/lsfi2sierloSeii>>r^**‘i* NORTH CAROLINA. > i > The Sandhills— ^ K'« taint' ihrtt rr~* of 5 filial* !/ Kfi hai' t 'ri •■ • ^ form'd n d'< re-yi/in \ »f p-rt' her" « f'3 (1 » gar dm lard 'if fru: ‘ ? n '4 hrrriet. Tk' Jtfftr*'* Standard u gl'S-d.-to. bt a h">r/ '■><"."far ttx the t indh . i L . a ,’r j Forty thousand North Carolinians are insured for 90 millions of dollars in the Jefferson Standard. . - ;, With Jefferson Standard’s 14 millions of dollars of investments working in practically every village and hamlet in North Carolina, it is only natural that | rig-nt-thinking- Tar Heels should insist, more and more, that their insurance needs be covered with a Jefferson Standard policy. .. « . Doesn’t it follow that the policies of this BIG HOME COMPANY are , “Easier to Sell in North Carolina$ * ! Wc hfive Agency openings for the right type of men in different sections of North Carolina* Writs to Julian Price, President T..Q | ■ ' ' • • - . • ■_ { ' ' , . • _ . . • . . • ■ _ . ,1 dEFFERSON STANDARD LlFEias ! INSURANCE COMPANY \ GREENSBORO. N.C. in fc Quarter vf i&iUion If —SHELBY SIDELIGHTS— — R. D. — (By J-hnr.t • M V grit.) Khef'v'. the- po-~s‘ of he? own ori ginal “irobbed-haired bar-jit," might •b** interested ir. the < ?>t: ;*-n <>f anoth er one of the fair tribe. She is- Miss t>aulir.e Part am, arid ; he i~ faeinsr prison in Atlanta, Ga.. ’charged with being the accomplice of two ‘"dapper bandits. ’ She says that "they're all hoofer," that they never make a-: much at the of t-mg a bandit n a; their ■ regular trade, and that they invariably get caught, i>-.: it :■■-»oner. <>i later. We fully agree wi‘h all M Par tain'.- sentiments', in regard to t'e femininc- criminals that have been oc cupying the: front sheet: -.f the cour. try', i - a spa [Mr- for toe !a-* few month; . A woman i ■ t--; ir.g upon a life of crime has no? t - technique that the hardened jail-bird possesses, and as ;i eonsequen -e' fails in nearly every instance to "get away with it.” Their attempt ir - pe ta.-uiar. t f course, but so is the trial to go over Niagara Falls in a barr I. ' lldgar A. C-iest, jr a little ['em called ‘‘Supcc.ii.'f" that appeared in tbc Charlotte Ob .‘Tver the other day struck a note of truth in a might} few line:-!. They went something like this: “The woman with the prOticO face Sometime ;! may wear the ugiie: t pout” Think that over for yourself, and see if it isn’t trim. What’s the matter with a twilight league for Shelby this summer? An eight-club .. circuit compe ted of t'-an < from the three churches, one or two of the larger business hou-e- and -ev eral of .the mills, ought to go big herr in town. The four games necessary to keep the standings equal could he played after six o’clock on different afternoons during the week at the city ball park, and no matter how lit tle haaeba'l there was about it, every body concerned '.tosh! got plenty of fun, as well as rerreatkm. A mou1 h organ has a lot of possi bilities. considering .it n*e. We sgy a fellow pver on the benches last Sat urday who had found out the possi bilities and was making the most of them. He was playing one of those old page** that stem to hw written for just this imStrujmont— may IN THE MOUNTAINS AT TRYON WILL SOON BE THE SHOW SPOT IN CAROLINAS’ CHARMING MOUNTAIN LAND. YOU SHOULD SEE IT NOW. A TRIP TO THE MOUNTAINS AT THIS TIME IS MOST SEASONABLE. A TRIP AT OUR EXPENSE OBLIGATES YOU IN NO WAY. EXCELLENT MEALS FURNISHED WHILE TRAVELING, WITHOUT EXPENSE TO YOU. MAKE RESERVATIONS TODAY. TELEPHONE 454. ASK FOR OUR MR. R. D. OR MRS K. L WARD, OR GO IN PERSON TO HIS OFFICE, 107, S. LaFAYETTE STREET. NO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA IS ATTRACTING AS MUCH FAVORABLE AT TENTION. SEVEN MILES OF LAKE