SHELBY’S BUILDING PROGRAM IN 1925 RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section, Modern Job Department, TOTALLED THREE MILLION DOLLARS—1926 WHAT? MAKE A CITIZEN OF EVERY VISITOR. <*■.-. SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census_8,854 Where Industry Joins With Ciimate In A Call For You, . I _J VOL. XXXIV, No. 45 “Covers Cleveland Completely.” SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1926 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. By mail, per year (in advance),-$2 50 1 By carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 DEBATE JEMS OFF TO EATER FI1S OF STATE COliTFST Tennis Team of Shelby Hij-h School Will Also Contest in State Tourney The two Shelby debate teams- with I ( . Griffin, city school superintend cut. left Shelby Wednesday ni'prtdrftf for Chapel Hill where they wilt enter the semi-finals of the stat--wide Gel. school triangular debates. Roth Shelby teams, it will he r - iaembered, came out vict fir. us in t! group contest and there by won the privilege of entering the seml-fihaU at the State University. Several realtives of the young i[<> haters plan to accompany them u L said. "the debaters arc: Affirmative— Dorothy MeKright and Vernon Grigg Negative—Virginia Iloey end Jennie May Callahan. The affirmative it hating Gastonias negative here re cently won, while the negative debat ing in Gastonia also wen. Third Straight Year This is the third consecutive yea; that Shelby teams have won group honors and made the trin to Chase! Hui, and four out of five years that the school has made th.- semi-finals trio. On the other year one ream won while the other lost. The preliminary found will be held Thursday night; the semi-finals Friday morning and the finals Friday night, it is an. noTT.yed. Seek Tennis Honors Areo-apanyir.g the debate teams v. M he the high school tennis hope:-. AV httelaw Kendall and Gilmore Sin ■ lc,on will enter in the state doubles tournament, while young Kendall will enter the singles tourney. Kendal) w th George Wray composed the doubles team of the. local school last "ear and the steadying experience one tourrament is expevt'd to prove an asset 10 their play, fue tooma : out begins Thursday and contihui . ■ thtough Friday. To Observe Battle of Kings Mountain, On Carolina Day I5.itlie of Kings .Mountain Anniver sary to fee Celebrated at Sesqui Centennial At the request of Mayor Kendrick, of Philadelphia, Goverr-or McLean ’ as designated October 7, the anniversary ' the Battle of Kings Mountain, as 'North Carolina Day, to be so observed a* the Sesqui-centennial celebration <t the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia this fall, says the News <v Observer. This date was chosen, despite the fact that it comes a little late in the celebratioh, “because it is the most ' gaificant date available to fit ir "' .h the schedule of the Pldladeli hui exposition,” Governor McLean said.. “Kings’ Mountain,” said the Gq\ ' inor, “is one of the decisive battles in the Southern campaign of the American Revolution, and is ore of flic few' times in history when the 1 mv militia of a country succeeded hi defeating trained regular troops in the fields. New Auto Plates Arrive In Shelby A first shipment of new auto pisiC' has arrived in Shelby consigned to the b"::il license bureau branch with the Carolina Motor club. The new plates have white fig vies on a black background and pre sent the best appearance of any p’atcs ever issued by the state. In ■’’o corner of each plate is a letter of the alphabet denoting the size ter E< r instance, a $12.50 plate, the ch aip < t. carries the letter “E” and on un t° “A” is the size of the motor "c b'Ue goes. Four thousand plates have ahv ady been received here. The office of the license bureau is now located in the office of the Heey Heal Estate Company in Room -•> of the new Royster building on South Washington street, and W ade W lloey remains as manager ot the branch. Sudden Illness of Shelby Realty Man Mr. W. C. Harris, prominent Shelly real estate dealer and head of the \\ • Harris firm here, is a patient in Chi' Rutherford hospital. While returning from Asheville Monday with Mr. Jim Spangler, Mr. Harris was taken suddenly ill near Rutherfordton and was carried to the ho coital there. Messrs. Harris and Spangler were in the Mountain eity on real tv hus. I’OS" .. Marshall Announces Complete Plans For Golf Club House ; Florida Developer to Hmld Hand m nic Spanish Stucco Club Building at Cleveland ; Within a short time Shelby will hnvt one of the handsomest and most modern golf club houses in the Caro ■ 'i!as, according to an announcement c.ude in Shelby Tuesday by Mr. Ai tej i1. Marshall, Florida developer v.b is creating on the Cleveland Spiijus Estate.s what is termed “Carolina’s most Dependable De veh pment.” .Mr. Marshall together with Her. ry S. Kan. in, realty man also < * ( kiirwater, arrived in- Shelby Mori on;. and immediately engaged in a conference with locai officials of the .