illtt Cleveland fiav ! Published Tri-Weekly. Star Building. No. 1 E. Marion Street Shelby, N. C. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription Price. Py mail, per yea? ..._$2 50 By carrier, per year$3.00 j The Star Publishing Company, Inc. LEE B. WEATHERS_President RENN DP. uM__Local Editor Entered as second class matter January i, JeOb, at the postoffice at ; thelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. We wish to call your attention to the j fact that it is, and has bean our zustom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one. death notPo has been published. Thin! will be strictly -dl.ercd to. FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 1926. | TWINKLES.^ ' j Volcanoes may die out, but1 Herrin goes on forever. It’s sure enough baseball It into. Two games in the major leagu were “snowed out” W* ’nesday. j Ye Paragrapher would hate to be in a French cabinet, but upon choice would take the iob rather than be an officer in Herrin, 111. Heat woes along with heat. Every time the sun warms up in Shelbv the real estate t'over rises —and vice versa, but don’t men tion it. The Federal nrohibition agent who patrols this section, says there’s verv little liquor around here now. We wonder what it is. then ? Babe Ruth has been arrested for not paying his income tax, And Babe makes his income by his outgo—hitting ’em over the fence. That fellow Brown who pro phesied no summer this year ap pears not to have l'ed so big as some Shelby folks thought. Not mentioning what else he mav he able to do, or not to do. Bob Reynolds sure can answer questions. The one trouble with Piedmont Carolina climate is that the pri mary comes along about the time hot weather arrives. “Mencken js a wildcat.” Torn ]>ixon is alleged to have said. At that, Mencken does seem to run some of ’em wild. A visitin«r realtor says Shelby most of "U needs a '••.llppo for girls. And wo never thought to ask if the visitor was married. The Greensboro News nara rrqoher sav« the world will he shinshsne when Peggy Jovee v'rds Mussolini. And we add: That is. 'f they honeymoon in Herrin, 111. Several Carolina mountain de velopments were covered with snow- this weok and now w°’rp waiting for the description the nress-agents will give these homelands. Henrv Ford is defending Bur hank’s faith Who knows Bu* hank, the ohmt wizard, might have mixed |Vi» breeds th^t re sulted in Ford’s celebrated pro duct. Rooming Hendersonville just had to res>H a litt]f» nioro each day nnd Noah HoUow«ll ia is»u ?THr the Da;iv Hendersonville News. Now it anyone there pings “Show Mo the Wav to (’o Home” perhaps they poll find it in >Ui«on’s “Pointed Para graphs.” Glorv to the Charlotte Obser ver. which says since so nis’ v neighboring towns patronize theatrical attractions there that Ihe attraction* should bo better. I* would be nearer to Charlotte along the old route with better shows than hv the Wilkinson boulevard with attractions not improved and seven miles less to go. Florida folks it is said have omv«h«aed 49 lots In the Cleve land Sprint estates. Speaking for the best interests 0f Shelby V« Paragrapher would advise the Floridians not to come un until after .April and the weather getg off its spree, It may snow, rain, or most anything here nhouts in April—or so it seems dr spite the caressing hand of the weather prophets. PUT IT ACROSS. If we don’t make a final effort and put over the Chamber of commerce which looked so prom - ising a few weeks ago when the movement w-as launched, we might as well Rive up and sav it can't be done. If we fail, it is a reflection on the tow’n and in a few weeks when the season real ly opens and the chamber is given up as a hopeless task, we will then have pangs of regret for it is much harder to revive a dead issue than i< is to keep a live one living. Numerous re quests are coming in for litera ■ ure about Shelby and Cleveland county. Nothing is available to send these inouirers who have heard of Shelby and Cleveland county as the most inviting ter ritory in Western Carolina. It takes time to get the machinery of a chamber of commerce in working order and every day’s delay is injuring the cause. OCR BUILDING PROGRAM. Shelby’s building program out fined for this year has indica tions of keeping pace with last year when a new record was es tablished. With $200,000 for schools, $200,000 for a water station. $12b.000 for streets and sidewalks Sfto.000 for golf club house and $100,000 or more for lesidences, there should be ample emplovment and a goodly por tion of money in circulation. To this total, we are expecting at an early date to hear the an nouncement of the largest busi ness house that has over been ejected in the countv. T^ist year Dan Frazier, our city engineer, reported the total amount of huddinwr at f’ve millions which included textile plants to give employment to wage earners. P.y the end of this year we predict that he can make a report equally as good if the building measures up with the real es tate trading. ( HARLOTTE AND POLO. About the time Camp Greene passed out. nolo entered Char j ttte, aava the Charlotte Obser '■ er. And the