SHELBY’S BUILDING PROGRAM IN 1925 TOT ALLED THREE MILLION DOLLARS—1926 WH AT? MAKE A CITIZEN OF EVERY VISITOR. reliable home paper Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section. Modern Job Department, VOL. XXXIV, No. 39 SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census_8,854 Where Industry With Climate In A Call For You. . SIIELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY MAR. 31, 1926. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. ’ maib per jtear (in advance) $2.50 ( I>y, per year (in advance) $5.00 "Covers Cleveland Completely.” Further Information Comes Up In Charlie Ross Affair .'.'Hither Dellinger Connected With Ifor-s Mystery Another View Makes Ilim a Hale. lYuiii the mass of information < .1. j. i in The .Star office, appertains i: ' i.) the Charlie Ifo.-s -lory, ,!> iaet was published in these p..s*es : if than a week ago, that the 1 -■ I> delphia boy may har e hoe 1 f 0 : is the person' of .Julius Delhi, s >■.. of Denver, this state, one story ■!■ out as pointing to the fact e.r is NOT Ross. »;» the other hand, there .-'em. a : ft ,.d of evidence, intangible but 1, ,t t 1 • dismissed, that is tantalize ■ 1 ■! baffling, leading to the a-sum- - t 'i that the lost man may after ail L the lest lad. Wded to the evidence ef Mr. i s ; Gaffney, who has told of tlm .. . rie of the child to Gat'd a y, S f. end the. suspicious his appearance ess. "d back in ’74, is a staff on nt ivade to The Star Tuesday by C. F. , it’.-" r of the J. C. I’cnnsv rtiniiany. i. Hager comes from par* . f 1 *ln <• tunty in the vicinity . f If1 S' cr He stated that over in that (b trici there, lived a man, who. ut • ! 1. death five years ago, ,^as . . 1 :dv supposed to be one of t- , ; ■ inently identified with th y ■ -1 > of Charley Ross, "Is was common talk arou.-;1 > ■;' hborhood that the .ind'vie .• 1 !• t* r to had a hand-in thn kid apoirg of young Ross. I have heard th - o'.v.ei.s; of times. Th" man ha; n 'load five years. He has a ■. it-; " ns who. live in that vicinity n •••. • llv mav or niav hot have told th m tW facts. I don’t , know, Bu. I am - ;s • he were alive today he could r. or ■un the whole mystery.” t'p.posod to the theory that iH-'.li g. f i- Charlie Rors. is a scn-angl i authenticated story to this bf -f t-: - . That this man Dellinger-—the i. t -is the .victim'of live Crs of - his '■-•.her. That the father. McHale, If; ■his wife and ran oft' with another w. ’inn —-Ostensibly the Cafhcart wi wa: —'"thin-tf his young four-yeai>u!u n with. him. McHale never told too boy t'i tragedy. A letter addressed to Mr. Gaf/r. tr'ett- a man signing hiniseif' R. T R ’holomew. of Rocky ?• tt. \ G . •advanc'-s this theoryof the ease fi - letter is us fallow : ' I have read in the Raleigh X*v :■ Observer xvhat hn^ been printed .t .< harlip Ross being found. I d iT think you have Ross, but I id-, ■’tost know you have Coley Halo in your midst. In IST.d, from Franklin C nty, near Louisburg, Hilliard Rale t .hi: wife anti baby girl, and wr h little boy, Coley, left for parts unknown. It was reported he was. in •s at h Carolina. ' i have talked with hi< wife r: thy ,t' s about the matter. Hale was a s ..t man; he has some brother In ■ near Littleton, \\ C. You can se b* iust put ‘Me’ before his name. I t ught of this so much 1 am vril’i this totry to throw light on the mat •*' '• I ai« *»>9 years old, and I was Id ' r ' '< when I used to talk with M1 . it. ! Signed ‘‘R. T. Bar1 .oloniev. * hat story has been repeated fro,,; :i tiUn'vber of sources. h. M. Blanton, of the Blanton ami v ' igbt firm, was the fii- t to nien :"n it to The Star. Mr. Blanton ha 'hyi' in the vicinity of Denver, ami is - roughly familiar with this story, " tim elopement of Hale or McHah v h the Cathcart woman. Mr. Blanton says he has learned rigihal Mrs. Hale ultimately .veni • brooding upon the ’.ate of her h 1 and and child. Mr; Blanton said Tuesday tha h? •' Bellinger at a camp ' meet i"* Denver neighborhood two years • and that at that time the man '• 1 making inquiry to try to dm r ‘ something of his parentage. ‘ho fact is pointed out that it is unlikely MeHale kept the fa i 11 I s elopement with the Cathvnit ''"man a secret from the hoy, which amounts' for the child’s ignoren ■;i