RELIABLE home papeb Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Fanning Section, Modem Job Department, Pje Cleveland SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census ______8,854 Where Industry With Climate In A Call For You, . “Covers Cleveland Completely SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, DEC. 21, 1925. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Gift Left To Boiling Springs Cleveland County Institution Gets Tear far Ten Years—He Leave* $52,000 to Schools. Roiling Springs High School is to receive $2,000 a year for a period of ten years from the estate of Hot. Jake F. Alexander of Forest City ami St. Petersburg, Fla., who died last week in Florida at the age of 00 years. HU will leaves $32,000 annual income from a valuable piece of ical estate in St. Petersburg, Fla., and this j« equal to an endowment of a half million for these institutions over a period of ten years. The deW of trust incorporating the bequests was received by Rev. J. W. O’Hara, of the Baptist mission board, under whose supervision the schools endowed now operate. The total en dowment includes a lease lor 09 years on a valuable piece of St. Petersburg real estate now bringing in about $32,000 annual income ss Vr. Alexanders Interest The property is under option to be sold between 1937 and 1948 for a sum of $1,190, 000. It is understood in Shelby that Mr. Alexander ha* a third interest in this property rents for nearly $100, 000 a year. Friends of Boiling Springs are wondering if the property is sold for a million and a quarter at which :t is optionee and the Alexander es tate comes into possession of $400, 000. that if the proceeds of Briling Springs will be one sixteenth, the has;« on which the rental is distri buted among the schools. If so, Boil ing Spings would eventually re cede from the sale of the property, which, added to the $2,000 for ten years would be $43,000. This, however is problematical. The bequests from the Income in clude the following: Mars Hill rol 'eg*. $10,000 a year; Alexander schools, inc., at Union Mills, $i0, a year; Baptist orphanage at Thomas yille, $2,000 a year; Boiling Sorings. Academy Boiling Springs, $2,000: and the First Baptist and First Meth od !st churches of Forest City $4,000 each. Th* endowment becomes operative January 1. 1027, and if there is any remainder after the bequests are made it is to go to Mr3. Alexander's wife »nd children. The bequest to Mars Hill, according to Rev< Dr. O’Hnra, will enable that school to enter the Southern Associa tion of Colleges with the highest rat ing. The Alexander schools is an insti tution started only a short time ago by Mr. Alexander and is devpted to education of motherless boys ard girls. Mr. Alexander was GO years old and bad been in failing health for sever al months. He was formerly a prom inent cotton mill owner, lumberman and banker being president of the Alexander National bank at St. Petersburg, trustee o fthe endowment Mr. Alexanders estate is estimated to total $2,000,000. Mr. Hollyfield Dies Here at Age of 67 Mr. John G. Hollyfield died Friday afternoon about 3 o’clock at his home N. Washington street, having suf ♦ered for a long time wtih gall blad der trouble. Mr. Hollyfield was 67 years of age and came to She’bv sometime ago from Henry section of Lincoln county. He was a carpentti ly trade and highly esteemed gentle man whose death is learned with sor row not only in Cleveland but in Lin coln and Burke counties. Sometime •go he built a house on N. Washing ton street where he and his wife were living with their only daughter. Mrs. K- W. Reinhart and husband. His re mains were taken Saturday to Palm ♦re* church in Lincoln county the fdneral conducted with Masonic hor prs, Masons of Cooper Lodge of which be was a member and the Shelby Lodge paying a tribute of respect to bis noble life. Etkridge Hat a Movie Studio of His Own Chas. L. Eskridge who loves to de vote his time to mechanical and elec trical devices has a new hobby. This time he has a motion picture taking machine and a projection instrument " means of which two machines he can take pictures of moving objects and show them on a screen in his '■andsome residence on West Warren street. Mr. Eskridge has had his neighbors in action several times and ■ater s hown the pictures to them, f^ueh to their amusement and aston ishment. It is the first machine of its kind ev«r used in Shelby and Mr. Eskridge is undertaking to get a col lection of scenes here in Shelby and bn tripe that he makes with the idea making a library of them for the *t the best drawing cards for the prop erty, no pains or expense will be spared. I The method of control of the golf courses will be patterned after tht largest and most successful develop ments in the resort sections. Each purchase of a lot has privileges of , the golf course and holds a membt-r ! sbip thereto, such membership allow ing him a vote tn management and control. When the owner of a lot sells his property, his interest in the gbit | course and privileges in the property automatically pass to the purchaser.. Mr. Marshall is well pleased with the progress Mr. Draper and his corps cf assistants