A GOOD SELECTION OF CLEVELAND COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE 2rr? in .1 1V,\v:W,.p % ■ x * ''-m r.rtuan* asrf Uwarr im. fftft arms mpa--' . • •» -<*d. '4ft 11 af mw tiwdnr «•>«<»• md* * -•<* * ■*, V>.<<«•,a.«v.. .-am Ki..* farm Jfti»; tft per am #5 arms, d rw- i" *■'.*'*. '•'» ‘■•arwt* sad an. **41*, :>■ rwrwn ' er. a ■ -w..;- >«. a, • ?*.- »**- " '**£ aftr* *« pa**'*** and v-.-.d. . :.ar«i war nha-mh and wdkd**A, % md** M JKir.ara -Vf ■-*. • -«.;*. >F ( f>y.v.f" FafiMf MW jfac* KlV. 'V ;V-.‘ .5. r. •W.7 pfma *’ '<* > / snu*; •■< a**. jf.'.anary, j . A-r'*i l^vi^rd *. •>* J : fV I ; ti’vafUw, naiaiv. ' ;.*•*,•• and ‘arr, *r ■■•■•*■:■ fc»»f o. irfcnrr i ! ftowr-'n mud <r.W» '■ • { T'V« ■ - ; La* . • • M*®s I f<st&.ft<v pt* a» m | ; A : '. • ■ V - ••<.. ’4WW, '4 j ! fiwnn fU'-narf h^»---• ■ flfarasf. *'tn.. 4, a. . &'■> ifcftimd, lat-anr.* .j . , i ■. * ■ i j (/ >r«'.n pfaee UMM put an***, 424 a. •’■■ 7 rwr hnuar '*. afa.'; .am nnh and «kh#t \ ftdwdift#;*, ift arm* f-teaf*d i 2 arfr« ‘ firm"<*■r. :' (Wiira <vf j King* .Vf'vi■•."a-\. -nftar Pt y , fi-ov-s, F F'sifwwa ay per'arr* j I2&.4 jfevvf-a v/r, ft • ,*vr t ■: .,r/ h .-.a. 4 r<wwa Vs- ; Mt- tow***. ftft arm-* rtearwi, ha;*rtr« tn w-Vid- and fioafism, # I 2R Hfi-M in hnt'Yi!rn, if,*;:wi F'Vfm>f. F•• *fidsf*■ (Am* t» f f $1 » p. T. ft. fSsi pfcsws *••>!.in per mr«, : ft*V bnrsr a parf. r,f f.fc* Torr. ptar.f, f.4 5 I wife* frf llAft'M,. ail land in tpVy, no !‘Hiud:i;n-5ra, fJOmrik. « | Wifotfm. pi*'* F24./M jmt a**rft. M w fite roa/L 7 mi-tev j | *4 $1w#iy, imTvinar ?n<;- fthyn#- and ts>n*kx-1 piac.*, d'm i inn-ant; IfcwiB*, jfwl I afufcS nann, lf#rinpr r.ft* Toynmy (inndk 5 [ InvmI Jb Sn. 4 Tdwn»aih'ifp ■44d..'Vf pr. aorf, (21 anr«s in JSf-,. 4 'fnw^-hi'p, ien*wis jm f.hn J. p, j | WlrtfeW*’ pia/^y px-d # .-«y>m fMMa* and ffegfjr «f I 14 aer»N( in fin-- hr»f.f.«wn«. •>> jn*nr»>a 'M-amd. I in paaf.’ifi". and t,«a? ('fait Otm't Churrh, j 4. t,. fHsvmnv farm- Wi.Wi per aer«. j 4<'> *srm, wd.lv ft dw*Umg, l«wr»r drli>, «fr j rhard, ?4t ar.M fkar«4. i,aiarii'n in and pawtom, «i j gfcr-d rn*d- •> rwiW-s tvwfh nl beinjf tfv* T. (,. Mw> j h*a/i pim*~ ~$tMM pat mt«. i . ('V> rrn«, ft rffhm (fwi-lliftjf, iwc hama. I im f^nanf. j lyrtv.ite, ?,»'> rtttm tnnan.fi tentm, If#) aere-3 r.inararf, (f^»d ! paatarn. # 'im» in timhnn, ftwib m Km%.* MmmmUn ] ,»n/l Ywk mad 4 niika Kin,sr« filte l. Wray j FaittfritaM ptar-n—>-$d4./Fi pr.- arm. ii» term, 4 rmm dwelling, mm, crib, and ttlir wt buildings. V> mrm cleared, balance in woorf and future, 12 acre* m iwttom tend. 2 mijbt of Grover, 1-2 mite of Natmnaf highway in Mo. I Township, W, L Goforth pUtm—$40.00 prr acre 72 acre*. 