SHELBY’S BUILDING PROGRAM IN r ' ---> RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section, Modern Job Department, 1925 TOTALLED THREE MILLION DOLLARS—1926 WHAT? MAKE A CITIZEN OF EVERY VISITOR. SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census_8,854 Where Industry With Climate In A Call For You, , VOL. XXXIV, No. 86 “Covers Cleveland Completely.” SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 21, 192G. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. By mail, per year (in advance). $2.50 \ By carrier,»per year (in advance) $.'1,00 Judge Webb Puts Crimp In Future Of Drunken Drivers Store Thief Gets 18 Months and Grind Continues on Other Interesting Criminal Cases. ,lodge James L. Webb, presiding over Superior court here, has what court spectators and barristers be lieve- to be an effective method of dealing' with drunken auto driver.-, who endanger the lives of other mot- i - ists and pedestrians. Instead of administrering a fine, or giving the drivers a term on the road enabling them in a month or so to start driving again, the jurist rules ir almost every case thai in addition to a fine easily remembers that they shall not drive a car under any cir cumstances for a period of 12 months. Should they fail to observe his ruling he leaves over them a suspended sen tence that assures a goodly time i f pile driving on the roads instead 'of err driving. Several defendants have f-ictd the court this week on cou: t of reckless car driving and similar sentences have been meted out. Spec ulation about the court room spears highly of the plan used. Bumgardner Next Court. Charlie Bumgardner, who was to have been given a hearing in tfik i curt in connection with the death id his wife, had his case continued until 'the next term through his attorney, Clyde R. Hoey. It will be remembered, that Mrs. Bumgardner died last week after being shot. Before dying it C sc id she made a statement saying that the shooting was accidental. The Bamgardhcrs lived at Kings Mountain at the time. The bond is $2,000. B. Hamrick, young negro, con vic ed of entering the Lowery store at Patterson Springs on several oc-a shins was given 18 months of foil for h's tendency of taking that which did nr t belong to him. He was caught in the store by a special defective and Mr. Fields Young on his third night y i ntrance. Asked by acting Solicitor San Ervin what he got on each trip the colored boy replied: “Money and shoes the first time; sardines ami more money the second time, and inure money the second time, and handcuffs the third time." When the handcuff portion of his confessicn ", in” on the court crowd quit? a laugh followed. No. Jury Monday. The grind of the court Monday was perhaps one of the speediest ever noted here. Numerous cases were dis posed of, yet during the rntire day a jury was not used. Tuesday the jUry was in constant lire and the grind was slowed up somewhat. For the most part qw erses were minor ones and disposing o1' the so-called “jail cases'^ to relieve the congestion in the county’s horrn: of ciriection. One interesting case being taken pp Tuesday was the charges against several of store breaking in upper Cleveland. Start Cody Case, Wednesday morning the court op ened with the now famous Cody ca-o, connected with the hold-up of a con vict guard here and the freeing of i prisoner, Dillard Deane, who was sere - ing a term on an assault charge. At torney Jack Dillard, of Murphy, ore of the state’s most brilliant attorneys, n presented the defendants the debon air Lee Cody and Crawford Deane, younger brother of the prisoner w!» was freed. 