Perfect Baby Marilyn Campbell, lfi-niontho-1 daughter of Mr. 'aM Mrs. llaroii Campbell. Youngstown. Ohio, claims honors as the p* rfect 1 iby, having reeentlyvscored !•"*» points. The Power of Duplication. \ striking; advertisement t. i cent issue of a well known magazine commands attention. The ad about a look. It goes on to say mat if ,!v one volume of that la.ok were pronuii ed the cost would run into out. thou, sands of dollars. By the power v Nature retvards you with hr.rth. Calotahs arc; the •.! ■ . f system purifiers. Gy 7iirtily pa.-k sge, containing full i.o-e'-t':. . Onl; oo eta. At any dru store. ' 4 -,v.> Treat Colds Externally For sore throat, bronchitis or deep chest colds, rub Vicks VapoRub briskly over throat and chest and cover with »arm flannel. Vicks acts in two ways—both direct: (tbtnrbtii like a liniment and inlialtd as a vapor. A quick relief for the cold troubles of all the family. VIC KS Vaf»o Rus Xfcw llMlLUOM JARC (/SCO YtARUf FARM STOCK SILAGE VALUABLE AS CATTLE FEED t 1 armors usually recant silage as n (lain necessity. hnf tow of (horn real '* ’’ 'ahialilc it win'll properly combined with other feeds in fllUen. ■UK si cits. Indiana experiment station gn ve interesting facts about silage In lli:s '•oniioc'timi as part iif their Inter mitioual show exhibit. They compared 11,0 ''cpnoiny ami ofihsoncj of a stand Hf'I ration with and without silage. Tl.’- food required to fatten a ear load of jti two-year old steers amount *■.'> intis of cottonseed meal, •!.'! ' ■ of silage, 752 bushels of corn, atel t!\>t tons of clover Itav. The land required 10 grow this feed '.as 1.1 acres of corn "rain, 5.4 acres "f silage corn. am! two am! a half ‘"Tcs of clover hay. This was a total acreage of ‘si;? acres. Without silage, if ' • -S acres of farm-grown feed, made-up of It) acres of corn grain ami IJHit*. cUT'i -S i tf <■ J f»\ %* l ead to not •• each pound of gain amou:: < d to pounds coni. 1.,'i Py dipping. * * * Do not feed moldy' hay to horses if you wish to avoid serious ailments. A beef row carries more fat under her hide than a dairy cow, and fat is a most excellent nonconductor of heat. • • * Two severe taxes on pic growth are worms and lice. Cleanliness aids mightily in combating both. • * llog cholera ordinarily causes iarg® losses to fanners during the full and winter months. Vaccination is a stjre preventive but must be done before the hogs get sick. . * * ♦ Too many pigs should not lie nut tie gether. liven though none may be hurt, & large number bunch up and be come so warn) that colds result from going out into the winter weather. A normal man is one who feels very complacent when he opens a stubborn fruit jar for his wife. _ _ SECRET PLAN TO SBWTG MESSIAH IlinHu l’r.nre Has Many Followers in Lo Angeles Who Await His Coming I i Argcles. Prince Jedda Kri.-h •mmurti, the y )img Hindu said to ha't been announced as the “New Mes s : h” and over whom London has been :oj'< rfed agog, is well-known in C.v 1 r, 'i.ia, where he has spent consider able time, it was learned today. ! he young Hindu claimed by one '•>. .-inch of the Theosophieal movemnr. til • ■ been reincarnated as Jems 1 ■ < hrts'tntas, lived for sometime in Southern California at Ajai, ima/ V entuva, and is well known to mem he's of the Theosophieal society in Lbs Angeles. According to dispatches from Lon Ki i 1 : amurti i •• scheduled to ar 1 cor there ,r> ^uiie. tile announcement "i av.ii'o he n made by Lady Emily Lui yro • wi’c cf the eminent architect, f ir Edward Lutyens. In I, .; Ang.tles.- the followers of the young Hi.,do. who i ,’:j \ ear - of age s’ut.d he r ouhl e<>me to America late in June and p< it I v make his firs ap ptcrarcc in America in I. .