SHELBY S BUILDING PROGRAM IN 1925 TOTALLED THREE MILLION DOLLARS—1926 WHAT? MAKE A CITIZEN OF EVERY VISITOR. reliable home paper Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section, Modern Job Department, r— - 1 A SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census_8,854 Where Industry Joins With Climate In A Call For You, , *- - VOL. XXXIV, No. 44 “Covers Cleveland Completely.” SIIELBY, N. C. MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1926. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. / ) Ily mail, per year (in advance)-.,$2.50 Ey carrier, per year (in advance) M.OO |)r. .F B. Lattimore is Elected Pre sident—All Doctors Assigned Lines of Work. Iii order to maintain the American Hospital standard which ha- boon reached by the Shelby Hospital, there was a meeting of the physi cians and surgeons at the hosp.tal Friday night at which time all doc tnrs were assigned particular work in which they are most proficient. • Hr. E. B. Lattimore was elected pro s'.dent of the hospital staff. Dr. \Y. F. Mitchell vice president and I)r. Sam Schenck, secretary-treasurer. Drs. Scruggs, Harbisipn and Schenck are staff surgeons; Dr. E. W. Gibbs, Dr. E. A. Houser, Dr. Reu ben McBrayer and Dr. It. Ellis compose the medical staff; Dr. \Y. F. Mitchell and Dr. T. G. Hamrick the staff on diseases of children; Dr. F. B. Lattimore, Dr. Ben Gold and Dr. G. M. Gold on obstetrics; Dr. Tom Gold on eye, ear, nose and throat. The hospital is receiving splendid co-operation on the part of the phy siciaiis and surgeons and they and the public generally arc proud of the fact that the institution has reached a recognized standard among Ameri can Hospitals. Democrats Called to Meet Soon Pursuant to the order made by th« State Democratic Executive Commi ttee. Democratic precinct meeting are hereby called for C leveland coun ty on Saturday. April 17. 1926,' at 2 o’clock P. M., at which time the De mocrats of Cleveland county will-as semble at their respective precincts and elect five of their number to ser ve as the democratic precinct execu tive committee for the ensuing two years. The Democratic county convention will be held at the Court H.>u in Shelby on Saturday, April 21. 1920, at 3 o’clock P. M,, at which time d le gates will be elected to represent the democracy of Cleveland county at the State Democratic Convention, to b“ held in Raleigh on April 29; and for th" transaction of any and all busi n°ss that may come before the con vention. The democrats of Cleveland county are urged to attend both the democra tic precinct meetings and the. county convention upon the dates named. This April 10, 1926. 0. M. MULL, Chairman Executive Committee. —-r— Shelby Landmark Passed On Monday “'Beck's Fountain” is ho more. Monday saw the passing of oite o! the city's oldest and best known bn marks, the fountain building on the east, corner of the court square. Old. «r residents say that the fountain l ouse, made famous over the state I ;• Col. Wade Harris, Observe r editor, was erected in 1890. Many of Shelby s )i idirg business men first entered business life there selling the famed Mineral water. Around the caves toie and wisdom beyond measure haw ►.. disoensed there along with the water. The fountain derived its m r u.anent name from the late H. Bees (. uinn, its owner of many years and a man whose conversational ability ; ‘fact-ed many there. So accustomed were many older le ldents to the little wooden build ng and its memories dating back to days " ben Shelby was only a sleepy coin tv scat town that dozens gather<■■1 ihereabouts Monday morning \v ilc the building was being Pun a wav O' eaunty convict forces and discuss- 1 C’e history of the spot and folks con nected with it. Hoey Wins $21,000 Verdict in Catawba Clyde R. Hoey spent most of last Week in Catawha county where be ap peared in a legal contest lor 1>. M Carpenter, Mrs. P J Kluttz and i ll ers against the Western Carolina Power company over 77 acres ot land Ivieg on the Catawba river above the Oxford Shoal power development. M' lloty came out victorious, winning a verdict for his land-owning client < l ?’l 000. The land in question lies on the Cataawba river and has water power which the land owneis contended they would be deprived o, li ’he power company were allowed to take the land at actual value. . •>• Hoey is thinking of appealing me case to the Supreme court. 