reputation of the Oueen Gitv has spread far through the medium, of the game. North Carolina, as Tom Dixon would saw “iust now stepping < ut” isn’t so very fundia*’ with nolo, or hasn’t been. Ft. Bragg, Pinehurst and now Charlotte are the mediums whevebv the vame has been introduced to the Carolinians, although it has been a favorite sport around Camden, in South Carolina for Some time. Seme way to “down home" folks polo gives an air of big things and since Charlotte is making a reputation in the polo field adjoining sections of the state have a feeling of pride. And in that connection, other •motions are wondering whv the tourist hotel builder left Char lotte ? Somehow folks up along “The Blue Ridge Trail.” Highwav 20. wanted to see a big tourist hotel in Charlotte. That it would have mean* much to Carolina’s lead ing city was the idea here abouts. Western Carolina as a resort center is just now coming to the attention of Eastern Amer ice Thousands, several of them, will be passing through Char lotte seeking the scenery and climate by another summer. Toe much of a touiTst hotel rnuldn’t have been erected in Charlotte. Then look at that chain < a ro the mountains: Charlotte’s Tourist, hotel, Cleveland Springs, Iso-Thermal. T uremonv, Hen dersonville, Asheville. Big Revival for Caroleen Sunday Caroleen, April 15.—On April 18, Kf E. Gibson Davis pastor of the First Baptist church of Mount Airy will come to Caroleen Baptist church to assist the pastor, Rev. R. N, Chit * dress, in a seriefe of evangelistic ser. vires. Rev. Bavis is a well knov.n pastor evangelist in our state. He has don* the preaching in each of the revive*, services held ir. his church in Mt Airy, since becoming its pastor, unesplte this fact, j there are many water dilution sys- | terns In use and the' losses are fre- | quently very heavy because of this fact. One of the advantages of dairy fanning is that when cream Is sold, the skim milk may he saved and fed to growing pigs and young calves. Skim milk is regarded ns a valuable protein feed, hut dairymen are de cidedly opposed to filling the skitn milk with a lot of precious butterfat. The water dilution system has been found by the Indiana experiment sta tion to lose about 40 pounds of butter from one cow’s milk In a year, com pared with leas than two pounds of butter lost by the use of the centrif ugal cream separator. Tt Is a well-known fact that even the centrifugal cream separator will not do good work when Its rate of speed Is wrong and when the ereatti screw Is not properly set by an ex perienced operator. Examples of sud den savings In fat losses by strict attention and examination of the sep arator are numerous In Wisconsin. Just why anyone, knowing the dan gers Involved In the careless separa tion of milk, should employ cheap and nseless methods of separating cream or neglect the adjustment of the cen trifugal machine is something which Is hard to eaplaiu. Well Managed Sow Will Increase Crop of Pigs Farrowing records of 574 sows on 58 Kansas farm demonstrations con ducted last year by the Kansas State Agricultural college extension service. Indicate that exercise and protein foods are among the' most important essentials of winter brood sow man agement. In these demonstrations the far rowing dates rahgcd from January 1 to April 1. The number of sows to the farm varied from one to fifty-five. All of the sows received corn in their ration. On 20 farms 203 sows received com and a protein supplement of either tunknge, skim milk, alfalfa or linseed oil meal. They had plenty of range for eaerclae and tlie equipment was about average. Those 203 sows far rowed a total of S.tMO pigs, an average of 10 plga te th* litter. Seventeen hundred and thirteen pigs were weaned, or an average of six and a half pigs to the litter. On 11 of the remaining 24 farms 100 sows received mostly a corn ra tion without protein supplement. They farrowed seven pigs to the litter and weaned an average of less1 than four pigs to the litter. The equip ment on those farms was above the average. On the 13 other farms 145 sows furrowed an average of almost ten pigs to the litter. The sows were fed a well-balanced ration, but on ac count of poor equipment and poor preparation of farrowing quarters these sows weaned only 45 per cent, of the pigs farrowed, or a few more than four pigs to the litter. The sow.s that were well managed and on good rations weaned 71 per cent more pigs than tne sows on low protein rations and 50 per cent more than the tows on good rations hut poorly managed. “Hothouse” Steers Add Much Trouble to Feeder Protecting beef cattle in a basement bam tightly closed doesn’t produce beef half ns certainly as it produces trouble. (•ulna on beef cattle are more rapid and economical when cattle are quar tered in opgn sheds rattier than warm basements. Cattle-feeding equipment need not he expensive. A burn with a first floor given over to entile and hogs, with hay und straw storage above, a erib running ulong one aide, a silo at one end, settles at the other end, and south side dpen, ia difficult if not Impossible to improver There is nothing but trouble in the