7 . oom djweflifig, large barn and other out buildings, owe mi Ur- of Waco, good ptwiso,55 acre-- dear* balance in timber; W '/., h;*lw plae* in No, 5 town ship- $90.30 per aei«, 7ft arrest. Mo, I TwreMp, ft r/*/ro dwelling, 5 stall barn, gkrage, granary, 4 room tenant, hou*e, So kctm in cultivation, balance in pasture and wwl, 3,5 mile* from Grover, 1 mile* of Kings Mountain, H, M Dover place- - $110.00 per acre, ft! acre*, with ft room new dwelling, 7 *talJ bam. crib, garage, anti other outbuilding*, 45 acre* in cultiva tion, balance in pasture ami timber, near Bethlehem church ami school, fronting both side* of good road, C. f*. Blanton place- $75,00 per acre, 51 acre* In No, 5 Township, 9 zoom two story dwell ing, large bam and other outbuilding*, good young or chard, front* on Shelby-Waeo by New Prospect church road, ft mile* of Shelby, 1-2 cleared, balance in wmjd and pa*lure, 1,, G, Smith place $70,00 per acre. 55 a>re*, 5 room house, 3 stall barn, level land, ore new 3 room tenant bouse, plenty of timber, 3ft acre* In cultivation, ft mills of Kings Mountain, one mile of Beth lehem chinch and school, J P. Ifumphrien place $ 105 00 per acre, 41.5 acre* fronting on .Shelby-Kings Mountain hard surfaced road, large ft room dwelling, 3 room f m int house, big store and filling station, garage and other building#, known as the It. Champion place, now owned by I>r It. (% Ellis $225,00 |«-r acre. 50 acre* more or less, one mile of Court House, front ing on Hand clay roar! by Bock Quarry, large ft r<*>m plastered dwelling, and a 3 room tenant house, fine or-v ductive land owned by Are-, Brother* $260,03 per acre. 51.5 acre*, 7 room dwelling and a 5 room house, near Klizalx-th church and school, 3,5 mile* of Shelby, all level land and very productive, join* the Fair Ground property a and now owned by Mike t. Bordi r* $175 i Iter a< re. per acre. 1 ! 3 * i 1 ! I I I I I f I I 0K.5 acre*, one mile of .Sharon church and school, front* on two good sand clay road* in No. 2 Township. I room house, la. ge barn and other outbuilding*, 10 acre* cleared, balance In wood and pasture, strong land and owned by H. T. Kalla $72.50 per acre. 202 acres in Cherokee County, S, (!„ 15 miles of Shelby, 5 room dwelling and 3 room dwelling, 75 acres ready for cultivation, balance in cut over wood land, place la known as the Bill l,ove property-—$16 00 per acre. J5f> acre*, with two room house*, two good bit large pasture, all level land is very heavily timbered will cut about 300.000 feet of timber, 7 miles of Shelby and located In No. 5 township, joins the Kakcr land and is owned by Thad Allen $72.50 per acre IH acre*, ft room dwelling, barn. crib, orchard, all land In cultivation, at Oak Grov, Church in No. 5 Town ship, joining I). A. Bill, being the I., 1). Canine place_ $100.00 jht acre. 02 acres, with 0 room dwelling, good old barn and other outbuildings, fronts 1030 'ml on sand day road, 5 miles of King* Mountain, one miie if hard surfaced road being the Alma Webber place in No. 4 Township— $64 0(j REASONAHI.E TERMS ( AN BE ARRANGED ON AM, FARMS I.ISTEI), Anthony & Anthony LINKBKRGKR BUILDING. I i : l I Twenty Nine Years Age f ram TV. Orodawt Mar <%{ iafy £l, : f*»»r Mil'll When rW 'TV fimi* if iia.il vn VettRe^Hto? •if .nut: netwern ''jaZthn? Oitj and %fhv v« no»nue!y flwn :cSnip. imuiif.) »n«t r.H* icnft* tt.wri 7 r,ii : •ihlm’.ng Jiaf <wt* it' Her mm vih iu-k »jui '•iier<»fi»r>» .