Hamrick-W ilson JiVt'diiinit. - Mr. anil Mrs. J, \V. Wilson announce tlir marrinlte of their dougher, Mar garet to Mr. Lester Hamrick .Satur day morning at ‘JMO o’clock. July 25th 1026, at liomt*, Shelby, N. C. Cecelia Club to Have Called Meeting. The Cecelia club will have n call meet ini-- at the home of Mrs. F. 1 >e Witt Quinn on Tuesday morning at *0:96 o'clock. This will he an impor tant business meeting and all mem bers are urged to attend. The Time of Hay. The time of day I do not tel|, As some do by the dock; Dr by the distant, chiming hell Set on some steeple rock; gut by the progress that I see i In what I have to do; It's either "done” o'clock to me Or only half past "throuifn". I'intertuining Delightful House Party. Begining Monday Mias Rosnlynd Nix is entertaining n most delightful house party, compiling the following attractive young Indies: Miss Mildred Taylor nnd Miss Virginia Davis of Tarboro; Miss Frances Handy of Ra leigh and Miss Johnnie Powell of Nor folk. Many charming social courtesies will be extended these young visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Klnnton Dinner Hosts. . Mr. and rMs. George Riant on had a* their guests for dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Twitty, M*-. and Mrs. John R. Oates and Miss Vera Webb Oates, Mrs. G. 1U. Webb of Ala-i Lama. Judge K. Y. Weld) and Mr. C. Or -Blanton. Mrs. Blanton serve*! a beautiful course dinner at u beautiful-, ly appointed able. Surprise I Party. £fhe many friends of Miss Sarah Burton Jenkins, the popular and at tractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Srnuk Jenkins gave her a most de lightful surprise party on Thursday evening celebrating her birthday. They assembled at her handsome home oli South Washington street and with music and dancing and elegant re freshments spent a charming tune. Good Pictures file Past Wceb. * iWebb Brothers1 and Beam Brothers 4u>n.Ht|red some of the best pic tures at their theatres last week that Have been shown here. They are clean and refreshing and on a high order. ^Jovie parties were the social acti vities of the week, the people taking ifdvantage of this high class amuse lfient Bowen-Hliiv lock Nuptials. A marriage of much interest to their many friends was that of Miss Ktliel Blaylock ami Mr. Rep Bowen on July ‘J8nd at the homo of W. E, Lowe, of Buffalo, S. C. Mrs. Bowen is tl.e attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blaylock, of near Gaffney, S. 0„ whik- Mr. Bow mi-is nprosperous farmer of near Shelby. After a delightful tour to f-h niney Bejt'k and other western points they will he at home after July E8th. Misses Sophia and Virginia Hunt Joint Hostesses. Misses Sophia and Virginia Hunt wore the gracious young hostesses With a rook party on Thursday after* noon in honor of their brother, Charles Hunt who has conir to live with them. Four tables of this interesting game was played in n prettily decorated rjiopi, lovely summer flowers being used. At the conclusion of the games a refreshing and delicious ice ajul sweet course was served to the guests., Charming Hanoree. Miss Virginia Shepherd, one of Shelby’s most attractive visitors was the charming inspiration of a delight ful moving picture partyseeing “Sally’ on Friday afternoon. Mr*. Ransom Casstevens, being the gracious hos tess on this occasion. After the picture they were served refreshments at the drug store. Mrs. Cassstevpus guests wore: Miss Shepherd, Mrs. Willis Mc Murry, Mrs. Tom Moore, Mrs. William McCord, Miss Juanita Daniels. Beuatiful Dance Qlycn by Mrs. Hamrick. At their attractive home on South Deifalb street Mr. and Mrs. Resta Hamrick entertained with a beautiful aftd informal dance on Thursday ev ening in honor of Mrs. Hamrick's brother Mr. Everett Dellinger. The r^)ni» were attractively deeorated and the pink and white color scheme car ried out in the flowers and delicious refreshments served during the ev. eiupg. Cleveland Springs orchestra furnished the music and about 30 couples enjoyed a most delightful ev. ening. . ... -.