(sort comp any and others. At the meeting general and detail plans further development at the well hn-wn resort and sales plans we' ! disedssed. ’ ’ - On Highway At the meetit g M". Marshal! prc :c-"?ed an architect's drawing of h: i c inttful club house at Clearwater, il■ i Ida, and it was decided tha: a ; duplicate of the famous golf strut-. tUV - would tie erected here. The club house will be built, at an early date, i- is said, on Highway 1 20 cast of the hotel and just he. : yond the Doggett residence. It will be oi -.stucco-and of the Spanish gabis d< Age and from the word of those who have visited the Clearwater club will be unexcelled from a standpoint of 1 !caUty and convenience anywhere In tl.:- section. in the interior from the opening I artition the front will be the h e i living room with its giant open fire, i place. Running on each side will be | locke r rooms for ladies and men, professional's room, shop, baths and ' 1 other conveniences. On the sun bfi- will be A dance patio with tiled :: r and an outdoor tea garden. Rushing I p Work Construction work in creating avc 1 -iucv and roads through the pineland i f the development is being rushe.l ■ under the supervision of P. Baird, j Florida construction engineer. Undet i the- supervision of W. 11. Lyle the ', or east, nine holes of the new IS-hf-le golf course is about complete •i”<! the task of clearing fairways fot the south nine holes course is now U idcrway. Florida visitors here with the developer are enthusiastic over the course and say that its natural hazard and beauty will a,tract golf cis the country over. All the holes on the northeast are practically ready and workmen have, ci :.i|.!eto(i the general clearing of th, fairways. The greens on both links Will be of grass and not of monaz't* as are the green on the present links. Wi.h the construction work of the development gradually taking form visitors tie the Estates are numerous And, once lhe work is started on tec row club house which faces on th» ■ Blue Ridge Trail” hundreds of tr-uv ;and visitors are expected to siop over for an inspection of the big re sort development. Visitors here from Asheville last week were impressed by the oppor tunities at the local resort. “Most Ac. vciopmems now in Western Carolina, ,,,u. Said. “are just maturing from a d: cam. All they have to start with a mountain, scenery and climate. | Hen you have a big hotel and a tine golf course to begin with. A priceless | irif{ by nature, the mineral springs. In fuci, you had more here before de velopment started than many so-call „,1 resorts will have at completion. With the new golf .course and club Ve and plarned streets and ave rue- across these hills, the Cleveland S-iring^ Estate should be the best go in the state.” Outside advertising of the resort vbe started soon, according to Atr Marshall. Numerous inqunicr are coming asking when the property '.will'be placed on sale. It is the plan of Mr. Marshall, he says to carry >ut enough construction, work to ,.j„hv that the resort will he permnn, (,.,t and safe investment, not just 1)0011! property, before he offers it to the public. Gastonia Cases of Shelby Interest Several oases of local interest will lr taken up in the Superior court ijocket at Gastonia this week. j.^io Van Dyke, CherryviUe man servinK 15 to 20 years for killing the f hcrryville police chief, is in jail there to be called as a witness against the Farnsworths charged with sell ing him the liquor prior to the shoot }n„ it is understood that O. Max Ganlnbj. of Shelby, will represent the Farnsworths. ;>8ul Mauney. Kings Mountain ne gro, charged with killing a young girl in West Gastonia some time ago when ho run over her is scheduled to he tried Tliu> Me'-, _ 1__. \ Accused Judge Federal Judge George W English, of the eastern district of Illinois, was impeached recently by the Uouse of Representatives Superintendent Waeaster Shown Ap preciation for her Work With Baptist Women. Mrs. John Waeaster who lives.'over i:i the eastern portion of the Coun ty was presented with a new auto mobile at the First Baptist chur h here the other day by members of the Woman’s Missionary Union < 1 the Kings Mountain Baptist Associa tion, in appreciation of her work as superintendent. Mrs. Waeaster is at. untiring church worker who has been superintendent of the W. M. U. work ir the Kings Mountain for several years. At a recent state meeting m Raleigh this association was awarded the banner for making the most pro giess of any union in the state and it was duo in a large measure to the leadership of Mrs. Waeaster. Quiet ly the money was raised among the women of the association and the presentation of the car was a great surprise to her. In recognition of this generous gift. Mrs. Waeaster says: “I take this means of trying to express my apperication of ihe car presented to me last Monday at the First Baptist church. To each society and every individual who helped in any way to make this possible, 1 wart you to know I deeply appreciate it, I feel so unworthy of it, however j I .