| ITTLEPTARS L ••**♦*** j) * Cotton, per pound * * Cotton seed, per Lu.shel - —Birth—Bom on Thui day Ma>v’ 18th to Mr. and MV- Atwood Daniel, a dainty daughter Mary < , olir.e. Mrs. McDaniel was ioi-m,,;. Miss Ruth Houser. —Is Notary—According to „ dispatches front Raleigh, Mi-. Viig'i ia E. Higgins, of Shelby has l„ ", missioned a notary public h , (;..v,.. , McLean. —Williams Here—Mr. p v iiarns, formerly of Rock "am. (;;L. | , removed to Shelby to make thi- , . y his home, and has a>vcp*<-',| p sH> ,j with the Shelby Off Suj,|,iA ,vu-j Rook company. —Play at Fall-tan—"A \\ Mountain Boy” an appealing a- - stilling melodrama in five act" will 1» presentednt Eallston High school Friday evening March both beginni r at 7:45 o’clock. Thi - v, , postponed from last Friday evening because t illness in the community. —Buys Ware Home— W. A lb t - way. real estate broker. !.; • week , d Che Mrs. Addie II. Ware property on West Warren street to Dr. j. <'. jj’„. Thu price was $7,500. The lot. whl ! contains a dwelling.- is In .>:;.*..*> ’ fe lt is said Dr. Hicks bought the pi- n. erty for investment —Realty Tran it rs—Dr. I. V. Lee hatj purchased a list from -I. T. . s.ei on West Warren sir ct consider ation $2,500. The deal vs: through A. M. Hamrick and Co. M, A Beam has purchased 2 !• •. 11i., J. At. (irecn and others on Lack '., prop. cist of Shelby hospital, com idcra t ; it $G00. —Boys Honorr I—A. C and R. Ki.-tler, sons of Squire Zemri KistU-r of Cleveland Mills, have just received a distinct honor at the Atlanth S< uthern Dental college, Atlanta, Gi. They are seniors there this year and i”. recognition of their high schob -tic standing, have been cite,sen a dei.t representatives to the miil-v in ter clinic, a national dental clinic r< cer.tly held at the Biltmore ly tel. .At lanta. —To Greensboro—!!<■ Dwight M. Chalmers, of Charlotte, who c.miidf'■ d a post-graduate cdur-e at the Dninr. Thelogical Semina try eta .in shkdrr t Theological seminary nccnt.ly. ha - accepted the pastorate of tile chan it by the Side of the Road at Grew, - boro and will take charge May 1. R -v. Mr. Cb.almt: . who is a grail gate > f. Da' idson college and the !'•■'. n The-, logical seminary, is a nephew of Dm W F. Mitchell, of Shelby, and i.- -well known here. ‘ —Buys a Home—Mr. M ' l. Man v one of the proprietors of the NilV .Dffy, has bought the R • Wils n lit'rite on West Marion street, i he di al was made through Artthonv and A ■ ebony, the consideration involved !•<. ii g $5,250. The location of the • r o cdy is next door to the George V»a-h Icon home. The let cent,, as a In - - endow, and is 72 1-2 fi ' by 2D‘>. Mr. Maunev bought the proper!- a- an w vestment. He now lives < X rth M gan street. --Zeb Beam Move*—Mr. V. -h Ream cne of the proprietors of i.:c Brine-, theatre, has removed from the form.: Beam home on LaFayette and Gra.nara i .net to a new sevrn-n w ; bungal-' C lii southwest Shelby, which Mr. If m built. Mr. Beam lived at the I.al ettc- street address upwards. e 2-> years, the family being a -fix-tun in that locality. Mr. Beam’s father an! mother. Mr. and Mis. L, M. Tb . , are making their home vvitn theirs, n and daughter-in-law, the re-tv h - i ■ 1 ring near the “Billy’ Hamrick place. THEATRES “Cyclone Bob Reeve - ' -cts a la. t pace in “Fighting burl." at the V. cbo. theatre today (Wednisd wL It i> a thrilling Western that ir. - i een Id- - <• i differently. It has a ) at that is hound to entertain and tit. 'I the au tierees wherever shown, .rates the director, as certain clene n: ha .a beer introduced into this Western I1 ; Hie first time. There ' plenty o' comedy to add spice and zest. “Lover’s Island” is due for I hur • day at Webb’s. Tim qu ask ed, “Do fickle women deserve ir - bands.” After you see “l.ovei - • - land’ you will know for it is in main the story of two 'vomen wl.o loved one man. One was tickle, the other constant. It is a modern lovs story with just the right amount oi happy romance, tragedy. action and diumatic suspense to make it a o r fect picture. Coming Monday and itie* day, Coleen Moore in “Irene. (Special to The Star.) The farmers have been very 1"“ * Mowing and hauling fertiliser. I-he thunder shower this morning be.tei: day