L 1TTLEQTARS y ******** ******** • * • • • • Cotton, per pound * Cotton Seed, bushel Ihc 00c. —Child is Better—Will Ar, y, jr„ . n yf Mr. and Mrs. Will Arey who has been quite ill with pneumonia lor two weeks, is much improved, the n,a, y friends of the Areys will ,>c glad ! learn. - -Birthday—There will .a birth-' day celebration for Mr. and .Mr . n P. took at Casar, April Rh. A Min eral invitation is extended to all who will come and bring well-filled ba ke, s. —Camp Inspected—The X... tkt./wi, ship convict camp was .sport i a • few days ago by a, rcpreseruati\ the state board of welfare and public charities and found to be splendid ranitary conditionwith tie hdrroin'id iitgs neat and. acceptable. —Locates Here—Mr. T. I>. Mv( has moved to .Shelby fr-ni, ii;. • a and will establish headquarters her.' for the Durham Life Insurance com pany, a North Carolina; insurant' • or ganization. —Raised $.409—At the I ijst Dap tise church Sunday school Mrs. R ert DoggeW was leader of an inter esting program on missions Sunday morning, following which a collect;, n was taken amounting to 51100- which will be distributer! among the various mission board of the Southern Bap tist convention. --Meet Here—The Bel wood c3v-n ril of the Junior Order United Am. • - ican mechanics, i; meeting with Shelby council Tuesday night at th Webb hall. Interest:ng talks will be made by C. G. Hodges, of Bel wor d, and Ed Dixon of Failston. All Junb r-s are invited to be present. R. J. Ham rick, recording secretary. —Buy Business Property—J. E, ar.d Giles Webb of Shelby hay* bought the two J. C. Baumgardner building right in the heart of the business district on Mountain street in Kings Moun tain. The buildings are . ecupied by th • Strand theatre and the Watson millin ery. The purchase price is outside mo ney brought to Kings Mountain a d adds much to our ready .cash. The Webbs bought the property merely as an investment having disposed of some of their holdings in Shelby. Thera is no immediate prospect of a change in tenancy of the biudipgs.^-Kings Mountain Herald. (Continued from first .page.; LOCAL G. O. P. HOLDS HARMONIOUS Ml IE: at the end of his present term. d That we point with pride to the marvelous record made by the Repub lican party in the great reduction in1 our national indebtedness ".'bile mas iiig a continual reduction in' taxa'.i n since the close ot fh ■ World e ar. “Economy” being the w-iieh.-yvorJ -t all departments of the goverrimeir. 1. That we renew the oft-repeated demand of the Republican party »i North Carolina for honest, free secnr and untramelied elections in sins State by which every legal voter, m -h or woman, can vote as he or 1 • phases and have the assurance that the ballot will be counted as cast. To this end, we appeal for a pure and honest Australian hallo and for idv* lcpeal or purification of the absent:? voter law which, at present, affords nn open channel for unlimited franc.. That we commend most heartily the good women of North C rolina. re gardless of political affiliation, "or tl.r firm stand that they ere take g for the Australian ballot and f T es* elections. .'. That we commend and thank, most heartily Hon. Wmf G. Branuri our retiring State Chairman, for rus faithful loyal, and untiring sew. t i the Republican party, during lie four years of his adminis'.tratio:: c.t th.: affairs of the party. As he -re-' t i res from active leaders a ip; be ait eairy with him the highest esteem' of his party friends. C. That we recommend to the Re publican State Convention which cor votes’ in Durham. N. C . on the 8th, day of April, 1920, that our plan ci state organization be as amended, ar. medified, as to harmonize through out, as nearly as practicable with the plan of organization of the r.ationa' organization. 