• ... __ r 1 I AH items intended for this depart ment must be telephoned or jcnt in i to the Society Editor bc:<»re 11 a. | m., the day before publication. All news items of interest to women are welcomed. By Mrs. Madge Webb Riley Telephone No. Hit [ %__ __i -Enjoyable Movie ! 1‘arly. Miss Edith Farrell sister of Mrs ! Frank Sanders, gave a charming ‘ movie parly on Thursday afternoon honoring Miss Eleanor Levy who i.« also like Miss Farrell, from f'olunvbun Ga. The play was "Sally” at the Webb theatre and the following young la dies enjoyed thi delightful picture: Misses Eleanor l.evy, Virginia lloey, . Hattie Gidney, Nancy Snttle, Ruth I At rovvood, Mary Reeves Forney, Wil i I if- Moyle, Dorothy King, Alice Sail i tiers and Mrs. .SanderJ and Mi Far rell Refreshing drinks wc re served at the drug after the picture wa over. I Mins Alpha Geltys ! Honors Miss Mclver. Another gracious hospitality to Miss Isabel Iloey’s attractive1 guest Miss Margaret Mclver was the lovely morning party (riven by Miss Alpiia Gettys on Thuratlny at her hospitable I home on South Washington street. The broad and spacious veranda was the place of assembling of these af< tractive schoolmates and four tables of rook was plyaeil during the morn ing hours. The porch was informally and prettily decorated with summer flowers in wall vases, floor baskets, and on tables. I.ovely little score cards appropriate to the season were used. When cards wire laid aside Mis-- Get | tys served a delicious and elegant luncheon at the four tables. A Wonderful Woman. “Two of the most interesting peo ple I met at Blowing Rock," said a f’harlottean just down the mountain, “were Miss Raima Frick arid her mother, the latter 02 years old very recently, her daughter giving her a birthday pattv at the Central hotel in Sh< Ihy. "Mrs. Frick is the most remarkable woman at the Rock. She stands be tween two pinnacles of age, the octo genarian and the -centenarian, having passed one and looking toward the othi r. “Mrs. Frick w.-fa born in Carroll county, Maryland, her family being cue of the most prominent in the county. Her husband died in 1885 and the family moved to Shelby. Mrs. Frick and Miss Frick have continued their homo there through the years and are beloved and revered by all Shelby. Mrs. Frick’s fingers are never idle. She is always knitting or sewing, and mentally attracts old and young.” -O. M. Page, Charlotte Observer. I ... t» Or Clipped Cuts Unfortunately layers can’t raise taxes ns easily as legislatures.-—Wall Street Journal. The right to make home-brew still is defended hy those who haven't t-''s’ it. -Macon News. At higher wages, picking coal pockets would he picking consumers’ pnekotf.— Wall Street Joural. The desire to work seems to he al most entirely confined to the classi fied ails,—Shoe and Leather Reporter Lots of 100 per cent Americans are now engaged in criticising the 100 pci cent Chinese.—Lynchburg News. National honor is peculiarly sensi tive when it hasn’t been too darned honorable.—Greeley Tribune-Republi can. A Chicagoan was killed because he sang. At last we discover a capital offense in Chicago.—Arkansas Ga zette. A wedding was recently celebrated in an nir-tdnne. Evidently the things are still far from safe.—The Humor ist (London!. Peace is in sight. The Christian na tions are agreeing to protect one am other from one another.—Los Angel es Times. One headlight is all you need if the other fellow’s guess about the side it’s on is correct.—Associated Editors. In the school of experience you don’t get a sheepskin. You grow your own to replace the fragments removed.—» Sherbrooke (Que.) Record. A man may be eaptain of his soul and still be compelled to recognize the existence of a few majors, colon els and generals.—Arkansas Gazette. Is it Genesis or Tennessee on trial in Duvton?—Savannah Hjewg. At least, it can not be said that! modern youth is too big for His breeches.—Arkansas Gazette. We can truthfully describe the au tomobile accidents as our bumpec crop —Honolulu Star-Bulletin. A little less use of gas in peace would help some, too.