of his long search to dear up in. '' *■ rd. Bellinger told a represenative >f } ' htar, in reviewing file story o,i life, that after he grew to you1 g n d'ood and was strong, he used ft • 'rl :"dl,v to beat MeHale Severely t ' 'ee him to tell who he was. But " MeHale always refus' d to do According to Dellinger’s story the ‘ Heart woman, with whom McBn'o ' ; lieged to have eloped. <li<‘d of i j' But heart. And he said that Ms in h's wandering became nio '■ and hrtftal. i1 the story is true—sucii is the ■’" 'math of this particular crime— "" women dying, one of a broken •" art and the other insane the man ' "‘ (I into a brute, and a hoy grov - " to manhood and advanced into old a>" , forever haunted b.V the unary-w 1 M(i query as to who lie was, and . ho. * r' his i.ueni.' ami who l uam K »'• R. Clark Says I Publicity Helped \ i (•' {>!<■! >o inter. ,d ' - u. ! ■ !,j tf'Ii'.v. i;r v«mine.nt t iUIr;. t I', t ' 1 •' ■ .Ni vvs reg ,: 1 :'.r of th( To y I.’1 1 Hi Lrickti nt ;■ - Ke.t the : iU'.ution f •• :.i 1 -'ht-iiiy ming the I • y !’ i •( lb, ,,v ry -i•< >uy- was ?!«u11c’ - not guilty who >\:iy .'i;.j:;r!. Thi regulators v.ib> v!1 u'r: !• "d • > fun T> •’ y cut • f 1 . 1 ' duly ;• but be found after di1: r-'- tiii not >'• Uo. there is “no e'.i 1 u !iii-h corn, ri 'or i tends I i'i •••!!<•. t any < '■ u '.he rafne," Wherefore all bands afe satisfied, including II 'rwho are salis 1 ■* d ' use they W( re .'not f The 1 !;ul • d I Stir is c: it .oi' the ; obiieitv g'v v s e < ■,yt ■ able uusdent f 1 u ' The-, h suit of that pubb uty will i v t.> i '.ej) or. of tl’.e best i-i. . muri. ..- in .the s'fatr* '• a proper light: will bein' t -v.i i i" ,i.e tiv‘ e :1 re put, v.'i-if’i the si |f-ar.|>ointe(l r< fr 1 ■ w i"ii< have fastened' on -I. is or b-, arid ft ill exefei e a ' la• filthy infl.ut;nee- heri aftt r. PKghs Play Blue Ridge Thursday ?,< , at Roys (ietting In Condition K\ IHcf (ie.ed Rattle With Mender* stfnville Team SJ elby's next baseball attraction, itf;..he game today. will be Thurs-' i" air- vnfM.n when the Blue li'uijr • | ’tea’ll of Hendersonville will meett Iris's at the Shelby city park, j A tre od taste of the national pa. - ■t ve is. expected: The prep school hat’ fit was last week defeated by “Cas ey" Morris youngsters and they are ! irteywdh the idea of revenue. With I .1 . k Hoyle, or Whisnant, with his * hooks and slants, on the mound the j Sip ' y team ...looks for at cither vic + oi:y. Then with those two not in c'-nditien Morris has Peeler, Clii> i a half dozen • other’ young twirl- ; to hank on. However, it’s hit.tirtjc ti’.it th’e"locals, seem to need, and r- ; Tic r‘- from The high school athletic field are to the effect that with their j r: cvc c steadied by several names tire- , y rings ter* are finally getting their. ! eve - on the horsehide in a manm .’ that indicates by the passing of a ’ w ek nr so they'll be hanging out1 : .lot ble- and triples. . | .Tack Hoyle, one of the few drift | jjtjj over from last years state chum- ' ' ]ii>., y ha- been elected captain by his ate.-. Hoyle is one of the real \ i ungsters on the souad. but his atiil work last year landed him on one of the best high school teams in r; , hist’ry of th? state and bein’, a •tard’-w.irkcr that was enough to put hoVi .A. r with beys. ' is'-to leave his children, • J n*. .. r solution the case ulti dhtofy may have, and the, invest -- ; t . : has t>y no means been terminal-; ( ,i , , fie I is clear, and. that is that th-- man Delimiter is etnirely sincere in his effort to dear up his antcec-; dents', ■j‘he fa -t has been hinted at, that ! a , j. ,. ,joor-,I this little dtauia in the j of ciitting in on the Ross for t >e. 1!j. it is not believed such is the ... ;♦ pointed out the man has t,„, hv'njr prosecuted the quest for a n ;i ,■ for himself to have an ulter ior motive at this time. _ j Tin story’, having it, inception in T'.. <• . • office, has received nation-j w,’.- i thlidty. Innumerable Ietiers l,( ei received in The Star ofi'i' e a: ; Mm Daffney from persons all t.T.!.••'. sechirg to throw light • i |.