_ jrouncl Ouricwn —(iDfiLST SIDELIGHTS— — K. D ~ OKLY THI El THE NEW <v„trU ■ WAX JEST a yl*i«r. AM# THE Miwnk T* «; ’ WAS ITSELF . AST# 'I HE l .rs^ r'" i-.ti. r ONLY A v~r •• : • ■ AND FANNING w* AT HIS «W it*. AKI# WKf!l! U t -r ‘ - " OF A m * 1 ■ t ■ ' - AND MAYOR .W*#*W* u»^. NO Bf« ai-.r'.r • by. Id ■ '/ VNl> ALONG tv tiait -time. ■V.IT7KH FANf'V < !<Afc AM/ THi: W» Ora rnllL }| A I) NOT V.-es htaird of. t St.I Hl/Nf.V' L"iT fifrur*«i »t «. A NEW ' <4-/*!: BotUin? f*«t«rjr. AM MA V thin?* **■« not _y- . \ ;; L!K;. i'*• y are now. ii r:.LKAf'~ that* evolution— i.» a iuu- • f.w«. ! i<> A ■iotilW etty •. .*•;'> KOH the privilijr# ■fO, KXFfiE.'.' rarh a thouyfc. THAT -HOW• r.o thinkinjr. THLKE'H LITTLE rt-avyn to tay: I THANK you tWit*. ■ to John Scop*: an*] 1'avion i. S • ion* ;*yo »otnc‘ one calM the > >,’y urn a pr< • aireitl for Shelby, ray* itye that it »a* apparently devoted t* «W kofttfii! amt advert, -. ?g < • t:«e town. And being «*fiiur4 f what hMpper^d at Dayv-n and what i* fcap puitr in Shelby titer* ;* a fear we'if |i» longer be needed .ft that ca pacity In fact, right t*ere * where we close the muffler on wme of the boosting with the fear t i t w<- If have Shelby famous before ** know t and have fat* dt-a; **•.-*>">. the telttw of tb* deck like *t> Nicky GiWon * fird*. Ye*. the rr,an who made Dayton fa mot. f, >r ridiculous. wrdeb tv*; yoo prefer to call it, instead t-f yetting any credit for toe success of hr* an* drrtnkiny was fired, and Darrow, Scope* and Bryan util* hi* headline* and hi* job. Up on til reveral month* ago Day ton, TrnfMtMt, unknown then—how many Swlbj' people knew of the town on January 1 ’—had a publicity com missioner or press agent known a* Nicky Gibson Then along came the evolution trial and the leading: human phonograph* that evoluted front the jungle* and made Dayton the *alk of the world over a week-end. Dayton flared in the headline* even'where and the city father* decided that T'ayton had already received enough preaa rtgenting and Nicky, the publicity fiend, was “canned”. The funny part i* that Nicky claim* that the evolution trial was a part of hi* own scheme to bring the town publicity. He : brought it, but it cam-e :n <«?!» gob« that it foot. j-we.pt beyond hs.* < nlnil .And that-* ear fear about Ike way i Shelby j* growing ’ ' ’ “At last it ha* came." ‘Mac' Pos ton** sputtermg ■■*tife>'tk• ha* .been' put in first c*a>* < Tik-r ano one of tiiese afternoon* as you •.«; or. the tn- down * Shelby street, “Vttt’r” :ike?y tc iho-: out an alley and Hand you an inv-itate r. to th*- pijr infor mal reception that R i-order John P. Mull holds alnr- n every morainic !n the court h> i»- If you’re %» lucky a* to receive such a -elect invitut-ois juat remember that you’ll likely firo t'harlie Burr:*. Sheriff Roger. end a irroup of well known offleers- about town in the r*-ePiVfrg tine. If there are refreshment* j" oil likely help pay for 'em. It'* a dull day. or Dr. Mitchell has ruffled the feelinr* of Mr. Ebeltoft, when the bookstore sage it no* equal io relating a new humorous story. This week Mr. Ebeltoft was discussing absent-mindedness and took occasion to illustrate his view by telling of an incident that happened years ago to Dr. Jeter, brillian, but absent-mind '-d editor of a well kr.own church mag azine in Richmond, Va... Dr. Jeter In ; one of hi* off moment# dropped :r at the postoffice for his mail, and as it happened a new clerk was at the urn.,<3. Mr ar„j r know lb* sr/nis ter* eaiB'ie. UpctS ifsijturjr Dr. leter's lover jaw cropped ir « .aseroen.. but try he could hi* own unit would ,V*t.Mini to.,hi®. Leaving the post office he encountered a friend wb© held .jt Ms hand with the gre eting “Good rr.iornlr.jj Dr. Jeter.” and per •apt wet t * ton liked to hear the man addrersed .tarted ntl»i®i»f to him mf as he niched back in postoffiee "Jeter. Jeter, V«. that's it, Jeter.” ‘.i.'' it is possible to see a fe * spot* r.boul town that the ck-an-up (in!'4,rn has not changed. And making a complete circle of the town—that's going around—"Bush" Eskridge, e reader of the column. re tailed ?r. antique paragraph that re ferred to misspelled signs on the street- of Shelby. The recollection leading up to the zmoumemt-nt that one of the signs on the window# of the new Linebtrger building has a misspelled wrrd. How observant art you? Have you noticed it? As a orize .'or the first person discovering it ..