—SHELBY SIDELIGHTS— By Kenn Drum. The eolyitm notes that T>. F. Grigt. says that the auto dealer of the -t; ‘ n-hull) their next convention on Shelby. Tai: it from u< if Pete kc j buyinjr au i envies during i t- y. ■ it*-' hr has (iuriiiif th' pn-■ t month !C ,• will hob -their • eriti* here, 1 Pete will be till of 'em. The jingle of the UH o- T y' i ■ cream wagon will h>. denuded wit.h joy again th:-- -unime' h\ >*«»•< ♦Iren with a ri--kh- t ; *.p. n: • r eve ■ it i.- derived fro,. .. -tory in the Fas’. Irene of Th-. Star. There is n paying with a bit of OU it that or •‘-ha If of the world doe: not know whir th other hid ' r ilotry The state,in nt can: unilet—o. hi .. e • and still be true. Otie-half of Shelby seme times does net knob what t o other half is up to. F’rinstartcCi flu children who buy cream m-m T.-ny little dream that hack at Tony’s boro.' ip little Italian jrtrl whoso Itvelib- • ■] depends on hew i :: r . eon> they t Ant. to them perhar th P „ by their teacher at Alar"'•*<* ' rehool was just taken ; i;it - in' coUi.se. like having then . irs i id bed before going to ,-dv s. to the little Italian girl it meant r colorful episode that - h • v ill likely remember for the, ri main -.r of. her . life. A cross-sec.ion vi.■ ,v of tjv'. in, tn r at the Lineberger budding re -1 any day 15 minutes before noon: Tv, real estate dealer* talking to a pin pact and another real ■ • dealer i coping around the corn r. Two > r t hree folks watching th ■ • liermomo ter in frontof RiviereV v ifh still sn othci “dirt dealer' looking on mat wondering: if their temperature is. up enough to sell them a • unite or Unto lot Doe. Champion .helping a lady hark her ear out from the curb- and a lit— Do girl staring longingly'at the beads iu WoolwortlT - window. A tig yellow hits honking across the street ami a colored delivery boy shooting by on i Kates. C. R. Suttle hurrying back to the bank after having a “dope" ana a realty footer trailing him trying to get an option. Other things to be seen: more realty agent-. Yes, they’re .alkifig Shelby on the outside, meaning beyond the city lim its near the home of Mike Border . Ju Ige Yates Webb is the authority for the statement that while goltingi in Charlotte Saturday he heard move folks discussing Shelby Hid the. *v'o- • ings”—-some folk always think some on* is always getting “done" in real ty trading—up here. The rare in this district for Super ior court solicitor promise to be all t'o> more interesting. But McBrayer, young Shelby attorney and 'ex-service man has tossed his Stetson into- the ring-around-the.ro- >•, (Note: the rosy is the job), and when n man by the name of Pat gel - into anything you on count bn some spice. And add to that i ogn.. of Erin, a luyid 6f Ivor that borders on the Titian strain. On well! V. hope we’re lucky enough t vote for the one who happens to pro secute us when we get u "hutch,” but we hrpost we’ll hav< to roll high dice to decide and by tha get in t»e fort the present solicitor. Dr. C. M. Peeler, a good dentist; wov.id make a good politician. “Doe" ran speak to more people '.han a can didate for the United States mate. Passing through the crowds at t,!,e court house this week his favorite greeting was: "Hi there. Courting this week are you" Anti some of ’em were courting because they'd be, i, courting another man's, wile. Ward Arey, back from a jaunt over the land of flowers, says that Flor'tbi is not “busted” and is just now get ting on a steady basis. We'!! eh V okeh that statement, the “In, cd” port f Florida ha returned back lo vfainc and New York to make another take with which to start life anew. Speaking; of newsf Youngsters out town cast tto more than a hasty plane; at the headline in Th<« Star Celt ic) tv at Charlie Ross, missing for a .dl <■<• -tiry, was probably Fving near Sic ii.. flat the old-timers orabbOd tip 1 .)■ paper and gobbled every tin-- of , tory. In. thvir day the disuppear of Charlie Ross was the great t ' n:> stery of the ape. Back ‘'them !: "• t! e world wasn’t so and—scu-e. ’ ; oi and kidnappings were Some if 'em, who wont admit tb. v’t;■ that old. say that every county (very state in the union tried to ! Charlie Rosy in it- border - in decade following the disappear* a «< ^ >i«i you ever see it jewel that was n : it Jewel ? .Ye, wo don’t mean nil : i ation diaritond. Up in the prind o. Superior court this week Clyde R. j! )•; \va makinp ; n appeal for a lit urging tha i he be piven anoth ( ' chance- and as is generally known m i the the date Mr.Hoey’s urging* , hard to pet around. .lodge Webb 11 plied to him saying that a change in Iht particular case would hot be consistent wit i law. “Well, i u know sonic great writer oneb said” •Ur, Hocy continued, "that consistency time Is a:i evil when folks do os i : anpe their minds and arc con* ■ in a belief anti refuse to be t hanged.' ‘4 porently the barrister had scon d . point on his honor. The venerable jurist thumbed Ids uro-o li|> reflectively fo ra second and m i back “Yes. and Brother Hocy 1 all rh;t‘ some other writer declar ed.. 