< n the mystery, j Numbers of pictures of ( malic Rosa Ijgv. . been' received, one of which hi i ,, [.;i ft ' one of ibe orimnal Char , /. pi e.m which were broad cast ow the country at. the time .f (i,. ,j; ,, npcarani e of the lad. otfer i„o a reward of for infprma ti,m as to the whereabout of the While' >ry of the Me Hale , Inpcmcnt with the < at bruit woman, ci.ini mating in the fni-adv told above.' , ;y i„. found ultimately to explain the' case, this newspaper will still cute the investigation in the de li >f that there may be some bas’s (.! for t*ie persist (flit connecuon of (I ,, name of Dellinger with Charlie R. <s. .iUM what the Lincoln county peo ple. of the Denver vicinity, knew about the presence in their midst ct a man who is supposed to have kid nuoned Charlie Koss, will event uany ' t. h r.-i mim n. ..... . T-.v-f Saves Tv:’ * ^ hhgmoen years ago Gar! 10. tjun dermeyer of Dayton, O . started sav ing twin* Today he has collect i d more than five miles of it. and he intends to continue the hobby’ lie is shown with his “thrift bell.' Shelby and Gastonia !li"b School De baters Meet Each Other in Sta'c'Wide Contest. r'v 7;!)e~■ preliminary round ,f the state-• v .flo triangular high school debates wiil be "staged -Friday night of this w eek. Shelby. Lincdlnton and Gastonia ■v re grouped together, but the Lin colnton school has dropped out and the Gastonia and local debating teams v ill meet each other Friday night far g-r i n honors. - Giwioma’s negative, composed: of James Rankin and James Mart-hall v ill appear at 7:.‘10 Friday evening >n the Central sthool auditorium here pgainst Shelby's affirmative. Miss Dorothy McKnight and Verio.n (irigg. Shelby’s negative team, .Misses Vir ginia Hocy and Jennie Mae Callahan, will go to Gas? ilia where they will meet Gastonia’s affirmative, Odell I. ig and Miss Mary Lou Wilson, The judges for the debate here have not as vet been selected. it being supposed that they will be from out - io/-town. The, query of the state-wide debate tl is rp;,r is: “Resolved that North Ca'-olina should levy a state tax on property to aid in the support of an e:gh, months school term.” For several years debating teams from the Shelby High school have es tablished enviable records in the tri angular debates, going into the semi ’finals at Chapel Hill several times. Ou te a crowd of school patrons and friends are expected to attend the pri gram here Friday evening. Suttle Purchases Old Candlestick C B. Suttle. of rhe Clev -land Bunk a«!'i Trust company, has purchased the'qocvin the form of a candlestick, dieribed i'n these pages a week ago. The purchase was made from a Mr. Howell, of this city. According to an inscription of the j-el'e, it was made way hack in 1550, ante-dating the settlement of this count 1y. lienee it was niiti'e abroad, a0,1 imported here, according to belief, by early settlers. Mr. Suttle thinks so highly of the nr'ic. that he has sent it ,o his sister, M • . J. T. Cabaniss, of Hartford, Connecticut, who will take it to ah antique dea'er of that city said to be the most authorative in the Unite ( States. want to have the history of the piece traced,” Mr. Suttle sa;d. “1 per sonally believ it is authentic, and if it is, we have made a valuable find.'* According to Mr. Howell's descrip tion of the piece, it was brought into Cleveland county from McDowell many years ago. Cline Locates In Doggett Garage P. IT. Cline has established himself -in his new .automobile quarters, in the fot mer Doggett sales room on \\ est Warren street. Mr. Cline has taken over the agency for the Hudson-F.s sev. and is preparing to put pep into his new enterprise. The Doggctts sold to Mr. Cline all the Suidebaker parts, and have an nounced that with the exception of me sales of the used Suidebaker ears, they will no longer control the agency. It has not been determined v.ho, if anyone will take over the Stude bjkci .tgcnc. Ilii.ii row ell Was Visit .nr al Home it l.iii) .). Wiggins hi’ii (’lot !i - in;> < aught on lire. i1 I.ii- i* iwc'.l, Court, eu yi .ar-o! I (laughter of Mr Jim iVnvi il of th suction is resting fairly well i” the I’helby whore she. U h ;; treated for serious burns on nr I a< *, hips, and legs, sust a ined ‘Sunday \\ h i ir her clothing caught from au ill. n fire place. She was .'artdi'.i., in i'r, n't, of; the fire when .he stooped to pit k up .something from th. fioor, I’ho t : ■ (puptht her dress and he ni-ned int the yard Mrs. Wiggins under to, ii ; ■ tear, the Waiting cl in » ' 'from her body and received bad lures o: her hands, llewey Wiggins. si .1 of I.. !. Wiggins picked up a jail ef water and tlashtd it on the girl. This ( d f>. stop the flames but hefun the fire was out, the .y. urig lady .va s vcrely burned from her knees to !:■• - s h juicier blades, the -kin. herns blistered:. . . *i s i’uvadl alortg with other young people had gathered a. the Wjggire h ir e fur a birthday dirtier.