| iTTLEQTARS »- ""_M_ ...» • »•••• • • • , • Cotton, per lb. __ _17 j.o * • Cotton Seed, bushel 6(lc. * • ••• •••••, —frets Man—On Mon.lay, 1 »ef»utv Charlie Sheppard captured Luther Pruitt wanted by officers here and in Couth Carolina on whiskey charge , it is said. The capture was made i;u. Grover. —Operated at 73—Mr. An!- !:. Wright was operated on at the si;• I hospital last Friday at the age of i a spite his advanced ape, h< j j> p. tii'K- along nicely, his many .friend., .will be glad to learn. —Made Itig Catch—Boyce Del linger “Shorty' Dong, Dr. Morn on and Mr. Crawford formed a party so Xim ; y nine Island Tuesday nirht on a f: ly ing trip. They report a ' catching "8 fish during the night. —Died in Gaffney—Mr. . Belie. pat terson, age 51 years and wife <>■: A - 1 terr.y Patterson died Saturday Gt !.• limes.cnc mill, Gaffney, S. (’. Mi Patterson has two children -livi'-g • • Kings Mountain: Mrs. .Mary li.-. ; i K. D. Patterson. —SliiItut In Shelby—Dr, VVni-. S!; tuc, one of the drivers in th • ( .-y. latte Speedway races Monday, pa. .j i rough Shelby Tuesday n rf.itt* to California. Shortly ofler Si ; s passed through by nutorr »l,ile an air plane passed over carrying race fan. back to.Knoxville. Term —Kiwanis Speaker—J B. .1 • . son, lieut.-governor District No, 1 : ! be the principal sneaker Thursd. y r ight at the Kiwanis club;when It Morgan has charge of. the pi ><rr: .... Mr. Johnson was a member of ihe Lir-colnton club when it sponsored”-., el conization of the Sir ’by elun. —Palm Free Memorial—Menu: :u) services will be hel l at Palm Ti"e Methodist church Sunday., May Mui. Rev. -Mr. Burgess of Greensboro -vs! preach in the morning at 11 o'ci k. Dinner will be served in family style. At 2 o’clock the Kings Mountain q ; t<>* will sing and at I! o’clock Rev. Mr. West of Lincolnton will r reach. —Will Clr.sc 10 t ci 11— Practically all business houses arid barks wi'l l>< closed each morning from 10 to 1! o'clock on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to allow the business men and their customers to attend the Dixnr Thaeker meeting which is underway at the Presbyterian church. Hous, - wives arc a'-ked to do their shop; ing before the ten o’clock hour. —To Appear July 8th—I re 1 P. Ab butt, development Agent of the Sea board Air Line Railway say the • d vertisement pertaining to Cleveland county as one^of * the 'banner farm > counties in North Carolina, will :.p. pear ;n the Manufacturers Record m July 8th, The Seaboard is paying ? r this advertisement as it considers • levels nd one of the best see’ ions through which its line runs. —Off to Meeting—T. J. Babiogtori George Washburn, J. I).. Line berg i are thisweek attending the annual meeting of the Grand Chapter ami Grand Commandcry of Ma:ons whi h are meeting in Wilmington, ’l l," st gentlemen took with them invitat *r from the Mayor, Kiwanis Club :r i Chamber of Commerce, inviting these splendid organizations to hold their next meeting in Shelby next May. —Under Operation—Bynum We,-’l ers jr., vwo-year-old son of A'corlay and Mrs. Bynum E. Weathers, recent ly underwent an operation for mas toiditis at the Charlotte eye, ear. no- e and throat hospual in C hail tt* While under ether, his tonsils atm adenoids were also removed. This :> the, second operation for n.a to: I trouble, and the child is doing nicely. -Mrs. Weathers spent several days ;ii Charlotte, returning home Monday light. > ft* —Notables Here—A consider;. • gathering of notable in public loe "ere in attendance at the Newton-No.' in hearing here Monday, Prominent attorneys present included: Wilson Warlick, W. C. Feimsfer and W. .'. h>elf, of Newton; W, B. Council 3’d A. A. Whitener, of Hickory; < hark. Boss, attorney general; Buren J.ur ney, H. P. Grier, sr., and D. L. I!aym<: "f Statesville, and others. Highway I fdials included Frank Page, A. M Kistler, W. C- Wilkin-on and ,1. !