are making in the land scraping and is confident that develop meet work can begin at an early dale to be followed by the sale of lots in the early spring. Interested with Mr. Marshall are I his father E. A. Marshall, R. K. Bran don and John Chesnut, jr., all of Clear water, Florida The Cluh Idea. '* 1 ' ^^' SANTA’S STOCKING The Star's appeal for fhnds to brighten the lives of the poor of Shelby and vicinity'during the Christ mas season is steadily growing but vith the appeal for funds also comes the rases uf suffering and want for the bare necessities of life, such as food, fuel and clothing. The distribut ing committee is now at work sup plying the neediest cases alreadv In vestigating and looking into the mer its of the new cases reported. If yon are moved to contribute anything, send such contribution to The Star of fice at once and it will he turned over to the distributing committee. Here Ls how full Santa's stocking hangs at present: Previously acknowledged - $70t.lU A citizen — -- f‘-00 Miss Ella McXichols 10.00 . C. E. I Her _ .. . - 3.00 Jr. B. Y. P. U. (Mrs. H. F. Young) -- — 3 00 Brick Mason= and Plasters Union_—, - . -- 10.00 C. R. Hoey's Bible Class Cen tral church . 100.00 Total to date -- .$838.90; Mull’s Stolen Car Found on Road Near Lexington The Hudson coach belonging to O. M. Mull, Shelby attorney, and rtcica here last week. Was found on the highway near Lexington Friday of k«t week by Deputy Sheriff BlalffCk. The driver of the car apparently ran off the road, which was the Wfn ston highway about one and one-half , miles from Lexington, and stuck up in the mud, abandoning the car. It was reported to Deputy Blalock, who notified Mr. Mull. Mr. Mull brought the car home Sun day and the Davidson county officer received the $50 reward. Home Paper Make* Fine Holiday Gift To the members of the family away from home possibly no gift will be more appreciated and en joyed throughout the year than the Cleveland Star visits of the home paper. Include a year's sub scription to The Cleveland Star in your gifts to the absent mem ber of the family or to some Cleveland county friend who is away from home. Insurance Expert To Avoid Fire Waste F. M. Jordon Here on Inspection Trip To Show How To Avoid Holiday Fire Loss. In order to avoid the usual holiday fire waste, F. M. Jordori, deputy in surance commissioner was in She'by Saturday conferring: with Mayor Weathers and Chief Hamrick of the fire department, telling them how to prevent the usual fires that come at this season of the year. He found the general condition of the town in fine shape, but says the merchants shoul ? use extra caution right at this time ; when the records show the heavies: ■ losses during the year in the state, most of the fires originating from de fective electric" wiring of houses an i stores for the Holidays and the ac-. cumulation of trash and rubbish in stores and to the rear of store.-.1 Other very common ways in which' f.res originate are the dumping of hot ashes in wooden boxes, and defective j stove flues. Citizens ar easked to ob serve extra precaution at this set son of the yenr when holiday trad ing rush is on and trash and ruhbisr, are allowed to accumulate more than ordinarily. In the homes and stnu ? where electric wiring has been done by other people than electricians who people for temporary use by peonlo who do not know the code require ments, fires often result in Christmas trees and in stores where this special virirf has been dofte. Mr. Self, street over-seer says his job of having streets cleaned would be faciiiated if the merchants would i place all trash and rubbish to the’ rear of their stores so that lose pa pers will not blow around over the' streets and make an unsightly an-, pearance. He is — aking every possible ; effort to keep Te streets and alleysj clean, but it is impossible to do so, when lose papers are thrown careless-; Jy on the ground where the wind car. : scatter them everywhere. If the mcr- J chants will follow this suggestion it will not only enable the street de partment to keen the streets cleaner but avoid the Hanger of fire. This j suggestion on the part of Mr. Self meets the hearty approval of Mr. Jordon, insurance commisioner. Slow Sorghum John Griffin took his five-gallon jug over to the sorghum mill early . Monday morning of last week after ! some molasses and has not yet re turned. No grave fears, however are j entertaind on account of his protrac- ; ted absence, as sorghum molasses runs j slow in cold weather, which is «till •juitv brisk—Arkansas Thomas Cat. ' VETERAN TEACHERS. citat I Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Eskridge. For nearly a half century have Air. j •and Mrs. Eskridge given their sen** j ices to the rural schools of Nfl'th i Carolina. They have taught for 45 years in Cleveland and Rutherford county and hundreds of pupils have come under their influence. Saturday Good Shopping Day Streets Crowded Flora Early In Morning l'util Last Store Closed At Night. Yuletidc Buying. “They came, they looked, they i bought”—those Saturday shoppers in Shelby. Local merchants term Saturday one of the best trading days of many months. It was as