—The Thomas E Piekerill Service. What we need is a child labor law to keep them from working their par ents to death.—Columbia Record. . Most Hoys Have Discovered. (From Hoy Life.) That it pays to be friendly. That it tak?*H sopiethinff more Tfrnn clothes !■> m ike a good chum That c poured into the hopper of one’s Mind mill: tine grinds arid takes the toll. 'I'hat fairnen siny. "If you expert to lie a helpful claim, way don't you i;pt there first ! ’ / That the lions of difficulty that o.ie on. in his pain are often fast chained. That a hit of encouragement will often brace up a discouraced com rade, and help him fa tackle a hard proposition with a new xeal. That lack of real friPnds u malty means lack of friendliness. That manlier.' are an index of the heart, and must be sillier? to bp ef fective. That ill temper is ajways a desir able possession to (tef rid of. That high ideals keep his feet out of (he mire. Underwood Typewriter Agency Machines sold on small Monthly Payments. We buy, sell and trade all makes of used typewriters. Williams & Hamrick, Phone 432, Shelby, N. C. Office Supplies. ..- ■■ .. iV, i 'I ii ii i * Gaffney Items Of Interest to Shelby Gaffney Ledger. John . I). Falls ami his son. Alvin, of Newark, N. J., who arc viitirig relatives at Shelby ami Fall? t< n, N, spent Thursday in Gaffney as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Elmore. Mr. Falls is a broth; r-in-law of T. J, Alexander, of Gastonia, a forme; Gaffney citizen Before returning home Mr. Falls will visit Gastonia, Chimney Hock and other North Carolina moun tains. Beginning August 1 tlto star mail route recently inaugurated from Gaffney to Ruth; i fordton, is'. C, will \iff~extended from Carol.on, N C., through Kllenhoro to Forest City, ac cording to informal!! n recei ved hy Boat master F, B. Gaffney from the postoffice department. The change will ad t..i ate j at Burlington, Ky., and :s t ! in;' 1 i ; post graduate work at tho South'rn I?nptir!-. Theological Senhiisirv. being connected with the faculty there. The Daniel (From Salisbury Post.) The rleep’ing-car Sirocco will be •known .as the Daniels in the future. Fontitur out of a wreck the ear went to the repair shops and Then it com et out it will be relabeled the Daniel ;, TltC now t ame is in honor of the por ter. who was on the company pay roll as Oscar J. .Daniels. He was black and answered to tttty name, "Ports r” or “George” mostly. The coach was wrecked and heroically the porter sought to and succeeded in saving the lives of more than one of his passengers, nnd was himself car ried to the hospital and died soon af ter his experience with a burning car. It is said to be the first time that a Pullman car has ever been j named for ten employee. The Daniels will always give testimony to the bravery of a simple black man who did hi.* duty through, it delivered him into the hands of death. McNEELY’S Five Days Of Real Values In Ready-To-Wear TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND . ;. SATURDAY. 150 Beautiful Dresses must bo sold to make room for arrivals of Women’s Wearing Apparel. $49.75 to $59.75 Dresses, special lor these fives days at ■our Fall .... ¥24.'K8 $29.75 to $39.75 Dresses, special for Ih&se five days at .... $14.88 $19.75 to $$4,75 Dresses, special for these five days ai $13.75 to $17.50 Dressed, special for these five days at ONE RACK WASH DRESSES Including voiles, linens, regu lar price $7.95. extra special for five days, your i THESE WANT AD’S ReIults* VV ANTI:!)—SOMEONE TO RE prevent the original .1. U. Watkins company in Shelby. Y'ou supply daily iipeevantit to regular customers aiij make S;;5-$50 weekly, easily. Write tiie J. it. Watkins Co., J-&~ 231 .John ■ ■on A'e., Newark, N. .1. l-28p IF YOU WANT TO buy or sell Real Estate see us. We handle both farms and city proper ty. A. M. Hamrick & Co. tf-5c FOR SALE ERICK Tit ACTION "team enginp, ! ' horsepower. C. C. Parker, R-l. Cherryville, N. 0. 