(Continual ••• wy, you put enough rid •» : ham)*, you put • < • tiy pike r hand?, you put enough - torches into t. e hand- <•: ' and I will |jft the banner of a revolt m the South and • w'eer, ¥■■■ from the Jam** to the R * <'» ' i< The,** men believed tb> Tr,> y him the money. The little town > ? Harper's, Ferry, which -- ^d- i ••• gateway between tee North if : ’ South, where ■ you can •'i: i a mountain peak and look t. v,.rd Yir gin:a awl see t * • beg ttning of t great black belt, wa.. >. t place to begin action “Ft i* yet to •• t :tt< .. lr. -'or\ of that war's sir; -* -an--". A .*ir>g«* Stroke o' Mr Iiro oir. - j.eh ■■ tad out nearly four b'lh'* of iollar worth of your pr«I- • ' bank w*i clotted* every ddl-ar in money wav wiped away, AH >: -i. b«-> K'*' were your peer lands, ad r: v •' ashe* and poverty t «- ft d.wed. M rympathire with desojaiid I'rar.* • today, but ?, e desoh: •<] „r. . Fran3e i* so amat’ ‘ at you y- r to place h on the n wy,:h th- S ,j»h in n jsingk* State < ? ■ Soot’, . r* m'-ght be mistaken f ■ ■ tn» •• mark of railway sfcati m Fra: rotate, hut tre S-nutd a • ■.< -end if the War lay i- rut: i poverty »< desolation from th Jan ■ •• t ■ the Rio Grande, a mighty half < aidin'-’t literally crushed dd- th-- cirsh wit - out r< source®, N> h,-uri,1 ever l»ecn able to convey - v»n an id“a of the devastation. Not o- !. y/»* he de rt'rwtio* -of the South'* -y ‘ •.-••oiul description, but wr bad «iom 'w that was worse, wi;a* • «« r; d-d a Reconstruction.—a di?- -iat'jdn ten. t inea more-terrible than tie dednv t*on w»«. It i* inrredib’* %-iny t> think of the reg-nvv. tha* w: im posed upon the 'South. f < r v. ii-'*. passed .the - reco-i'.tnx'.imi idea* eurct ha<* disfranchised . the whit*; people and enf ranch rd their stove-s end at th' sane time at •» : ' 1 to place their feet n the a:r ar t their heads in the mud. The man' who did that mean* to wipe * I'oath from the face of the earth c i c-raf'. a group of colon e* - v ' -• or ! , < f Santo Domingo and Ha.ti Borrowed Irom t in(land farmer' * M v friend* the South h is r on' After the reconstruct.o-. period, vhat had you left? Twenty-five year pas* ped and all you had now ivir - m.-.r broom at raw fields and the «!•! j I. and barren land that had b ! • oucathed you. How poor you v < God only knows. I lived in t <•*• days. To me a nickel v.a a* in;- a a cart wheel. My father wa* so jam. be did not have money to lend h> * children to colkge. hat he «• •>! u . his mind that he was going to do l. He went out to hi* country chun-in- . to those old Baptist deacons and di ed them to loan him the r«':ey twenty-five. seventy-five and on ■ hundred dollars. They loaned him tie money; they charged him a g od f»te of interest but trlorv to God they let him have the mom-’ The*/ didn’t ask for collateral. They took his signature. It took him long wearv years to pay those notes, hythe paid them. When l was in the legislature of North Carolina, the total pos«ible income of this whole state was lev than $400,0<M). and when I met with the Ways and Means committee I did not know how in the name of the Lord to raise that le- than $400.. OtH). The only way to raise it wa ■ to levy on the poor, naked land. Now you get ten million dollars from vour tax on gasoline, two m llion front yctir income tax ai d do not levy >n the land of the farmer of the St a’" at all. South Produced Men “I look abroad and see the vme Southland rising 'in glory; and beauty. I we the wealth ant prosperity.