What Do You Do If Company Comes At The Wrong T«me One out: of every one hundred poo ple in the United Staten earn his living retailing. In other words, there are more people in retail sfiliiur lone than in any other line of endea vor except agriculture. Vet, after twenty years rod around, out of ev ery one hundred, who have -embark ed in retail storekeeping, L.-s than five still have their name over the door. The financial agencies U-’Uv .’fat 15,000 retailers fa'll each : ,.'r- Ml ;>.-i,uvv c ir. ’ • i.>■ • nit'-. !. L t rni-.-.day •if: ci noon, The Mt-wiv;; as’.w oiFi. • v.' >-p elected: Pi* i’ Mr . At. M. Wf 11 ei . Vi..-!T id ■•.• M .7. I Pru'Uc. ftec-Ti’ea?. Mr . Ku:ii< Ham rick. Program <.r.iiiit !■—, Mr-. d. K. Greene, Mrs. Jahrs Hmr.rick mid Mr:-. .1. M. Goode. Mr n.-o left t F.iuirh ••• for ('lilvchf■<'!(!. \ v:I'*lie v. ill have a tr "Oil 'lo'iifion. 11 • • hroG- -r lii. .-. ent< r-ti the Mi ■ : M i ie. . v'ill he Tr.tiorrd rir Ilampino lie:.:!", Vii. The Far ie Herd ("ini' of the W.vmanV Mission o v pnciefv tie l .lsvt Sunday afternoon with Mrs. M Walker. 1!, S. !! S. played Wlnynte la-1 Friday in has1 • halt Th rec ret was 2d-':! in ’"avoir < f home team. The Home Kconnivi.Us f.'luh •nnlt wi 1 .’■!• a Ida MrBraver last MVn dny afternoon. Mr . YValhiee :r:i' e a 'demonst rtiofi in t nude • r.iaklihit. Tl • Grar.il Wiir-lhe M-! • \y . visi'iil- a.t tile Fa ..’111 Pi::.- It; nn T! .••••- lay nisflit. The (.'arrl.r Ova (';••. le is ; Th « r ;i s! r: y afternoon.. Mrs. John ?.iintz will enter!nin. the T« iirucs and Ner.il. • Club FT ’afternoon. Thoee mi tho sale list -a are: Mr;. .1, 1M. Wait:.' Mis. .1. W. Wood fruit "of \i. -and M>v. W. F;>tr eiiinb. i.ilih son of Mi.-; and'M'-s. John Greene. nF > Mr., and Mrs.. Clyde (freen’k little (invirhCer, Mr. Kvi ie (' ,i : • )- v- is here now, viritinir • his • j '.■ tor.' Mrr-T-- ITaJ Greene. M". Crabletrc has .been in the ill for :i years. Whs Will Get it (<' 'f>f nv.’i!-.' Pi'rdno vt.) Art « .!*!ui: iis.-i:r “Hi;Iy I’olliv " in Cherokee county, N-ortb Carolina, | provide a site : for :■ ebinvh. hut. ns lint necessary amount fog th'> structure would not la* raised, tic enterprise failed. In the ( me • of tim" Smith decided to | sell the ta’Vj! and undertook to give .1 deed for ft, dust hi ■••• dim Smith “started more | legal complications than l ever before; tuti into," Marshall \\ . 15. il, Murphy i lawyer. told the Raleigh News and Observer. The purchaser of the land! j from Smith went to 15;'I’m office in distress, beraure he didn’t know how he could get a clear title to it, "since dim Smith was a tenant in common with God, it would require the sign-' i atures of both to make a valid deed. 'He had the signature of Smith, hut j he didn't know how to go about get , ting the other one.” Lawyer Bell j suggested to him that he advertise 'in the local papers, as the statute p rovides, and that he then report to .the court that "God Almighty could ! not be found in Cherokee county.” j l! is possible that this case may t wind up like that of Marion Lee, an ; extremely ei crniyi" eiii.-en of Marl I boro county. South Carolina, who left m > • 1 of hi pi me’rty tO the j states of Tennes- 'e ami South Caro ! linn. Hi children contested his will 'on the ground that he tens insane and presented a mass of testimony as to Ids insun ay, hut the lower and ! higher courts decided that he was ! nne and that his will should stand as lie wrote it. In the end, South i ('arolina and Tennessee did not get his land, but one of the lawyers in1 1 the case did. What You Should Learn (The S. \. Masonic World 1 There are five things in life which , everyone ought ta learn. They are: | i !, Learn to. laugh. A good laugh ; ; k; better than modi ine. When you I ; smile or laugh, your brain for the j j moments is. frCd of the load that it; ; ordinarily carries. Learn to tell a helpful story. A . wed-told or' is ar wholesome and , welcome a a ruabcam in a sick room. I Learn to keep your troubles to iVoumek’. The we "Id i-( too busy to 'linger ovs-r your ills and. sorrows; ' <1. [.earn to stoo , r< .thing. IV you j ennnot sec any gem} in this world keep the bad to yourself. 