'Consistency thou art a jewel.’.” 'ml by the sentence passed the do le m hint had better be consistent in he-' : ;t vii.r for two years or he will n n ti ntly make little rocks out of hip i< . :: No. 6 roads. T'.i-fc P- runnier sometimes than the iif ;.) of comedies* Monday the fanners .! Cleveland-county received arour i $;>,000 for chickens t hey sold Clarence i s. On the same day a colored hoy m Superior court received fou - months for his ohick<%is. The farmer;) I might this chicken from hinre, 'thy eo loro I hoy took 'em from somebody r ises home, The world hasn’t completely gone t-* the dogs as some woiihl have it.; Proof may be found around at the I t*t t cbyterian church where on lust I Suettny afternoon the Presbyterian - of -' Shelby gathered voluntarily an i j matif their pledges towards tin' church budget for the year. Officials of the church announced that instead of a canvass ns customary members! of the church would be given a chance ti, come "to the church during the aft ernoon and make their subscription. voluntarily and without urge. Apparently the voluntary plan was successful. Giving like that should he worth several times as much as the. donations by persuasion. Somebody said to say: “SEE SHEE P'. SPREAD.’ TOM THUMB WEDDING AT UNION CHURCH SOON The faculty and students of Union school request the honor of your pres < nee at the wedding of Jennie June o Tom Thumb, in the Union church Saturday night 7:JO March “7tli 1 Mfi. No admission charged. Wellmon May Run For Sheriff’s Job On the streets it is learned that Elsie Wellmon mayy be a candidate for the office of high Sheriff of Cleveland county, lie was seen yes terday by a Star representative and admitted that lie was entertaining such an ;dea. Mr. Wellmon who is a popular farmer of No. (’>, says he has i been urged by friends all over the county to make the race and that he has the matter under advisement. At any rate hi* will make up his mind within the next few days and if he gets in the race he will make his formal announcement the last of thi; week or the first of next. Wanted To Buy— POULTRY NEXT THURSDAY, MARCH 25TH The Division of Markets, Raleigh, will load a Poultry Car at the Seaboard Depot, Shelby. FARMERS, BRING YOUR POULTRY! —PRICES— Hens.27 cents a pound Roostere.... 15 cents a pound Broilers .50 cents a pound Ducks ... 25 cents a pound THURSDAY, MARCH 25TH, AT THE SEABOARD DEPOT, SHELBY. South Sheihy Items cf Recent Interest (Special t<> The Star) Mr. and Mrs. Carver Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. IVnningt; -pent Sun day with Mr.-. Penningers parent., Rev. and Mi-. B. Wilson at Catawba, this state. Mr. Reid Thack to::, r ad- nt at the Univers.ty of North Carolina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Hunter Thsukston on Broad street. The Susanna Wesley < '!a s of La Fayette Street Methodist church will hold their business ' meeting with Rev. Mrs. A. S. Raner at the par son age, Thursday evening at sever fifteen. Miss Bertha Reinhardt arrived here Sunday from Charlotte to be at the bedside of her father. Mr. Frank Reinhardt, who has been very die He is omewhat letter according to repot te Monday morning. Mr. D. Wat on has accepted a po sition with the- John M. Best Furhi tui"* ( otnpany as outside saleaman. Those receiving diplomas front the Teachers Train ny rouive which wa held at Cent; a.l Church last v.< k were: Rev. A. S. Raper, J. R. W> Lie. Missc: Corine Hl.trit m and Lucy Short, * The beautiful home Iwing built . by Mr. Baxter Putnam near Zoar is rapidly nearing completion, it w.l! he one of the tines? homes in the < ommun'ty, and will be ccupied in about two weeks. Mr. Lee Lowtrun. South Shelby contractor began work this morning on the new home of Mr. Pinkney H. Me Murry on West Warren street. The many friends of Mrs. Dave Weaver will regret that -hr coptine: very sick, at: her home. Wheels Within Wheels Professor William Lyon Phelps was talking about a poor book that' had been greatly overpri ced. ‘•Criticism'/' hr- -a d. “isn’t, always unbiased. Wheels within wheels, you know. It’s like toe good old story ofj the prisoners in Germany. “Two brothers, Tom and Jack, were raptured dp the western front and sent to Germany. One Wrote home. “Dear mother Here 1 am nt last in the beaut ft/ German prison. 