SHORE DRIVE. ALL CITY CONVENIENCES. WISE RESTRICTIONS. FIXED SHORE LINE IS GUARANTEED. (NOT A POWER DEVELOPMENT.) MOST BEAUTIFUL LAND IN AMERICA! TRYON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY TRYON, N. C. P. L. WRIGHT, President. EISEL BROS. Sales Directors. W. M. HESTER, Treasurers. F *5 •be they have grown up with the gen', e-ration* that have been enjoying the haunting music of a harp. The :g «i i nv -train carve ; ur ug out tween his fingers to the accompani ment of a heavy sing-song bass, with a violin'-like tremolo ege'et that can be gotten from none other than the harmonica, unless it he t e big - rott er of this humbler piece, the accor dion; the man’s foot beat in time with the music; and re seemed to-, be r e joying himself to the utmv-t. Wish tie could get his hand-—rather, his up-* .—on one of those philharm'o.ni ion that play shart f i - - * , arid n'.n. or -, along with the na. >r chr r-.is. It's funny how • -h p.-;. are kb' get Out of -ailing a t. . i.tci: uro forth across the .wa'w r- hut you've done it too. Wat te. • • normal. hoy—and tome girl*, ha- a fa-cir.a tiQTs possessed by r.o-o’he.- par* of. nature. To'■there :t .ropre-ert ache; tore. .the spirit that impel n*n 'to sail j forth and! discover new lands; their rough boat it a v. ... .‘r . ve -e!, c.-iad in ?! e , hir ;< at ,t‘ - f. r.y w-, ,te -,.; and the little; expanse of rifipling wa ter is a sea, on the far ■ ide of which iieiuntold tri-a urcs of.youth. flora eh' -w tie- r- i .:mn ‘ . ■ h.v gotten touch too ,-i r. - Tor the.thirrp,! it's c-d to be.' Wo heard one the ; otir.r clay that might have happened-' ■ip -Shelby — rather vvt aw it in the Youth's Compatriot. Hers it i-: On the w hols, he v.it a c! rent lit - ti" ; bap. hut,'as he had an unfortun ate .predilection for fishing, it is not astoni-bing that he ' should occasion ally have played truant from .school to indulge if. his favorite sport. But, alas, he was. id ways, found out,- and.the ; '.cdn.r;r|uences wers a!w«> dir-. < - day. however, he hit or. a bright id a. Going to a tHeph-m- . I.-- calte<l -op hs teac-htr arid, assuming a deep mature voice, explained that his sen would l a unable to attend school that day. “Thank you very much for the m- - • age,'' courteously replied the teacher “Who is this speaking?” The cjixery somewhat staggered tht small cielirtduent. “Kr— this .is my hath <r speaking,” he faltered lamely. ID hr itriiB wiii probably be back Wednesday morning and you won't rave to read this stuff- -that's the- <-nl> word that eatv properly de cribe it— any longer. I I ke to write it, because you don’t have to worry about -wheth er •it has any sense to it or not; gen erally it doesn't. Arthur Brisbane’s column in the Charlotte Observer l.» about the finest example of a free-and easy, informal cblurhn that comes . out. He gets a lot of thought into what j he write:-, too—which is more that, you can say for “el (jue yo e ribe." ! The attach or. evolution seems to--be directed against, not only the doc trine itself, hut -against every -scien tist-in the knownworld. This is man ifestly unfair. Did you know that scientist, figuring back through cen turies have found a 38-hour day that they are unable to account for except •by the miracle of the sun standing still? That at least rules some scion. ti.-it.-s out from the charge that they are attempting to discredit the Bible. Something we want to know: If yon j Trailed a sandwich over the head with a stick, could you then call it a club (bed) sandwich? There seems to be some mighty bad automobiles around in Cleveland courw. j ty. We noticed in the last issue of The Star where “Thomas Akers' ear was j robber of a rear tire, and the cushions j from the front and rear seats." If au tomobile- get to doing things like that, I nothing in the county will be safe. Ini our opinion, that Car ought to be'given at least twenty years at hard labor on the roads, while any Fords guilty of | the same offense should get somethingT like ten years. 