the last Saturday before Christmas, and Saturday is the big day with buyers. A touch of real Christmas weather came with early morning and added to the throngs a vim in swarming from store ro st re corr.plettir.g the gift list. All day long it lasted and late at night when the la t shopper had departed it was evi dent in many stores by the vacant spots that the Christmas crowd had j conic ami gone. The sleet and rain j danpered the ardor some late in the day, but did not hold back the shop- j pers. Like public officials prepare a big speech, those merchants got ready j for Christmas. And a spea^r never ■ it took with the people. Just so with! knows until after it is over just how a merchant. They did not know early Saturday morning, but they are wise today. Display windows had been arrang ed with c.T'e and every artistic thought employed. Stocks were placed j in such a manner as to catch the eye! of none too enthusiastic and clerks were on tip-t ie awaiting. Mon-j day and Tuesday of last week bosi- j ness began to perk up. As the end of the week came nearer it continued to improve. Friday saw much shop* pm«r. Saturday brought the zenith. Shelby merchants had prepared to' give their customers and patrons a bigger and better—funny how those1 words go together selection than ever j and the sales sheets of Saturday ’ spoke the appreciation of the custom ers. Cheery rowd. There - always niuch happiness in a Christmas, as shopping crowd. The festive color of such an occasion gen erally adds to the spirit- Then there's , a feeling at this season of the yean i that makes everyone friendly, Thig 1 customer, in a rush herself, took time to point out to the neighbor, jest ing her elbow in the crowd, a good present for some member of the fam ily. It was a great day Saturday, 1 perhans to be ranked m st Christ- j nias day itself, for on Saturday tba i herrt that gives on Christmas reveals! in buying and selecting with the '■ thought of pleasing. After today. Monday, there are only three days before the eventful day of the year. Thursday evening all shopping for the occasion must be at end. These three days will be packed j with little errands, small, last-minute puchases. The merchants are pre pared for that. Buyers brought in enough to last through the big Sal inday and for the three days. Many shopped Saturday hut 40 percent will shop Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Follow the crowds! There's a l<>t of Christmas that hasn't been sold. The windows are just as attrac tive as ever—-more so as the senti- , ment of the reason spreads. Workmen Organize Three Union* Here Carpenters, painters and brick ma- i sens have organized three labor un- ! ien.s in Shelby, the first time any < successful attempt has ever been : made in Shelby to organize. It is 1 understood that the painters and I brick masons were organized son.e ’ months ago and that most of the * workers at these trades have ' The carpeqters union is the last to 1 undertake an organization and one i of the officials says that it bas a '• membership of GO men. The scale of > wages, however, is reported to be • the same as theretofore, the scale :n 1 the various trades being on a basis 1 of a man’s capaetiy for work. Ti e 1 3 local organizations are affiliates I with the State Federation of Labor. 1 Santa’s Stocking For Poor Of Shelby Filling Rapidly Charity Committee Finds One Family of 10 Liv ing on $25 Per Week. Christmas Ap peal Being Heard by Many As the shadows lengthen this eo'*i ing Tl*i -day eve 'ting and darkness swoops «uddei :>• out of the heavens o ver a v.-aiting world beneath. Santa Claus, the hero of ’he nursery and t he o'e'Tivst; man of.-the.**reates;t hb|i day, Christmas, will start his rounds. Ib -e. t'—r -, up t bs chimney, through one doorway and another will go his cal . Cif's! -Gifts I urge and small, long and w'de, all bringing the cheer of tV - a >n. touching up a lonely heart, bringing fond realization for e opin' . t hl.lh «>d and happiness for the grown-ups. A liewhiskcred man, Chf 'ti a i.el!< a festive glow, and a spirit indescribable. That feeling, t '*»• pi t re of the vn tangible that dan gles in the air to much for poets to d *■ ib” or a. .• t paint, should en ter every Shelby home, but it MAY NOT Thc*e art* nine more than one seort home.* in The City of Sprime* where the odds aie 10 *o one that Santa and what he brings will be only an illusion. And “No Santa," be it the jolly old fellow of the nursery are the real giver of necessities, means tak ing much out of life, more than you’d cere to *ee slip from a breathing soul. Help Santa visit these 29 destitute home* is the Christmas appeal made to the people of Shelby. Will they heed it not? Will you? For many just like you make up the they. Shelby is responding nobly to the appeal so far. or.tributions are being turned over hour after hour to the committee. Others are being placed with the collection at The Star office. Little by little the total is growing. In comes a group of children, young sters that have plenty, but they know what “No Santa” would mean to them, and they leave their mite and go away happy. If everyone that is able responds in