> Pridgen, Others prominent in public life included: K. R. Clark, contribut ing editor of the Greensboro News, Johnston Avery, managing edito1' < I the Hickory Record; J. A. Hart a •• ••> and J. M. Deaton of ,State ville. Noted Movie Man Visits In Shelby O. F. McGinnis, a representative • t the Famous Players Lasky’ corpora tion is a visitor to Shelby, coming v. i:h tiie Harold Lloyd picture being shown at the Princess. Mr. McGinnis’ c or ii'g put a crimp into the Beam bmt!i eis idea of showing Lloyd at a redoe °d price. The vistior announced t1.-'" the picture would not be show, il the Lloyd price was violated. Hence i uesday night there was a revision of charges nt the Beam hoxoff.ee. 1 he Beam brothers have stake t their cooling system working in; the theatre. When McGinnis saw if ht Was highly enthusiastic. The Bears1 also showed the visitor the new oii luirning furnace recently installed, "hirh drew from him a hearty en dorsement. hady, dear, it’s easy to get a hu - hand if you can be satisfied with he kind you deserve. in ( haHi.tu', Unt0" ; ,’,nt SaU,,d^ , lMr, ,* "’«•!,!, v.a- a visitor t <. Karlotto Wedne day. Mr. ami Mrs. July., Munhand Vl;il <J <vn .vi'ivi 11 ' * i’ i <1- a-nn ca r V 'r!t,,t;ftW,ia VM us today, l:- >! <•> jm at Tucsdav Jaitlicii .riiLon attundni^ court .. W..N. Mu, :.v Sin. •mmlay m Siiarlanl.urR. -Hr. and Alt s j >;/.£- r, i id v. , ’ kk la abide siH'i ' i'-ay ni (' ai liyUf. Wra;, Mall of Chariot; •pent Sunday. with .V. . Uiar u m. ■ !r, a nd Mrs. IJn.meU < d.aai'.; Uw'!oyU. Sunday In it With ,, uvcs. M' ’Hlci SutMe. Miss Klizah' M,uil mid Mr. and Ml-a f. H. Sat c ue S|.artanl)ur:r visitor, on Monti 'c o, Mlai kwoldor of Cunto i va iti;n.- Mi;, and Mr . jl. ■ja; Hot el! U. Mr • 'If-hn: Monty nit arttl lit daacchtt r i>a,.y r-tar: . d > .nday fv< ' r"n"" ite Irid iaa n visit; i; ’/,r. M ■ ‘ ‘..do.. I; ,'|j.;>|V Sj rio : the: n , f r, a'J.t! < i.d icrr :< ■) >! a which 1 v ' I: >• W . t.-: ,u : Jln:>- ■ 1 Mr,". II-!. ! L. Davis Of VvVhimdi, II, ( . v, :i :jj an lav to! the ha i.1' ..Ju-f- I-- y, n:.‘ O \V. ' '•rat. «:■ y a >-• ney "M‘ ■ , !>-/ riv- • ■ f V,; ■ < .. .! M In; ■ d-Mving ..f; SiloSby. '.ciit- 1m- I; , a , . a;, •-<. i ; T•me ; '; ,. . d :■ i : :a j: :!a;: i aiul Mr <■■ r<! V, . n he1 ! MUsdli, h a ara M>,■ 11 diki Vm-m myt-.rr.J toa f r— f,.r .... i j (| ' ‘ ■' a I: a i hi i"V-,V -idl'd. a and M S. M , y, ■ Java f !®ik 1 os;a ;•! > V a.-..■ a Ii >ey ami Ml’, via .' H'l'cy -wr-im ■ mm- av>. . j_ !— Ti ,a ., y ,, races j;; e ho'h tye Monds's Cdorgff Alexander, Id !’■ M. Mom i: :a id1, on .'a. ai . . ia.ii. ., A r teM, !! 1 1 i• * it.: a:I: c < lpos r.U ^ tarty that t in lav Chariot's ra- a. Monday. . Me I ... . , . IVtty,, of li; ,J. C. Me N’eely ( ’initi’i 'Va was cal!"! rudd-aiy •to her lim: " in o tu.'i i! * n v;ls Monday on ; ■. ■, of thv illness of her ndtre-. •' ■ Mi.-. Judith- li t da i 'iiivi 1 from' Asheville, Mar-.-; It'll and. li- - v :rd. At Mars Hill a attended the .graduation < f Mr. \V !<■ Id. lie. Jr, whin. will , enter i i* h- r VV:d; ■ lore, t « r I!;.;, h r University m si fall. Mrs. J. L. .Stroup r urned have Sunday, having spient Jast weeK in .-Forest < i with her daughter. Mr a Hoyle RJldtt. Mk'- KlBhtt »vr)d»ch;l drea ae coHi.panied. her imme- and -a e eoendiatr aevi'ial days h'-re,. 'Mr, .1. I>; I5:i••;»<>. t returned t;> Sma i-y y<’.! ."day fr.a > ih' f!u;'i i Clide institute at New Or!-: •• Ira During i e pa t f -.. w« 1 ra l>i ’-n .1 'y assisting in revivals at; take Charges and I.aFaVi’.ti . I a. Mrs. J. Cl. M "im-y, "fdrover - treat is rlp'-t ted to he doing as well ; s could hi exfieet'.-.I following''.the trag edy ir. the Mauney home-hvsl Sunday. \ bhh1.' girl, v.a.s ..borii ■ < the faoidy Sunduy afternoon, which died a I' \v ho'bi - 'after birth. The little one vnt buried Monday aUcrnoon in the fam ily- plot at Mfii'dtri. rrs \ i'i xzi.i to m:i.i iNt.i k if UK'S NOT it(>SS, WHO IS IIK'.’ (Continued from■ fii:;-1 page.) ,'t"n move a spiritual matter- a mut ter of par cnality It i- a15 though th(* wail’ ■ spfr.it Is.died put of the. eves of i.