•■honoring Ms Wig yin . Quite a number of v • Tig people were • prevent at the time of the accident .and wife very much distressed over the unfortun ate affair. The young lady is getting along as well as could he expected, however, and may be out . f the :.os pit:.! soon. W. M. U. Meets With S. Shelby Church Interesting Program is Rend, r ed by Division - of tn> \V, M. I’, of K. M. Assort A large crowd attended and a most irt,?! c"t'np program wr- roi.derrd by tin Woman’s Missionin' union, eivis i« n No. 2 of the Kings Mount An Bap tls* association which nut with the So.ah Shelby B in ■ -t c hurt it Sunday Mi i th. 28th a1 2 r rn The following nr Oram wj*j* cao-! .■ 1 out: " •. 'Meeting s olli d t > rr.W oy*The pres ident. S. B Hamrick. f cm* “Send the Tight.’ Prayer by Air.- John Wacaster. Sang. “Resou the Pi risbing”. Scripture lesson by •Mi: .-' Eva Hoppt r. Report of the needs of oar societ ies by the fe llow ir.g cburehi s: Boiling Springs. Mt. Sinai; X< a- Hope. South Shelby and Z"ar. Welcome address by Mrs. Fletcher Wcod. Personal service by Mrs. M. ■V. Jolly. Standard of excellence by Vi s John Wacaster. Special music ny Eloise Pruett. “Why the Import•ir.-e of Our Organizationsby Rev. .1. C\ Black. Closing prayer. 'The division No 2 will meet with Boiling Springs church next time. Do you Want to Help Destitute Man? The Star is in receipt of a lett r from. a reliable lady at Toluca, re-.' ve iTntr the destitute circumstances of :"i old man by the mine of John \Vi its, 75 years of ace. If you have a- y spare means with which to help hi. , send it alone t<> Mrs. Pan Sain. R-4. I.awndale anil the same will be greatly appreciated by the old man. Mr. Watts is in need of clothes, bed ding and groceries. His condition is I destitute and anything you fee-1 like giving will he acceptable. His wife i and son died last week. He lives thiee miles from Toluca m Carpenters Knob Mrs, Sain says she hears his wife had only a bag of leaves for a tied when she died. Readers of The Star will be doing a splendid act «f char ity to send something to Mrs. Safti at once to be given to this destitute old man. Wants Road Paved Kings Mtn. to Grover K;ngs Mountain..— Highway (.'< m i-sioper A. M. Kistlcr, of Morgan ion, j was t he guest of honor at a Civitan luncheon here last week, and gave |i/\pe of some day having hard sur <•> <;■ road from Kings Mountain south | to the South Carolina line at Grover, j a distance of eight miles. While there I \,i ■ no funds available fut this pur | nose at present, he said 'hat Ninth j Carolina had never failed with as I good. or better roads than the other state had brought to the border. He gave assurance that if the next legis lature makes the financial provision that is now expected, that this piec° 'of load will he built, hut no sooner j that 11*47. and maybe later. Messrs. Frank Hoyle, jr., Ed Mc Curr.v and Hill Pendleton arrive to day from N. C- State collect*. Raleigh | to spend the Easter holidays v ith | their parents. Mr. Hoyle brings with I him a friend Alex St. Armond. n+' | SunTmervdle, S. C as a week-end I gUt :-t i • ; ; - -• 1 JViolin Is Valued at $15,000 ' s*‘-r * ** V. M Itoach, Brooklyn mights, Texas, is shown with his genuine Caspars! Diuffo I’ruggar violin, said to be 410 years old arul worth 115.WO. There are said to be but four of these Instruments in existence. mam «■ Noith Carolina Is Entering New School Era, Allen Saxs More and Better High Schools Slogan of State Superintendent Allen With a total number of 7:12 white high schools and 114 negro high schools in the State, A. T. Alien, State Superintendent of Public In struction, declares in a recent educa tional publication, Says «the News A Observer. Thai the development of secondary education in