-in •ervaxing by leap* and bound - and 1 cannot keep ( nek the tears when 1 see it. Now vou ar" laeuur a new problem, and this what turned the current of my l.fe. You have solved the problem of yout daily bread. Now you have gotten to the pi jus- in your life where you have to face a more difficult problem—the pursuit of hat p'nestc, which is a far more duti ful, dtff.cult and dangerous task than the struggle for existence, and with. In the next 3B years you arc* going to establish your ideals of life aid character and it is going to beat the old. hard mater ali<*m of the- past in tte North and it is going to be a new ideal. I am honing that when this newly risen South shall find her soul that it shall belong to the dreamer, the visionary, rather than the hard, the cold and thp maicr alistic. You are going to establish that ideal. You cannot reestablish the past. It is gone with many wonderful and ' beautiful things of the world, nev er to return, but there « imeti ing you need not use. Among tho*e things that belonged to’the Oi l South was the joy of I vine The Old South knew how to live: knew I ow to play. They took time to play. The • South loved trnauty ai d th> v t.,ok time to cultivate it and make it a part of their lives. That sort of eivil i/at-on produced some wonderful things. You have fallen short in some ways. The first big thing t urn duced was human character and ■ c strength of human character. The South produced all the men for 7a years that ran this Republic . They ran the country for one reason only because they grew the breed of mm ffcat knew hov to rnu t; • be character; they bad ti.-.e to ’•■vr: ■ ■■ ■, • < , ' ■ T■■■(■ i r«-a? men **f >»ur r-a-'*.- arty : • of ‘h"!n. >. It Ad.. I. • f were rub"- of this p: • a* Kepuhli *1. i I a;n glad ' 1 that this ' pgr'od «.f the old South ha rot ; ft'**-1 .•-.v.-ay ■ today .in *'bc greujnp statesman-'.ip *-* t . « Kt dilir. A'- a Southern •• ■rr man I am proud • ' th;« fact I am g fur to 'pause ju t h;-re .to .«-pipKa»J«> if and . a that, when t « fop of f*»li-i talk and nr srcpr< -enti-Uen ha - passed away; whep every lilt! • fere -that harks ..at, hi« * hadow shall have, pasr- . t-1; w• -el; all his slanderers an-1 de lr.“. ter- shall t>k'f!•>.'»« unknown 'and iinmark* dvfrrave-. hi t.a shall Is fiyed e-j < ternai foundation:? that can. ; -m:: he shaky rh When that :,.v •,-o:rn-. there w.’il ri e another great h' u‘ .e n * •atesman. the forrriost fi i.: re of the World WopdroW IV i We will v,ce in hint a measure of the inheritance of the old South' Be. .for* we tan preerve tliy* whi-fi i* • orb white one. of t If- first things to do . to slow down long enough t< 1 -am how to live. W<- have pot to **•**. ba-k to the heart of nature and learn hoy.- to play, you have pot. to ’ on •-* the murmur of runninp wat er and fee! the kiss of the hn:Mf* .‘rum (re oeran on your It row. With • -r high-pro.* sure t f modem life, oar fay moving about, our automobiles, »t ha-t- ro. time ,to. five. You have pot to you shat, sort of I fe and pet bark to th<- heart of nature. Now. you ray, I am p rear hint'. Well, I am 1 am preaching a eru id • for a re* turn ‘o nature and the rrr.ew.pt of lie through t ie inspiration of na ture. If vpu don't, do it this n-tCon in !*.<- fiber and t liara -*>r of it manhood is goinr to deteriorate in the n-xt two or three pen er at torn. Hark to the Country "I an railing you. tonight to take up the. book of life, Look that look over and ye Aba* ir w >rth-wh a and ■what i hot worth -while. W< mhf* , - up-- from rrune of the thing* w. I n- he*-i doing. These great towns you are building, the gre.vt cities of she WO*-!,) t rf|;.y ... art bleed ng the re e force. ti c life ou* of you and p ving you weaker oeople generation iis >** iz • in" ' vf and I and vihratioi s make this j so V*e did r ot use to uri'!