SHELBY’S BUILDING PROGRAM IN 1925 RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section, Modem Job Department, TOTALLED THREE MILLION DOLLARS—1926 WHAT? MAKE A CITIZEN OF EVERY VISITOR. SHELBY’S POPULATION 1925 Census_8,864 Where Industry JoLis With Ciimate In A Call For You, . »• VOL. XXXIV, No. 4G “Covers Cleveland Completely." SIIELBY. N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 1(1. 1926. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. "TT-. _J_ __■■■■L J-lL'i! By mail, per year (in advance) .$2.50 ' By carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 2,000 Home Folks Swayed By Eloquence Of Thomas Dixon Ascd Men Who Knew Him In Ynuth Fhrf To Anditnrinm With Hundreds Of Others In Hear C'ountv's Greatest Son. Tom Dixon, a towering-man with a! lock of gray hair across ins forehead I a man of international lame-.: car;:.-' home Thursday night. to Shelby Ui i ■ Cleveland county. As the shadows of a treacherous: April day fell aslant the wide suet s , of Shelby in the evening they began.P« gather, coming from the mountains > , the north and ranging across tV the county to the South Carolina bor der line, and they came until by u;C hour of the scheduled address the big auditorium was packed and doyen's! were turned away. They came back to the identical spot where Dixon- ; hoy attended school to hear the nvi. v ho more than a quarter of a cent in v art1 stood among the pines just cut iif Shelby and recited his first pub lic speech. There with none to heat or see but the whispering pine.- - a. firs' trained the voice that hold 2.hOu ; -ople silent Thursday night for two hours. It was a homecoming unequable A tribute paid two ways: by the folks hr came back to, and by the distil ■ guished character who re, a rued. Along the front rows of the au - torium were packed the- old men H the community, the men who knew Dixon as a boy ami were ; ur.rades of Dixon’s father; men who brought tits' South triumphantly through the try • i-g days of reconstruction painted .-■> vividly by the author in his nove ls and plays. Among them wire men, who years ago. loaned the money to the eider Dixon with which the man the; h< ard speak’was educated, Ard group ed back through the seats were the j u rn and women who had listened by the firesides of the county to the yg no s*ory of Cleveland's own Dixon b-ys. i nt'y were uif re wiui uu1 r;:aui i) ll-'f to see the man. who rose ‘ r-u ion-wide distinction from their ov n foothills, but they were revrar I 'd with more. Dixon was ha. ': home ‘on. The familiar scenes brought buck memories, and arasne a people with whose speech and customs he was ar easainted, Dixon spoke a never befor Pi von was great to bis home folks ' -fore Thursday n'fht: diyirigi’i - ed from the awe of distance, huh •> In is greater than ever before. With the rolling accent of the tnge •bh-nd ed with the irresistible • ioquence of h.ovhood that sent him to legislature from this county before he was 21, the home coining son became a greater .speaker than a writer. At first they uarvelled before the appearance of the man who created “The Birth of a Nation” and “The Clans nan,’ then they fell in a silent awe -'before the bewitching cadence of inde.-eribabit descriptive oratory. The pride of Cleveland county -. the son it fostered may be overi-sti •mtiled, but the . county is content in the pride. Its people measured http at the beginning and know him now*, and by the knowledge they know the distance erf his rise. And, on a broader plane, that ri was thp subject of his appealing n i dress. Dixon rose from a family that suffered in the ashes of the old South land, and it was the come hack of Dixie that Dixon told of. told in a wav that sent thrill after thrill through the body of every Southerner. Introduced by Newton. Before coming to the auditorium Dr Dixon spoke before the Kiwanis club, hying introduced at both places bj former Senator D. Z. Newton. Kiw i, inns who followed him to the audito rium were among those who could not gain entrance and were turned away. Mr. Dixon, in opening his address explained why he has gone into his new work. Something had happened in his life, he said, that changed its current, something big, something .-f’.’iou- “ jloubtlo: s," • he said, "some | °f. J'"ii have hoard of the tragedy of last surnmer. Unexpectedly. out of a ■ if ir shy, 1 11>r- both of my brothers. I That was the supreme shock of mv i bfr. I never thought of them pass ing away before the age of mv fath-1 or, who l.ved to be a man of tit), and I my faba-rs mother, mv grandmoth er. lived be 101. When I experi enced this tragedy it crushed my j hear •. and I ask'd myself the ques-i tion: “What shall it profit a man if j he gain file whole world and forfeit I bis 1IV?" i asked myself another] question, and that was: “What sort : of civilization is it .we are living ini that snuffy out the 1 fe of man in! the height, of • i- manhood and his | hi’" best p . bis achievements ? ’’1 The f. is something radically wrong j vVth It. Min should to a more} advanced-• age titan they are living j today. Tho.