-eftmed .1 rJie tfilrr tiw-i mmnir:< TV anm*» iva* eOiMwt “i '•* t « fa-Mr \f Ihniliy the impir* *w S*mr f7««i#iw* and gmm /-•leva, jfirtonrt fi"im .a.'fney flame i«e» So -v.-ubs* ’H<» (fame.'’ WatheuffcaH f'nxytoronr" ‘The shy •i.nfrfe*. '•r.r. ' me*t» THvsr tdu y nr, W asf< .VT.;>rafa,n. TO* .MU»n\eS» 4*SI*'i<W» *1 . >i|W» \--ilV. .fay af’/ww,; t *fg» dht ti'van ail tite dmr.ric--. v .' 1 arfliwtd. Mar,an .( 1f.ir5»n, ft. Fi Miller,. ,( At. A nthnny, W. 'AHmsi iuhM arot'C. ft ffoey aawpn** She. <1*? . •» (ration s*»* Sheihy "ttwK‘1 ftj»v I’ / ft>nw and wi ia.ijirnnari Vr.ise-i Maggie and’ Annie amt Raw*. C. K Lit -«» ;»«d R. L (Vanhey ar» other* from Sim pitMM who will attaint. B.ahrt* i Fm-nra.-, *>UT pre'iide *wr die er.nf«#» rtnn*.'’’ '.if!'. R. A, Morgan of th»» LonAie Skoal f.WAm, miite, wh«v fcau !i*eea irt : the north fnit two week.*, ratomed ifeom* Monday j "Sfri. W T JttQtm n 1 HtHNURf, SI and M ti Seise Whitfoelfc, -if .Fone'vrfFfcv A f:. are .mitin? at If# S> If. B*. j tnr’i "Mr. -f. J. L*Sf.iiw>fft #h<i afteriif. in* a bminesw caneur* m AMairf-s. (Sa ;n orpaetart town* Auitiirday ' Vf • f>.oege W, RUnton ■»£>»•-.-. <e . - • ««U day* kwg «ra*k- aMfeing in .Warmer sand Moggantna.. If* Sunt a n#o*; rK Hartssf*§ (time. "Mr** Adelaide Cardite? M » noting her Water, Mr*. A T. RoJwrtama *t Roe* bill, St. C.t She wit! i« absent two "Mr. -f. C Ml-hoWm, of Camden, 8. f , i* •>i.«trtnar in* -nutter, Mr. If. f. Hamrkk of Boiiituc Spring* thus M*rrir4. "Msan .Warm*, the popular and dangMer r/f Me. 3. tl. Rhjrr.n *»* Iw^Hjr iMmwJ last 7%nr*4*y *» Mr, T»rwtr Sfmith, <an af flat. /. Smith *4 Btumcmrr Hf. »i Mr Rlryn*'a rmidenctt. Ruanarm** fitt> •>8 fc* their .fetor« hamn. Ths Star «*t*nrfe» it* haaatfest ranKm.tui.at'MM ta Do happy ermpit »m| their mawy ffitfAi in »tahirvsE them a Ian? and fife." W»k* f’nrenl Lreduate. i "Mr A M, Mee*. a brurht yr,ur,g man ef King* Mmintain, who jfradu , a ted thU year at Wake Forest relieve, ha* he*n employed tn tae rharste of i» ! hi#h *eW.I at Warn in the imlttntt hoildJnjf Mr. Rial i* thoro»»srh an/1 hittMy edmpetetit tear her and trill no dmjht have a jpwl aeWri at Wmo. Tht ichmi opened Monday.'’ I-«e»l Happening*. "Mr W' L. fiarroii ha* rexiKnejd a* raptain of the Shelby hate hall team and Mr Jnn A. Hr tee ha* h/en elert ed to take* hi* place. "kf.v Will Wray preached in the Shelhy H«pti*t church Sunday night, W* hear hi* *ermon highly compli mented hy many who were present. "Mr, W', H. Mo** i* teaching the public *ehia,l at Karl. The people of that section are to he congratulated upon accuring such an excellent teach er 'Mr. J. V. KoasAmon of lotto •poll* here «i this Alliance Wednesday, lijly If*. Thin »aj county meeting day &o*l