3-28p WANTED — YOUR houses, lots, farms and business property you wish to sell listed with us for quick results. W, C. Ham's Co. tf-20c FOP. SALE -FARM CONTAIN .ncr Of, acre.1' in Rutherford county near Sandy Mush. Joins J. S. Waters and others, flood 0 room house, two large barns and other outbuildings. Forty acres in cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. Good orchard. Price $130 per acre. A. M. Hamrick and Co. 2-24 FOR SALE DRY WOOD CUT IN rtovc lengths $1.50 for three-quarters corn. A. L. Calton, Lattimore. 4-28p FOR SALE—ONE JERSEY MILK cow and Jersey hull, 2 years old. One Deland separator- in nerfect condition. All at a bargain. W. W. Mauney, Shel by R-5. 4-28p FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM HOUSE, comer Hudson and DcKalb, water and lights. Cali 572. 2t-28p FO R R AI -E OH EA I’—A LMOST new typewriter. Call 572. 2t-28p TWO CONNECTING ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, 107 S. Washing Ion Si. 2t-2Sc , TRUSTEE’S RE-SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust executed to me on November 14th. 1924 .by John Norwood and wife, Minnie Norwood, •'securing an indebtedness to the Shel bv Building and Loan nssocition, and default having been made in the pay ment of same and being called upon to execute the trust, T. as trustee, will ; sell for casli to the highest bidder at public auction at the Court House door in Shelby. N. C.. on Monday August 10th. 102.) within legal hours the following de scribed peal estate situate in Cleve land county, N. C., and in South Shel by: Rein" a part of the .T j Putnam 1 vooerty subdivided and sold by the Ovclone Auction company on Sentem ter ] t 1921!. and euvistbi" of lots V„. a.) on ;a5< «- ng 10f, lit) and 111 as shown op man of saiu properly made by T 4. Wiljc;e. sur "ey."r n»’l recordol in the Reo-i.sfp,. r,p Deed: office of cie-elnnd cotje'v, N C in book one of plats. ,ia"o 58 ’and being full- described jn n i|«t| from S. Custer T.ottim'oro to John Norwood ••••d wire v* •• in Norwood, dated Oe foher ion. lft‘> t t,d recorded in B'w'k “PPE" ( f .lords, page lr.i, ip the ..ffiee of .;•« kegit-r of T>o<^r of Cte'>ei"p(| r •• ‘v rafar-o»a l.ninr fir.ro 1 * '• '■aid id at and deed for full dope*...'.* ■ h... mrfor, eml Pounds. Rj<:_ ",;i1 begin at $1,200.00. This July 2 tth, 192" CLYDE R HOF.Y Trustee. TRUSTEE’S RE SALE. Rv virtue of the authority vestee '" '”e in a cer*ain deed of trim* e-meut ed to me r trustee hv Lewis Cmn and wife, ’.ddah d<.ed of fu*t is re. corded in Rook 124 n.sge 17<>, io the offi -o , r Wp":-tav i-)po,is rieve, land countv N. C to secure an indcV ta,!ness, ami default having been made -n the namnept thereof, nod demand hovinn- her- r.adc poor 10 ..-oopfe (he trust. T will re-sell to the highest; bidder at the court house door in Shel by on livid.,v An".-f* 7th. mgR. V,18 ° clock, or within legal hours, th f, Honda" described real estate ^ Rao-inni.," on r-toke rn poiith sW(> o s.it'ti ytmet., i-orthca't eerner of C M. Mllll’a lot • thap-a C O 1.3 P If fact to a stake in Mull’s ligp; the*lf V- 51 0 east with narfl, Jj^ nf' j))t Nos ?. 3. nnd 4, 107 7 rnot -out hwest corner of lot No. 5; then© N. 0 1.2 with east, line 0f ]0tR hjos | Tied ft 100 feet (-o south ed"e of *Snttli street, norther-1 corner pf lot No. < ‘hence wept wj*h south od"« of Rut tie street. 100 feet to the heainr(ng Reirv ell ef h'ts 7 and 8 of the Lgvi nreaartv sp shewn hv Pint record01 :u Pook *ro. 1 of plats’, at nne-e No. 6I in the office of Remote- of Deeds fo Cle*>a1nnd CC”nt,r. N. C Ridding will be"in at $962.50. Terms of snip. Cash This the °0th dan of Till" 1P3R o S. ANTHONY. Trust®* B. T. Falls. Atty. Might be worth while being a jingo if every one who fears war in the Pa cific can get s few of the "ovgrn went’s 0n wells.—New York Evtrfng World. dressmaking, altering i hemstitching. Mrs. J. ('. H,w|m, „ Fannings, Room No. :i. FOR RENT—5 ROOM HO h'Uw-,PeKalb St' I),,uMp wratt D. Wilkins. *' FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FI niture, dining room, living row 1 room suite, kitchen furniture su