1. That we point with special pro'e to the loyalty and patriotism of the Renublicans of Cleveland County who have stood firmly by the principle of the Republican purty. during these many years in the face of an irrefu table political foe. .They have never surrendered to defeat nor been dis heartened by opposing majorities, Su^h manhood and patriotism is v ; r thy of the fathers who fought yon der at Kings Mountain for American liberty. ’ ffi ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce mysPif a candi date for re-election to vhe office of f'lieriff of Cleveland county subject to the action of the Democratic l'-1" inary June 5th, 1921!. HUGH A. LOGAN. notice of stock holders MEETING. Notice is hereby (riven that the an nual nieetin*? of the stockholders oi ‘he South Shelby Buildin >■ and Loan I''en association will be belli a* 'be office of sa<d association on Tliursdav nirht, April 1st at 7:20 oclock. Ait sii'ekholders ar° uiar,1d to be present and the public is invited to come and hour several addresses which will be made. MARVIN BLANTON, S.a.-Treas IERSONALP Folk* y«*u know o,« the gcQ •'Ms. A. I). Brabble was a Chur lo*tt viaitor on Friday. -Miss Lois Rankin spent week end at her home in Gastonia. Mr. Hugh Hoyle was u visitor in Gastonia Sunday. Miss Margaret Morgan spent Wed nesday in < hariotte with friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Carey Boshamer :'!'ent the week end in Statesville Miss Elizabeth Webb has returned from a visit to Greenwood. S. C. Mm*, and Mrs. Zollie Riviere :.uu daughter, .Miss Elizabeth, motored to Blacksburg Sunday. Mi. Broadus Newman or Cheravv, G-. spent the week end herewith his mother. _ Mr. and Mrs. Will Robert: and Mi. s Mary Adelaide Roberts i:t Satur day in Charlotte. M's. Laura Hoyle of 1 .diston, '•1 'itig her son. Mr. Lawn-nee Hoyle, in Shelby. Mi- -1- 1. ( raw 'ord, pnr.ninefit ei i ;•••'• II - f below. . Karl, wa.i a* Shelby \ i i'.r Saturday. Sui t. .J. V. irvin i f the Kings M mr t-’-ir Public Schools was a Shelby vj_ n't r Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Elliott sr-ent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrr. r ti- Williams. .ledge K. V. Webb has retu: r'e-l from, a business trip to Washington D C. r. and Mrs. George M- ore and .Miss Kinn.a Frick spent 1 uesday in Charlotte. Mrs. Kate North, Miss Egborta Neith, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Bellinger rod Miss Mayme Roberts were Cf.ar tio visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Beam and chil dren of Rut hi rfordtort were Shelby and'Cherry ville visitors over the w eek Mr. rn 1 Mrs. Ilarry Gowan of New Jersey, prominent mill people, spi nt ‘he past week with Mr. and Mrs. oohn Schenck. sr.. at Lawndale. Miss' Hattie Durham popular and efficient telephone operator, who lias been ill with flu is improving, her friends will be glad to learn. Mrs. Jack Stevens arrivtd today from Greensboro to spend the Eastei ' dutays with her father. Mr. L. Id. Hull.. J. C. Newton, county superirP'-n ticr.t. is leaving Shelby Monday night for Baltimore to consult the Johns Hopkins specialist. Dr. Hugh Young. Mrs. J. L. Hamrick has returned to her home from the Shelby hospital, where she has been undergoing tr.