« Angelo. At Ojai it v, 'if lr rued the young Hindu has suitimer cottage where he ‘Va said to h. v: lived in the utmost •'< 'tn'i m in.pmcrati n for his as.nun the rub of th<- “New .Messiah” lie left California hot November r -ivMadras. India, to be present at the ■ 1 • ,.iphis. Jubilee celebrations, pre sided over by Mr;. Annie Besatu, lead or of the group which is promoting his cause. I.or. !e ; follow; "s of the prin a. welt* found extremely Lr.rkwarci in d’scuo'-ing his past. He is,.known as ti e head f the “Order of the Star in th East” they said. At an cr.rly age he wrote a hook call ed “At chc Feet of my Master.’ Since boyhood he has been intensely train ed through study and mediatation for ti-e mantle of world teacher. V* i.ile many claim the prince is a “New Messiah,” others are sponsor-! Anyway, it is nice to Pola Negri to let Valentino know through the press before taking him to the altar. ! WOMAN COULD NOT SLEEP Her Mother-in-Law Knew A Remedy Mrs. Belle Thompson was in a j very weak and run-down condition I" "" I for four years. She had great difficulty in getting to sleep at night and even then did not sleep soundly. She would wake up again and again. Besides this her appetite was poor. “My mother in-law told me of Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com 1 r 1 pound and Lydia E. I Finkham’s Sanative Wash.” she writes. “I took six bottles of the Vegetable I Compound and I was hot the same j woman at all. I could sleep and would get uji in the morning singing and feel ! ing dnc. 1 am the mother of three ! children and always after the babies ; came I had to take treatments, but 1 I can truly say that this last time I have \ only used the Sanative Wash. It does me more good than the treatments. It keeps me on my feet to care for my l chlldreu and I do most of my work. I ' feel it my duty to let you. know how both of the medicines have helped me.” j —Mas. Bin r.E Tiio.ursoN, It. ”, Itoss ! ville. Georgia. Are you or .ho Sunlit Hoad to Better Health? If Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege j table Compound has helped others, why : shouldn t it help you? BILIOUSNESS Retired Minister Tells How He ; Keeps in Good Form With the Assistance of B!ack-Draught. West Graham, Va.—Tho Rev. ! Lewis Evans, a well-known retired j minister, now past 80, living here, j has a high opinion of Black- ! Draught, which he says he has taken when needed, for 25 years. “For years I had been suffering with my liver,” he says. “'Some times tho pain would be very in tense and my back would hurt all tho time. Black-Draught was the first thing I found that would give me any relief. “My liver has always been slug gish. Sometimes it gives me a lot of trouble. 1 have suffered a lot with it—pains in my side and back, and bad headache, caused from ex treme biliousness. “After I found Black-Draught, I would begin to take it as soon as I felt a spell coming on and it re lieved the cause at once. I can recommend it to anybody suffer ing from liver trouble. A dose or two now and then keeps me in good form.” Made from selected medicinal roots and herbs, and containing no dangerous mineral drugs, Black Draught is nature’s own remedy for a tired, lazy liver. NC-166 Legumes check soil crosin by fur nishing a cover crop, by adding a large amount of organic matter to the soil and by holding the soil with their heavy root systems, say agro nomists of the Agricultural Exten sion Service. A probe is .something' used on a tariff just before the whitewash is ap plied. Magnesium limestone under toba cco will improve the yield and quali ty of leaf this year, sn.v investiga tors of the North Carolina Experi ment Station. Hatch the chicks in March and April before hot weather comes, ad vi*e poultry experts. The late hatch ed chick is unhealthy and unprofit able, say these Investigators. --SCHEDULES INTER-CAROLINA MOTOR BUS CO. Shelby to Charlotte—7, 9, 11, 1, 3, 5, 7:30.- Charlotte to Shelby —8. 10. 13, 2, 4. 