rural N'ojrtn Carolina is now entering upon a new phase. The list of accredited high sch > ds both white and colored, is larger now than it has ever been before in the history of education in North Caro lina and the trend, according to the bulletin, indicate that by the time the next list of high schools is is sued there will be a decided meruit; for the larger type school. "At this time,^ says Mr. Allen, “it. is very seldom that one. finds a c'un nvjiiitv that is willing to embark on the en.erprize of building a high school, unless that community visual ize an accredited high school within a very few years." Administrators of small schools, according to Mr. Alien, are begin ning to realize that the small three teacher high school runs very high in per capita cost and too low in efficiency. This, he contends is prov ing the incentive among educational leaders in the State to erect mod el',! high school buildings, where the necessary room may he had-for the teaching of the high school sub jects. Another item of considerable in terest to the State, according to Mr. Alien; is -he fact that the term in the accredited high school is biereasing from year to year. The increasing number of accredited high schools has made it necessary for officials in the Department of Public Instruction to revise the high school bulletin each year. While education in North Carolina h;.s enjoyed a wonderful growth bur ing the past years, Mr. Allen pays 'he most spectacular thing in -North Carolina education at this time is the “wonderful growth of rural high schools which has been made possible by consolidation and transportation." \\ ith practically every county in the State deciding that consolida tion of the small rural schools ilit > a larger type high school, where the rural child may have advantage of th<‘ same course of study that his city brother receives, the school'heads a> > using the right kind "f medicine to cure the divers ills besetting the average county in trying to finance it* school system he contends. Dr. ,1. Henry Highsmith, State In elector of high schools, who com piled the data in the largest bulletin nr secondary schools, has arranged tile contents in such an order that, ary layman can find the information he desires in a short time. Of the 7.’?2 white high schools in the State. 142 are on the accredited list. However, some high school work is given in each of the 'while high schools and the 114 col ored high schools. Of the 114 col • ored high schools. 1“ are accredited Included in the list of white high schools are t>80 public schools, where any white child may go. and 52 pri vate schools, where only special stu dents go. Special charter, or city schools for white pupils, number 121. while the special charter negro schools total 54. There are 559 white and 29 col ored rural schools. There are .'ll pri vate colored schools in the State. Rev. C. B. Way Files Non-Suit In Salary Case Against Shelby Protestant Church Shelby's unique suit of a former pastor suing his charge for hack sal ary due is at an end—-at least for the time being. Word was received in Shelby Wed nesday that Rev. 0 .B. Way, former pastor of' the Shelby Methodist Pro testant church, has forwarded a re quest to C B. McBrayer, his local at torney, asking him to file a non-suit wijB Clerk of Court George P. Webb in the civil action pending against the church. If will be remembered that Rev, Mr. Way filed suit against the church sometime back asking for salary he etauned due him. The action created considerable interest over the state and the work of the recent court in regards to the case was looked fov ; ward to. However, attorneys for' the church board filed a demurrer, which delayed docketing of the case with the court. it \s learned now that Rev. Mt I 'Ya. why !:. !;■ if!