1 have a fine room, w th clean sheets, good food, and cigars -Your loving son Tom. “P. S. -Jack wvts shot yesterday for complaining.” ELBERT HUBBARD “The man who is a’rai.' of be ing wrong onee in awhile will stay right where he is.” There is a touch of charm and gracious courtesy about a ceremony conducted by us that is worthy of considera tion. Palmer’s Funeral Heme Funeral Director and Embaliher. —RHONE «il — Your Children Know It Ton mn? MfcfeMttfaliy hide n mean disposition from your friends and the public, but nt home where you arc your natural self your pent-up ; feelings find expression. Yet it is at home, in the training of your children that a perfect equilibrnm is most needed. Y'our children mighty soon know when you are out of sorts and they have to suffer for your own meanness. Indigestion in its many forms causes a lot of need less family troubles. All grouchi ness is not caused by indigestion, but the digestive disorders seldom fail to bring ill tempers. Look out for the symptoms—-dizziness, head aches, heartburn, upset stomach, etc., and take a precautionary measure. Yon can get quick relief and regu late your digestion by an occasional use of— „ Exactly what the name Implies. It neu tralises the acidity, settles the stomach and sets the system aright. 75c at your druggist's or from Astt-Fermont Company. Columbia. 8. C. THE STORKS SCHAEFER COMPANY’S TAILOR WILL BE HERE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 25TH&26TH Tc Take You:.5 Measure For One Of The Very Newest Suits Or Overcoats. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Kelly Clothing Co. Royster Building. - Shelby, N. C. “A Mixture Of Four Pounds Of Corn With One Pound Of Cottonseed Meal Contains The Same Nutritive Value A3 Seven Pounds Of Oats.” —G. S. Fraps, Chief Division of Chem istry, Texas Experiment Station. YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF THIS GREAT ADVANTAGE AND ECONOMY IN FEEDING COTTONSEED MEAL TO HORSES AND MUL ES. OATS ARE ALWAYS EXPENSIVE FEED. USE MORE Cottonseed Meal AND HULLS and cut your feed bill nearly in two AND MULES Of From 1000 to 1200 Lbs. Weight 1.—2 lbs. Cottonseed Meal; 10 lbs. corn j 2.—111 Ihs. Cottonseed Meal; 6 lbs. com or sorghum >j J grain; 7 lbs. oats. i } IS.—2 lbs. Cottonseed Meal; 12 to 14 lbs. sorghum | > heads. t J 4.—1 lb. Cottonseed Meal; 12 lbs. com or sorghum |j > grain. 1 Roughage for above rations may eonsist of 5 lbs. I | Cottonseed Hulls and 6 lbs. hay, sorghutn fodder j or rice straw. ) J ) For additional formula get our Cottonseed Meal Feed Book. Fart or all the oats in a ration can be replaced by Cotton seed Meal and corn or sorghum pram. Southern Cotton Oil Co. SHELBY, N. €. Nitrate Of Soda For Immediate or Future Shipment LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE LADD W. HAMRICK, Shelby, N. C. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS CARRY NITRATE OF SODA IN STOCK: ( . .1. Hamrick & Hons. Boiling Springs. N. C. W. C. Edwards. Be l wool N. C. M. L. Lutz, BeJwood, N C. Ciiffsid Mil's, ( Tl aside, N. C. L. Herndon, Grover, N. C. Martin & B>ers. Grover. N C. Fallston Roller } Mill Co., Fallslon. N. C. Farmers Mercantile Co., Latti more, N. C. Campbell Dept, Store, Lawndale. N. C. Plonk Bros. & Co., sings Mountain, N. C. J. B Blanton. Moore.-boro, N C. Jenkins Brothers, New House, N. C. T. H. I.ow'erv & Co.. Patterson Springs. N. C. Campbell Dept. Store, Shelbv. N. C. O. C. Dixon. Shelby, N. C. (). E. Ford Co.. Shelby, N. ( . M. C. Whitworth, Waco, N. C. Haynes Mi Ms. Avondale. N. C. Haynes Fertilizer Works, Avondale. N. C. Top Dress Cotton and Corn With NITRATE OF SODA for Increased Yield. W. R. GRACE & CO., W ILMINGTON, N. C. NEW EASTER SUITS Easter is almost here, and you will want to come out in a New Suit. We are showing a beautiful line in all the new Greys and 1 ans, made in all the new mod els. All made by the best manufacturers, and models to suit any size man. Priced at— $25.00 $32.50 & $39.50 NEW FELT HATS Our stock of Men’s and Young Men’s New Felt Hats is complete, in beautiful colors and combinations, roll and snap brims. New* Greys and Browns. Priced at— $5.00 & $8.00 YOUNG MEN’S OXFORDS Don’t fail to see our line of Men’s Ox fords made in the balloon and conserva tive toes. Blacks, Dark Brown and Light tan— $5.00 T0 $9.50 MEN’S CAPS We have just received a big shipment of Young Mens Caps in beautiful spring patterns at— $1.50 T0 $3.00 Blanton-Wrigtit Clothing Company SHELBY, N. C.