1‘adgett Case Next. It was the understanding, it is s.vd :.t the outset of the court that th criminal docket was to end Wednes day at noon. However, trial of sev eral cases including that of the store breaking and the Cody incident con sumed more time than was estimated for and it is likely that the criminal docket will be continued long enough r.t leasi to dispose of the more impor tant jail cases. Barristers say that the Padgett auto case, dealing with the larcency of two Sherlby ears, will follow the ( ody trial. Padgett, the young man featur ing in the case, presents a striking ap pearance in contrast with usual con l scores. In addition to being weli dressed the defendant has a striking fate and could be easily mistaken for a prosperous business man both m hearing and appearance. A hitch, claimed by some to be me "ay and by other to be another way, has developed in the expected renew ing of the Francis-Philbeck episode. Whitesides Passes At Ellenboro Home W. B. Whitesides, 86-year-old farm or. died Sunday morning at his home at Kllcnboro. Pneumonia was the ‘iiuse of his death. I uneral services were conducted at ■he Bethel cemetery, near Ellenboro, j *>v the Rev. I. D. Harrell, ol Ellen boro. Mr. Whitesides is Survived b' M ■’ if< and three children. Shelby Man Owns Very Unique Relic Mr. YV. j. Howell, (lf \\fst Shi'lpy, is the possessor of an atuique of uni (pii' history, It is a (an ikstick, made in lao(r, - whim candles supplied more 1> the 1‘ght of the w rid. Howell said he g.g the r lie fr'nii the late Mrs. Dobbins, of Mi - Dowell county, and that Mrs. Dobbins ifet ii in turn, from her tr amino ther : he relic is made. apparently of 1 ev. ,er. end is well preserved riot I’mgrc.-' ive Citizens 1{< spend Well in first IMj of Chamber *f Com merce Drive litre. The first day of the drise for a chamber of commerce for She!b> resulted in a total subscription of S3.281, according to an an nouncement made by citizens in ter' ltd in the campaign and bet ter interests of the town. The drive will be continued through out Wednesday and Thursday with goal set at the estimate $12,000 budget. The committee making the drive Wednesday morning' declared that they had around $M,060 in sight fori rhe most part large individual 'sub-! so: rptio'!-. This will swell the total to' art end sx.Oou to which will be added numerous smaller subscriptions. bio far in the drive it is reported that progressive citizens with the, better interest of Shelby at heart have subscribed readily. The committee staging the drive is composed of business men, who are naturally busy in their own profes-, riors and firms, and they urge that should some citizen not be. in, or is not seen by them that he display sim ilar loyalty to Shelby, giving up their time and loyally call in ar.d make his subscription. Many think that the $11,000 budget set is too small, but as yet it has not been subscribed and cheering results are expected from the second and •hird days of the campaign. Loyal eitizzens wishing *o see Shel by spread during the spring and sum mer months and attract its quota of outside visitors and investors are urged to fall in line with the chamber of commerce plan. There is only one real way to'present the opportunities and advantages of a town to an out sider and that is through such an or ganization. Hundreds of local citizens have felt the need for such an organ ization and today and tomorrow they will be called upon to support Hieici advocation with material back ing • Have YOU subscribed? Short Nov- "f Kerent Interest gath ered All Sections of State Greensboro.—Estelle and Pauline Moore, well dressed young white women, were freed of charges of aiding and abetting in violations of the federal anti-narcotic law. when give!) a hearing by United States Commissioner W. S'. Lyon. The evidence against them was too, weak, the commissioner said. Bound Over for Murder. Albemarle.—Theodore Grey was placed in jail several days ago in connection with the murder of "1 >ad” Watkins, was given a preliminary hearing here today, and was bound over to Superior Court and allowed to give bail. Theodore Grey is charged with having burned the arms and tend of “Dad" Watkins in the furnace of Wiscassett school building, where he i- janitor. This charge is pr< ferret 1 I,v John Grev who with Carl Sweat, jJ held without bail for the murder of Watkins. Theodore and John Grey are brothers. Open Narcotic Drive Winston-Salem.