©he dimimul ^l.r Published Tri-Weekly. Star Building, tsTo. 1 E. Marlon S.ieet Shelby. N. C. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription Price. By mail, per year - ?'2 Hi) By carrier, per year..-- f ?.00 The Star Publishing Company, Inc. LEE B. WEATHERS _ President BENN DP.LM __ Local Editor Entered as second class matter January 1, JPUb, at the post office ai diclby, North Carolina, under tin Act of Congress, March 3, lb/'J. We wish to call your attention to the fact thrt it is, and has been our custom to charge live cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. Tills will be strictly sdi.ered to. WEDNESDAY, MAY 112, 192G. TWINKLES. A monopoly on mysteries Shelby had here this w> ek with, two Charlie Rosses in town. It was fitting that the man first to fly over the North Pole was a Byrd. June 5 is drawing nearer and as yet Cleveland county docs not have quite one hundred candi dates. One swallow may not mule spring, but one swallow some times indicates that something has been sprung. A business survey in a New York journal says every 3,000 population demands cue modern apartment house. Which means at least three should be in Shel by right now. True to form it rained again this year just after the Char lotte Speedway races, but here abouts there’s no desire for ihe entire season of last year to be repeated. Ye Paragrapher notes that a tin mine will begin operating m Lincoln. Now perhaps Ford will move one of his flivver plants near to the production center of materials. Wonder if there’ll be any dis appointments in June outside of defeated politicians? Y’knovv it’s also the month of June brides- - and by necessity where t hero's a bride there also a groom. Charles lloss, assistant attor ney general, says $12,000 has been spent in trying to locate Highway It) by New ten. And we add that several dozen columns of newspaper space have also been spent. If the British dr:i, > would spread all over l’urov perhaps it would tench somv of tier countries to coase sending tips' labor agitato's over tr ArrerAu to stir up strikes. The best way to be Mire V, v.v, many of the candidates will lie successful in the coming primary is to wait until June t>. Vih.cn mI not any information, but is just: as safe as predictions and more! likely to be light. Ye I aragrapher wonders why someone didn’t lake the highway commissioners here Monday out for a jaunt along some of our detours. A wrangle may have held up the Newton road, but we’ve heard < f nothing to slow! up Highway 20 to the westward. | To the delight of kidhood Babe , Ruth has staged a come-back in basez ill and today he’s receiving the compliments of the fans of the world’s greatest pastime. Compliments that overshadow those paid Johnson, the old master who never weakened, and Jess Petty, who forgo* he was gassed in France, and still cuts them down from the mound. -M-, Viewing the Newton highway tangle as an uninterested by stander, it stems as if tjje Ca tawba town is morally right and , the highway commission techni cally right. Which is neither here nor there. It does seem that fyom a matter of justice the high way should go through iho car ter of Newton, but then there's that precedent of crossing the * road commission that may prove dangerous in the future. SEEING A PUBLICITY MAN. Scores of curious people gave ihe man believed to be Charlie Ross the “rnee-over” when he visited Shelby this week. Speaking in the terms of pub licity, Shelby made Ross, or Del • j linger, and Dellinger gave Shelby j a big share of publicity. Yet this I week was the tirst time in years ihat the two had gotten to j get her. Wherein we are reminded of the prominent Gastonia citizen s I prize for North Carolina news paper service during 1U2G. If Dellinger proves to be Ross ! what newspaper feat of the year : would surpass the uncovering of America’s greatest kidnapping I mystery ? Which is getting mighty close to personal boosting. COUNTY POLITICS. m today's issue The Star car a brief survey of the county floptical sit nation. The season of the year with the primary demands it—not anv political heat that has arisen. All of which should he re ecu nd with remieing by Cleye b’rul county folks. Shirs and bad ly ennduoted campaigns bringing in bitterne,.vs anil hard words ‘mem to have had their day. Al I bought t’.he county has a great army of candidates no -knowl edge comes to this paper of any thing other than above-boatd •amnrtigns. Candidates are pre en tine their strong points and an not hurling bitter statements at opposing candidates. I here may be a small amount cf petty differences, but no is sues have arisen so far that would have a lasting ill effect. And it is the hope of this miner that the campaigns will cen time' so. C!< only conducted poli tical campaigns do not hurt a community, and th > opposite type of campaign doesn’t carry enough good with it to be worth while. With the nearing of primary dav it is our urge that you tm out and vote. Vote for the candi date yen believe will best, serve vmir interests end the interests of the county. Let no personal views havg too much to do with your vote. I!ut, above all, vote on that (lay. And veto for the candidate j of your choice, not the candidate : of persuasion. Knob Creek News And Tcluca Items (Special to The Star.) Most farmers in this section are | through planting cotton seed at last.! Knob Creek baseball boys played two very interesting ball games Sat urday evening. The first game with Belwood and the second game was with the Casar boys. Although having lost both games the K. C. boys old splendid playing. They were good on batting, but their greatest fault was errors made by the fielders. “Ed"' Cook the K. C. Pitcher, did splendid ■ pitching. He also did exceedingly we'l I a* the bat. lie knocked a home run. | I here were several three base hits by I the K. C. players. Messrs Carnue and Kochcl Young of Newton visited their parents Mr. and Mrs, AI. 11. Young of Toluca Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sain visited their relatives, Mr. and Air.;. Walter Sain Sunday afternoon. I)r. and Airs. F I). Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bingham, Mr. and Mi-. Millie Sain and Mrs. S. A Sain, all of Toluca, motored fo I.incolnton Mon day to a.tend the funeral services of young Dr. Cordon Crowell. There were hundreds present at the funeral. They also reported that there ware three truck loads of flowers. Messrs Roy Carpenter and Mr. Ed gar Cook were representatives of Car penters Grove church at the Baptbc convention held at Hendersonville, last week. There will be memorial services held at Carpenters Grove church Sen day May J Oth. Everyone cordially in vited to come and bring flowers. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Cleveland County: I hereby announce that I am a can didate for a member of the Board r.f Education of Cleveland county sub ject to the Democratic primary June oth. I will appreciate the support of my friends throughout the oourvv, and in event of nrv nomination will servo to the best of my ability. Respectfully. W. D. LACKEY. PROFITS In DAIRYING Defend more cn the qual ity of your cows and the feed c.nd care you give them than cn the price of their product. Cuil your herd, and give better attention to your money-makers. There i s always profit when there are good cows, good feed, good barns and wise handling of the cream and milk. Let us help you make larger profits from your cows this year. We pay best prices for milk. SHELBY CREAMERY CO. SHELBY, N. C. The Cow, The Sow, The Hen, On Every Farm Will Make Cleveland Rich. The Formal Opening Of The Offices Of Friday Afternoon Hours: 3:30 To 5 And 7:30 To 3:30 IN NEW ROYSTER BUILDING ON SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET — Headquarters of Shelby's greatest asset — Refreshments Orchestra Souvenirs F or The Ladies THE MUSIC WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE “TAR HEEL SYNCOPATORS,” SHELBY’S OWN CRACK ORCHESTRA, WITH BANJO SOLOS BY HERBERT (MINNIE) WHISNANT, KING OF THE BANJO BOYS. GOME -LET’S GET ACQUAINTED BE SURE TO ATTEND THE PRESBYTERIAN REVIVAL, BUT COME BY OUR OFFICES BEFORE OR AFTER CHURCH. Bring Your Friends -• You’ll All Enjoy It -FOLLOW THE CROWDS FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT_ IT*