Beam’s Mill News of Late Interest j[ urn' Roll for the School for Past Months—Personal Mention -of * Interest. (Special to The Star) The Pleasant Grove Sunday school h attained the A. 1. standard of ex. . Hence for the year 1.92(5 and is . .g along: fine and progressing: , i ly under the supervision of Miss : ha Hoyle. licam’s Mill school is progressing , v'.; !y on its fourth month. There • very good attendance in the v: ■ month average attendance was 101.: Mi - Bryte Costner spent hist Thursday night with Miss Riila Gar il c , Mis i Lallage Hoyle; ponular gram grade teacher at Beam': Mill, ,<-!it: Sunday with Miss America Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Williams spent Sip lav with Mr. and Mrs. John It-, -g«. MV. and Mrs. . Veit's Williams .t|V ‘ Sunday afternoon with Mr. I Mrs.- Coleman Elliott. Misses Thelma and Delia Spangler Micnt the week-end with Mr. and M . David Cline of Lawndale. Mis Rivie Hamrick of Boston V , is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardner. Mi: Velma Hamrick spent Mon d :•••' night with Miss Rilla Gardner. The following is the honor roll of It ants Mill school: First Grade—Julian D^Iingrr. 1., Ms Hamrick, Ovie Ledford. J. S. Weigh!. Maggie Lou Wright, Ruby Spur] in,. Second Grade—Sarah Lou .Delling er. NOrinan Hamrick, Buren Kcn ■ !v. Opal I/P'lford. Thir l Grade-—Charline Hendrick, Irene (V, tner C. 3. Hendrick, Gleen Ii«v‘ -'V- -.. Fourth Grade—-Woodrow Bowens, Woodrow Hendrick, Garnik! • Cost r-< v. < c.r! Spangler. Farell Yarbopo, Hilhcroa:: Wright, Maypard Ham iiih Grade—Essie Adams, Rosier I'Lims ick, Kenneth Hoyle Merril Wright. • hi h Grade—Evelyn Hendrick, O -ir>. Hendrick, A. V. Costner, X'-vella Dellinger, Venue Costner Sev uMi Grade—Beatrice Hendrick F- Yo--k. Geroe Spangler, Tyson Yariioro, Ed Bridges. Eighth Grade—Sherrill Hamrick IF -, < ■ ,1.nor Connie V. Wright. .Ninth Grade—Max Gardner. Then is nothing new under the sun (■:c- -r new md then a new definition the v or ! “naughty.” r— (A. n. j.) Ppur.i:i'j; to wipe the f^rs ?ur rhr..k. we write the fnllow m~: Milton Sill- e.-Miie to town tb ■ ether ni^ht—of course you know -liltoii and idveil to more or Ices A,I! hoUR,:'- The n vt nin-ht j0hn Barrymore came and played to emrrtv reats. There you have tin- ruiswer, :n n fete chosen. Words, to the eternal nuostion—Why an.', the movies bet ter ? Milton Pills i actor a:? Mr. T a, apolitick a-’orc i; pcrhaj screen. But. the tres are bu?ip,°r business entemi \nd whgt will the next time a'cent c( -n« ■: t! Milton, he will rest time Mr comes around. And there vou ttbbu*; .nr. : good pr> TV. Eboltoft would r.n. And John Barrv fbe be. : on the re who conduct thea ••• men, encased in a ise, to make money. loK'caH** happen is. an advance show rough here hooking get bookCil: and the Barrymore's agent be won’t get booked, are. But the no,n* is, when yon go to the theatre and come out, with your mobile and classic countenance na -. l. ered up to register tK<- emotion ."tang! don’t blame the theatre. i These then*r( 7. both of them, The TV ebb ■ nd The Pmt ; -alike, are M'-ing a splendid art by this earn. m. ayifv. T1 ;... current week p-v- id xb»bt< d hei * least <-U *’ " very h'gh-v.; quality. If you were in X, V uk yu cnuldn’i better. The Messrs. Beam r.n ! t.m Messrs Webb «]• -erve to be run- - sorted ami encouraged,- Some folks! don’t like the movie,-, and. they have ■their point of view, and we, re :rw—r ' t . But. for tho-e who do go to the 1 theatre- we wovi-J ray to you don’ll bt suck, efforts v are being put; forth .bore to entertn.' 1 y .u. go ttnap- ! •p »» • »• *■ r j-j T- e H-ty. Mr. Woodson, f'hristiai1 [ gentlemen. i . rro-h >• i ! j-ndi writes to The f-trr to condemn the! organization known a; Tim Athei-i, Society i'n-w A . k, Mr. W-od-on would abase the •• niinn-bei-evers,1 a.