—The city of Win ston-Salem is getting a genuine spring cleaning in more ways than one. During the past two weeks ted eral narcotic agents have been busy emiring evidence against local al leged violators of the narcotic act and a number of arrests have been made, two having been added to the list tonight. It is estimated that tin total value of the narcotics seized with the attendant paraphernalia u,eii : , connection with the drugs amounts at bootleg prices, t- *40, Speaks Before hiwanis ( lull and Gen eral Invitation Extended. Orator Bike Bryan. Xot only Kiwnnians. but the public in J-eneral anti especially ousno - - men and women, will have the privilege 1 !:ur.-day nijeht of hearing lor. Fran cis Burgette Short, of New Void, city, deliver a lecture of unusual power r Dll. FRANC'iS B. SHORT. and ability before', the Kiwaais club! at (leveland Springs hotel, l'r. Short1 is said to be an orator second only ini power to the'great Commoner. Mr. ’ Bryan, He is a minister of *■he Gospel ] by profession but has travelled ex-1 tcmively and is a great student of l.ii mess, so the subject on "which he \ will speak here Thursday night is “R- - j lignin in Business.” Mr. R. E. Carpen 1 ter has charge of the program on :l'ut: eight and it has been decided in or-, der to let as many hear this orator as' possible, that a general invitation is extended in this way. Kiwanians are liberty to invite as many as they j choose, merchants and business men I err invited, whether a member of the; club or not and the invitation is es p< cially extended to store heads and! employes. The only requirement is that you will pay the Cleveland Springs hotel for your dinner plate, seventy-five cents. A number of mer chants who employ sales people, ex rcct to take their entire organization in carder that they might hear l)r. Short on the subject “Religion in Bus- iness.” Dr. Short possesses an unusal knowledge of human nature and fre quently punctuates his address with keen humor which serves *o intensify the effectiveness of his message. He speaks straight from the shoulder with commendable fearlessness and no little degree of brilliancy. He pos sesses a dynafnic personality and these tilings coupled with the fact that he was pas,or of some of the largest churches in the west for* 18 yeais, makes it possible for him speak in terestingly before any audience. Those interested in hearing Ur. Short may do so by notifying Rush; Hamrick of their intended attendance and paying the usual dinner plate charge to the hotel. D. H. Cline Purchases Local Auto Interests Mr. D. II. Cline, who has taken over the local Hudson-Essex agency has leased the Doggett garage building, I on West Warren street, where the j Hur.son-Essex cars will be on display. It is announced that Mr. Cline also bought all the Studebaker parts pad] accessories from the 'Doggetts. Mi. John Doggett told The SU'" Wednesday that Doggett brothers have retained the filling station at the] garage, the proprietorship of which they will continue. And also they will retain the used Stut’ebnker cars, which they will dis pose of themselves. ‘‘But we will sell no more new cars,” Mr. Doggett said. Succeeds Noel I—F. A. Hutchison of Greensboro, will succeed Paul G. Noell, of Lexington, as state service officer April l, according to an nouncement made here tonight by Frank D. Grist, commissioner of la-, bor ami printing. Mr. Grist declared his wish to avoid any controversy and to that end he leaves the objection to his course to start something. There is all abundance of American legion politics bound up in the change of state service officers and it is well recalled here that Mr. Grist support ed Colonel John Hall Manning in the Fayetteville contest. Whether this phase of controversy will devel op is not known, but it may. Satnarcand Building Burned Rockingham.—One of the buildings at, Samarcand, state institution for wayward girls, located 30 miles north of Rockingham, burned to the ground Sunday night about 8 o’clock. It is understood the fire originated .from <i movjiig picture machine. i ■ Must Be Some Town —This Place Shelby Mr. John A. Beam has a hunch that Shleby ha • the goods. And he wants to bring h's en thusiasm for his home town into popular notice. And here's h s stunt: il'- is offering the dollars in fold as a prize to any man who has lived in thus hurt three years, been away ten years, who has nut the itch to coni.