<-r-tard thi» ' ujst 1 radio v ' • c invented. The tinman j ' o y jjf r i <i o r< i s it; < t and the Srin-in U'ijy your Wren’ citie* re < < \ • ti.M <■ terrific roe •••• that . tK’Whd th- !>()<!'• K’tt !• '•!! (! the tsoul; into a pulm All the cir-'s that ?*>•< ! . - ■ ' ■ . all th" i ’ r.itv, ail the , I ! : ,.-r -r- .ill •*..'• l*,- r t;, all the eh< lit • ' i r p»l- t> . f.-s?htm.tr, a’l the -w.phr.K' and the-'- shame < • thwe' tmeSt , crowded edit'* nr-' in., th” vibration > 1 1 oil' i the radio r »-*-i vif-jar- ; > t nod ’.vi' m-t it. I am ti tlin'’’ v/in t' at yon I avc j- to tret out of that for a! while and into the ci.r.-i "U»i -s of » i leaner air. If vnn don't yott are f trHt'mtr aw inevitable battle5 And I.) want you to remember that, life does not consist of the abundance of the t hinjr-i that we pos t s«. That may | round «>hl. hut it terribly true, i Thintra worth-while may not he tan-, elide. "I love the ;.«•:» and the mountains. I have two homes i one 1 >y the .<-a in Eastern Sort Carolina and 1 am huiidihj? another in *he mountain* These mount a ns' of Western North Carolina are the most beautiful mountains that. Cod made in this world. I have traveled over the moun tains of Switrerla* (I and the moun tains of the Rockies and I have nev-; er seen anythinir in tins world so j absolutely enchanting. so completely enthralling as th” wonder and heau tv of these mountains of my native' j t ate. Tribute to Mountain* "\\ mom v.-ry young I decided to go on on the verv hisrh*-.-1 mounta n in Kns'ern America. My home wa ■■ in Bastrn North t'arcdina and I had nt'c been on a mountain before. But you know, one of the most re markable experiences possible to a human soul i- to climb to the top of the world and just stand for one hour,— f you never stand any long er. and just look down on this world, not up. When very voumr about Id, I went up to Asheville with my old er brother who bad just married and we went no this magnif icient peak of Mount Mitchell. For the whole | afternoon we traveled on the banks j of the: Swannanoa until we reai j ed t he bouse where we spent the " jht. I’ll never forget the sour that jut out from the Blue Ridge and rut through towards th<- North fif ■ teen miles and over <5.000 feet m height. When we got to ih s little i tr.owrtain house to spend the night 1 eottifl not keen out of the surround ing .forest, and I walked out and felt the wonderful clean n r and looked op into the starlit heavens above my head. I had never before seen the ‘urs so dose nor so clear. I return 11 d to my bed, my eyes got drowsv 1 ohI in a few minutes somebody knocked around me and I awoke. I i Had- slept all night w'thoot knowing t• had slept at all. Then after hreak fn ’ we saddled the horses and start ed up *he mountain side for the first I me. We saw the great forest as i Ood made it. ns it was when Colum. | bus discovered America. We passed through the dim cathedral aisles shaped by tiod’s hands. At last we I mi.it covered world. For the first | time- we ran into c-louds and ! felt i that ? had never been rz :» 1 r n be- ’ fore. To rain, came in o.n -r-h sole?..; fitm*- -;-f» frr m the ground, and-sud df • 'y v, e pI'ji.irMl out of this.' cloud • • -'rt -fc- 1 frorn • rr.enntajn ffai ■ to .. tenth'.--r, ye n 'e - . • r I ■' it ■ • -h aro1 N mv bond ar.il r« arid ■ the : * ' •■tti o*-r (: • .r / .. tee ycat p ah . If v- 4 cvr-r fcr, -ywhat ruah e ' i? you will’ fir.ff .it wren o i 2 t that deep fof-esl <*: d st'et. on that carjret t at God trade, on i"'••• I t Hl' he. deep, . err..