- men who Would r.cnr'-dewn our in-! stituti s . But there is a point of view to be brought upon these mis guided souls. Upon a stage in a thea tre stood a man and h; • wife. The womnp. was in love with a sprout of a y.b. whot ai tkuta: ruomeiH was rianding it; the moniight upon the lawn outside waiting. The husband lo-king out the’ window at the figure "I the youth below, said: “My dear, lb. Tang at that Romeo of your stand ing out there slapping; mosquitoes, I wonder what has become of your sense of humor!’’ ' The best way to get health is to Keep it.”- Doe. Rorton. Business of a truck load of men go ritr north on LaFayette street. Char ■ y Burn -; standing on the Marion treet corner. The hunch in the truck ' v gaily to Burrus, wh » returns a stony stare. Pas w by: “Why don’t you lvcog iyour friends, Burrus?” Ti •. y were members of the chain gang on the v.ay to their hotel. Q '• t'm that agitated the High .titD week. ‘Tar you drown a . h . ' The kid * argued the question, me . :*.iT. yes; some ..said, no. Pro s'. r Air.thews was appealed to. His •’••chdon -was, yes, you can drown a fish. Mr. George Ttbeinhardt. Southern league player, has returned to his aft. ;■ vi.-itir.t' hi . brother in Shelly l’or several 11 a; • . ATE TOO FAST Scuih Carolinian Took Black Draught For Indigestion, and Says He Could Socn Eat Anything. Ballentine, S. C.—Mr. W. B. Beukniglit, of this plaee, gave the foil-wing account of his use of T!'< ijford's Black-Draught. ".lust after 1 married 1 had lndi '■ t.-.-n. Working out, 1 got in the habit of eating fast, for which 1 scon paid by having a tight, bloated feeling after meals. This made me very uncomfortable. I would feel stupid and drowsy, didn’t feel lilce working. I was told it was indi gestion. Rome one recommended Black-Draught and I took it after meals. I soon could eat anything any time. "I use it for colds and bilious ness and it will knock out a cold and carry away the bile better and quicker than any liver medicine I have ever found.” Eating too fast, too much, or faulty chewing of your food, often causes discomfort after meals. A Pinch of Black-Draught, washed down with a swallow of water, will help to bring prompt relief. Bloat ed sensations, eructations, bad i-’reath and other common symptoms cf indigestion have disappeared after Black-Draught has been taken for several days. NC-164 fanner Memorial Building is Ready Formal Opening of Spindale* Mem orial to He Held January 22 23. Rutherfordton, Jan. 21. The for mal opening of the Spindale house, fenmrly known as Sphtfale itm, or Toliner Memorial building will be held Friday and 8a‘ -iriay night, January 22 and 23. Tl building ban been erected by K. S. and Bobo Tan ner and Mr:. Sarah Tanner Craw ford as a community building in hon or of their parents, Mr. and M .. S. B. Tanner, and biother J. Spencer Tatiru r deceased. Friday night a community page- I ant will be given K. S. Tanner will present the building. Mayor S. K. Elmore will accept it. I)r. Leroy E, Bowman, of Columbia university. Now York, will deliver the ’principal' address. Saturday night. January 2d, a lmn. ' quel will be given. Where Corn Cracker Got His Gooci Morals Did you know where M. 1.. White, • the inimitable Writer known as Torn Cracker, pet his high moral character ;,nd disposition to subserve himself to . proper authority? There is a woman cut in Elida, Now Mexii Mrs. M E. Dohony bv name and Brother White is sending her The Star for a season.! Freaking; about her he says: t “She is the widow of s-.n eminent Kentucky lawyer, is aged near eighty;: but very alert in mirfti and body. “She is of distinguished family, noted in Kentucky for dauntless cour age and a very high order of intelli gence. Her father was a very "viol, brave man. and died an incumbent pi office of sheriff in Adair county of that martial commonwealth. Two