- back and sit himself down in Court C.iu-ire. The .ofreft Mr. Beam an nounces., is open for thirty days. Mr. Beam believes that once a bhedbyite, in spirit :• i t will al ways h • a Shelby-ife. And he says if anyone can dig- up a ntoss ba k "lie doesn't want to cone back here and hear the sparrows sing in the elms, he can have five dollars from him. School Has Attendance of 150. And Large Number Prepare Assign ments and Work Tho third annual co-operative stan dard training school for Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday school workers in Cleveland County, held throughout last week at Central Method 'st Church, closed Friday night with appropriate exercises. The school was voted a decided success. Out of tin attendance of 150, 07 at tended six or more class periods and were thus officially enrolled, 87 of which cumber attended all twelve Cla-s periods, read their text-books, prepared their written assignments and entered into the discussions of their class group, thus entitling them to certificates of credit. 75 of these credit students are Methodist and 14 Prerhyterions. These credit stu dents are listed us follows: Central 32, Polkville id, First Presbyterian 14, St. Paul 5. Beulah 5, LaFayette Strc-t 4. Kadish 3, Palmtree 2, St. Peters 2. Eli ott’s 2. Mt. Har nio 'y 1. Shelby circuit 1, Tile courses instructors and names of credit students follows: “Bible—New Testaments”—Rev. C, R. Kirkpatrick. Instructor: Rev. H. K. Boyer, W. ,1. Bridges. ('has. A. Bridges, Georgia Bridges. Mary Sue Bridges, Boyd Canlpe, V. P. Crowder, Miss Lottie Elliott, Plato Elliott, Sarah Bell Elliott. Geo. A. Hoyle, Mrs. Geo. A. Hoyle, Ralph Harrel son. Alvin Harrelson. Reid Harrel son. A'ates Lee. F, H. Lee, Gladys Lee, Lawrence Lee. Rev S. M. Need ham. Rev. A. S. Raper, Rev. C. F. Sh°ri)l. Mrs. C F. Sherill. Rev. D. P. Waters, Whisnant. R. T. Whis nant, Mrs. R T. Whisnant. C. S. Whisnant. Mrs. Edfjev Willis. Robt. Wolfe. Blair Wolfe. W L. Wolfe W. I. Wolfe. Mrs. Walter Ramseur, Mr*. Marv E. Yarborough, “Principles of Teaching”—-Prof. C. T. Carr. Instructor: Mrs. Clayton Peeler, Mrs. Tai nt ad ere Gardner, Mrs. Bessie Delling er, .1, R Wikle, Mi-s Mamie Cavan iss, C. B. McBrayer, Mrs. C. B. Mc Braver. “Story Telling’'—Miss Carline Lander, Instructor: Mrs. W. A. Abernathy. Nell Abernathy, Miss Ruth Beam. Miss Corrne Blanton. Mrs. R. K. Buyer. Mrs. Walter Dixon, Mrs. Tliad. Ford, Miss Mary Hardy, Miss Alnha Harnion, Miss Yerta L. Hendricks, Mrs. ,?. H. Hull, Miss Mozelle Lee, Miss Lizzie Mae I.ce, Mrs. Oghurn Lutz, Mrs. John R. McClurd, Mrs. F. R. Sanders, Miss Lucv Short. Mrs. Z. R. Thompson. M,ss Mary Sue Whisnant, Miss Lillian Wolfe. Mr. Jul’an Thompson, Miss Alda Willis, Miss Josemvne Lnnvsty. Mrs. Gro ver Bit..,' ' iG« 0,1 Whisnant, Miss Ol’ve R;ugl Marv Greney, Miss Ina Carpenter Miss Madge Mc Coy Mis« Carobel Lever, Miss Mary Hull, Mrs. C. B. Alexander, Miss Elizabeth Alexander, Miss Ruth Arrowood. Miss Lois Hudson, Mias Melissa Kerr. Miss Verna Mae Tid dv, “Intermediate- Senior Lesson Materials and Teaching”—Miss E. Jane McDonald. Instructor: Mrs, W. T. Alexander. Mrs. Huuh Mrs. C. R Hoev. E. E. Scott Mrs. P. R. Wooten. Miss Lucy Dixon, Mrs. Erma Johnston Drum. Miss Mary M. Keller, Mrs. R. M. McGregor. Lawrence Officer of Kiwanis Club According to news dispatches from Brevard Robert K. Lawrence was elected secretary and treasurer of the Kiwanis club organized there last week to add a get- together atmosphere in the active business of the Transylvania capital. Mr. Lawrence, who was the ener getic county agent here for several years, is engaged in the leal estate business at I Mi oker. and the first whit* man to travel the Oregon tr.iil and who Kim e then has traveled the same trail by auto and airplane is shown here hrnadoastinjr an address oyer the radio, lie is the oldest man who ever broadcast via radio. ' •.*%. Jp»‘‘ " [ Meat Thief Who Raided County Smoke Houses Gets 14 Months Cleveland county hams are val uable. They are worth a lot of work—in this instance, 15 days of toil for each ham. ! Ordinarily some say it take# j sbout 15 days for an average ' larni family to dispose >f a ham. It'll take Howard Lowing, young white man, 14 months to dispose of the sentence given him by the court for getting his hams. Law j iog, by the way. had '14 hams, I shoulders and middlings altogeth ’ er, or a total of 510 days, mean ! mg 15 days for each ham,, shoui der and middling. 