w: VJFiilvS iiRl'G STORE l-iiOAF : l\ YOU WOULDN'T GIVE A LEAD NICK FA. i'or a razor that you cou.'tlri’t sharpen or put in new evades* zo why don't you fig ure the s-tiiite way when you buy a lawn, mower? ±<:'g necessary t.snai a lawn mower be sharp to run ear-y or do a good clean job. i ou can fh&ojrc'i an EcHpse Lawn Mower ac easay that you T. ~ d' always have a nice working machine and besides save a big tot or c: pensrc Let us show you. Sh SHELBY HARDWARE CO. hezv. N. Phone 330. STAR WANT ADVERTISEMENTS PAY <3BS3P Sold by C\ Authorized Ford An Authorized Ford Dealer has too much at stake to sell a car which will prove a disappointment. Therefore, he Will sell you a good used car carry ing the same guarantee as a new car. HiS investment in garage and service equipment, the good will he has built up and his connection with the Ford Motor Company are assets too valuable for him to jeopardize with one un satisfactory sale. & That is one very good reason why you can buy a used Ford car with full confidence that it has the value claimed for it. CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE, Shelby

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