‘hall try to use it for the advance ment of Christ's kingdom. Paul Webb Buys Drum Home on N. Morgan Paul Webb has purchased from Rear Drum, a house and not on N. Morgan street for $7,000. The house is now occupied by J. S. Willard and is a pretty six-room bungalow, prac tically new. Mr. Drum in turn has purchased from Lee B .Weathers a lot cn Lineberger street, opposite the 'wo Spanish type bungalows which Mr. Weathers is completing, Mr. Drum will begin at once the construction of u, pretty six room Spanish type residence on his newly acquired let. N. C. Health Board For “Tome” Beer Raleigh, April 13.—Officials of the state board of health ran coun ter to the stand of the attorne;. general today when they ventur ed the opinion that the sale of the new medical beer, “Pabst ex tract,” woud be no mord illegal in North Carolina than the sale of scores of patent medicines which line the shelves of drug stores. The attorney general’s office yesterday advise the manufac turer of the new tonic that it had better test the legality of its sale in the supreme court before of lering it to the North Carolina public. Health board officials were quoted this afternoon as point ing out that many of the patent medicines sold daily by the drug stores contain alcohol in percent ages ranging from it to 18 and calling for average daily dosages with an alcoholic content equiva lent to more than one bottle of I pre-war heer. CHASE NEXT FILL Cleveland Farmers to 1'lant Them in Den Along Brushy Creek for Fall Chases. A prominent farmer in town from the county yesterday stated that lit hud sent his check for §270 to Iowa, buying 8S red foves which will ar rive here about May 1st and he placed ir dens up and down Brushy (’reek for fox chases next fall. For some, time lovers of chase have been import ins foxes to this county and the sport is greatly enjoyed in the full and win ks nvon.hs. This shipment of d5 is the largest ever received and is being paid for. by people in town and country v/h-i eivio.v the music of the fine bin d e<! fox hounds owned in these parts These hi foxes will be placed in live lens in secluded places along tie reek arid river banks. After trier have become somewhat accustomed to then- surroundings, they arc freed but cone back Jo their dens for food and -belter. While they remain wild and shy. often the yean Ire seen going to rod from their haunts. In the fall and u inter months, when the nights are long and cool, crowds assemble for a chr e and the music of the well-train ed hounds to a fox hunters ear is bet ter than the sweet notes from a grand opera singer's throat. The fox chase's next fall will be. followed by several b: rbecues, oyster roasts and the like. Highs Play Lenoir Here on Friday St etc Champions To Meet Team That Defeated Them There Last Meek Friday afternoon Coach “Casey" Morris high school outfit will play Lenoir here in the, first local game of the week. Earlier in the season, the locals were defeated by Lenoir 2 to 0 in a close game. The Lenoir squad is one of the heaviest hitting outfits in the state and the Shelby team expects a hard game Friday. However, with im proved batting and at least two of the hurlers ready supporters of the club are hoping for a victory to off set the defeat handed Shelby by the Cfaldwell county aggregation. On Saturday the locals go to Char lotte for a return game with Coach Rawson’s charges. The game here with Charlotte was one of the best school battles ever witnessed in Shelby and the game there Saturday is expected to be equally interesting. Closing Exercises At Boiling Springs Commencement Starts Saturday Night Literary Address Wednesday Morning The commencement exercises of the Boiling Springs High school will start Saturday evening of this week with *he alumni meeting. The annual sermon will be deliver ed on Sunday by Dr. Zeno Wall, rf Shelby. The regular contests will bt held on Monday with class exercises on Tuesday. Wednesday the annual literary ad will be delivered bv Dr. W. .1. McClothin, of Greenville, S. C., follow ed by the graduating exercises. Shrubbery Improves CouT't Square Site Workmen and shrubbery experts were engaged this week in planting * hrubs about the inner walks of the court square between the court house building and the first walks. Shrub bery already planted has greatly im proved the appearance of the souare The remainder of the park plot is being worked up and it is said the recent grass sown should be up and giving the plot a green appearance in May. Cold Drizzle Brings Winter Coats Back Shelby wore a winter topcoat Mon day night and Tuesday—and blanket* were blankets, and in demand. Monday evening witnessed the ad vent of a cold drizzle that would have done justice to December and over coats already placed away on a neg in the closet were brought back into play. The linen closet was the scene of explanations for extra blanket?— in fact Shelby shivered Monday night and Tuesday. The cold drizzle was accomnaried by a falling temperature and still another drop Was recorded Tuesday mot ning. Nevertheless, local weather nro n’uts say the snap was “seasonable.” Hot weather recently made the chil ly. biting wind harder, they say. Despite their attempt at consolation Shelby and real estate has . h ii-k.