1 Several weeks ago “smoke houses” from Mooresboro east to Shelby were raided one night. Of i ficers checking up on the ra'd | found 34 hams, shoulders and mid <.lings missing. Several days later woid earn from Salisbury that a young man was peddling country meat there. Local officers and some of the j .citizens from whom meat was stolen, made a ourney to Salis bury. They brought Lawing back. This week in Superior court Judge Janies Webb decided upon a 14 moltths sentence for the | jnung fellow on the roads of So. 6 township. Lawing through his attorney O. Max Gardner ask-s! that he be permitted to serve his time in the state prison. Whereup the jurist proved his patriotism to local highways arid stood to the sentence. , Reporter Hears Why They Chew Excelsior Around Mail Emporium—Hard Luck Story If, when you go to your Uncle I Samuel's emporium, presided over by Mr. Quinn—-meaning exactly the local postoffice—and see Carr Cline,.Tal i’niadge Gardner or Chess Dalton chewing excelsior, don't be amazed. As they say about the eating of grape-nuts—there's a reason. The story runs like this: Last week a package came through the mail, and when it reached this' the tale end of its destination, the' bottle, as they say around Blanton and Wright’s hospitable stove, “was busted.” And the contents was spilled. But the bottle was wrapped with excelsior. Do you get us ? Ever s'nce the little mishap, the aforementioned gentry have been chewing excelsior. It may or may not he the same excelsior in which the bottle of Scotch was wrapped. But they appear to like the hay pretty well. Meantime the package was not de livered here to the consignee, hut was sent to the postoffice inspector. Which is a thrilling chapter of a hard luck story. Local Men Building $50,000 Laundry Shelby men, George Moore and M. S. Leverette of the Moor*1 and Lev ! (rette agency for the Security Life., and Trust company, an insurance or | gunization, are financially interested i in a $50,000 laundry to be built at Hendersonville. It is to be known as ♦be Snowflake. A site has been setur-1 ed near the Howell-Pless Lumber Co,, ami plans are made for a build ing with 12,000 square feet of floor space. It is understood that in addi tion to the regular laundry, there viil be a dry cleaning plant. New machin ery will he purchased. J. Tv Leverette a kinsman of M. S. Leverette, l as come from Texas and "ill have charge of the new enterprise. Birthday Dinner. Everybody is cordially invited to a birthday dinner at the home of W. S. Huf fate tier. Kings Mountain, N. C„ I; 1, for him on Easter Sunday April tth. Everybody com*' a no itring well ftfht.t U** New Development on Market Next Week Elizabeth terraces, a sub-division being opened on Highway No. 20 just beyond Cleveland Springs, >^ill be put on the market next week by the own ers, C. P. Wilkins, J. \V. Cobble end associates of Brevard. Thi- develop ment comprises nearly 12 acres, beau tifully situated on a knoll and will be sold with a guarantee of water, sow er, lights, etc., available to every lot within six months. Messrs. Wilkins and Cobble have been in Shelby for several days having the property cut into desirable home-sites by Engineer l>an Frazier. They have secured of fices in the Lineberger building and anin mice that the lots will be sold pivately and not at public auction, (wizens in other towns will be given an epoprtunity to buy on small ctn-h payment and liberal terms lor the re mainder of the purchase price. Julian Miller Hands Bouquet to Shelby (Charlotte Nows Editorial.) One of the fastest growing little cities in this part of the country is Shelby and it is delightful to have the many evidences of the new spirit of enterprise and development that has come over its people. Shelby is a neighbor of Charlotte and a mighty goon one at that. Will Take Youth To Wayward School J. B. Smith, county welfare officer, will within a few days leave Shelby for Stonewall Jackson Training school :J* Concord taking with him Buster Bridgman, young South Shelby boy. Bridgman, it will be remembered, was connected with the temporary lar ceny’ of an automobile belonging to Mr. J. S. Willard and was mixed uo in several other scrapes. Such was his record of waywardness that Judg3 Webb did not set any special sentence, making the boy’s sojourn then* for t,n indefinite p,.