65 DEATHS CAVSED BY HEAT IN PHILADELPHIA Tl.e torrid wave which has held Philadelphia in its grip for the first week exacted a toll of 65 deaths, dl. rectly or indirectly attributed to the! heat. Scores of prostrations Were re-! ported. Th" maximum temperatures ' there was 1)8. Other points in the state] reported temperatures of 100 or more. It was estimated that 50,000 per sons slept in Fairmont Park last night. Since the start of the record breaking hot wave last Monday, a total of lot) deaths attributed to the -heat, have been reported in Philadelphia. TO HAYK HALF HOLIDAY AT KINGS MT. IN SI MMER Kings Mountain Herald, Following a custom of several years the stores of the town will Close for half holiday each week dur, ‘ ing June, July and August. The day ' has been changer now from Wed nesday to Thursday. This year we close at noon Thursday and don’t come back until Friday morning. Mr.) B D. Ratterree of the Peoples Loan j and Trust company took a paper around la-t week for the business men to sign up agreeing to close. Noting the difficulties of the French Chamber of deputies wo sug gest they call on otic of our live chain- ! hers of commerce. There may be such a thing as sleep ing sickness, but it’s a glorious Sun, day-morning-feeling with, most of us. The World war lasted four years j The war over the war debts is nov , it; . ftVCJIT \ HENDERSON GILMER GO. WHOLESALE PAPER Charlotte, N. C. SPECIALISING TOTAL ACT01 NT SYSTEMS AND SALESBOOKS. Paper Of All Kind- For Merchants Only. NEW SOUTHERN SCHEDULE CHARLESTON DIVISION No. 113 No. 36 No. No. 111 Marion to P/ k Hill Pock Hill to Marion Mari n to I. k H ■ Rock Hill to Marion 7:15 a. m. 9:37 a. m. 6:36 p. m. 8:08 p. m. No. 33 makes connection at Biu;!:sbarg with No. 38 for north. A. H. MORGAN, Agent SHELBY, N. C. "SHELBY IS GROWING” I.- it :v:>t pro: enough- that Shelby growing, when w<* i;a ; look in any direction and see or hear --omething new taking place ? New.mills, ami business enterprise,', new l/diitiings, an'! tjew homes'. ’What better .indication of progress a:id pro-pority-.could we ask for? This firm, wishes to thank the people of this town and . rarity for the busir.e..'. given them in the material. pro ducts. roofing, steel a:, i construction vv >rk. whatever part of our busim - - you. have patr .a’- 1. are help ing us take a- part .in-the, growth of s> 1 y. i •' us help you. Wq offeriyoti seventeen years ri< icc in the manufacturing of concrete pr <d , ‘ . a; 1 ucrc-te con struction. We handle all kind- ? K ; Ting Material, Cement, Lime, Plaster. Steel. Ep . W are making Roof ing Tlie that people like. Look h‘ the goofs we have placed in Shelby and ■ urrounding rerrr my. and decide for yourself. Let us help you . o!v- ur 'building prob lems. "Concrete is perm.• :.l when it is don^ right.” Z. B. WEATHERS & SONS, Inc. Office New I/nebcrger Building. . Phone .109. Plant Near Seaboard Depot. Phone 192. EFI Chain Sale ENTERS ITS FOURTH W EEK FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH. BARGAINS ARE BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. EVERY EXPRESS AND FREIGHT HAS BEEN BRINGING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF MER CHANDISE AT GREAT PRICE CON CESSIONS FROM OUR NEW YORK BUYERS AND THE SAVINGS ARE PASSED ALONG TO YOU. -WATCH —_ FOUR PAGE CIRCULAR BEING DISTRIBUTED THIS WEEK WITH merchandise and prices for THE FOURTH WEEK. Efird’s Dept. Store SHELBY, N. C.

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