the manner Santa will visit every poverty -stricken home in Shelby, taking not trinkets and toy*, but necessities, the things that must be had to hold the spark of life in human bodies. Come Through Drop in the line of those contribu ting. Don’t put it off. Santa does not wait until the day after Christmas to begin his task. Death docs not wait until delayed coal and food arrive. You may save a life. At least you'll make the future of some life brighter Not much, just something. A dollar or two. some clothing, shoes, and the like. That's not much to ask, consid ering what it will mean to those who receive. Give Joy Fo: Sadness. ‘•Sob stories” are not front page stories usually but it’s up to you to take the sob out of some of these stories. Babson the authority on finance would call it a problem not to be sot ted for 10 people to live on less than S25 each weak, but in Shelby it is being solved. A father, mother and eight small children must live on that pittance and also meet the doctor bills that sickness has brought. Christmas in this home would indeed be a wonderful occasion if it brought only some meat, some bread and shoes for the youngsters. Only fou of the children go to school. The others have no clothes to wear. If it snows for the Yuletide as your child wants, these children will have to walk barefoot in the freezing white ness. They will, if it were not for you. A mother sometime* can take the place of much in a child's heart and life, but not 10 blocks from the court square is a home with five children that know not a mother. Daddy tells them that she’s gone. They look at him as he tells it, eyes open wide, lips forming questions upspoken. To them, perhaps in an effort to cheer them, he'll read the most beautiful story ever penned, the happiest event ever recorded in the greatest of books— the coming of Christ into the world. And after hearing it theyll wonder, those innocent children, just why the anniversary of that joyous occasion should not to them bring something. Sothing, tis true, can ever take the place of the kisses a mother would •.ave given them, of her love and care, sut some one could put shoes on their 'eet. food in their mouths. Their dad. til they have, make only $12 each week. Just $25 would meet the needs md an extra five-spot would bring o their faces joy that could not be quailed unless a mother drifted back Torn heaven to kiss them on the ■heck. What Is Never Told .3jj«T:i!»i.urs in a coun room lose Uj erest in a case when the judge sen ences a prisoner and he is lead away 0 his chains and bars, but behind the icreen is the story that is never told, vhere the punishment is felt more ban by the man who serves. The rife that must make ends meet un- i il he serves his time. The children vho wonder where daddy has gone. Jut on the chain gang here two men ire paying the price of violating \ oc ety’s laws, and in a home here ! heir wives and children are paying 1 dearer price, and they have done ; lothing, but still, they suffer. What j vi 11 Christmas mean to them. These I wo women, who suffer ami wait,! lave four children, the oldest only ive, The county lest month n?»ul, t' < r 1 " .'Til V \i-i month, what? | Ar.d Chu nr;'- tunits thin month. Mum the 1 little children live in want and know nothing of gifts just he ! cause tae.i fathirs sinned? Your hoy. your girt, th' v’il he glad to Ji vie’e. Ask them. Then act. Old \ge No liar Poverty and circumstances give no quarter for old age. It does seem, just from the code of right, that when a man and woman have passed down the pathway of life, working, toiling, laughing, taking it as it comes that at the end at least ther should ; he joy of a kind. The old man with j the white hair, leaning on a cane. It’s | terrible that he’s hungry and has no ! thing to eat. The old lady with the shawl around the shoulders stooped with toil and wrinkles on a face that once was beautiful, hut has now fad ed from giving a life to others. It does seem that she should have a warm fireside by which she might : linger comfortably in memories be fore passing on. But they haven't. Yes, an old couple, near the seven ties, in the eventide of life. Nothing ahead but the grave. The past that never returns. Just that one last brief bit of life, that should be bright, and you can make it so. Do your bit. There are dozens of these. A sob for every one of the 8,000 and more people who live in Shelby. Others are doing their part. Kick in. Some day fate is fickle somebody may, and may not, refuse to do that for you, or your child. STRUCK fir IIITO SATURDAY U _ i S. C. Barker, Shelby man, is in the Shelby hospital suffering with head cuts and general bruises as the result of being knocked down by an autoino-1 bile on South Morgan street during the downfall of rain early Saturday tight. Barker, it is said, was walking to- j wards the business district when a ! Ford touring vr coming the same 11 rection struck him from lx-hind, knock ing him to the pavement. The car driy tn by Sidney Anthony, young bo/, f lopped soon after Barker was struck and the injured man was placed or, n truck end rushed to the hospital. It stems from reports as if the acci- j