6. Kings Mountain to Charlotte—7:30, 0:30, 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 8,3!). Direct connect ion made in Kings Mountain for Spartanburg and Greenville in the morning—One hour layover in afternoons. Morganton to Shelby 2 p. m. Shelby to Morganton 0 a. m. D rect connection for Gastonia and Charlotte, Leaving Gas ton it at K for Morganton. Bessemer City to Charlotte—7:45, 0:15, n:ir„ 1:15, 315, 5:43, 8:45. Gastonia to ( harlotte, leaves every hour on the hour, front 7 ,\. M. to 8 P. M. Connection made there for Rock Hill. S. ('.; Spar|anburg, Greenville, Cramerton, Lincolnton and Cherryville, York and Clover, S. C. (•as ton in to .Shelby—On the odd hours, making connections for Rutherfordton, Hendersonville, Asheville and State ville and Mogantori,. Gastonia to Cherryviile—8:30, 12:10, 4:10. 8:10. Cherryville to Gastonia- 7:15, 10, 2, 0 i*. }|. Charlotte to Rock Hill 8, 10:30, 4:15. Rock Hill to Charlotte -10:30, 1:30, 1:15, I,u l,a\es Spartanburg C:15 1’. M. Connections at Kings Mountain, (Tuirlotte. Telephones: Charlotte 2671, Gastonia 1051, Shelby .50 Sl.elhy to Rutherford, ton— 8 A. 51. and 1 I’. M, Rutherfordton' to SI dbv--0:40 A M & 2:15 P. M. ^ Shelby to As.- vi!’;.—10:00 A. M. 12, 2, 4, 0 V. M. Asheville to Shelby -8, 9 & 11 A. Id. & 2, 4, P. M. Shelby—7:20 A. M ,10 A. M„ 1 P. M„ 4:30 I1. M. Lincolnton— 8:30, A, M.. 11 A. M„ 3:00 I’. M. 0:30 P. M. Schedules Subject to Change. Structural Steel Beams, Channels, Angles, H Columns, Plates, Bolts and Reinforcing Bars in stock for all purposes. Prompt delivery to your job. J. Claude Weathers Office Rooms 23 and 24, Lineberger Bldg. Phones: Office 662, Residence 502. Highest CASH prices paid for Poultry and Eggs at the IDEAL ICE & FUEL CMPANY Shelby, N. C. Tested forWeamerWear "this motor ear finish stands up in hard service PANELS painted with Dcvoc Motor Car Finish are placed upon the slowly turn ing wheel of the “weather machine." Artificial sun rays beat upon it. Artificial rain storms potiryjxm it. Artificial frost.attacks it. » f In a- few <3ay*.this machine i coiiceatraieson Dewoc Motor Car Finish all the weather wear it would receive in monthsof service on yourcar before it is put into the can. Devoe Motor Car Finish is easy to apply and levels itself without brush marks or laps. It is guaranteed to give satis* faction when applied accord ing to directions. Practical tests prove Dcvoc Quality.. ADVERTISE l-j >G H! 2500 to 4000 feet above mosquito belt but low of cost High in assay of summer attractions but low in summer heat Dwellers at Wildacres will enjoy log fire-s on summer evenings and will sleep under blankets. By all means locate your home here, above the clouds, and away from the centers of fashion and expense. Be among real home folks who love the outdoors. Build a small v.\ ilstk: home, join the ten recreational and cultural clubs, and enjoy the Sunday night talks by men of international note in the Forum of the Mt. Mitchell Association of Arts and Sciences. THOMAS DIXON A u : h<*r i [ The Clansman The liirth of a Nation The Leopard’s Spots Dr. Dixon founded the Mt Mitchell A s s o c i a t ion of Arts and Science.!, and the Wildatres colony for artistic summer homes at small com. He has given UP his suc cessful career as author and play wright to devote the rest of his life to tills i:e* t; u tonal institu tion. Offers all these rare privileges at no expense except the low cost of a high site—averaging 10,500 square feet—at $750 to $2,000 until April 15th, when prices will advance. The hotel section is limited. The lots are going fast. Values far exceed present listings. Send in the coupon today. Streets, sewers, water and electricity guaranteed. Join Dn Dixon***Send this-**^ 1>JA KLOPMf A I v lfntrn li< '■ ut.V ■ uJ-'- V District Manager L. L. HADDOCK c o Wildacres Office Shelby, N. C.