-r ir.v ior \oum.v . Liquor Clean-Up Staged in County Federal Prohibition Ager.t Evon Houser, of Gastonia re ported this week the capture of more than 1,700 gallons of bee> a small quantity of iiquor an* three complete distillery outfits in Cleveland, Lincoln and Bulk.’ counties last week. Four white men and a negro escaped ar rest.1-. by running. Frank Hoyle, white, of Lincoln county, wa* arrested. t s Dazed Student Roams Wildly I)a\id Philemon, in Dazed Mental Com ition. Leaves Boiling Springs School at Night. David Philemon, ministerial stu dent of ijoil'ng Springs High school and autnor of several pamphlets of poems, roamed in a dated condition from the school early this morning; a d was found about (lay-light no r Ream Mill in his night clothes. Squire Svlvanus Gardner and a Mr. Ledford discovered him along the road and no ticing his mental condition, brought Id mto Shelby where he was placed in the care of Sheriff Logan. Phile i t-.t n is said to be a junior at the High [ school and a native of Union county. | About 1 o'clock Wednesday morning bo left his room in his night clothes and went to the home of the Boiling Swings rastor.. Rev. John Green. After calling Mr. Green to the door be told him that he had received a ca't f.r a missionary to the foreign fields : arid must be on his way. Mr. Green asked him to return to his room and j dress, promising to meet him there as soon as he (Green) could dress. Vi hen Mr. Green renorted at the room he found that the young student had not returned but had left the community walking.. Neighbors wero j summoned and hurting parties form ed to make a search in every direr* | Don. Early this morning Mr. Gua 1 Jolly and Mr. Hamrick were in Shelby, | reported that they had tracked his t here feet in this direction. Soon aft ! or their arrival in town they learned . hat the dazed student had been loent .*«!-,»-#ar Beams Mill and brought i« Shelby. Officers say he had regained h>s mental faculties to some extent and that he will be dismissed in a day or so. Efird’* Celebrates Anniversary Sale Efird'?. celebrating: the sixth anni versary of the establishment of the lo cal .‘ tore, is putting on an anniversary rale, advertised in today's Star. This store has been a fixture in Shelby since April 1920, and has taken its place during that period as one of the solid, four-square business in stitutions of this section. Mr. G. W Neely has been head of the establish meat since September, 1922, and it is undoubtedly largely due to his efforts and character that the business has been pushed to such a successful is sue. Efird’s—the main store—was es tablished in Charlotte some 20 years ago, by H. M. Efird. From a modest beginning the business has been ex panded until today it embraces 31 stores, in three states. The founder is dead, bui the enterprise is being car ried forward by his brothers, notably J. B. Efird. The Shelby store is one i f the chain. NOTHING DECIDED YET ABOUT LEGION BUILDING So far as can be learned the count, 1 commissioners have not as yet decid ed definitely about the plot of ground asked by Shelby Legion members for a club houset The plot in question is the triangle at the East Warren street intersection just in front of the new county jail, legion members say that if they arc. able to purchase the plot right they will erect a handsome club house there, that would add much to thc appearance of the street. NOTHING NEW DEVELOPS IN WAY CHURCH SUIT No new developments have come up daring the,; week in tne suit of Rev. C. B. Way against the Methodist I’rotestent church of West Shelby. Rev. Mr. Way is suing for back sal ary he claims due him and the trial will be held in Lexington, Davidson county. j Trustees of the local church have been summoned. Rev. Mr. Way was a visitor here over the week-end it is. understood. WAIT. For “The Good Bad Girl’’ starting Monday in The Star. It’s tb$ best serial stor> vei \ oil’ll ike i;. v . i Tom Dixon Speaks Thursday Night At Court House Here I \ NOTED SON OF CLEVELAND : iflSasifc-'-sL'T"—7m-"*rr! J THOM AS DIXON WHIP SPELLERS WILL GATHER HERE On Wednesday, April 2t. The Chan, pion Speller of Cleveland County Schools Will be Named. Who is the best speller in- the schools of Cleveland county? Wednesday, April 21, that question will be answered in the Central school auditorium here. Or that date County Superintendent J. C. Newton announces that the champion speller of each township in the county will meet here and con test for county honors. Township Notice. If for any reason there are town, ships wherein the champion has not been selected from the schools of the county then, according to Mr. New ton, each school in the township shout 1 send a speller here at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning at which time a contest will be held for the purpose cf deciding the best speller in the townships