there »t* a very stood attendance. "Shelby baa alarge number *>f sum «*cr guest* AM of the hotel* and i**arding houses arc pretty wolf fill 'd Up and there j* a large cvrowd at Cleveland Springs. "The excursion from Lancaster to Marion did not carry a large crowd. K wa« a rather mixed up affair and the crowd wa» rough?. Not every man is a successful excursionist, "Mr. Arthur W'ray of Knoxville, Tcnn., has u>ld the three lota on North I .a Fayette street, just below Mr, B. B Babington'* residence to Mr. O. K, I Ford for the sum of The sale wnn mad#* Monday. U#‘v, A. K. Pool, tho i#tnif^r, ! Will bo here next week and conduct |th«* durinjr the Rider* and Beacon* meeting. This will add very much to the pleasure of visitors. All nre cordially invited to attend the ses sions of the institute. 1 he O. R. and C. railroad offices will be moved here next week, as was announced in our last issue. Auditor Bruce and family are here hoarding Ht the Commercial hotel. Superinten dent Tripp and wife and Train Dis patcher Dougherty are also here. Shelby is growing rapidly there is not av acant dwelling house in the town." Wholesale Thievery. "Mr. Solon Ford of Pallston spent Wednesday night, July 15, with his' brother, Mr. O. K. Ford of this place.1 He slept in arooni with the Tight hum ing and the window raised, although the blinds were closed. During the night some one cut the tenant of the blind and entered the room and got seventy dollars in greenback, several dollars in silver, a silver watch, two pocket books and a pocket kn<f-» and made M« asraua without tj V sag ivwtri mute mil m> uu*. so so 'ftronar: ,' wpommi' ■ftu-joriui«l,‘ fiHHH "Thu Star in in rur-ai^r if am fol lowing* omtaCmn 5fr inrf Kftw. *. ;f, Xatuwy rwynwn; your progenci* *r *h« ttmrr'^gp of Chuir hauiriuMr f -mnim ■""■ir' so ffcuv Mg r. Guupjp*, V -Hi oexrfay momma* .fury 8K&, xt • '* •» iilorlr. M. foil n i *tuun*h '"’hurry si;i«*, f. The hnrte :u i •iwminu oort irronmliuhutl yottoif aity and. she r' r,<« :i ffvwninmac *mt monar young* f.iith««r;m mwsgfjw mri jraiaiwl -i: 1 hitrryuiiii* anadenry Thu *rtiSor »* suariu in aifyanei* <im songfraCulaSionn So1 h.:i jTijoii fri«nd. Sir fJeor'je. apon h>« arsod fortson* in •vir.n.ai? io fair a .ady." ( 5 "•fohn ARisutn. a nnkf-witted enal teste.k mgm. afame ;..* ?»»?-, *f ure w:l.t 0®c i® j»ii Sfftftitrda; idtawgitd with if-Tive offense*. ami ne hasi ntutK ac knowledged so eyerytsmg Wltjt tphrch, ...he; iu-'-efcargiMfl..' "Last. THurufcay n.jj-hf. he entered •.he bona* ,-,f Jfr. % K,»i\ Hardin. He’ «1W*4 tfet RWMU m which M..*« fiat-' '. <■>' HafSiii wa* tie* ping ar.d took hold /*< h«* #»* -wreftmeit a.-vi her father, whs was ileaping in the same roam, a w site JwM M Sim* to see she hrutai icivvrscfcmii jump sat <v< the wiarbw An effsrt wm »i*d* -,n track aw* w. cTSek* iiim, but it was ans«er.