5. Learn to greet your iriends 1 I with a smile. They carry too many j frowns in their own hearts to he l bothered with any of yours. Treat Colds Externally For sore throat, bronchitis or deep chest colds, rub Vicks YapoKub briskly over throat and chest and cover with warm flannel. Vicks acts in two ways—both direct: tibsorbul like a liniment and inlnltd as a vapor. A quick relief for the cold troubles of all the family. _ ICS V apoRub OvtR ZiMuuQNjAns Usso YtAaue I'i' llvid'd nr Safi-Heart*><1 ’ !' mv - !;< will hf oil -arable un !•• > • him," . ;;:ii the pe nsive vrfrl, a ust divide for yourself,” i Mis-. Cayenne, “whether ■’■".'Oo-'h lover or mc-ivlv oar they an’l hi happy own 1 \\ ! r.glort St:.:\ On- Wonder'- i'- Frenchmen seeking i h.an would l» offended by any i id'-, lift on the 1 able. Unable to do Housework! Ga tonia. N. C.~-“A-fter motherhood my strength was so slow in coming 111: I .,,1,1 ! not tret around to j, do my housework , for three months, j, T was not only , weak but I atso had nervous spells atid [ my back ached all , -he t i in c. Dr. ( Pierce’s (jo 1 den Medical Discovery was recommended to ir.c as a tonic '■« 1 •‘-4V. * tUiU l I ; ' ;ity hat! h> take one bottle of this riicdi- j • ' tn he u : veil to health. [ i t’.uncil m wei’tlit So that tny friends I ■ • :. tv- l.re'.v - Mrs. Ella Ilavne.s, ■ ;<> S. I.i!i: vty fit. Ail druggists. Tab- : : lets or V. ; : Or. Fierce’'. Invalvh Hotel, TetlValu, N. V., for free advice. I TRlSTKE'S SALE By virtue of the .power of sale cor. Iniiiv'd in a rer*n|n deed of trust ex* . ut.i ti by Amanda Co. trier end Jun uid, Frank y’or,trier, to the Under tr.'.r <1 tri .-"oe for (I. H. Stanley on | July , I!*‘’ ’ which deed of trust is' i "gird ''d in tic office of the regis-i Urv deeds of Cleveland county, N.j ■ hi Book 124. page *271, as security for KJOt'.OO du ? November 13th, 1925,' ’’■I the iiuo not having been paid v hen due, and the undersigned havir g on nailed. upon to execute tile trusr ■ ■ n iii ■••• ified. the undersigned will Pf.a’ for : ale at. public auction, to the gho ‘ ' I• hide:' for cash or. 12 m., i M :ndny, February ITdh, 1!)26, ml tg ci itic cl property: 1 ' ,'r.jr in No, l‘» township, Cleve !. ml coL'iuy, North Carolina, on the v. a,«f Buffalo eveek. adioining I ode of fsfar'dn,■■Entz, C. I,. London :•*•«!• ,!.■ L. Sain and Buffalo mill tract, I F'gin iajr n» a poplar hv the side ol* the odd Shelby road, and runs 7b W. H pole-- to a atone in the old' it ; I--, , with d S. 23 1-4 E. 40 pob' ' > .-tore, the old corner: thercc. C-h th - old lit” N. 04 1-4 E. to a1 ■ ‘ik" op t’ ••* w'- * bent: of the creek; j thence up the creek as it meanders to 11 ' rtioot . of the mill race; thence S. 2 1 ’ -IV. P lo'lcs to ;v pine now down) on South l ank of the creek: thence N r.T 3-! W. 13 ‘.’3 notes to the begin ning. ci •virinhvrr 0 v'res. more or le«8. TIP - ■ r.t’ai v 15th. 1920, liv»TM E WEATHERS, Trustee. “Telephoned for tile poli o. It’s Call 194 For Battery Service Willard Batteries GASOLINE? Call 194 Standard Gasoline BLOW-OUT? Call 194 Vulcanizing, Seiberling Tires. WASH? Call 194 Auto Laundry. Greasing, Polishing. Just Call—We Start. IDEAL SERVICE STATION J. Reid Misenheimer, Manager, Shelby, N. C. vOTIOi: OF RESALE OF I.AM) UNDER MORTGAGE. Pursuant, to an order of the clerk of he Superior court of Cleveland n the branch where old poplar cor al stood, now Lee’s and Green's cor cr; and runs thence with their said ino North, 20 and :*-8 west, 50 poles o a small blaekgum; thence a new me North, 15 oast, 222 poles crossing oad, to a stone and pointers; thence 'nuth, 00 East, 205 and 7-8 ploes to a tone, K. I). N. Jpl'e.v’s line; thence vith his line south, 1 2-1 west, 10 'ole;, to a stone, his corner: thence joiitlr, 15 West, 108 poles to a stake r. the branch per ini nr i gone); hence down the branch as it ineatui rs, about 72 poles to the beginning: ■ontuining 50 acres, more or less and idjoining the lands of .J. Bridges, Javis Green, T. G. Lee, J. fb Greta , nd others. Terms of Sale: One-half cash upon a nfirmalion of gale, end balance of ine-half of purchase (trice payable within 12.months after first payment, amie to be secured b ynegotiable note r other good collateral. This January 12. 