-r.f m‘"t for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Yerr-on Wi e who are the delightful house guests of Mr. ann Mrs. C. B. McBrayer leave toe first part of this week for their heme in Harrisonburg, Ya. Mayor and Mrs. A. P. Weathers returned from Columbus, Ge., where they have been visiting tneir dau-.ii vr Mrs. Dixon Smith in her new Hope. Mr. T. W. Hamrick, accompanied by his (laughter, Margaret, left SHI by Saturday afternoon for Lake City, i where they will join Mrs. Tiara rick- Mrs. Hamrick has been visiting in Florida, at Kissinvme and Lake ''ify for some time. She and .Mr. IL.mrick will return sometime this week. When a man is run .'over ip a.'traf fi rush these days they say he died a natural death. It is very natural o:Ve for these times. FOX HI NTKRS TO HOLD fall meet at Fayetteville Fayettevide.Was deeded upon, nr she -meeting place, the 'latter par* of 'N".n< miter, -fi-r the North CarMinr; F — Ip-n' -'s' Association, when dire -nis of the association met at Char iot;,, and discussed plans for the St:u-' meet.' 'The rs-,,,riii» n'Fa saboivt 200 nr m liers, who will exhibit some of the iiuest packs in the South at the cam-. i:V<> meet. Consisting of. Walker, Judy G; odman and Trigg hounds.. Thomas W. Rankin';, of Fayette ville, president of the State Ass- oa ten, pc'sided at the directors’ meet ing. with the following present: Sam Tit'inghast. of Fayetteville: Harvey Morris, of Fayetteville; Y. F. McCard - r-’i Mooposboro: R J- Ballard. 1. M. Hendrix, C. A. Hendrix and \V. W !dek, of Greensboro; Albert Blan for and N. II Bowman, of Marion, and Walter Lambeth, of Charlotte. ' 1—1 proir»-am for "Uv at Oak Grove "That Parlor Maid.” a play, will • n i* Qnk Grove School Thurs day evening?, April 1, beginning at 8 o'clock. The cast of characters follows: Mrs. Hamilton—The Hostess, Min erva Lovelace; Bob Hamilton—Her Son. Blanche Bell; Kstelle Hamilton _Her Daughter, Kthel Lovelace; Uncle John—Her Brother-in-Law, K. Beam; Arhcic-Kstelle’s-Fianee, Madge Bell; Drusilla Hopkins—A Young Poetess, V. Roberts; Jim Clark In Love with Estelle, Quillie Bell; Mr. Jones—Her husband, Evans Dellinger; Annie—The Parlor Maid, Gertrude Champion; Rosie—The Cook. Elizabeth Lovelace; Nell Uncle John’s Dog; Axin—Her father Pendleton Peppercorn—A Deaf Old Darky, V. Roberts; Priscilla Ann, Pamela Jane, Polly Lueretia, —His Daughters, Quillie Bell; Mary Sue Twiner, Beatrice Ware; Augustus Tyler—Bashful Suitor for P. A.— Blanche Bell. THEATRES Colleen Moore in "Irene" proclaim ed as the world's most superb fashion show, and this star's uce comedy pro duct ion, 's due at the Webb theatre: today and tomorrow (Monday ana Tuesday). We quote the following descriptive paragraph of this super production: “Gowns that will amaze every divss make in Paris! Hollywood beauties that will open your eyes! Comedy that sets a new pace for the luugh-makei s! Hu.v call this Colleen Moore's great est comedy achievement." The fashion display, which, ii is su'd, will amaze the women, is done in colors. With Miss Moore appear Lloyd Hughes, Ggorge K. Arthur and that inimitable comedian; Charlie Murphy \ groat embedy picture, revealing the ■ ui '.y si.It* (if the war. entitled “Htivntl the Front* ’is the stellar at tract on at the Princess theatre Mon day and ■ Tuesday- today and tomor r«", -shown under the auspices of thy Ai rrcan Legion. A comedy accompanies the main hi!’ Monday night, and “Fox N<*v To-. lay night. ‘Behind the Front*’ is «m»eGv •’ row in a war picture—a comedy - r< ve.ulihg the lighter fide of the gn.A conflict. The play is set . again: a batkgrbuEd of the rush and glare r of the preparation of 11*17. The ..tel lur role is ployed by the man who made a classic- of the role of King Rich; i d in * Robin Ilood.” Wall ut Leery. R l T n K RFOR D H ECON OM1 <: DEMONSTRATOR TO MARRY (Rutherford Sun) Mr. Atkin G. Harrelson was mar ried Wednesday afternoon to Mi-h Gladys Perry, Home Demonstration Agent for Rutherford county. The exact place is not definitely known, -s The News goes to press. The happy couple left here yesterday after nob.n for parts unknown hut stated to friends that they would be married arc! would not return for some two cr three weeks. The bride is a native of Idaho and has been Home Agent