*ss«fgt .W.fcing »w heart or tee* of all tf the next day,*’ fell Prow Bitjek "Mr Vi. V. Hall me*, wish a . riff he scmbws stccwSewS bast Wednesday *»**-! •** white trying to- nde a b icy Me. He fell: off of the bicycle ar.d broke hta atm >*»« anwe the efbtwr. Dr. Viator McBraycr was caffied m asel *gt h.fc» arm and it » getting ism as well w could be expected." “aboefced.” 'Mr, i. A. .IJwmpfcfM* of Xrw (foohe **» rhwsefcerf by a stroke of lightning iaat Wednesday ewetang. He wav rid ihjf a male when the stroke came and he feil from the male into a ditch, half filled wish water and hart it not been for the timely a.vai.stance of Mr. Gray son Whitesides, who was at work nearby, he would most likely hare been drowned. ft was sometime kfor<. he regained eametommsa, feat he fsi alright now. Tbs* occurred the same: eevnmg Senator Tillman'* da tighter was killed by lightning in the moan tains near f!rn*ni. ' •fh»« of .Sweat." "Mr. J. 8. Bridges of Lattimore waa united in the holy bonds of matrimony, T aesday morn ms- with Miss Aouilia Hamrick of fiePew, Rev. G P. Ham nek officiating. The groom is one of the nfc«*t and most promising joung men of that section and* the bride a popular and industrious young lady. They went on the excursion to Wil mington Tuesday. Built a Bridge. "A bridge is to be built across the river at the trouble 8hoaI* cotton mill. ! It ha< been the custom heretofore to j f»*d the river, b»rt. it was inconvenient and at times very dangerous. The county is to furnish the lumber and I rouble Shoals cotton mill will have the bridge built. His Opinion Changed. "Walter R. Henry, the man who said1: that if a Populist were buried in a well 10 feet deep, and the well was to be filled up and grass was to grow'! over the place and a sheep was to eat j | the grass that he (Henry) would not, eat the sheep for fear of being tainted j with Populism, is to speak in the courtj j house in Hhelby next Monday, July 27,;! on the political issue* of the dav. Of j I course when he used the abov > lan ; | guage he was a vile Iternocrat and;j he comes now to tell the people what j a fool he has been all of hia life.” ' Destroyed by Fire. j | "The two-sthry dwelling house ol i Mr. II. M. AnicJe, just this aide of Ki ll* Ferry, wax destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock Friday morning. The family were all asleep and did not wake u. til the building was in flames. Very j little was saved. The origin of the fire I i* unknown. “The house was insured in the Vir ginia State insurance company for $300 and the furniture was insured for 1100. The property was worth more than twice this amount. The insurance adjuster arrived here this week to* settle the claim.” School Teachers Then. "County Examiner J. A. Anthony held examination last week and grant ed first grade certificates to the fol lowing: Misses Lula Baker, A. T. Bos tic. Sallie Black, R. C. Dickson, Mrs S. R, Jackson and Messrs. W. H. Moss, VV G. Dcvincy, J. H. Lackey, A. E. Elliott, J. IX Elliott, R. L. Waahburn, S. L. Itellinger. J. B. Smith, R. S. Eskridge. C. S. Calton, A. B. Feeler and A. M. Moss. All of the * above teachers deserve strictly first grade certificates.” America is truly a land of oppor tunity. One ha* only to shoot a Chi cago hank bandit to collect 12,800.