1 was heard before appraisers at N»\\ tort and the hearing of testimony c-.m sumed a number of days. WATCH FOR THE ‘‘GOOD BAD GIRL" COMING SOON iN THE STA> Shelby Church Sued Again By Former Pastor, C. B. Way Trial C'o-riics I P In Lexington Thursday, April 22. Salary Asks For ! ■ I I'K' suit of Rey. C. B. Way, ■ rmer pastor of the Methodist I’ri’te tant church in West Shelby, against the church for Lack sai :;|y h t-’aims due him will be air ed ir a Davidson county court at Lexington, according to informa tion reaching here, The complaint was first filed here, ' but at the last term of court a voluntary non-suit was taken by the plaintiff. Some un oeiv.uod that this was the end of the case, However, a Lexington disj atch says a complaint has keen filed in the office of the clerk of Superior court there by Lev. Mr. Way against the trus tees of the chur h here for unpaid dary of $328.08. Tl e complaint ; lieges that the plaintiff was ac crpted as pastor of the Shelby church for a period of one year was to receive SI, 100 salary: tIrat only $771.1)5 was paid him, and he asks judgment for the re mainder. The case has been set for Thursday, April 22, at 10 ocfock in court at Lexington. It was an nounced in Shelby Saturday that summons had been sent here fo: the three trustees of the church. Messrs. J. T. Ramsey, Amos (lantt and A R .Chapman. Th? plaintiff will be represented by Wither’and YYalser and A. J. Newton, Lexington attorneys, it is said. The case was non-suited here and moved to Lexington, it is said, to eliminate the neces sity for making trips to Shelby. Luther Burbank, horticulturist and known the world over as the “Plant \\ .zard,” died Sunday at Santa Rosa. California, amid the flowering, hlooiaj and plants that he created for the world. And in. crossing the bar for un known port Burbank passed into a l'fe he believed did not exist. Just one 'week before his death he said he could not believe in a life after death. He declared sometime back that he was an infidel, but believed in Christ and his wofk, Christ also being an in fidel according to his belief fortified by a vigorous examination, which had its - roots as deep as the flowers and' plants he tended. Mr. Burbank always declared that hiS object in increasing the yield of j plants was to better the condition etc and he died believing “we must look for survival only ir the spirit of the good we have I done in passing through life." “If it has been a good, life it has beer sufficient,’’ he held. "The is no ue. d for another. Once here and gone ;he human life has served its purpose. "The universe is not big enough to contain all the human- souls and the other living beings that have been here for their short span. A the ny of personal resurrection or reincar nation of the individual is untenable when we but pause to consider the 11. gni.ude of the idea.” Recognition of the existence “of a (rreat universal power” was admitted by the horticulturist, but he declared »'■- did not “even begin to comprehend | it.” He said he was a “lover of Christ j us a man and his works * ; but1 nevertheless he was an infidel iken :'as I am an infidel today.” Mr. Burbank’s expression of bis vP-ws of religion and reincarnation v.ere said to have been called forth by : i tides quoting his friend, Henry Ford, as declaring his faith in the i t he;>sophist theory of reincarnation. Crowds Expected For Dixon Talk indications arc that a ' la’f'c crowd of Shelby and Cleveland i rouiity people will gather at the court I incise'.'hero Thursday night at 8 o'clock |f. i,car Thomas Dixon, famous author ' native of the county .make ar. ‘'address on “The Rising South.” Mr. Dixon is touring the state mak ing addresses in numerous towns and it! only fitting that he he heard by large crowd in the town he lived in wh h a boy. What’s more those who knew him years ago are acquainted with the fact that he is one of the j nvosi entertaining talkers ever to go j forth from this section. Best Places New Cabinet On Market In this issue of The Star John M. Bo. t Furniture company is advertising new Hoosier kitchen cabinet, just de ■ igned and placed upon the market. The Hoosier people have designed this cabinet at a moderate price, to ap peal to the housewife anxious to se en, e this convenience for the kitchen, but who feels unable to pa ythe ptict 'hose articles of household furniture have heretofore brought. ]t is a movement