1926. DO VIE JOLLEY. FAY HOPPER LEDFORD. WILLIAMSON HOLLAND, ['has. A. Hurras, Atty. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Paul Wellirion, Versus W. S Green, Defendant. The defendant above named will lake notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued apninst the said defendant on the 11 ilny of January. 1026. by T. C. Esk ridge, n .justice of the peace for Clev eland county, N. C., for the sum of 555,88, due by said plaintiff by ac count for groceries, which sum mons is returnable before the sai l justice of the pence, at. his office hi the court house. Cleveland county, N. 0., and in Number 0 township on the 12th day of February, 1020. The de fendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said justice on the 11th day of Jan uary, 1020 against the property of said defendant, which warrant is re turnable before said justieef at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant Is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the com plaint or (he relief demanded will be granted. This 11th day of Jan.. 1030. T. C ESKRIDGE. Justice o? the Pence. COMMISSIONERS RESAI.K OF ! AM). By virtue of an order or resale 1 made in Special I’;deeeimtr entitled. ‘ C. P. OriuK ct als, vs. Ruth McKee et ais.” by the Clerk of the Superior , un'irt for Cleveland county. N. C. I vi!] : (11 to the highest bidder at the ] court house door in Shelby, N. (’. «.'f, Saturday, January 30th, 1020, ' at 12 o'cloi k M.. or within lyjral hour , the following described real estate: Situated in No. 7 and No. 8 down ships, Cleveland county, X. C., ad joining the lands of C. P.. Grig?,' 1. A. White and others. :nid beiny the lands conveyed io C. P. Grigs' and G. H. Grjinr by P. H. Crigg by deed v erded in Book CC pace 221 of i Ificc of the register for said count;,, and containing 33 acre:- more or less. Tev i-■ >.|' sale: Oil. half tin day of sale, balance in 12 months, d • 1 erred payments to bear (I per v i interest. The bidding will begin at §.*1,630.00, the raised bid. this 12th da>' of January. lTy. B. T. FALLS, Commissioner. notice or eervk i: nv PUBLICATION. Basil Good, Versus Yv. S Green, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 11 dav of January, 1926, by T. C. K ridge, a justice of the peace for Clev eland county, N. for the sum of $9.23 due by said plaintiff by ;.c ecunt for groceries, which sum mons is returnable before the -mid justice of tJae pence, at his office in the court house. Cleveland county, \. 0.. and in Number 6 township on the 12th day of February, 11)26. The <’ fondant will also take notice th; . v warrant of attachment \ a.; issund by said iustiee on the 11th day of fan nary, 1926 against the property said defendant, which warrant is re turnable before said justice at ' < time and place above named .for t'i? return of the summons, when an: where the defendant is repaired to ap pear and answer or demur to the corn plaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 11th dav of Jan.. 1926. T. (’. ESKUTDGE. Justice of the Pca'c. NOTICE OF SFBVrr'K BY PUBLICATION. F. II. Johnson, Versus W. S Green, Defendant. I’he defendant above named w'T take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on tlm li (lay of January, 1926, by T. C. Esk ridge, a justice of the no ace for Clev eland county, N. for the sum of $53.07, due.by raid plaintiff by :: • count for meats, which sum mens is returnable before the said ‘I..-. h'r. office in vousi hoi' rlfvolar.d county. X. ■i ,| ••]. a umber town ''ip <>n the Ah da.-. < f February; The h ■ f.Ti,!;un will a! ■: taka notice that a ‘. arrant attachment was i :Sti. it ,V tic > . ■ • ’ Uli (lay of I ■ - i-.i-v, t.'