* g- >*.-%' it ar.d water drpping d v>t thr-.-’jfi . When we <-2!ne out it \va- right. We her It. a shelter in a ti ff and w» tnel t*. sleep through ti:e nigh'., the mysterl i*. wonderful. • ■ eut f i- nisrhl. Si; r a night a« I had r.« ■ r f ■■ in • h; world before. I sr«<t up i t.- • to try find roe and feel it glory. Next day the cloud.* lifted and I -aw for the first time this v rid a- I never saw' it before. i .!■- feed into seven grea. states if tsvs Union: North Carolina,: South Caro lina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky. Wf«t Virginia, and Virginia, and I aw blue as ( never saw color before. I have <•< ' the blue of thp porce lains of China, blue which they say cos* ■ e live of men to rnake, a d I h - ■- <cn t e blue of Japan. But na blurt that China ever made, no blue fha Japan ever put on a natural surface, i.-, like the blue I saw that day,--blue stretching in infinite wt>v< into the very heart of God. I felt something come into me that w.ll stay with me for life. 1 felt that I was a free soul and that no man ever imprison me no matter what ! app nod. Hit by Ball, Seeks Damages in Court 'Van's Damages for Alleged Berman c :it Snjurv When Struck bv Fuoi Tip ('■ had <t -■ f>*- rv-i) j Tf:< Charlotte Hi seball ( tub, owi- ! <.f !i •• Charlotte Hornets, of the I ; i-.id'y k-e.Kue, was i.iatle <k't<*n<lant in j a *o”),000 damage suit fried in sujxr- j irr court yi-svcrday. The suit wa-- file i by \V. V. B id, i soiiff, No. ”00 South Tryon street | v. ■ allege? he wan hit by a tali bat tel >v July 21, U|25. ( laim*. Fracture 1 I -g j : The c c,; liiir.t . ays t • nail struck < Mr, Birilsuru on the rijrhr leg, nu? j ■ i' ' e fracture. lie says ho is pern.* j ! re ’ly injureil. . I Ah a re-ul. (,r the Ms R.v-! •««(: say ,. he whs forced to i-Iic .it eight weeks in a t ospital • t i • (m.idcr::.Mi; upc,’.. -diMkhSf v.hicb tin,. pH aticcv was- performed. . I ! I h1<.: s- :. hi- bilk for h-spita! am! 1 -i’i -1 attri tion lotah d more thu. M OOfl. t’harft'-s N< fjtisfenc;- i K h. . ! '• fib-d > v Ki. nr. i. ... c . .'.h: . (t;r,1 ■ ,iy■ h<' v'r/- j . i-i .! •; ... ■!,: *.;•.•! "the Is ' ; i c v.-* is < of lh * Chase, ' /' I I " •■!.!(•! !y. . flie xpccterlk, r • ire!'- sly ansi nesUireptly batted % j !>: li into the box v. ith i i-ific (speeds' J ■ The ( • ....ball i iub i* charged wit!1' 'uc'ui'B to 4‘cx< is-1 ■■ reasonable c/tei to furnish provide hint with rets; nrsable (-a fe place from which to \\,! r r - th- game." 'VFx [layman and W. ’I. (llatll Moore ufe owner- of the Charlotte CsliO. Land Speculators at Asheville Inspected “lender Itoyo" or Option (Irabbers, j Will Not IK- Handed \ very \\arm Welcome \ h •. j lie. April 14 - The Florida j Jaii i peculator with a dream of ce’m- ! it ir i- to Western North < aroliha tlrs : 'enter and niakino a few thousand i>r hundreds of thou and dollars, is i." sited to ;s whole lot of Usappoint n ,nt. accord in? to information wired the Financial journal, published at Ft. 1‘i'tei .burg. Fla... by its editor,'.,*. [’. Insdsweil, who is in Asheville mat. in? a close study of the situation hire. ] Mr. Dudswell indicated that there | ne some real estate operators ir. Pj'o» ida >vho plan to come north at | tJ*i* clos'- of the winter season In !h* sunshine state. These operators,, largely “binder boys,” or ption grub bers, have seen in the real estate re tivity of this section an opportunity for their practices, which are rev looked upon ir any favorable light i even in Florida. Mr. Dads well states.! And Mr. Dadsweli. in writing baihj to St. Petersburg, for the Financier Journal, informs them that the-' land of t'a* sky is thoroughly and conser vatively organized against the mid summer plan t > launch a boom that will eclipse the money battle of the past year in Florida. Business men of this city don’t vvunt any booni.” SNOW \M> SI.FKT COVER HU E KIDGK MOUNTAINS Winston-Salem, April 11.