Travelling Man Relates Something About Florida W. P. Cassidey, traveling salesman for a printers’ ink manufacturing company called at t.he office of Views and Interviews Wednesday, for the purpose of taking an order for ink, and incidentally lie war, drawn into conversation about, various and sun dry things, but like most conversa tions these days, it was mostly about Florida, Florida people, land, mom y, fish fruit, water front lots, etc. Mr. Carsidey said he had been > ing to Flor da for several years pas t about every Seventy days and was familiar with the Alligator state from the time the boom started un til now. Me is interested somewhat —has a lot or two down there; but he Vs wanting to roll. Didn't buy to sell. “Well, I may be mistaken, but 1 am looking for a break in Florida about next May. It may nut come, but 1 would r.oi be surprised if it did. My reasons for thinking that the break will come about tiyyi are rea sonable, 1 believe. \ ou see a large part of the tourists in Florida it is summer, have been living in houses that have bum leaned for the sum mer only, with the understanding that they are tf be given up when the tourists who decupled them la winter and leased them for the com ing winter come back. The present occupants will have to get out and buy and build. Next May when the winter tourist want to renew leases for the next winter, rents will b«* boosted so high that they wilt either buy and build for them,solves or stay otit of Florida. This will cause a «* r nation of buying, because lots of peo ple will not cure to pay the price of buying and building or the high er rents. property to lease or Another thing about the situation is this. Most all of the development of Flo. Ida has been don? by the name people Who developed Califor nia, and they have been doing things Well, in time they will see the end of it and then they will seek new fields for development and this will be in Western North Carolina. Fact is, they have already begun opera tions in North Carolina, but they are trying to hold that bock until they can get all out of the Florida boom that it is possible for them to get. Then on to Northt Carolina for an other boom. “There are thousands of ‘tin can' tourists in Florida. They have been going down to Florida with a two dollar bill and one shirt, and they never changed either one. They would rent a parking space and live on fish and fruits. Now parking : pace, is getting too high for the two dollar bill and they re having to move on. Only a day or two ago I met five or six ears going hack from Florida, and chalked up on one in big letters were the words, ‘To hell with Miami.’ \ Fine for catarrh whan nit lieu in a spoon or snuffed up tho noio ami vapors inhaled. Head and Chest Colds Relieved la a New Way A Salve which Release* Medicated Vapors when Applied Over Throat and Clieit. Inhaled ns a vapor and, at the same time absorbed through the skin like a liniment, Vicks VapoKub reaches imme diately inflamed, congested air passages. This is the modern dineet treatment for all cold troubles that is proving so popu lar in Canada and the States where over 17 million jars are now used yearly. Splendid for sore throat, toiisilitis, bronchitis, croup, head and chest colds, catarrh, asthma or hay fever. Just nib Vicks over throat and chest and inhale the medicated vapors. It quickly loosens up a cold. Q'Jt* ZIMilucm Jahs to VkAour CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina—Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting: Wheras, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office, that the Catherine Mill Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situ ated in the Town of Shelby, County of, State of North Carolina (H. L. Toms being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled “Cor porations,” preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, W. N. Everett, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that tho said corporation did, on the 28th day of September 1925, file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con sent and the record of the proceedings said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent nad the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed by official seal at Raleigh, th»3 28th day of Sep tember, A. t). 1925. W. N. EVERETT, Secretary of State. “It i no use for anybody to go to Florida expecting to get any building done. That is practieally impossible. The construetors have all the work on hand.- that can possibly In* done fori month,;. Skilled labor is scarce arid ■ all of it is cm ployed* The cotu.rac *,>rs are finding that it is cheaper for them to pay the railroads demurrage n.i the cars loaded with building nia t’rials, than it is. to rent vacant pro perty to store their material:--., and that is why th > railroads have put an embargo on freight .shipments in to th ■ state, "Tire crowds' in Florida are tre-. mendous and im reusing every day. flight now in Miami, it takes from four to five days-t o get one's mail at the po; . off; *o, due to the fact that the forces cannot handle it any ciuick er, and it her.