-’.o tipainsf the pr< poitv ■ ,< f-.it! tleh’hd.in'*.. which v.-.wrrnt A rr nrnahle ! -V* till jostle at the j'nie and place i ’ >ve am, • d for too •eturn of 1 'it* s'.ir.imoma when aiv.l v.hvre the'ti> . t• i-!a■;v is rcip’in d to a; - ,t.;.v ;t;11j all:'NVCl C.' ilf’i'.iUf "■ 'he C'lli’ ilaint or the relief rk'ma>u!“d v. til ne ; ranted. this Kill day a1' .f: r... T. <’. KSKRII'iiK. Jr.; iice of the fV.'.ce. ;V sFRYtCK iiV iTPUCATIOX. .. \Y. Cjardner, Versus ,Y. S {..:•••‘0.1. Dt fatidftnt. chi ;!> .Yr.e.i a above named v d! it to notice •'! hat’ a sunmmrs in. the .i..,ve entitled'- : tian war issued train -,t I he raid defendant the !1 lav of January; V'-d. hy 7. C. K •*-. dt’g't'. a justice of the peace tor .Cylov ■lend count;.. e.‘. for the sum of •tn.fi.>.- due I y raid plait)tiff bv ■■<,• aunt for merchandise which stir ■ lit.-; i-' v: uri»°ide Itrerro the ■ :;(.! uslicf: of the i>r "co, at his office i.p he court -house, < Icvchinq < uafy. X*. ami in Number (> f»v ip on 'the 12th day of R< hrac.rv, letM. The il" 'endant will al-o'dal:? notice tic. a >.; : rant < at ach.m :r was issued >y .-rid iu flee i n I he Utli dry of .i.ir mry, l;i2fi ir.o". O'? pippert’" of mid deferuRut. which varr.nt is " - tsrnable before* raid justice at t o i.me and place above..- hamed f’.r tic •I'iutiv of i'ho rm lim it. h°n and .vhcre the defendant is :v.,aired to tu) iiar and answer demur to the r> daiiit or the relief demanded will >.« ’ranted. Tbi t 11th uuv of dan . 1! 20. T. f. KSKRIPGR. due-ice of the Peace. TRY STAR WANT ADS. noth'e oi jsekv h k m i PUBLICATION. A Pitt Beam, Versus \\ Vs Green, Defe” ant. The defendant i.oave i i.med will lake notice that .. si:: .mons in the ai.'ove entitled action was issue 1 ue-ainst he said defendant on the 11 (Li’v of January, 10215, by T. C. Ksl;. , ,f<,t., a justice of the peace for dev • eland county, N. C., for the sum of ViO.nO due by .aid plaintiff by ae ;nt for dental work which smu mi.ns is returnable before the s.l ! i; lice of the peace, at his office in th court house, Cleveland county, X. c ,.i,| in Number 6 townmiip on the 12th day of February. 1920. The d i\ mlatti will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued .; said iiistice on the 11th day oT Jan f‘; , v. ip2G against the property of ; ;id defendant, which warrant is rc trr-.-.Me before said justice a? • e t in ' and place above named for the r. "irn of the summons, when or. . ,, the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the com plaint or the relief demanded will he ted This llth day of Jan., 1920. T. C. ESKRIDGE Justice of the Peace. Grove's Old Standard Remedy for and Malaria | Chills GOc One wonders, at times if the cop is placed at the intersection as a warn i:.p of a witness. Even the local weather prophets would lose caste if they should turn professional. I! .SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY Arrival nfid Departure of Passenger Trains at Shelby, N. C Lv. No. Between No. . Ar. 4:50 16 Monroe Rulherfordton 16 4:50 12:27 15 Ruthcrfordton_Monroe 15 12:27' Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. R. \Y. LONG. D. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. or H. A. HARRIS, Local Ticket Agent D uium i» j,u uibmjiiiui A guaranteed used Ford car, purchased from any Authorized ford Dealer, is a good investment. l ord cars accepted in trade by Authorized Ford Dealers and ottered as guaranteed used cars are thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a hbeeai guarantee. \ ou can buy a used Ford ccr from . with assurance that it wi;l ; . e you performance. Mas km .-wfqdge c«. ¥■ Ford cars and heed owners malic: community'with, whoni vo cruJ. A small cash payment v/ih . vc guaranteed used ford. ! ■ monthly payments Amici ;,n yen’ you ere assured a fair trade-in akov\ Ford Dealer, Authorized lord Dealer otisanda of miles of good Aaiuo end his interest in u". ihe b.ct men in the uvncbDie delivery of n • tan be oafd in small • dy to buy a new <. c.r, :e horn y our Authorized