-o two things turned t1 e 'current of hiv life and caused me to give revaluation to life, revaluation to ti ■ motives of l.tV. and I closed my desk oil whivh 1 was preparing a! b-M k. stopped the work of preparing a pict'U'o nod turned toward this beautiful idea. Risen from Ashes “Tlv 'them"-, which 1 have chosen I is “The Rvsih" South,1’ The:'-- - could | be no r irig South unless it had ris-1 en frorh. soniething. The South must: l ave been; plunged into some abysm ! some stupendous catastrophe, from j which she has arisen. When we look, back- over our history, we recall the j history of the South, ;t is as 'as tounding fact that the South has ri. - ] en. is still rising, as we see her do ing. I never go over the South but j what I am amazed at what 1 see. I i never look at her glorious presence j • ;» ! do not recall her tragic history i ami wonder how it has been nossible j for the South to rise in such glory within the brief time it has been aie coi iniihseii. And this was because of the tr:.g -(iy of our history. We reach ed the deepest abyss nnv people of our race ever reached because our livt • bo nine entangled in the out t -onu institution of slavery. The Yank- nv ral code was no higher than the. people of the. South. We are 'he same people in breeding and in j the race from which we came. W hen our f it . rs came wer liere thev were i all pious i ' ’ ■ When they landed they landed first on their knees and j then on the aborigines. The differ ence in attitude toward the negro was practically nothing. On the slave questYn we were practically of one mind. The real thing, that ‘happened1 was C at the Yankee had better busi ness sense than we had. He figured out very, quickly that slavery was not oi ly a moral wrong, but an eco nomic insanity. end early in the ■'lime he abolished slavery, not on moral grounds but on . economic ,.iairei -. Wo were in the way of abolishing slavery in the South when the catastrophe was prcticipated. Just when our greatest statesmen were beginning to gather around the council table and entering into id arts for settling this i-sue there sudden ly appear 'd on the scene a strange, Weired old man with the glittering eye of a paranoiac. This old ascetic Puritan by the name of John Brown proclaim 1 siehleiilv a new doctrine JI„ called it “direct action.” Ho meant direct, blood-stained action as the ohlv possible solution of the pro blem. IB preached his doctrine far and wide. He met an immediate re sponse-. not from the mas see of the people, hut from the groups of fana tics. That, old man said to Garret Smith. Theodore Parker and their as sociate'.: “You give me enough mo (Continued on page six.) Hundreds of Star Readers Will Enjoy Serial Story To Start In Monday s Star What happened to Mimsi Marsli, thi‘ beautiful model, in New York’’ That's the big query of the unusu ally interesting serial story. “ The Hood Bad Girl,” starting in The Cleveland Star-in Monday's issue. Many readers have enjoyed the serial stories carried heretofore in •he Star and it is the firm bel.ef of the management that this will be the host of its kind ever published in The •Star. Numerous new subscribers are al rcady coming in desirious of begin ning at the first of the story. Those Who subscribe prior to Wednesday '■f next week will get the issue car tying the first installment. An Idea of It There are two kinds of wolves in New York—the first get a girl that hasn't any money; the other gets the :nnocent girl who doesn’t know PH she should about hr ' Mimsi: Marsh, attractive to the li mit, you'll sav, came down to New York* to he an artist. Down to the l.ij.