will probably hold up the plow ing for a little while. Mr. Greenberry Lovelace lost a food mule on last Sunday. Some of the sick folks are per mit letter. Mr. W. G. H. Ware was able to be at church Sunday. Mr. John IL s and Mr, Ben Camp are still sick. Me hope they will soon be out again. The folks are expecting to observe Missionary day at Oak -Grove next Sunday. Although we have had considerable mow during March, the I lowers are I looming now like spring time. Do your Easter shopping at ( amp bells. ‘*d 0ERSONALP ■ Folks yoy know o.i the gc U —-■, J Mr. Kick Gurley was a Shelby vi ' dor i>n Monday. •^K '■ J. T. Bowman is spending this week in Spartanburg, S. ('. Mi', hied Morgan spent Tuesday m ( hariotte. Ki and Mrs. I’itt Beam and Mr. and Mrs. Grilay Lovelace spent Sun ‘■ay in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Terrill of Trvon lLpli School spent Sunday here ’the yu- „t' Mr. and Mrs. If. M. I.oy. Mr K. I-:. Smith of Blacksburg, S. <■ v.ho has been the truest of her stir. Mr. Orlando Flam returned home Tuesday. Mr. Henry Kendall, senior at the • date (-o!lege Raleigh, spent Monday and Tue-day here with ho. mother, ■'Mis. Henty L. Kendall. 'hi. and Mrs. \* ilhur Mel ori i f L'e I Mountain pent a w k with j’ h r r ear FUonboro, in uu rii’ig 'home Sunday Mr-. Lena Gilman who has In ■ n ' ! ‘'i ‘J-i' u -Dili, l ime ' 111*i• i left M,. nay lor Huntersville where she ). \ j~ si'int); her daughter, Mrs. Duncan I.oy. Mr-. Burton Mitchell and hairy who have- • been • spending several days •Hie the true ts of Dr. and Mr,. Mit chell n turned to Mt. Holly mi Tues day afternoon. 'Mi Ivlim Darker who has been M Jidimr the sprint; holidays here "vith her parents, Mtv.and. Mrs. James I'arkf ;■ return to Limestone t oilette 'h s week to resume her studies. •dr.-. V.. N. JJnr.-'c.v and daughter M. s Mabel Frances Herd who have been \ iting. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Herd in Raleigh, returned home To sdav afternoon. Mr. Dori- Willis ha- accepted a pj»- j .tion traveling salesman for a drug firm in Spartanburg. He will travel South Carolina and Georg.a but it.- .family will remain in Shelby.1 Mi>s Mary Adelaide Roberts of Cripyerae College will arrive today for the spring holidays. Miss Roberts is a gifted musician and gave her graduating rct-tal on Monday evening at the College. Mrs. George Tompkins and child ren who have been at the bedside of her mother Mrv Shuford in Char-I lptte, returned home this week. Mr -. Shuford s still in the hospital and shows little improvement. Misses Willie McGill, and Maggie K -■■■■. of King i Mountain. Fram es Black of Cherryville, Claudia Spenci r. i1 •■■da Hodmen. and America ID ndi !• k ■ f Shelliv, spent the week end with V -s Aletha and Lalbrrn Hoyle. Quite a number of Shelby people spent. Saturday in Charlotte. Those n'v taring dower were: Mrs. Freest Ilo'iy, Miss Virgin a Hoey, Misses Frances. Jessie and Miriam Iiovle, V. Fay Lutz, Miss Margaret Little,1 Miss Cunningham. Miss Sheridan and M s - Thomas. Mr, Robert J. McCarley. Jr., of Columbia, S. ('.. spent the weekend •■ re with his parents. Mr. and Mrs,; R. J. McCarley. Vottng McCarley is of the star football players'-.of Fotitk Carolina. He is now connected with the state h.g{ yay as- n iation mi will enter Clemson College mxt May Oppose Htoapniae WinJ: Salem. — T h e S •. , k e s i i.imty Republican Executive * "i.i nvittee. has given its br.dorsci: i nt. to Mrs. J. Spot Taylor, of Danbu; y. the parry's 'nominee for < or1 : to the fifth (iistr'ct, to -oppose ..tavr C. M. Steadman. who is e'pe •' ■ : to he .'renominated by the D tie ra.