—Snow and sleet cover the Blue Ridgc moun tains, according to .a report received h*-u- today. Tlie entire apple orchards: of the west are undouhtedcly a loss. T! e cold and ice have killed t he ft* jut. Sleet fell for hours around the foot hills of the mountains. At the top of the Blue Ridge a slight snow ami..heavy freeze seized the country in its grip. There is hopcj that the peach trees of that section arc not seriously damaged. Lamb Chons, Dressed Poultry, Good Jb-asts of all kinds at the Sanitary Murky* JV,oo. Daidy'j Evening Fairy Tale ^ Nary Graham^ Bonner -/? »■**** &• ■~0srmmm rngymj^ifm VALENTINE’S DAY .'!• !y hr.'l hpnn titt hn«y gHtlng ri* iy for St. Vklf'utitie’o ilay. A Very Big Red Heart. Sii<? wa* max ing a number of valentine*. Some she made by c u t (i n e out hearts from thick red paper, deco rating them with little bits of gold hearts wiiioh she cut out /if thin goitl papcv. One valentine was a very big red heart, and ail around It were the little gold hearts In tiie center she drew a funny lit tie creature to |<M»K tike i tipid with a Dow and arrow. In another she put a dagger which was to show that her heart ha<l been fderced by love 1 hi* she sent to her mother. t>rn* with the b!g red heart and the little gold hearts she sent to her father. The way she sen' her valentine* was to go outside the door early on the morning of Valentine's day and shove them into the mall box. and then they would he gathered up a little la ter when the postrn-n was heard ar riving with the letters. She wrote little verses for a num ber of her friend*, and these she j>osf ed in plenty of t me so they would arrive on the morning of St. Valen tino's day. She wrote the e verses In red Ink arid drew little hearts on ea li sheet of papor. She spread her lines far apart so the valentines would look as though they were long one* And the people receiving them would net have to take long to read them, yet they would not sewn too short. This was her valentine for her friend l.ucy, ami it was written, in this fashion, with the line* far apart: Lury with hafr.no golden I.u* y with \yny s bo fine. Oh. Liu v, will > *u. will y ^u Ideafte, be my Valentine Tf N . was.- Ili/1* valentine .* lie wrote for 1 .*r friend 1 arolir.e who lived nearby: I have a little neighbor, H r *; imA )< Caroline-— It would fnaM? me very happy I f ah d he lay \ a 'ruliiu*. Tl*i-4 v. ns tin* v;i)pntlne sin.' wrote fur Ik r frii:>il Muimiia : I love Mi ha II a. yes. 1 do, Am] 111 ask .her for a v‘srn • .That' fh«* will >«• quit* w illing 5* To l.w rny Valentine? «r Then she nt a valentine kIio had hvr:ht in a >hop $.h owing a III tie* boy at;d a little Kiri In an automobile with k lilt! heart as a background. Stic sent this to Muriel, ns she knew Muriel loved to go motoring with her daddy, and she knew her daddy took up a big portion of her heart! She wrote one o t li e r valentine which ulie sent to a friend of hers who lived up in tin* state where It was outlier than where Mellv lived. The Way She Sent Them. This was the valentine to her friend Dolly: There'* a dainty little lady Who llvea way. way up state," Shea a darling and a pet. She’* always “up-to-date," The innw may all surround her. And it may be very cold, Kut it can t freeze my devotion, For 1 feel quite brave and bold. And J ask her now to hearken As I beg her to be mine For I want her, oh. so badly, To be my Valentine! Where Hole Came From "Philip," asked ii mother of her four year-old non, ‘ where Uhl that hole tn the screen come from?” ”1 don’t know, mamma,” replied the little fellow. "Are you sure you don’tT” she asked. “of course I am," answered Philip. "1 throwed, fny hull .