- city that has no heart and crushes ambitions, and sometimes the person: Mini'sr, winsome thing, had to live and she became a model. Some modr els compromise with their ideal", when they accept a job. Perhaps Mimsi did, and perchance Mimsi kept dreaming dreams. Just what she did, and the things she faced, the story will tell. You'll hardly be able to wait to sec ■ what Minisi did once you start on her story. Yes, she’s “The Good Bad Girl” of the story. Which won, good or bad ? It’s a romance that grips the soul, is clean, and yet has thrilling situa tions and emotional climaxes. Wini fred Van Duzer, pictured above is the writer. Start M Momiivv ii. the Mar. . AGED VET, T. \V. HARMON, BELIEVED NEAR DEATH Reports from Kings Mountain shortly after noon today stated that Mr. T. \V. Harmon, 112-year-old (’on federate veteran well known citizen i f the county, was near death at tin. home of his son, Mr. Tom llarmon on the Kings Mountain highway. The aged man became sicl Wednesday morning and soon lapsed into an un conscious state, it is said, from which he has not revived. Editor Rage, of tiu Herald, stated at noon that little, hope was held for the recovery of Mr. Harmon and that death was expected unv moment. - Violets Bloom In Snow Here -- < . I t or Hot Shelby Climate Does Not ; Affect Beautiful Freak of Na ture Here. Sue, here’s a brief yarn. As the word goes in a newspapci .-hop. It concerns violet bloom, pansy blooms, the bio rams of the peach, 'hoj • pear and maybo—in the end—oratlgr, blossoms. John McGrow used to have a field- J cr on the Giants whom old time fans, - such as J. Baltimore and others, will j n member as Benny Kaull. Kauff we-' caked “The Shrinking Violet.” Of’ course you get the point—he was the ; toughest nut in baseball during that j unhappy time. i But we arc coming to the violet later. Jusl now we will consider j peach blooms and pear blooms ano the like. Last Monday l . c. suuie, wm. i-, thoughtful and observant, express* 11 surprise that the*cpld spell had not; idoped every fruit bloom in Clove -! laud county, and in the whole ofj North Carolina for the matter of that. | Monday was cold enough to cause Clyde Nolan to put on his overcoat, Mr. Ebeltoft’s thermometer fell to forty, and the wind out of the east ffit a though it was full ofpin points. Mr. Suttle awoke Tuesday morning, after the chill of the moon less night,, ami said to himself it is 11 over with the fruit. And he regretted the peaches. And many thought as he did, tha* I all the friut vyas gone—frozen in the: bloom, without a chance. But it developed the apple tree stood out in their gay regalia ot n-ing Tuesday morning'as bold ana blight as ever, like beacons of light in the gloom of the day. Not a bud, not u petal was frozen,—not even nioped. And it was the same with the pear, and the other trees. The conclusion was plain. Fruit blossom the blossoms of the fruit that delights the natives in these parts is tough. They are tough, hardy, and then some. The idea prevalent in the land that because you see alleged delicate pinks and reds and creams and whites on I the trees it must of necessity be and continue warm, or all is lost, is a plain bull. Which brings us along after a delay —to the violet, the shrinking violet. Violets are supposed to bloom in the spring. There is a song to the ef fect that violets bloom in the spring And a violet is supposed to be so lender and delicate that they shrink from the heat or cold with a sensi tiveness almost’unknown in nature But out on North Washington | street lives Mrs. Z. B. Weathers, who (Continued on page three.) Local Legion Post Wants New Members Drive Will Be Staged by Ex- Service Men to Increase Membership of Organization Here. The Warren Hoyle Post of the American Legion will stage a mem j be rah ip drive on Friday and Satur* ! day, April 23 and 24, it is announced I by J. Horace Grigg, commander of j post. It is the aim of Legion officials to enroll every ex-service man in the county if possible. At least 100 new members are anticipated during the campaign. Beneficial Here The work of the local post has pro ven beneficial to ex-service men seeking aid there and it is thought that other ex-service men will find the organization worthwhile and ser ving their best interests. Renewed interest has been shown in general club activity recently by the i post, a smoker and banquet being held recently at which ex-service men of the county were guests. Following n cold snap the local realty mar! seem* to have settled back on a steady and ac tive basis. Renewed activity is being seen in realty circles and Highway 20, after a shivering spell, is : gain the scene of numerous cars loaded with prospect.- going out and customers coming hack. With the visit her.' bf several out-of-town buyers tl.i d ght de pression of the cold nan disap peared and local dirt sale man have been viewing with each other in ‘‘showing off Caro lina's fastest growing the official census.” Cpusiderable building is going on now in various sections of the t vvn. Of much interest to those who have been watching realty activity is the building along the rlevdaral Snrings road. The Dudley and .‘-eh' nek homes irt the heart of the Clevelan 1 Springs estate are nearing completion, while this week construction work was star'ed ,