> eo that telegrams were delayed from 24 to -it! hours, be cause the wires cannot handle the incoming and outgoing Business. "Speak mg e Hendersonville and that country in Western North Caro lina, in 0 a. or two you v.v • oping from 1UO.OOO to 230,00 peo ple living in pup lento. But I bo le* ve I am right when 1 say the break will ’tonic in Florida next May, but it will be only temporary at that/’ LODGE MURDER CHARGE AGAINST W. M. PYRTLE Catawba Man Held For Death 01 Pearl Childers, Found Dead In Martin Hoarding House. Hickory, Nov. 2,—W. M. Pyrtle, < mploye of the Brook ford Mills Com-, i'tiny, wa; arrested yesterday charged with the murder of Pearl Childers Groan,-aged 21, of Dudley Shoals, who was .'hot and killed at 11:45 o’clock Saturday night at. the Martin board ing house in Brookford. The woman car shot in the right breast and died almost instantly. It was Tlrst believed that she com mitted suicide but several witnesses testified before the coroner’s jury that she had expressed fear that Pyrtle was going to kill her* Pyrtle said he was with the woman, who was known both as Mrs. Green and Miss • hilders, a few minutes before he hoard the shot and when he got beck to the room she was on the floor with a bullet wound In her breast and a pistol lying near her hand on the floor. lJr. K. B. Hicks local dentist said that the girl came to his oil'ice with another girl Saturday night and before she left, told him that Pyrtle TWICE IN THIS WOMAN’S LIFE Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her from Sickness to Health Ellensburg, Washington. — “When I was lirst coming into womanhood I suf »■' 1 1 ~1 ■» lcred terribly every montn. My mother did everything she could think of, so She took me to several doctors and they only helped me a little. Mother was talking toanother lady about my condition and she told mother of Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vege table “Compound. * g,)t me g!x bottles and nt the end of the first month I was much better, so I kept on taking it until 1 had no more pains. When 1 got married and had my first child I was in terrible pain so that it was impossi ble for me to do my housework. 1 thought of how the Vegetable Compound had been of go much benefit to me when I was a girl, so 1 went to Perier’s Drug store and got six Ixittles. It sure did help me and 1 still take it. I am a well woman today and I can’t say tot) much about I«ydia E. Pinkham's'Vegetable Compound. I will answer any letter that comes to me to answer about what vocr medicine has- done for mo. ” —Mrs. WU.UAU C.uivun, It F.D. No. 2, Elkuo burg, Washing ton. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION,, OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACH MENT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CLEVELAND, NO. SIX TOWNSHIP. Before T. C. Eskridge, Justice of, tile Peace. J. L. Herndon, Plaintiff, versus P. S. Little, Defendant. The defendant above-named will take notice that a summons in the above - entitled action was issue 1 against said defendant on the 10th day of October, 1925, by T. C. Eskridge, a justice of the peace of Cleveland County, North Carolina, for. the sum of Eighty-Seven Dollars ($87) due on open account nnd by contract, which summons is returnable before arid justice at his office at the Courthouse in Shelby, N. C., in said county, and in No. Six Township, on the 21st day of November. 1925, at 3 o’clock, P. M. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant attachment was is sued hy said justice on the 10th day of October, 1925, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable before the said justice at the time and place above-named for the return of the summons, when nnd where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur lo the com plaint; or the relief demanded will be granted. This 21st day of October, 1925. T. C. ESKRIDGE, Justice of the Peace. 4t-Octfl3 baft threatened her life. It was upon the testimony of Dr. ilicks that I’.vitie was arrested. A email girl in the house testified that Miss Childers*, had Sent for Pyrtln twice Saturday night and that on toe second occasion he went. He is being held without head. Uugh Peeler Sent to Hospital, But In juries. Mr. Sloan's Grand father Dead. (Special to The Star.) The farmers of this section are al most through gathering their crops, and are sowing a lot of grain this I fall. Mr. Zero Peeler spent last Saturday it the bedside of his son Hugh, who is t I lie Rutherford hospital suffering j from injuries received in a wreck when , the Aslieville-Charlottc jitney struck a i wagon one mile beyond Rutherford- i ton last Friday evening. Hugh’s many friends are glad to know: that he is i hot seriously injured. Miss Tosea Tolar the efficient music j “ACHED & ACHED” ! Lady Says Her Back “Hurt Night and Day"—-Least Noise Up set Her. Better Alter Taking Cardui. Winfield, Texas.