—In dianapolis Star. Mr. Bryan’a poaiton seems to be teat some of the evolutionists may believe In God, hut they have no ritrht to • Ohl • State lourn ... Thmk* Auto Owren Pay Too Much Tax 3tma«:mr n Chorions! Monday ’<?. W Stohmrtst, wtnb-prmuient, nirJinuit din Carolina Motor dun i hginljaftfafr pro (from. Hu Chuiifct autnmoniln iwi sra iff* paying1 morn Shan thair rjn. pnetinnatn marn uf mt miy for "'laita, hut far ail ithur .pivarn* uinnr.ii as^jnnann. Ha dunks din iwn. nru of land through -.vnirtt militant highways m omit,, profit more :..ian any irlinr pnraonH and f ir -.nut r»st~ •ion in wants to inn rim itaca ad va lor am taut- en-nsraniintii'd. Thn uwn*» a# an autnmoniin. limrt •y >r imtSrnrtiy. pays to dif farunc our as (in iay<*. Thaan mr.iuitn tnrwt Fndmr *1 sfowsrmuant «Ki»n Maes. t *ra:;.« !i «nuw. SaxT a .ttey Itotnw* tax. anuity personal propnrty nax. dcy parsona! proporty M3, state ■ title fan. nry <irr» “r < manna anil dut «,>* r i.uu.nt- ra.». Thana Mans hnBig ttalftfemfi Mmsil drffrmnt .««», inernaan tun gnat through snnffViann.y, w laria,re°. Than* ihiiuid iv» an x ic.r Vrai taa on autmur.mia*, an "lurk.!. THin scat* alarm shonid rim i»w nr'Bn taa uutnm«dsiiea and a itarn drt'» wa Urnnan should but rm-ju.rrd this *d«ar away with- r.ha uty dmyera. Li «*»»# and dcy fidnnan tat. N'rr <fnna 5fcn passant manner i, smtmng on ay the ata.rn «. * Vf « IfenhnrM, Efe Sifcmfts wrisfirt rntfcnr than fceranpn'wnr, - mould dnterta.nn the amount rwiisfcredi for the state k'tensn anm oar. POTATO COMP.t5fT RE-EL EfTS OLD OfTIC EKS AND DfREiTOR* Emsr» Wotmiwu-n 5fert!d. The Krr,g?( JCoanta.a Potato -om pan? stockStoMer* met Saturday foe the awimal vettlemenia of aeefuuntj and election of officer* and #ffe*Sor*.! Alt the olid board of direr, toea «w «■]_ ■ eeted a* follow*: % a. f fflasa,; Hugh Ware, Leegarsreet Goforth, Outffer P. Weir, Join Ptoumef, A. p Pall* and Run Pattenon. The board re-eleeted W. A. Wilfiama, praatdews, and Ffogh Ware, secretary-tres.irer 1 The eww'mayr did a rood- fee.**®**! last year the statement ahowiag an evafhs per cent dmrtend oo atoetc. AUNT BECKY PADGETT DIES NEAR WOORPSBORO Rfif.herfo.rd San. “Aant Becky” Padgett, widow of ■ tioe late A!Tin Padgett, died Last week near Mowreahoro and bunerf *t ! Hisf'o Sfcoafo dmrth, with her paa&nf, I Rev D. G. WaahJmrn ,tt civvrge o' ibe funeral service- A large crowd : attended. She »a; \ fadbfal taemher ', »f tte Baptist chant't for aver 56 f .‘•arv. She was "He las', of her fam- f :Iy. She was a good wanten and was ? years of age She was a derated J ■hristsen. She wiil be mi»<ed »ii the ■hccreh and camraaity. I OPINIONS -OF OTHERS— ' !i!v«j:iad Lcudtt. T'"im Tiartotte. 