of ; his com Ay r.irce last summer. During this time she has endeared herself to the peo ple of this county by her winning wr.yf and charming personality. She is a most excellent agent and has done much good in the county. A Cobweb Radio Mrs. Alden was proceeding throng); the bouse with her new maid on a tour of inspetcion. .She halted in ope c rner and pointing to a cobweb, said: “Have you seen this?” “Yes, ma’am,” said the new maid. That was there when I come—some thing to do with your radio ain’t it?” PRINCESS THEATRE HOME OF FIRST RUN, IIIGH-CLASS AT TRACTIONS. ! —SPECIAL TONIGHT— - Don’t miss the opportun ity of seeing one of the best pictures of the veer, barr ing none. We invite com parison. See Wallace Beery and Ramond Hatton in heir special Paramount pic ture, entitled— ‘BEHIND THE FRONT’’ Under the ay pices of Am erican Legion. Here two days. This picture was scheduled here for one day but due to its popup!arilv we were requested to hold this picture over for Tues day. For a real picture see this one. It’s guaranteed. Extra—A Good Comedy Monday night. Tuesday — “Behind the Front” and also Fox News. No advance in prices. PECIAL WEDNESDAY | Mctro-Goldwyn Pictures presents one of their spe cial features, entitled— “SOUL MATES” Featuring an all star cast. It’s one of Elinor Glyn’s best pictures. Better than “Three Weeks." Extra—A Good Comedy. Popular Pripces. COMING THURSDAY SPECIAL Allen Dawn’s special Paramount Picture “THE SEA HOUSES” QUALITY IS OUR MOITO AND NOT QUANTITY. ALWAYS WELCOME. “SAY IT WITH JEWELRY" Select your Easter gifts from our magnificent stock of new goods—All that’s new—all that’s good—all that’s Stylish:— Beaded Bags, Mesh Bags in Colors. Festoons for the Neck. Vanities in Cold and Silver. Bar Bins in White Gold. Bracelets—All the new kinds. Watch Bow iri Silver and Gold. Please come in and take a look—You will be de lighted with tlie goods and delighted with the prices. T. W. HAMRICK CO. —JEWELERS A NO OPTOMETRISTS OPEN SEASON FOR HOT ROLLS Next time you order groceries ask your grocer to send a bag of our new HARD WHEAT Flour— -SAXON This flour is ground from finest Hard Winter Wheat, especially for heme baking of rolls and loaves. You probably do not realize how good HOT ROLLS can be unless you have tried them baked from a Hard Wheat Flour, hot from the oven. Ask for SAXON—Take no other. EAGLE ROLLER MILL COMPANY, Shelby, N. C. COLLEEN MOORE IN THE GREAT SUPER-SPECIAL “IRENE” Staging The World’s Greatest Fashion Show IN COLORS. AT THE WEBB THEATRE —Today and Tomorrow— (Monday and Tuesday) —NO EXTRA CHARGES— WEBB THEATRE “ON THE SQUARE” PROOF OF SERVICE I When a bank satisfies its customers in i such a manner that they recommend this bank to their friends and associates, we | believe this ie proof of service. SERVICE ;s ; DEPENDABILITY CAUTION | KNOWLEDGE ABILITY ACCURACY SAFETY To Sum Up—SATISFACTION THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO GIVE. First National Bank OF SHELBY, N. C. RESOURCES FOUR AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS. # Easy Money STRIKING it rich a:«d remaining rich J long requires a “GOOD HEAD.’* | THE HUNDREDS of men we have known who made ‘EASY MONEY” were men never able to stand the test of sudden j success. SUCCESS IS of a slow but sure growth, | and the man who settles down to make his little pile by the slow but sure process of intelligent industry will be a winner. THIS MAN ;s constructive and will Fa”c '"’rp surges his enterpr:se, and will prosper and perpetuate. HE IS THE MAN we want to tie up j with this bank. j UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. —Branches At— Lattimore, Lawndale and Fallston. RESOURCES—One Million Dollars.

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