of his sons at different periods held the same position; while another brother was chief justice of Kentucky and is •.till a very, able lawyer and distrn ouished orator. ‘‘She was my teacher fhree years, r.nd administered the last whipping 1 ever received at school. This ac counts for my high moral charactei and marked obedience to proper au thority.” And yet the most dismal failures in connection with marriage are failures to get married. The guest knocks when he arrives, but most of the knocking is done by men who haven’t arrived. Well, well; there is considerable more reason for concealing male legs The man France real! needs as minister cf finance is Alladin. No* One Township Items of Interest (Special to The Star) Mr. Hnlo Earls week end visitors v.vre Messrs Troy, Devenny, Louisa ■ and Mli,. Ovelia Summers of Forest City N, C. Mi os I.ucile Buchannun and Thelma Jolley of Boiling Spring:; were visitors in this community Sun day. Key. C. M. Roll,a; preached his fist • rmon at Camp Greek last Sunday but owing to the bad wea ther, large crowd did not attend. Relative, of Mr. Willie Byars gave •'him.» surprise birthday last Sunday. Tic \v;v.« "7 years old. M i e Eloifte Ulan* an and Lola Connor, teachers at Molly Springs ■pent last week end at their respec tive homer,. Mis,-; Zinnia Earls visited at the" home of Mr. George Earls down in Sou'll Carolina hist Friday night Mrs. George Earls is quite ill with double pneumonia. ECK & STEPHENS Certified Public Accountants Gastonia, N. C. Systems — Audits — In vestigations. Incone Tax Specialists. v--- -- 5jJeauti{ul Flowers Free V to for Hastings* Catalog You can got 5 packets of seeds o? 6 different and very beautiful flowers free. Hastings' 1926 Seed Catalof tells you all about it. Hastings' Seed3 are “The Standari of tlie South.” They give the best re sults tn our Southern gardens and ot our farms. Hastings’ new 1926 Cata log has 112 pages In all, full of pic tures from photographs, hsndsom* covers In full colors, truthful, accurate descriptions and valuable culture di rections. We want yon to have thlR catalog Ir your borne. It tells all about Hastings garden, flower and field seeds, plant and bulbs. Write for It. today, a post card request brings it to you by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. We Offer For Quick Sale Our Entire Stock VELVET HATS $1.00 EACH The original price of these hats was from $6 to $15. Come in and see them. Also trie new Spring styles that have just arrived. I One Lei Silk Hats I Half Price Some beautiful hais in this lot for im mediate use. W. L FANNING & CO. INSURANCE— Immediately after a fire or a death you think of insurance. Very nice if they had it. A pity if they did not. Then why wait if you are not properly insured. We write all kinds. We make Ioann. Phone 200 for your Insurance Wants. THE M. P. COLEY AGENCY ROOMS 15 AND 10. ROYSTER WILDING. SHELin, N. C. WOOL MIXED BLANKETS Pretty plaids. Blue, pink and white. Full double bed size. Dou ble blankets. Chatham blankets. Slightly soiled. Overstocked prices— $3.95 MEN’S DRESS SOCKS All colors: Navy, brown. Per pair This Sale___ Black, 5c LADIES’ SILK HOSE Only about 10 dozen left. All the new colors: Peach, Har vest and Sunset. Pair___ 19c 36-IN. SHEETING Smooth- finish, fine O count. Per yard_ OC LADIES’ SPORT HOSE Regular 50c retailer. Nice lisle finish. Sport ribbed and pineapple stitch. All the new colors. O A ~ Pair_ Z4C 32-IN. GINGHAMS Made at Spindale, N. C. Big range pretty patterns. 32 inches wide. Fast -l _ color. Per yd._ 1UC LADIES’ Lisle finish, and n<ude. Per pair ___ HOSE Colors, black .... 5c AFTER-INVENTORY SALE j — ONLY THREE DAYS — e ' { To take advantage of these Sacrifice Prices. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We have just finished Inventory i & are putting on Special Sale of these items as listed to clean up short lots which we find we have. The prices we \ are putting on these will mean that they wont last long. Be here early and secure your share of these Unusual I Values, Reductions at recent Sale prices will be in effect til Saturday Night all over the store. REMNANTS 1-2 j PRICE t Big (able loaded down with J ogod merchandise. Your * choice at exactly Half Price, t J. & P. Coats Spool Thread { Black and white. Special dur ! ing this sale 4c spool 0[J j or 7 spools for- wOC WOOL SERGE 36 inch, heavy weight, colors navy, brown, black, grey and wine. Regular $1.00 value. Special Per yard __ 50 c DIAPER CLOTH 27 in Diaper cloth. Red Star —full pieces. First quality. 10 yards to bolt, special $1.69 ALAMANCE PLAIDS Pretty patterns, good weight. Spccial._.... 9 c yar MEN’S SOFT COLLARS Many styles to 1 IT » choose from. Each __ 1. v/C Men’s Leather Palm Canvas Gloves Heavy weight, well made, regular 50c quality. Special OUTING Heaviest quality, pretty pat terns, stripes, checks and solid colors. g Per yard Ladies Star Brand Shoes All sizes and kinds, oxfords and straps, patent and kids. Look these over. They are values up to $5.00 for _ $1.95 i 36-INCH PAJAMA CHECKS Unbleached. Pine count. Smooth finish. •% Special per yard 1 UC LADIES BEDROOM SLIPPERS {Felt, all sizes, all colors. Regular 98c grade. C'7 Special_ shoesTloo Odds and ends. Mostly small [ sizes. All styles and leathers. ....... $1.00 Mens and Ladies CoK ] lege Rope Knit Sweaters Ail sizes. Regular $5.00 to j $6.50 value. Colors, navy, j $2.98! maroon and brown_ z\ 38 INCH BROAD CLOTH F i n c count. 10c Unbleached. Heavy weight. Special per yard _ Ladies Queen Quality Oxfords & Straps Values up to $7.50. Odd lots. Odd sizes. All styles. We are determined to clean up these odd pairs. If your size is here you can get a real bargain. Clean up $ 2 9 7 price SILKS Odds and ends, short lengths and discontinued numbers. Real values up to S2.50. Rig line of all shades Crepe De Chine. QQ Special _______5/OC BLACK SATEEN 36 inch heavy weight. The very thing for QQ bloomers. Special __ *L%J C SWEATERS Clean up price. Odds and ends. Boys and Childrens sizes Special ___ 49c CORSETS 25c Small sizes only. Clean up _25c Price Each !! FREE—During these three days we will give absolute! ly free—as long as they last—A Star Brand Pencil Tablet with every purchase whether small or large. We only have 1000 of these tablets. Be sure to get yours. Also Free—A quantity of Snappers Banks, Whistles, Air Planes, Needles and Tops will be given free with the purchase of a pair of STAR BAND SHOES. WRAY-HUDSON CO. “WHERE PRIC satisfy.” Shelby 9 N. C. FLANNEL SHIRTS Heavy weight, Khaki color, all sizes, 14 to 17. Full cut. .. </| Special .. BOY’S OVERALLS Heavy weight, white back denims. Suspender back. Full cut. Well made. Sizes 3 to 8 59c Sizes 8 to 16 _„ 69c Sizes 2G to 31_ 7!)c These are $1.00 to $1.25 values. GREY BLANKETS Heavy weight, single German ‘Sets . . . . 69c Men’s Heavy College Sweaters All sizes, all colors, regular woven. d*Q DA Special __ «P«3*0«7 Regular $5.00 value. 33 INCH PONGEE SILK Imported Jap 12 Mummie grade government stamped, natural color only, . . . _ _ . _ __ OJC MEN’S UNION SUITS Heavy weight, Ecru ribbed, regular $1.50 value, QQ all sizes___OOC BOY’ WORK~ SHIRTS Full cut, blue chambray, sizes 12 1-2 to 14. OQ Special_,_ oJi/C Sheets 81x90 size, genuine Pepperell quality. Best ^ * <| A grade-1 • 1 «7 DON’T ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES FOR STAR BRAND SHOES. IT'S NOT A “STAR BRAND” UNLESS MADE BY ROBERTS-JOHNSTON & RAND AND HAS STAR ON HEEL. COME HERE AND GET GENUINE STAR BRAND SOLID LEATHER SHOES. REMEMBER THIS STORE IS AND HAS BEEN THE HOME OF STAR BRAND SOLID LEATHER SHOES FOR 16 LONG YEARS.

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