013h«:".tot t T!i>* Dmitri: ’irrir. out power linn for Sip !(iuTitr7'«it«» h buitur jrarfua; •'! ‘ :tnTuii»i ;n N- :rr.h Carmiina emui sr». Farsytai m * aii: re««ntsy auiis anct aquigpptt i eumaiunitry ;.ne. * leueinmi vaa Sih ptuiun.fr :n i„*na uii sin? fa.-JBprr: :h .xirruntrt every pur*. ..bar •r.ua. ; ;u wsn fir ?nonrh:! paac en ,«:/• :'.j ii5 ahr* ..'p::;;inin "ha:. xepom pasty afitESRciSy Shi> -•>: ru» unit or. 3U> Sxr-i jap ••xvnr.jsj mw pawn? purpoma. Tile ‘ i ■ inonmtCm mntii " '!!'•» in in*' ’ ,;i “iii* ary -tsu : • •: ..-a „i" »<i1 ■ 1 ' JT : Bffl '.i ttfc* xr*ni. ‘W. ,t ail Sim- ■.nc.-rinMt cau q£ '• .. • • Sip '.inn .1 aiuiiii '.i i . ~T'* •' • -i... . P-*r'4ae« SnRja-tCaij. ' ' • T-nr... 5«aci-tteL* !'■’* ?*Vv Ypri. !' "•>•> r?pr;r'y '••'-= "-.-.-m i‘ i-'Tj tin* rivortii: •m cfe« •.r.i«Btei‘a£ and. wClgh A -.i/' ia.» low .—a • • ti E--n.-i.vl. The ry *.s !•»<; i-'V'Hi v-j Itaepv Ei m to -rite »f: ;«t Ji:»- -Prasu&nt W: ho-,.-... - -or -..-.iT site i- viifea '-.•»*?.! ,-f rJv; ?few ^enjaaieai, a pi T.haa M • i. Tift i :• «„-.v exct-asjjys then to* place hetescseri nba fw: "«•'•••> .are Mr. WiuiKV are > .. . ”1 am. ‘ •*[ am v -•• -/ vorry •',r 7.1.' -Why I.')?’ “W.= r*r>11 jr.a Wowirow W : Prvsixte-r! r. ef cite f-'mted Sea-tea‘I" "I wsw/v ’Aral -i <ir. : you ... • - -•* £ •■ti.-tecr Potrta foi; ;o: tion-ons sho ;■ - - war ’" ■ : i "We i. 1 am -i-rry far y<ri be«»'s.-«e tB*y h'aAr* i-o-fe -urh ireaiit'ai thing:: to your Fourteen Po rs.«.” "For th 1 ■ matter" < -f ’has, [ voahi advise you to jfo ociok so earth and ve at " j have dose ;n yo-ar T-_ ; '‘Vjm ." At ChnwKf Rock. * Frews. Stasermlle Daily.) Dr L. B. Morse, who :.»■ as the head of the • Cainsney Rock diKcfecmat,. promptly jHakea. U dear that hia foa pa.ry ha.« on t>-I - r..? for a Confederate' memorial hy'GsBor.jIa.-n o» she ! l«k' at Otisifiey Rock. In ether word.- Dr Morse « aware that -ash ing in or. Sorr'-int'-i jptevarsce again.-t , the Georgia me atonal proraaetera is not only improbable, bat setting up a.n opposition memorial .simply to- pa. the Georgia affair o-a: of fes.'?*** j* small bamsetrs. Y-hiH From W iliam i From ffifoaheth Independent;. Waikmif dnvmirh tarn- %rmr. taiim iur works if site .4. tfash C/immur- „ Cincinnati the ether -t»7„ Xt >i«tm ■ Hinder ami president af the arp-irn sacion. pointed m a inn* line (rf ar-,,‘ nir machines. He said. '‘William £Z in vaitt worked an tine ,»f chime mu' ■innes Sir three months uwt summer . lac was tile way he spent m <;itn ner vacation and he wick ta hie m, ;uet like mil <\t >ur "»ifilar worker Sa :.ia* tsitat he expects to em e ;i*Wi when he finishes miietr? thought he needed, a working man , experience ami * -working map's 3»*wt Bn enuiHk him to heal ,ar.,*ils rmtiy with working people when n* •mcera huainesn far kK:-»ei£. W ....am Kmmt'wafii a \ „m .., ii:-is E. wen wadi, lit* muiti-mdiinn. i- : ea<: .if fear;. Roebuck Compile-,. N ill rich. meft’h -nn fritter lV(* m* :• taearaons ;a fr----C0ur mmg ,.m ♦pending tile rid mas's rnnaej. Ct.