in line with the modern tendency of manufacturers to pin e goods upon the market, in touch with the moderate pocketbook. Mr. Rest has the new article on display, and judging by its appearance it should meet with the-wholeheaited ,. , ,1 . to. I.u..11 liOU-o". It' . Summer Baseball Seems Likely Now From Shelby Talk Two Proposed Leagues Being Discuss ed Feeling of Fans is Being Sounded. Shelby may have summer baseball. That is the talk of recent days and realty dealers arid promoters of de velopment projects around Shelby are giving it a kindly ear. Baseoall would be an added attraction for the sum mer months and would help some in keeping many of the summer visitors. Along with the new golf course being budt at Cleveland Springs summer brseball would furnish amusement! aplenty for visitors fond of outdoor spoits. | Vv hat’s more one plan under dis cussion calls for six games each week j or every afternoon entertainment. The two plans being considered are: , the Western Carolina league of last! year with two added clubs, and a: league composed of North and South! Carolina teams playing faster brand ! of ball. Word comes from Newton that an organization nas been perfected there with Wade Leftler, fromer Washington world champions pitcher, as mana ger. Hickory, Lineolnton, Morganton and Lenoir are said to bo supporting the plan with Shelby being the sixth club. Just how this arrangement will work out remains to be seen. The other loop, which seems likely would be composed probably of Galf ney, York, Gastonia. Shelby, Forest City. Kings Mountain, and perhaps Bock Hill and others. Messrs. D. W Royster, Ben Suttle and Frank Hoey art sounding out athletic supporters of the various towns suggested and definite arrangements may be made in the next few weeks. (Special to The Star) Sunday April 11, 1926 was a great day with the Baptist church at Pai* terson Springs when the last of the church building debt was paid off. All t he members of the church present went home rejoicing when it was an> nounced that the dedication services -would be held on the Second Sunday in May. Rev. W. O. Johnson, of Rich-, moral, Va., was invited to preach the dedication sermon, Rev. D. G. Wash burn was also invited to take part in the services. This little church with 140 members started out in May 1023 to erect a new church building. The little brick veneered church building consisting cf nine Sunday school rooms and ar. auditorium together with its heating plant and furniture including interest on the indebtedness cost around $9, 000. With a little outside assistance th;s was all paid for in a little le*s than three years. The records show tnat $2,200 of this was paid in during tne Last 30 days. MILLIONS OF FISH FOR BACK WATERS OF CATAWR.% Gastonia.—In preparation to start work on stocking the back waters of the Catawba river in this county with millions of fish, J. II. Stone, of Wil. mington, who is the assistant commis sioner of North Carolina, spent Wed nesday in conference with fishermen of the county. He discussed the law which proposes to protect the white perch and bass out of season. • Mr. Stone visited the backwaters of the Southern Power company develop ment. CLEVELAND BOOSTED m Manufacturers Record (o Carry Ar ticle on Agricultural Progress of This County. Cleveland county’s aerieuFurnl j achievements will bo heralded abroad in an advertisement to appear at an | early date in the Manufacturer* He- | cord, the leading journal uX it* kind in America. Fred P. Abbott, industual agent for the Seaboard Ins written the Shelby Chamber of commerce, which by thi' way, does not exist yet, for in formation touching on th» agricul tural side of Cleveland. Such infor mation as the county's supremacy in cotton, rural lighting, dairying, poul try, potatoes, etc., were promptly furnished on Saturday to Mr. Abbott win is preparing the advertisement ,o be run at the expense of the Sea board Air Fine railroad. Mr. Abbott called for all available information pertaining lo Cleveland's much heralded agricultural progress- ! but with no chamber of commerce or- ! sranized and no concrete information in pamphlet form, it was with some diffaulty that such information was assembled and rushed with all possible speed in response i.o a telegram call ing for a reply by next mail. It is pie sumed that the Seaboard is planning n Series of advertisements touching on the resources of