—“My back uurt night and day," says Mrs. C. L. Eason, of R. F. D. 1, this place. “I ached and ached until I could hard ly go. I felt weak and did not feel like doing anything. My work was a groat burden to me. I just hated to do up the dishes, even. I was j no-account aDd extremely nervous. “My mother had taken Cardul and she 'thought it would do me good, ao ehe told me to taka it. My husband got me a bottle and I began on it I began to improve at once. It was such a help that I continued it until after tho baby’3 birth. “I took eight bottles and I can certainly say that it helped me. It is a fine tonic. It built me up and seemed to strengthen me. I grew less nervous and began to sleep better. "I can certainly recommend Cardul to expectant mothers, for to me It was a wonderful help. ... In j every way I felt better after taking it and I think it is a splendid medi cine.” Cardul is purely vegetable, and contains no harmful drugs. For sale everywhere. NC-162 teacher in spending several days at her home in the* eastern part of the Mate. Mr. Sloan <*:ie of our high school teachers has gone home to attend the fuheral of hi:- grandfather whq died last Friday. Horace Herd of Kings Mountain who has been in school hero the last two sessions is with us again. We wel come Horace back as he is one of our good basket halt players. Mr. and Mrs. Vales. Miller has born assisting in a h:cr sale ave returned in their home here. Mr. Hal Miller has also been at work in assisting in the store at Cliffoide. Miss Lillie Shea via one of the teach n s gave a beautiful Hallowe’en party at the home of Mrs. A. C. Beam Sat urday night which was greatly cn je-yed by all present. Maude Ava I lord and Mar garet Moss who are teaching at (’a -ar spent the week end at thefr homes Inc. Mrs. J. M. Putnam and Mrs. A. 0. Beam entertained their Sunday school classes at a lovely party Tuesday ev ening at the latter’s home. Many in teresting games were played and deli cious repast was served. Sprinkler systems are great inven tion. , but you can’t take them with you. Poultry raisers everywhere find Ful-O-Pcp 1^-ash the scientific ration that keeps hens producing at a high rate all year round. Prop erly balanced with Ful-O-Pep Scratch Grains, flocks improve in condition and yield year after year. Let us help improve your nock with Ful-O* Pep Feeds— Manufactured by Jhe Quaker Qats (pmp«p# For Sale by ^ For Sale By Your Grocer Distributed by McKNIGHT & CO., Inc. Wholesale Dealers, Shelby, N. C. Hudson-Essex World’s Largest Selling 6-Cylinder Cars Built Under Famous Super-Six Patents The COACH New Low Price Freight and Tax Extra And for those who desires, the Essex Coach may be purchased for a low first payment. The re maining payments conveniently arranged. HOEY MOTOR COMPANY 11'lANO NO LARGER THAN TYPEWRITER TO BE SOM) FOR $30 Moscow.—A piano no bigger lhf-n | a typewriter, with a register an big I as a concert grand, is the latest in vention of a Russian. Expert", of the. Govcirnjent institute pH- Music have examined the instrument and declared The equal a firstcla..: piano. It weighs about 30 fu hihI a keyboard of four banks, niul'V > P°unds, has be tcred for sinitil playing nav ui tjirec months. ff Prodaced in whole quantities it, pnctc would be about 330.' aoooi to estimates of the Institute „f \j ^ SIC, o r ida! SEE ME. OR WRITE H. E. ir Safety Harbor ^ Florida. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY Arrival and Departure of Passenger Tiains at Shelby, N. C Lv. No. Between No. 4:50 1G Monroe Eutherfordlon 1G 12:27 15 ItuUnrfordton .Monroe 15 _Ar. 4:50 12:2V Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. E. W. LONG, I). P. A., Charlotte, N. C. or H. A. HARRIS, Local Ticket Agent NEW SOUTHERN SCHEDULE CHARLESTON DIVISION No. 113 No. 36 No. 35 No. 114 Marion to Rock Hill Rock Hill to Marion Marion to Rook Hill Rock Hill to Marion 7:26 a. m. 9:37 a. m. C:41 p. m. 8:08 p. m. No. 35 makes connection at Blacksburg with No. 40 for north. A. H. MORGAN, Agent SHELBY, N. C. -— SCHEDULES INTER- C A RO LIN AS MOTOR EL S COMPANY Leaves Shelby for Charlotte 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 11 a. m., 1 p. m. 3 p. in., 5 p. m., 7 p. m.—-Leaves Charlotte for Shelby 8 a. ra., 10 a. in., 12 Noc l, 2 p. m., 4 p. m., C p. m. ^ SCHEDULE LINCOLNTON-SIIELBY BUS .Leaves Shelby 7:30 a. m., 10 a. m., 1 p. m., 3:30 p. m., 5:45 p. m.—-Leaves Lujeolnton 8:30 a. m., 11 a. m., 1 p. m., 3:00 p. m. 7 p. m, AUTEN BROTHERS}, Owners. , SCHEDULE SHELBY-EU'TIIERFORDTON BUS Leaves Shelby 8 a. m., 1 p. m., Leaves Ruthcrfordton 9:55 a. m., 2:15 p. m. Z. V. COSTNER, Manager. SCHEDULE SHELBY-ASHEVILLE BUS Leaves Shelby 8 a. rn., 10 a. m., 2 p. m., 4 p. m., 6 p. m. The six o’clock bus stops off rt Ruthcrfordton. RED TOP CAB CO., Owners, Asheville, N. C, for Information Phone 430—Union Bus Terminal, Shelby, N. C. Schedule lor Information Not Guaranteed. JV F©®«t W&r That E3sts*a Poimd THE TUXEDO UNE OF FEEDS Ce-ro-n-lia SwecVi Tuxedo Dairy Tu xedo Chop Tuxedo Hoc nation Tuxedo Starting Feed Tuxedo Chick Tuxedo DuttertcUk Starter^ Mush Tuxedo Developer Tuxedo Scratch Tuxedo &£gmash Tuxedo Poultry Fat tencr, etc. Consider your feed costs in relation to the amount of milk you get. A high-grade feed like Tuxedo Dairy, red v.ith the proper roughage, usu al.y increases milk production sev eral pounds per ix>w per day. As it takes only one dura pound a day to pay the difference in the cost of the feed, you can easily sec that it coats less to feed Tuxedo. 1 uxedo Dairy is guaranteed to pro duce more or richer milk or you get >our money back. Let us tell you about our four weeks’ trial offer. C LEVELAND FEED CO., Shelby, N. C. HUNT & HEWITT, Lattimore, N. C.

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