•« while ago and then I saw the hole, but, honestly, I don’t know where It came from." Martha Wat Quite Proper Martha Is a proper child, who loves parties with their more formal action. One day she started for one accom panied hy tier small, mischievous brother, and eventually she felt doubt ful about his actions, for when she reached the door of the party she said to the hostess: "Here Is Billy. You better look after him, ’cause it’s your fault he was invited." ----- /£ Simplo Teacher Can any one tell me how I a stovepipe is made? Johnny I'irst you lake a big, len; hole, and then you wrap some tin crouud it." A normal man is one who feels very frnf ifiv foe bis wife. WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST - MASONIC TEMI'LE 13 i ILDI.VG. SHEEEY. N. C. Sennit Straw Hats Ready This fine, white Sennit Straw hat, features our com fort-fitting insert, excellent workmanship, trimmed with newest fancy bands, satin lined. One of our outstand ing values at this popular price— $2.98 Table Damask Mercerized You can’t find better value than this Table Damask, 64 inches wide, and in a fine, heavy qual ity, splendidly mercerized, the yard, 59c Now for Tropical Suits Yeung Men’s and Men’s Models , Our Own J. C. Penney Co. Shirts and Blouses Made * - our exacting specifications over our extra large patterns—therefore full cut. Exceptional valuesl Fancy broad* clctb in newest stripes, checks, open and welt* covered designs. Heavy pearl buttons; collars, cuffs and pockets I made and fin V ished with care. Styles full of pep I Good val I ucs that please mothers. Skirli Sizet 12 U to 14Ja 98c Elouses Sizes C to 16 Ask for “Nation-Wide” Economy Sheets and Sheeting Plenty good enough for every dav year, ~-- —>.*£2_. and heavy enough to injure satis factory service! Our cm n bran ’ °f Shewing — with our O7b-Store Buying Power behind it! Economy Prices . ^ f R eached c r 9/4 Unbleached sheeting, the yard . ..47c , Seamless double bed size roadv- I made Sheets, each.$1.39 j *x Cob'd size Pil’ow Car es, each . 32c \ Circular w-*ave in Pillow Tubing inch, j wide, j ard ........ 30a Terry Towels Heavy Weight For Wear Summer’s soon here— when you’ll need a good; supply of good towels— such as these fine Turkish Towels—priced, each, 25c Note This Price Ready-made Sheets In double bed size, a £reat, big Value 1 98c Bath Towels Here Are Big' Savings . B”? a supply of these for i summer Needs! Each, . 10c Sheeting An Unusual Value - * Here’s an inexpensive, yet satisfactory sheeting1 81 in. wide, or double bed size, which will give feal service. The yard, 39c New Hats For Little Girls For wear all thru -the S u m m e r—fetching little . Hats for little girls. Good straw. Priced, only, 69c Beile Isle Muslin Here Showing the Way to Save! • Bw'e, W,e, Mu‘lin 36 !n' B|e®ched or 39 m. Wide, Unbleached Extra Value! The savinnr housewife wel comes this news about theJ|er ! uscfli! '' 'i-'lih—and in a r"v acceptable quality ! One of the bi"r features of our White Week' " 121 2C Ramona Cloth Long Wearing Our own linen-finish ,'ab nc—for countless uses. Vd 25c Pillow Cases • Nation-Wide Brand For great sayings, we1 recommeud “Nation-Widel5, 32c Z ” HEFF SiVfvns; OPPITPST -

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