■erhap« Fred Culbreth will give the < anary-eating cat at Gilmers. Oscar Champion has a new suit. But Oscar reminded Julian Hor<i Fri day that he’s the kind of fellow that don’t let such things go to his head and—"even if I have a new suit Fit keep on speaking to you boys." Duke Most Valuable Citizen In State Wt see where Brother Duke is- fi» ieg in give i*s as if* rainy, now ra? road between bene *:.d W r»'tor.. Then there will be t«- ttret(h:a| a? the lit tit eltrc'D": on* *: :c;. we aire»<?j have until it r»n n d-.-v.r '..round Spartanburg and cottnects with '.he P. and N. of that territory. Thu will seem i;k* a funny move U a Sot people who have sorter got accustomed to tre : * . r. I tvaI short haul railroad traffic isn't paying any store. Bat for as, «* are banking on the idea that Mr.-Duke knows fair-, ly »eli what he ;> ate. at and <vea if everybody does own a Ford or ride the buses there is still the freight to be taken care of. and this we under stand is where the largest chunks of revenue come from. Of course the root- isn’t go. g to be built jmt tv make nine;, but to develop in a still more perfect fashion, all this Piedmont territory. Along with Charlotte, all the other towns around are suffering from prodi gious growing pair- and if North Carolina and this section < f South Carolina isn't the most populous part of the world in the next hundred years it will be because the ambitions of the present generation aren't re born in the new. All the little towns have signed up fiyisj ho* big they are s . in 1M6. F« instant*, we #a% tie pine* the other day with ing “Forty thousand is }; - • « Charlotte Kuester had a Lp t* up down at the Smoother" *tat • this ffiudnt inscription, bred Thousand in U*tO.~ If aU of the towns ke*-_. .. present ambition and reach • cjaotns, the Carolina* w*ii o* . populous than China, the Ti-t > „y New York, or the White Chi. triet of London. Our hope now is that Mr. ; ,, will Jive to be one hundred a,; ^ o' rears old and keep all ei> , , facilities, because it is our that no state in the Union ha< , ■, r1 ,, any time in its history had 5 v man that ha* been anywhere he valuafoie to it as Mr. Duke oa- • Carolina*.—Efird'e .Store Xe PRISONER RETURNS TO LONELY < ML Rcidsviile, July 22.—After a absence which followed hi* -... ^ from the county jail at Y'ancey v j> H. Sadler, lone prisoner at th has returned. During hi* . Sadler went to see his wife i( sick at their home in Virg; stated. He returned after find or f*r health improved and gave a? to officers to serve the remainder A his term. i SHELBY'S WEEKLY CARTOON & BOSINESS REVIEW PAGE _ | Shelby’s Oldest, Largest and Best Furni I ture and Undertaking Store Where tjutilily Price and Service Are Unexcelled. JNO. M. BEST FURNITURE CO. ! IS YOUR HEALTH SAFE? ! Often HI health in the direel result of antiquated, inaanl * tary hath riKims and plumbing: equipment. I*t— SHELBY PLUMBING CO. Loa? Vo ir Plumbing Over—Phone 490. +***<*+•#•#'•#%#*#%» w «<r »yr GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES CABANISS & NORMAN GARAGE THE 1‘OI.ICY OF The PRINCESS TIIEA TRE Is to plonftc s' cry one and to know that we are planning you i« our greatest JOT. ssEJ2,v-aaar=a.'jEL**:' %*■+***•.•***..' *+nr++***- *^*+*+*» r* .. ■ ■ ■ CHERO-COLA BOTTLING WORKS With our New Machinery we nre K®lns one »tep farther In producing: quality. Drink “( hero-t ola" and “Holcomb Special” Dinner Ale. TKoiw who want the best ci«arH smoke brands made by j REX CIGAR COMPANY, Shelby, N. C. Call Fur HAVA-UEXA — SKIM, — CHAMPAGNE I You want the rtinost Service, in Quulity. and in Value ' whin you purchnwe Drujfs or kindred HupplieK. Thal’n What You (iet Here SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE, Phone 370 #%«<• 4T-* •"%*>» •*» r%.#« #sfc «% »«.*• «*» J>% 0m 0% «******■» #%*« #» #**•>#% *■ SHELBY SUPPLY CO. !* - MI1.L SITIMIRS & HARDWARE We hand!*1 full line of Hardware and Mill Supplies. j Your Huai ness is Appreciated. We Strive to Satisfy, i Telephone 121. 