the counties along j its lines and Cleveland is fortunate to get such publicity without cost. i “Three R’s" And Learning The following article- has been Riv en to The Star by J. O. Newton, county superintendent, who, believ ing it contains sound and wholesome logic, requests that it be published. Time was when the education of youth centered around the “three R’s.” Not only d d teaching revolve around this trio but it confined it self solely to it. That day is past. We have discovered there are Some things as vitally necessary to education— the development of character and physique, a simulation for truth, the promotion of dear thinking and clean living. Today Reading. Writing and Arith metic are basic as ever. But ;t is a more rounded training that develops reasoning and fosters individuality. We have outgrown primitive educa tional methods. Likewise our attitude toward living lias changed. We build better homes; iwe have reduced our working hours and increased our social activities. Our playgrounds have supplanted the alleys for our boys and our parks afford the p.cnie grounds for our ci tizens. School buildings have become the Community Center for play and social recreation and the headquar ters for adult education and training. VVe have come from an existing to ::n evolving life, We are striving to make education a means to wisdom. Today the school hbuje is the mea suring rod of progress. Often it is the architectural pride of the com munity. It is equipped beyond the dreams of a generation ago. Class rooms and subject matter no longer j repel pupils. Compulsory attendance i j laws do not account for the yearly! pyram ding of school attendance. The teacher personality, combined wi h fresh air, sunshine and good i cheer arc impelling. Physical devel opment is encouraged, the practical in education stressed and the ctiltur ! al s’d3 of life emphasized. Music, art and drama have become an import-1 i ant part of the curriculum. Founds-1 tions are laid for better and more | abundant and a finer spirit of j human relations. These influences reach beyond the pupil into the home. More and more are we bringing the school into rela tionship with the family. The Par ent-Teacher Assoc.ations have prov ed the connecting link. They are an evidence of the growth of a common interest in educational work. Our school are the mirrors of our national progress. It is one of the blessings of our democracy that we keep these schools pliant, responsive to the country's growth. Wo are of those who feel that the “three R’s” have not suffered by the change hut that a great stride has been taken beyond them. We have added to these the “three ( "s”—Character, Culture and Citizenship. The “Enriching of the ‘Three R’s’ is a story not only of educational progress hut likewise community betterment. To Hold Rutherford Court. Salisbury, April 11.—.ludge R. Lee j Wright left today for Rutherfordton where he will preside over a term of civil court, having been named by Governor McLean to hold tin".- court fr>r u wed. Cooli^e Honors Rifle Champ President vHte. Mass. Coolldg. i* pinning a medal on Sam Moore IS ol Newton world churnpton ritle allot, who made JtXiO consecutive hiU Young Shelby Boys to Engage in Beauty Contest; to Make Rudolph Valentino Blush Siaeomb and other well-knot.n btands of hatr grease for men should lci; well in Shelby Friday. In the evening of that day school boy:-- of South Shelby, id years and older, will try to decide which one of them would have been "September Morn ' if they hud been girls. No, they’ll not undress like the famous beauty, but they’ll not miss it far. They’re going to dress as girls and the idea is to see which will make the “prettiest girl.” It’s this way: They need money for their athleite equipment in the South Shelby school and Friday evening nt 7:,10 the boys over 12 will dress as girls and stage a beauty contest. Ad nvsrion of 10 cents for children and 15 cents for adults will be charged. The boy who is decided upon as the most beautiful ’.girl” will get a prize that will be prised by any young base bail player, und the funds will be used to purchase baseball equipment. The only difference between the Allantic City contest and this one, the boys ray, will be that they'll be prettier “girls” than the girls there. Naturally, the public is cordially in vited. An extra attraction of the evening will be a special musical program furnished by professor Sinclair and hir fine high school orchestra. Get your seat early, but don’t flirt with the “girls” on the stage. r.e! may look like a flapper and not be a flapper. -i.'i 111.