< Mrs. Taylor, whose 'husband i one , stoki cm t most .a dive meov bi - ■ of ■ he Den < eratic party, whose son, John Taylor, hoi! tic office of Reg’ ter of Deeds 'in lif'-k'S being the . .mitu-e he Dent sen,: . a daughter of the late Mr- *loo,t. i f Indiana, who: for y ars was n ta- ■ ,1,011s evangelist of the Quaker , hui-cli. Mrs. Taylor, who has always j esi.imseil-Republicanism, Is a phm's iug speaker anil if nominated she will , be expected to “stump" the district, j Young Shelby Girl Found At Gaffney (,;I-1 \\ hi: l i ft Home Hi re Located l>\ l ather in South Carolina Town Friday. Ti, • following dispatch appearing „ the Gaffney, S. Ledger Satur |.,y will be of interest in Shelby: A young woman from Shelby, who ,n-j\e<J here yesterday morning on 'outhern tram No. 15 at 9:5(1 oeloek ,va located hy city and county offi cers and turned over to her father by won. , , Lcarii'ng that his daughter, who is ,<» years old. had left home and hav n,_, certain information that led him o'believe she had some to Gaffney, he father lost no time in covering !m- 20 milos but\vef*n Gaffni'.v and Shelby by automobile. When be arrived and requested the icip of the officers, the latter secur (I information from a taxi driver jj-.j-l answering the discrip furnished by the father had dis ■mbarked from No. 15. and gone to Uusgp.ve Mills. Accompanied by Deputy Sheri! f l,„. Watkins, the Shelbyite went to di'sgrove where the young woman vas found in a store. Officers here nade no record of the altar, and tate.l they did not remember tlie utmes of the persons involved. For hay. ats, Campbells. flour, feeds, etc. see| ad SHOES— New styles for EASTER At The EFJRD Pre-Easter Sale. Big Assortment New Spring Dresses At The Efi a Pre-Eeaster Sale. HAPP HOM Wonderful Select tions— Wonderful Bar Efird's Pre-Easter Go To —EFIRD’S— See The Display At The Great Pre-Easter Sale. D. A. BEAM CO t-a FALLSTON HIGH SCHOOL Will Present “A WHITE MOUN TAIN BOY.” An Appealing and Stirring Melodrama in Five Acts. Fallston High School Auditorium FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 28TII, 7:45 O’CLOCK —ADMISSION— ADULTS _35c CHILDREN _ _____ 25c See Campbells before you buy your Fertilizer and nitrate of sod;* ad 3 AT WEBB’S THEATRE WEDNESDAY Cyclone Bob Reeves in “ “FIGHTING LUCK” i Supported by a capable and death-defy 3 ing cast of principals. Reeves hits a he a man’s stride in “Fighting Luck.” They call | him'a Texas Catamount, THURSDAY James Kirkwocd and Hope Hampton in LOVER’S ISLAND” Beauty, romance, stark tragedy and thrill ing drama, all the elements of a big story — are in this picture. Con. iv-: Monday and Tuesday Colleen Moore in “IRENE.” . - - WE LB'S THEATRE ON dpess.es and hats Pretty Ime of $14.95 Dresses, Pre--Easier Sale Price.* $10.95 Plat crepes, Crepe de Chine and Georgette. Varied assortment in bright Easter Col c ed Hats. One let regular price $3.50, Pre-Easter Sale Price .. . . $2.48 Ma..y belter Hats, prices ranging from $3.50 to $10.00. Dresses end Hats to suit and fit old and young. MBS. F. N. WOOD South Shelby Cut Of The High Priced District. in Is now the most widely used short patent flour in the entire Piedmont section. it has replaced more expensive flours in many She’ey kitchens and is gaimng hey/ fvlends every day. No flour, whatever its cost may be, can be more scientifically milled or more carefully handled, from the wheat berry, to the finished flour than is CAROLINA MADE We ask every lady in town, who tries to give her family the very best to be had in foods to give Carolina Made a trial. This is all we ask. Try it once and we know you will accept no other flour from your Grocer. Our flours are handled by every store in town. The merchant is not obliged to keep large stocks of our products, because he can obtain fresh supplies from the mill on a moment’s notice, and every sack of flour sent out is fresh and wholesome. Eagle Roller Mill Co. I YES or NO : * : ! I ; i : ARE YOU j) Capable of Carrying Out a Plan? Doing What You Yourself Expect Your self To Do? OF COURSE, you have a definite purpose, but without application, work and more work, there can be no results. BY BRINGING TO THE BANK A PORTION OF WHAT YOU EARN YOU WILL HAVE SOMETHING SHOW FOR YOUR LABOR. | First National Bank [ OF SHELBY* N. C. 1 RESOURCES FOUR AND A HALF S MILLION DOLLARS. COM I ‘LET E EQ UIPMENT EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT Stands For - PROMPTNESS and ACCURACY WE seek the opportunity of extending to you a system that SATISFIES— A SERVICE you can depend on. Get a Good Bank Back of You It May Mean a Great Deal TO YOU WE ARE THAT BANK UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY - LATTIMORE - LAWNDALE - FALLSTON - “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH."

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