* lr„ Uc.vlH%tUP ! * nough his attorneys there, Walser. Walser & Walser, that he has f ;r J \va)ded the non-suit action- to Attor ne> McBrayer here for for»*al filing with the court clerk Pa-ties connected with the action prefer, it is said, to withhold the na ture of future action in the matter. Real Estate Sales Recently Reported 1 iV. A Broadway, Shelby real estate 1 broker, reports the following sales of real estate within the past few days: To W. M. Whitaker, of Georgia, lot on Cleveland Springs property, ad joining the Dudley holding. Consid 11 tion $.!,20t>. Size of lot 100x200 feet. Sold the Mamie -Roberts house anA I lot on Sumter street to Claude Harrill i Consideration $8,000 Sold to Bloom Costner the Oti:, 1 K let lot on t'all-.i"i. i .a t avr Schools Enter Spelling Bee \s u l nit of Stale and National fou lest. Hit; Prizes Offered for Saturday April 21st. Kid* Brush up mi your spoiling, for the Spelling- Bee is coining. A National Spelling bee, with .37 states entered, with big prizes to (hi ,s to lie staged. A county winner is to be picked, then a state winner nr i finally a national winner. The Cleveland county elimination contest will be staged April seventh, winn bees will be held at eleven of tin county schools. In turn the win. hers of those contests will meet in Shelby April 21st. Later some time in May—the st;.,.e contest will be held, and" later st,II in .June, the national contest, which will be held in Washington. The contest will be confined to pu pil- ot the graded schools, up to and including the eighth. The following list of schools will hold bees on April 7th. as the first elimination conte. t: Molly Springs, Boiling Springs, Kail, Kings Mountain, Waco, Shelby graded school.-,, Lattimore, "Fairvicw, Piedmont, St. Peters, Casar. The County winner will be picked at the second elimination contest to he held in Shelby April 21st. ri he prize for the state winner will be $.100, it is announced; second pm * $7)0 and the third #25. It is understood that $2,000 in gold will be distributed among the winners in the finals nt \\ a- hington. Cleveland County Third In Plants In the Number of Cotton Mills Coun ty Ranks High. Gaston aiul Alamanre Lead. Charlotte News. 1 iftv-one of the 100 counties of North Carolina have cotton mil lit in ■ heif midst, it is revealed in a sur vey of this matter, Gaston of course, taking the lead with around 100 of these establishments. Alamance comes 'v:'h Gaston having two times as many as the second-place county. In the number of milia. Cleveland conies third, Mecklenburg fourth, Or harrus fifth, Catawba sixth and Lin en!!! seventh. Of the 51 counties with tf stile plants within their border^ Wayne comes last. In the number of spindles there is a vest change in the ratings. Gaston holds the load with Cabarrus second, Guilford third. Mecklenburg fourth, Richmond fifth. Rutherford sixth and Rockingham seventh. Surry county, wl ieh ranks 48th in the number of mills, ranks last in number of spin dle... Mr. McGowan Comes With Ford Co Here ■>ir. E. 0. McGowan has moved to Shelby from Elm City to be associat ed with Thad C. Ford and Earl Honey cute in the operation* of the O. E. I on! company, dealers in fertilizers, fa*m implements, brick, etc. Mr. Mc Gowan married Miss Ola Ford, daugh ter of the late O. E. Ford, who foond e I the business. For a number of years they have been living at Kim City. Mr. McGowan has ueen an of ficial of Hackney Brothers, manufac turers of buggies for many years, but more recently turning out auto mobile bodies. Mr. McGowan is a practical and likeable young man win has already many friends in Shelby and Cleveland county who will welcome him and his estimable fam ily on their return. Then constantly growing business of the Ford com pany makes it necessary that anotoer man be added to the force of salesmen. Patterson Springs School to Close The Patterson Springs school will close Friday, April 2, according to an announcement made by school of ficials. Or. Thursday night, April 1, at 7:30 thi dosing program calls for a reci ! tation contest and an operetta to be I given by the pupils of the primary | and intermediate grades. Friday evening at 8 o’clock there will be a play by the high school entitled “An Unfortunate Calamity.” Those interested in the school say (hat the program will prove interest ing and patrons are urged to attend, | Gastonia Man Killed When Car Turns Over Gastonia, March 29.—Lewis Feath erstone, aged about 22, was almost instantly killed Sunday night on tin: High Shnals-Lincolnton highway, when a car in which he was driving turned over, according to word o' er necl here. .

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