■'■!'■■■ ..TIT 111 11 'L-J""" Shelby Boy’s Trunks Burn at Davidson According to a news dispatch from Davidson college fire was discovered at 10:30 o’clock Thursday night m a room occupied by Hugh M. Arrowoou end John P. McKnight, resulting in two trunks and contents and inciden tals being destroyed The room was in Watts dormitory, which, is fireproof, and the flames were thus confined to the one room. It is believed that tin* fire \vr.B caused by a cigarette being laid on the table, later falling into a trash bas ket, which was close to the two trunk? Arrowood was at his home in Shelby while McKnight had left rbout 20 minutes before the fire was disco\er ed for Charlotte. MoKnight does not smoke. Clover Hill New* of Late Interest (Special to The Star) The farmers are getting along nicely with their plowing almost re|dy to p lant when it gets warm er weather. We have had a nice rain to fix the land to plant in. The flu is all gone at last but the whooping cough is going for the little ones. Every body is well as usual except, Mr. Ambros Queen who is not im proving very fast. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Queen were vi sitors of Mrs. Queen’s father Mr. George Newton Saturday night. Mrs. L. B. Queen and family were visitors of Mr. J. A. Freeman and her father at "Spindale, Saturday night and they motored to Chimney Rock and on to Hendersonville. The Sunday school at Clover Hill is growing nicely now since the flu lias gone. The prayer meeting they have every Wednesday night is fine. Hope every one will do his part to keep it going. Ira Green Buried At New Hope Church Mr. Ira J. Greene, 68 years of age, was buried Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at New Hope Baptist church Earl, the funeral services being con din ted by Rev. John W. Suttle and Rev. G P Abernethy Mr Green was never married and had been making his home with a relative, Mr Nathan Gamp of Grover, where he died Thurs day. Mr. Greene was born October 18, 1867 and joined the New Hope church about 12 years ago. He was a kind hearted, honest and esteemed citizen ir, the lower part of the count” where he was known. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. John Pruett of Patterson Springs, and two brothers, George W. Greene, of Grover, and Jacob Green of Earl. One sister, Mrs. Lawson Wilson and one broth, r Mon • roe-Grt'ene preceded ban u. the efu’,tv Two High School Teams Hay Big Time Ball in Tilt Here on Sat urday Afternoon. The steady work of Jack Hoyle, Shelby mound act, enabled the Shel by H'ghs to defeat Charlotte here Saturday afternoon 2 to 1 in a game played unusually well for high school teams. Despite the cool weather one of the largest crowds of the season was in 'attendance and was offered a brand of bull hardly expected by them. During the nine frames Hoyle ontinually curt a damper on Queen : City hopes by whiffing 15 batters. Several times poor fielding behind him placed the hurler in tight places from which he emerged by the strike out route. In addition to the many strikeouts the youngster gave up only two hits. Close behind him in twirling honors was the rival mounds man, who struck out five Shelby hit ters and allowed only three safeties. Ranking next to Hoyle’s twirling as the afternoon feature was the bril 1 ant play of the entire Charlotte in field. their fast work cutting down j numerous drives labelled for hits and ' not a bobble was checked up against t them during the game. The play of ! Cline Owens Lee around shortstop land his one hit at the plate remind ed fans Considerablly of his brother, Cline, two years all state shortstop and one of the best baseball players ever produced here. In the seventh with neither team registering at the plate Shelby fill ed the bases on an error, sacrifice and two wild heaves. Grigg, Shelby second sucker, came through with a Texase leaguer over third scoring Shelby’s only runs. CLeve Cline se : cured Shelby’s third hit in the eighth. Charlotte scored in the ninth .following an error, a late throw and and overthrow at third. AVOIDS HORRIBLE DEATH BY PRESENCE OF MIND Greensboro, April H.