dent was one of the unavoidable *>c- j currences that come with bad weath er. young Anthony says that owing *o the freezing rain on his windshield he did not see Barker just in front.. Officers out later in the night stated that it was a hard matter to see any distance in front of a car. I Reports from the hospital Monday morning said that the injured man I * as getting along all right and suf fering only from a head cut, there' being r.o bones broken. Barker, how- j ever, was unconscious Saturday night., REV. MR. WAY NOW LIVING IN LEXINGTON The following item appeared in a recent issue of the Dispatch, published at Lexington: “Rev. C. B. Way and family have j moved to Lexington from Shelby and > have taken the Raker house on Sev-1 entn Avenue west. Beginning with the first of the year, Mr. Way will j be with the Fred O. Sink printing > house. Mr. Way formerly worked with I the Dispatch during part of the time he w’as located here as pastor of W. Lexington Methodist Protestant church. Santa Letters To Come Wednesday Owing to the many advertise ments carried in this issue there was no space for the numerous Santa Claus letters from Cleveland county children. These letters to gether with others that will come in will be carried in Wednesday’s issue of The Star, the last be fore he packs his kit. Children who wrte Santa let ters for Wednesday's issue must get them into The Star office be fore Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Those arriving after that time wit! not be nubhehed. ILL FOULS GATHER INAIUAL BANQUET I)o\tT. Ora, Eastside and Klla Fellow ship at Cleveland While Shelby .Mill Banquets at Central. — Speeches, music, fellowship and tun, featured the annual “Dover mill’ L>anquet at Cleveland Springs hotel Saturday night at which 150 to 200 overseer*, section men, bosses, fore men, officials, office help as well a* the preachers, doctors and other guests were present, representing the Dover, Eastside, Ora end Ella Mills. While Mr. John R. Dover, the mas ter builder of mills and leader of men, now has no official connection vith the Ella, which he built some 20 years ago, the Ella was represented in the large family out of sentiment for hi» “first love.” This annual get together is called the Dover banquet htcause it is Mr. Dover’s way oP showing his appreciation as mill head for loyal service, co-operation and faithfulness which characterizes the ['over organization*. Shelby Mill Banquet. At the same time, the Shelby mill ff which R. T. LoGrand Is secre ttr>-treasurer, was giving a banquet to 50 bosses, foremen, section men and overseers of the Shelby mill, the larg est single textile unit in Shelby. The stone of this was Central hotel where I*kk Brabble had a most bountiful spread of good things to eat. The program here was interspersed with music by the high school orchestra and an eloquent speech by Max Gard ner. Mr. LeGrand had a few special guest. Rev. Mr. McDiarmid and of ficials of the mill to enjoy the occa sion with the fifty “key” men who faithfully work on the inside of this lig enterprise. Rev. Zeno Wall of the First Bcp tist church was the principal speaker of the evening at the Dover banquet, pointing out "etSven, the Business -dan, as an example to live by. Dur ing course of his remarks he urged Ins listeners to spend their spare mo ments reading good books and im proving themselves for better things pointing out Stevens faith, wisdom and power. All True American Born. “It’s a pleasure to be South and n._ Its Value in Any Successful Organization" and John Toms of East side on “Spirituality in the Mill". Toastmaster John R. Dover, equal to all occasions, summed these in an elo quent deliverance in which he declared the foundation of all business is serv ice and that towering above the de sire to make money, there is the am b tion of mill men to train workers for higher and better service. The re ward for service rendered might be delayed but it will come sooner or la Mr. Dover declared that the South ern Power Co., had turned Methodist during the summer. A11 the dampness that could be coaxed from the heavens was one little spAnkle after another, &o Charlie Burrus lead the crowd l.v tinging “Tain‘t a Goinna Rain Mo More.” The Moonchaser's orchestra and Miss Laney of*Monroe interspers ed the program with instrumental and vocal music while radio was a medium for side-splitting jokes on several vf those present. More for Others, Less of Self. Max Gardner who spoke at the Shelby mill banquet at the Central hotel pleaded for the right spirit in the observance of Christmas in that it means just what the Matter taught when he said “It is more blessed to give than to Receive.” He admonish ed his hearers to do more for others <-nd less for self and in this spirit the greatest blessing can come. It is the policy of the Shelby mill to remember its help every' year and while the ban quet had only the “key” men of the organization, plans are being made iqp jhe distribution of 800 parcels ot tardy, nuts and fruit to the 800 men, women and children on the HQ1. Tb% liberality and display of the Christ mas spirit will be made on Thursday ind is looked forward greaf interest.