idea that fattening cattle need to Ire protected In a baeentent barn that inuy be tightly closed. Diseases, es pecially tuberculosis, ore more com mon when cattle are doaely confined. A steer on a full ration generates more than enough beat In the process of digestion to maintain body tem perature. Steers need a dry bed with the cold winds broken. A shed open to the south will answer these re quirements. Feed for Young Steer A two-year-old steer on a full feed of grain, when the grain Is coni|x>sed of coru or barley m a mixture of corn end oats or barter and oats, will eat about 1% pounds t» $ pounds of grain per head per d*>\ Along with tills, they would eat « to 8 pounds of hay per heart per rtay. If they are getting a liberal Med of com silage, say SO pounds per head per day, they would eat about 1*4 pounds of grain per 100 pounds live weight and about § pounds of hoy. V BLMltllT C10T1S CB. THE MEN AND YOUNG MEN S STORE. The Straw Hat season is here, and we have a full stock of the, very newest styles, just in. The new models are very attract ive -— full hrims, new fabrics, fancy bands — very Sp ing-iike and nifty. Come in and look ’em over. Prices from $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and up. Don’t miss giving the new Oxford’s the once over. The styles like the hats are radically new —broad toes, ade quate, comfort able. With the new straw, they give you an up-to date look and feel ing. Prices $5.00 to $9.50. If you haven’t bought that new suit, don’t delay. The stock is being picked over. We still have some very attractive suits-in fact some that are unusually attractive. Come in and look them over. We believe you will hardly re sist buying. The prices are so mod erate for a good serviceable gar ment, that they are within the reach of most all pocketbooks. $19.50, $25.00, $30.00 to $39.50. Remember we carry a full line of WILSON BROS, furnishings — shirts, ties, under wear, socks, etc. BLITOWHT CLOTHING CO. The Quality Shop For Men. ALUMINUM SALE SATUKDAY Any Hem 69c { ALUMINUM SALE j SATURDAY ! DON’T MISS SPRING MERCHANDISE AT GILMER’S LOWER PRICES _ __ ITEMS FROM OUR PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT Figured Voiles, 36-in. 25c to 48c vd. Staff els Swiss Voiles, Plain and Flowered, yard __ -------- 69c Beaut if id Georgette in all the newest pas te’ shades;.-yard - $1.48 Printed Crepes, 36-in., yard--— 79c Face Curtain Panels, 2 1--2 yards long, ^ v. th dainty fringe $1.00 to $1.98 K-rinkl' 1 Bed Spreads with colored strip , , Sire 72x90 _ $1-25 Poiret-Siieen, 36-inches wide, (color, tan) vnvd . _- _ $2.9o Hand embroidered Guest Towels, assort ed color borders — 69c to $1.00 MEN’S CAPS JUST RECEIVED Men’s and boys caps that can bo made any size with the adjustable band. Fretty patterns. Only OTHER “HY-GRAD MARX MADE SUITS FOR MEN Just at this time our stock of Men’s cloth ing is at its best. The newest weaves, col ors and patterns. All moderately priced. $19.95” $32.50 PANAMA HATS __ _ $1.69 to $5.48 STRAW HATS _______ $1.48 to $4.9$ Hanes Athletic Unions ____9$c B. V. D. Brand Unions __,__ $1.25 Hosiery _______ 15c, 25c, 4.8, 75c and 98c Sun Straw Hats ___ _ 19c to .‘>5c Overalls boys $1.00. Mens $1.48 and $1.69 SPECIAL SALE OF DRESSES -For Saturday & Monday j WOMEN’S DRESSES MADE OF CCT | TON PONGEE, IN STRIPES AND FIG j URED DESIGNS. SIZES 36 TO 54. j CHOICE jjj gg EACH j This is indeed a big value. Don’t miss ; this event. * HAND MADE , GOWNS | f \\ i Dainty hand made gowns [ of Batiste. Neatly trim-1 ! med. These gowns area ) guaranteed to be strict-1 ly hand made and of the! j finest quality material, , | at only— $1.49 ANTHONY & ANTHONY THESE ABE THE BEST BUYS SHELBY 5 vacant lot* fronting Cleveland Springs road, each with a f: ontage of 60 feet and depth ranging from 185 feet to 285 feet. On each let you will find from 15 to 20 trees, some oak, some hickory and some pine. There is more shade on any of these lot* than any property that’s yet been sold on thi* highway. In the rear of each lot there is running water, making each back yard a natural play ground for children. The sur:. ou^dnigs are about a s good as any one could ask for. Two new brick homes are now nearing completion almost in front of the lot3. Will M. Roberts stuccoed new home is on the east side, Judge E. Y. Webb controls all the property fronting the lots di rectly and just*west of the property several very attractive homes have just been completed. Location is on North side of road, ove: looking Shelby, fronting South and the distance from the square is just a bit less than 1-2 mile, or a 5 minute walk. Restrictions on which each lot will be sold are as follows:_ No residence to be erected at a cost of less than $5,000.00. i se^ ®ack at least 50 feet from highway and no unsight ly buildings or structures are to be erected on the front tl|&t would mar the beauty of the surrounding property. All things considered, size of lots, natural surroundings, shade, etc., with the above mentioned restnctioned guarantees a home owner here has everything he could wish for in the way of a resi dential lot. PRICE PER LOT—$2,100.00. ANTHONY 6 ANTHONY