1 I KKKV&MCK SRilV/CR ^ SHELBY ICE AND FUEL CO., Inc. Dealers In Wotwl and Coal. Phone 182. When in need of ftice and conunon brick in all ahadea and le*lures nee O. E. FORD COMPANY A|f*nt‘; for Kendrick Brick & Tile Co.’*. Contmon Brick, and Johnson City’s Face Brick. MOORE & LEVERETT, Gen. Agent* | Security Life and Tru*t Co. A North Carolina Insurance Company That Keeps Your j Money At Home. CHAS. HOEY, Popdiar Hudson-Essex Dealer. Tlie conception of the artiMt who nketflfffd Chan iWy above as a “courting man’’ doesn’t mean that Chas. confines his “courting” to the “gals.” He courts automobile prospects; with the same vigor that he does his social duties and while he might be “wrapped up” at times in his social en deavors, he is always “wrapped up” in Hudson-Essex. Four years ago he took the Hudson-Essex agency and has met with remarkable success. He lias a beautiful show room on S. Washington street and renders up-to-date service to owners of these well known cars. The factory has a daily out-put of 1,500 cars and many claim that they are the best cars on the market for the money. The Essex is the lowest priced six cylinder closed job in the world. Ninety seven per cent of the Hudson-Essex out-put are closed cars which indicate the rapid change in the demand of cars used for closed vehicles. Charles is the second son of Hon. and Mrs. Clyde K. Hoev. He graduated from the Shelby High School and later went to N. C. State, Raleigh. Having a decided mechanical turn his first work was as an auto mechanic. Soon he became “boss.” G. C. Self is his popular office helper while J. T. McGinnis-and P. E. Turner function as mechanics in a most satisfactory manner with the assistance of two “chocolate drops.” Charles always wears a happy smile, smokes a pipe like Vice President Dawes but refuses to follow Dawes in his profanity. He indulges in a hearty contagious laugh now and then and his smile always broadens when he looks up and down the avenues and sees hundreds of Hudson-Essex carp driven by satisfied users. “Service” is not only the motto of the Hoey Motor Company but “service is our business’ ’ns l Chas would say. He is 23 and unmarried but has fine prospects of matrimony. HUDSON-ESSEX -SALES AND SERVICE I Daily out-put 1,500 car*. The Essex is the lowest priced six cylin der closed car in the world. - „ v ^ I —FACTORY PRICES— Hudson Coach.$1250 Hudson ftrougham .... $1595! Hudson Sedan.$1795 j Freight and Tax Extra. 1 —FACTORY PRICES— Essex Coach..$850 Essex Touring.$850 Freight and Tax Extra. ai-M 1 — m mm m mi ■■ ■ — m M a m mm a. - . PHONE 265 FOR DEMONSTRATION HOEY MOTOR COMPANY 113 S.' Washington Street. DR. B. M. JARRETT, Chiropractor j Palmer Graduate 1917. Palmer Post-Graduate 1922. [ Over Wool worth’s. Rooms 13 & 14. Head of Sfairs. \ IDEAL SERVICE STATION SEIBERLING TIRES, GASOLINE. OILS AND ACCESSORIES — Al TO LAUNDRY We Call For and Deliver Your Car. GIVE US A TRIAL. PHONE 194. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS & GRAHAM ( BROTHERS TRUCKS # CLEVELAND MOTOR CO. SALES & SERVICE AGENCY CARS STAND SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES j —EVERYTHING IN DRUGS— Nunnally’s Candies, Waterman Fountain Pens, We appreciate your trade. Make Our Store Your Store. [ * CLEVELAND DRUG CO. r SHELBY TRANSFER CO. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING. PHONE 26. -TUXEDO THE FEED YOU NEED. Hav, Flour Grain and Provisions. CLEVELAND FEED CO. 1 BOST’S BUTTERNUT BREAD Born in Our New Bakery Every Day. Pies, Cakes, Rolls. BOST’S BAKERY, Phone 158 j HUDSON.ESSEX Best Car Values on American Market. HOEY MOTOR COMPANY CHIROPRACTOR Robert L. Ramsaur Palmer School Graduate. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. Webb Building, Second Floor. 1:30 to 6 P. M. SHELBY WELDING PLANT I Phone 237. E. N. Ledford. Prop. Res. Phone 224-W. j i R. M. DORSEY GARAGE I I Auto Repairing and Greasing. Try Me Fot- Service. j ***• *****+*+9**+*+** —■■ CAROLINA MOTOR INN Gas, Oil, Tires and Accessories. VULCANIZING—“That Stays Put.” We Carry Com pressed Air on Our Service Truck.. Call 385.

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