-i at <t tin.*., IS COTTON CROP CLEVELAND COIOT Total Production l-'or Past Year Pouches .{7,211 Hales, lieport, Shows According to the state ginning re* T»>rt issued last week Cleveland coun ty’s cotton crop for 1925, up to March 20 as recorded by ginning fig ures, was .‘17,221 bales. This report places the total con siderably above the most optimistic estimates made in the county by farm leaders. It ;s noted that the crop for the vear was only 4,760 half's short of iho record crop of 11,981 hales in 1924. Prediction early in the 1925 season was that the crop of the past J car would be around 10,000 bales short. In view of tlie lastest ginning re port the county moves from fourth place in cotton production in the state to eleventh ^dace, Northhamp ton county barely supplanting this county for tenth place by less than 100 bales. The eleven leading counties and their production in bales for 1925 follows: Johnston, . 74,lilt! Robeson ...... 00,914 Nash 59,768 Halifax _ 57.920 Wake _ ...._ 51,205 Harnett ..... .... 47,990 Edgecombe _... 41,661 Sampson . 41,065 Wayne . 59,010 Northampton .... 57,245 Cleveland . 37,221 Highs Have Busy Week on Diamond Play at Hendersonville Thursday, Gaffney Here Friday and a Game Saturday. Shelby baseball fans will have un ci r* r early spring taste of the nation al pastime Friday afternoon when the Cal fney Highs meet “Casey” Morris’ boys here. In addition to this game the Highs on Thursday go to Hendersonville v here they play the Blue Hidge school ft r hoys.. On Saturday they go to IMorganton and play the Morganton lliglis. Manager Whitelaw Kendall has arranged a heavy schedule with more 11 an a dozen-games yet before the state series. This falls in line with the idea of Coach Morris, who iias a team of young and inexperienced players and believes that the best training for the, state series can be gained in actual playing. Playing Kings Mountain Monday, Skates, the big twirler of Kings Mountain, again proved too much for the local lads and Shelby lost by a score of 4 to 2. However, the Highw revealed much improvement over their first contest and with a few :.mre games are expected to develop into an aggregation with considerable punch. It is optimistically said that during the season they will face very few hurlers in the class with Skates ana that against an ordinary high high school nioundsman they will go exceedingly good. High School Class Visits Star Office Miss May Bussey’s eleventh grade English class from the Shelby High school made a visit to The Star of fice Tuesday where they studied the making of a newspaper. They were shewn through the offices and told bow news is gathered, then carried to the mechanical department where they inspected the large Duplex press which has a capacity of printing 2,500 eight page papers an hour, delivering them ready for the mails and car riers. The operation of the linotype mat bines was explained, also the mak ing to cuts from mats. The class was in command of Coach “Casey” Mor ris, while Miss Bussey toot another section of her students to the Shelby News office to inspect that plant. McNeely at Bedside In Charlotte Hospital Mr. J. C. McNeely went to Charlotte Tuesday to be present at the Char lotte sanitarium at the operation upon his father, Mr. R. F. McNeely, of Greensboro. Mr. McNeely was join ed at Gastonia, on the way to Char lotte, by his brother, Mr. Thomas B. McNeely. And at the bedside of tho father was Mrs. Elmer McAdoo, a daughter, also of Greensboro. Mr. McNeely said Wednesday that his father was doing as well as could be expected, as naturally an operation upon a man of his advanced age, would have severe effects. Mr. Fred Fields, of Shelby, mado the trip to Charlotte with Mr. lie* Neely.

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