where the final contest has •lot been held. This is important as it i« hoped that every township will be represented in the main contest which will come at 11 o'clock. In other word* townships that have already selected the best speller from all of the schools will send their en trants tb be in Shelby by 11 o'clock. iTownships where this speller has not i been picked will send one speller from school and the township cham pion will be picked at 10 o’clock to i enter the final contest at 11 o'clock Much interest is being si,own in the r.nelling bee and it is now thought that every township will be represent ed. ^ Ready to Maintain Reds As Good Layers Rev. G. P. Abernctby who preaches-'j on Surdav and finds pasttime in raising Rhode Island Red chickens during the week-days, maintaining a preachers proverbial fondness for he feathered denizens of the barnyard, lias presented to The Star office a Rhode Island Red egg which weighs three and a half ounces, measures seven and three-quarter inches in circumference the long way and six; ard an eighth inches around the cen- j ter. It is an egg of some size. Not | only does his poultry produce eggs | of magnitude but they are producing quantity. For the pasi two months Mr. j Afcernethy has been getting eighty ; per cent, production from his flock of hens and stands ready to uphold the Reds as layers before any one who challenges them as good layers. Newton to Speak At Vernon School On Friday morning, J. C. Newtot-, county superintendent of CJeveland schools, will make the annual ad dress at the closing of the Mt. Ver* r.on school in Rutherford county. Mr. Newton, a pleasing orator nnd ofie of the leading educators in this section of the state, is much in de mand during the commencement sea son as a speaker. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS FUNERAL OF LEDBETTER Forest City, April 13.—One of the largest crowds on record attended the funeral here this afternoon of J. D. Ledbetter, one of Rutherford county's outstanding citizens and leading bank ers. Dr. W. A. Ayres, pastor of the deceased, conducted the sen ices, as i;.it-<i by lb " K "a Noted Son of County to Make First Public Address Here in Many Years. I Hundreds of Shelby and Cleveland county people are expected to gather at the court house here Thursday exerting at 8 o'clock to hear Dr. i Thomas Dixon, native of the county, make his first public address here in years. Senator I). Z. Newton will in troduce him. Cleveland county people heard Tom Dixon often years ago, when he was just starting to climb th > ladder of success, but since he became an ln ‘ii national figure Shelby has never heard him publicly. Sometime back ha appeared before the Kixvanis club in a short talk. Foi years people in this section have been reading the novels turned -nit hv a native son, and witnessing the plays and movie masterpieces or iginating in his mind, and througn those years they have been yearning to hear again the tall, grny-hairc 1 man they knew as an unusual boy. “The Rising South’’ When Dixon lived in Shelby as a * boy it was in the reconstruction per iod and in the hardships of the time he found the plot for his “Birth of a Nation” and “The Bla. k Hood.” Many of his most interesting stories have been mouldd around boyhood scenes in this section and about peo ple whose characteristics he learned from home folks of childhood. However, D.xon, great as a writer, is remembered hereby the older folks ns a speaker unexcelled. As a boy he charmed audiences in the sec tion. And in legislative halls and in the pulpit he became famous first a» a speaker. For that reason a pack ed house is expected to hear him Thursday night. Earlier in the evening Dr. Dixon will appear before the Kixvanis club at Cleveland Springs, coming from the resort to the court house where he will address the public generally. Measuring the South of his boy hood with th industrial giant of to day will be the theme of his talk an nounced under the subject of “The Rising South.” That Dixon himself has returned to the mountains of his native state is evidence enough of his belief of the come-back of Dixie, and here abouts it is believed no man could better relatib of the progress of the New South. Word from Dr. JDixon urges all boyhood friends of his own and friends of his family to hear him. Exploits and feats of the Dixon boys and their veranble father have been handed doxvji by, the firesides in Cleveland* county and advance" indi cations are that there’ll be hundreds here to hear the last of the Dixon boys xvho nave made their place of nativity famous. Sketch of Life Feeling that there are many who would like to preserve an outlined sketch of Dixon’s life, Tho Star car below this information for its readers: Thomas Dixon was born in Cleve (Continued on page two.) If You Are Think ing Of Committing Suicide— Because you will never know what happened to Mimsi Marsh in "THE GOOD Si GIRL" An Intriguing Story Of A Beautiful Model In New York. IN THE STAR

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