-dner fa The Papular Chinee. Star 3t.>raasif Berate 7h'> A ul« Own, lfsCUH..;^jr pcpWEv! of O’. Mil Gap ^-.s ses . r-r^-nor of North f'.ir .o-n ■ . Mr*. Gar?i;-«r can bate* tfte torn, n a „mi ': m waatu it.” TV AaVv-’V V«iBi»{ r. further scan shat I.: taimitf -a,? Var. darrincr ia xufear t« ha « tn, tiriiM and should !»*>» it ■*■ ■>oC eppresaims a desire tor it. Void he drafted far the [no One > the fau.t.s at our modern poetica that too ®any people are eketarf -4 sffke jast because they watt tae. ■•:.•' and not ecoogh of shoen elect.-' who do tot aspire for office hot a. capable fit bandUng the. jad. >? .ebsr*er the people are not gacrtif hate to fore* the mguhMtokn oa M Gardrer. He is fane&an to site that V wants to be hoaor.« by be a^f'-eleeaed geyersiar. We Wiisv.; he > . mar in she stash who- wi i not Sat» so get out and work np eatisa.! iasiw for hi? candidacy. Ke can r- > the r.ijainaiissi right new .became -, ia the ere -tar. she sanjortty seems t wans for she job of gmmar. £f any body else gets in the race, they •» »w to devose a tat of time ami ep. srgy :» w tricing sp a se®tsrs«Rf he behalf of themselves. Gardner u i.o* Gardne*. t: popular; Gardner tbs choice of she majority of the Detr ■ eeats: therefore, fee should, and we be tiers will, be aoatinated. Play At Lattimcre. • There wiB. be a play, “Rebecca's Trrtrmpb.'’ given by the Fidelia Clai of Lattimore Sunday school m the high school auditor lau Satscrdv evening. August 1st, at 8:00 o’tkc . Proceeds far the benefit of the Sou*; Mountain Industrial Institute. Ad mission 13 ar.d 25 cents. m=i aci ad icsi aeS -*3 -cs: icx. ,*=. tied ik£ ksi JeLi ik=£ kS Je£ k=i ik£ id Jdi k±i ScS&dS i JIM DECIDES TO SELL AGAIN! And Places On The Market Shelby's Best Business Property This It An Important Notice. The Mott Important Recently. —IT WILL SET THE ENTIRE TOWN TALKING. -IT WILL SELL SOMETHING. SHELBY’S BEST BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE We are pleased to announce that we have secured some of the best business property in Shelby, the J. E. WEBB PROPERTY'. Four store rooms on South LaFayette Street and one garage on Graham Street, corner lot, 100x130 feet, this is some of the best business property in Shelby, and all that we know of that can be bought of this kind—at any price. 1 his is your opportunity to buy some of the best property in Shelby that is being offered for sale today, or will probably be offered for years to come. If you are interested in this high class business property that is now yielding substantial returns and is enhancing rapidly in value, it will pay you to see us. The price is attractive and the terms liberal. J. B. NOLAN CO. Office In Lineberger Building. --Over Woolworth Store Shelby, N.C. - _ Phone 70. IOUS1 fr-*n fiPn ran ran ran an r—M — — _

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