—Frank Clegg acred 35, flagman on an Atlantic and Yadkin freight train, thought his time had come yesterday when he fell from the front of a locomotive, pass ing through Vandalia, a village 15 miles south of here. With great pres ence of mind the man contorted hii body, the wheels passed within a few inches of his head. He suffered se vere injuries to his back when he dropped on the crossties. He was brought here to a hospital. Mrs. W. L. Fanning, ill at the Stil. by hospital, was reported Monday atoning t<- be slightly nnpiO'^cL OUTSIDERS BIIYIi Hll E5TITE HERE One Deafer Sells $50,000 to Out siders. Says ItiK Season Ahead Six Weeks Yet. Oliver Anthony, real estate dealer, discussing the future of real estate in Shelby with The Star, answered effectively the criticism that an overbalancing volume of real estate business of late has been done amongst the home people. “We personally,' said Mr. Anthony "have sold in the neighborhood of fifty thousand dollars worth of pro perty to outside people since the first of the year, and from what I have learned 1 think a general check up would show that at least a hun dred thousand dollars worth of pfo. "erty has been sold to outsiders s nee .January first. "We hear some criticism to the ef fect that visitors are not coming in in numbers that were anticipated. That is silly. It Is entirely too early to expect great numbers of vis.tors to Shelby. It is still early in April; we are hardly over the frost period. “It would not surprise me if it were the first of .June before we feel any material influx of visitors. “The process of infiltration in this region as I see it, will be this: the mountain resorts will be filled up first; they will be filled to the brim then the crowds will sprinkle out in to the adjoining sections. “It would be perfectly idle to ex pect Shelby to attract visitors as the older, well advertised resorts are do ing. Naturally the crowds will go to such places first, and we will get the overflow. And gradually as Shelby becomes well known, and its advan tages recognised more and more peo ple will come here. “I look forward to a corking good season here when it opens up. But don't let us make the mistake of thinking the season is now on. It will be six weeks yet before it even com mences.’’ Charleston Dancers In Stage Contest Steve Woodson, high school senior ranks today as the best Charleston duncer in Shelby. “Weebie” Hoskins trendy-foot delivery boy, holds the s. me honor among the colored folks ol Shelby. It came about this way: Saturday night the Milt Tolbert shows offered a ten dollar gold piece for the best ( narleston dancer among the white folks, of Shelby. Woodson and little Pegram Holland. jr„ were the only entrants. Both gave a packed show a real treat in the natural, awkward step, Woodson winning by a margin. “Weebie,” known as the first ex ponent of the step in the Spring City, hull more competition among his race, but was declared the winner. Griffin Chairman Of Wilson Memorial Drive Dr. A. T. Allen, North Carolina state chairman for the Woodrow Wll ■on Birthplace memorial, has name* Professor I. C. Griffin county chairman for the Birthplace memo rial appeal in North Carolina. Tho dates for the appeal in North Carolina are the to weeks of April 15th to 30, as previousl yannounced by Dr. Al len. Dr. Allen has been advised by Na tional headquarters at Staunton, Va., that North Carolina is one,of the first ■fates in jhe Union to complete’its county organization, and will be I among the first to make the actual I canvass. The program of the birthplace me morial provided for the setting apate as a national Woodrow Wilson shrine the house in Staunton in which Woyil row Wilson was born; restoration ot the chapel in which he was baptized; and the erection at Staunton of a Wilson memorial hall, in connection with Mary Baldwin college, where Mr Wilson’s sisters and cousins were educated and of which Mr. Wilson’s father was chaplain during his Staun ton pastorate. Looking Here For Rutherfordton Car Shelby officers were Monday keep ing an eye to the leeward for an au tomobile stolen Monday morning in Lutherfordton. Two women, both wearing knick ers and one a red sweater, are said to have left the Rutherford capital m the car. Officers have an idea they may know tWe identity of the two. Messrs. Hudson Hartgrove and Charles Lever and Misses Christine Noiris, and Mary Spurrier of Gas tonia visited Misses Stella Boger an$ Marguerite Hood oi Charlotte Sunday