• >.h She h< v an ! the man. Aral it may »••• — id Uwt.the ehildV j,:, ,>ld—it .is a qinrcienl face—, ah'I i :u •• m h -’ . ■ with .ri more ah tiiat 11 naive someth !nf?A.t call orpro. sior. than is ob.;.vvcd oil the count, nance of moat' children. . An>J wki! the man, has a rough mm.r . tv and i. • a. v,v ay. unedue it ed, there ; thing amsiihg about him:. ••'juip, for.’;' < I p' i >.it.-.lity. some. ■na-lit uiicl >m« innate n ’.in which K vcr. . station. Mrm.Starr (’hurley vyhP has taken a <ke mbfnlimg his ideplity ! raveling in the ‘ ■■■'• .rvtp unntv.c t\n I fnt.elliger.ee, ■an •!$ int.ti i f k:a ■ / Foss’ cousin, j interest, in. e. - . an I who.is now orn part of the I. certain threat s . he,says th;s the marked Pi.- o family, i t i the child, Hail hi.- mother and of his fate, well they \, ;v prayed, a Huy arc . aid to done, that 1. lhi.gbt have lean end. He t IK of years spent v.atn’ h-HalV. and l a* “Ca,heart woman' •cal's when he was heal on and starv ,f the skein of.mystery Ulan IK-I'imrer l as all characteristics .v* Kk Tate has been nnkir imi tin'' man. father known He sat at eur dinner table and told . ' i■■ dii'.vns'Ut into the snow from , in North ( arolir.a. in his night pvy,,.: bv Mellal-. Forever he w-’s .t Me Male to 1 !I hire, who he was and chore he came from, ami fir ally grow Trim and string omwgh, he g;t ii.s tormentor oil • day by the seru., ,f the reck and gave him t io. heat mg ,f his life. Then the woman Mien of m iroken h> art. and aftcrwaid IV. -Idc j,,,| Ami the lad now grown, hoea: - •irtmlly a homeless wnndenr, going rent place to place, making a merg^e ;.v; in-.; keeping the wolf mm the ;,(:v . a nameless lost soul on the face f the earth. ... It if-- a s;i<l story. Ami ever balance .he lodger f-v Thr.rue 5 But it will ho a rva satirfarti; n ,,r him to know who he is—and ".t. THEATRES Xonna Tnfmadge in the much dis and advertised "Kiki” is the t'eatur - of the bill at the Webb on I hui day and Friday. Mi.... Talmndge ]' •* prime favorite in these pai.■ ; ■ lu should draw a full house. Appear ing with her i- Konahi (dolman, eon-. I .“id'ued by many to be the best nude ictdr on the screen. K'ki was a famous lit he., > stage • success, t r;,n.vf(Ti'ed to the screen by j.lr.'.eph .'I. 'Sell nek. You pronounee iie play, by the way, “huk.v”,. 1 he following poem written by Be . la co tells the - ory of “Kiki” as no j--formal words could do: i he d-'i.r i ew open raid in :.he came, - •' - bo - nor bundh * not even .-i a name. | She's r.n eye for a hearth, a tooth for [. sweets. in.'l a chorai r founded on corner of : tn - I s." i 1 a - t'l.d comedy each night. Ihirold J loyd is the feature again :t eight (Wednesday) -it the Princess I 'h ' F>t (It .ovens Sake”; The Beam br.o.ih -i i.'em] te l to lower the , ! ’ 'o d r th picture to the patrons, ..ivo <>; .v* it ’( appean 1 in Mieli» I tit v ere prevented from dpingf m- by r , ... ;vg e o ,.'ir.'g.ion, a represei, with he -fib 'i h;s i ; • no of the nbor t Uei sive t ill ever . h.nvn in the City. . I v. r, evlra charge will be ' “ i r ' iioio da' !;r,e to ap-p nr l hurl day -! i'riday, tin ier the aiis pi< < - of t! e Woman's ; lal i f the ei y bid,! .night:.,.Appearing in thin pieter iere the: Gisii : : i . Ltl i iri and boo I <>•}’?;. 't.h'i i ■ said t • be the first tin-.:: the: f.ym i„o -have appeared te ,- e* -her .- -i.i• “Oi ph.i - f t he S ' n:-,.’ lb r nor i rio introduction to tib ' 1.:.'ore. 'i i , being diseusred rj v. h- in ); i • cir 1 --a and pn ■ - . ■ cf this be f . f the Hi. 1-Msie Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. H ...h Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. M:d Spangh r, anil Mr. .Iar.iev (Irir , c .nu :o:e,-! a -jolly party that tr ok in ti e big program at Charlotte Monday, FOR SOLICITOR L. E. RUDISILL (Political Adv.) 2(> COCNTV CANDIDATES BECOMING ACTIVE (Continued from first page,) ('. Latthnore, Coy McSwain and J. Bun Patterson. County Board of Education—Ivey Willis, V.'. I). I.aekty. No. G Highway Commission-—Mike j L, B del •• and Marvin Blanton. There are a near dozen candidate* 'for solicitor of this Superior court jtiThrief, the one enndoiate from this ! i ounty heinrr C. B. MoBraycr. Sev ! • :-;d of the other candidates hailed nmetimo in life from this county, or prari’C 1 law in the county. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Other articles Valine: with the county political sit uation will be carried in subsequent i issues, none however dealing, with policies are advancing the interests of any eamlidte. or group of candidates. The information conveyed in the nr .idea being nothing more than what i. considered to be information of ; worthwhile Interest to the readers of j the county's leading newspaper.) At The Princess Theatre Home of First Run, High Class Pictures. —WEDNESDAY— Second dav's showing of Harold Lloyd in “FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE” A big audience Tuesday night proclaimed this one of Lloyd’s best. —THURSDAY AND FRIDAY— .. _7h'* CJish Sisters, Lillian and Dorothy in— “ROMOLA” Showing both nights under the auspices of the Woman's Club of Shelby. This is one of the great feature pictures of the day. Frices 25 and 50 cents for Haroid Lloyd. No extra charges for “Romola.” .JUM’UWJWW —I— Movie Fans See Odd Screen Sight | Local movie fans witnessed an odd and pathetic sight la.., night at the Webb. They saw the once famous star Barbara LaMarr appear 6n the silver sheet practically as a dying woman—her once robust form shrunk iso thin that she appeared almost a.* a sk'leton. Barbara, fulling from her height as a screen headliner, wanted to come back, Wl she wanted o badly to do this thing, that she defied the (I*ini Reaper and went ahead making a pic turc which she believed would re- i establish her fame. Her effort was supreme, the wo man dying a few days after the film ; was completed and the pathetic part of it all was, she failed in her en deavor. Her managers furnished her with an impossible plot; the picture wits poor; but as a record of the am bition and pluck of a woman playei i it stands uniipio in screen annals. '—Masonic Notice—There will lie work in the second degree Friday | nipht. at the railed meeting of (’lev- j eland lodge No. 202 A. F and A M. All Masons are urged to attend arid visiting brethren are welcomed. WITH RONALD COLMAN WEBB THEATRE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY (NO EXTRA CHARGE) Regardless of the shape of your figure Men with lean and stout physiques a.id finances—men with the desire to give their figures the best their figures can afford — Men like you, with whims to please— with worries to dispel—with happiness to maintain—this is your store—it contains your suit—there isn’t a single chance of disappointment. MICHAELS-STERN & GRIFFON $29.50 t0 $42.50 Kelly Clothing Co. (CORRECT DRESSERS FOR MEN AND BOYS.) (By Walt Mason) It isn’t what we earn that counts; it’s what we put away. I took in coin in vast amounts, ere I grew old and gray. I said, “I’ll gambol as I please and paint the fool ish town, for coin is growing on the trees, and I can shake it down.” On Saturday I drew my pay, a goodly roll and fat; on Monday morn I’d take my way to soak my watch and hat. All through my years of youth and health, my ways were wild and rash, I gayly threw away my wealth, I burn ed the easy cash. Then came the sad and fatal day when I woke up to find that I was old and stale and gray, not equal to the grind. There- came a siege of stringent time s: the boss was sad and sore; he said, “I’ll have to save the dimes,” and fired me from his door. And after all my years of toil I had no plunk, that day, to make the old tin kettle hoik to keep the wolf away. I thought Of all the costly joys I’d bought hi bypcnc years, of foolish nights with fool* ish hoys', and rhccl a clack of tears. T thought of chances that were dead, and gone hey end recall; and then-I bumped my aching head against the nearest wall. But there is nothing in re morse, except an add ed jolt, and v/eepipg for an old dead horse wen t bring along a colt. So live, young man, that when you’re old you’ve no such luck as mine, and have a parcel of red gold put somewhere safe in brine. RESOURCES OVER FOUR MILLION. SHELBY, N. C. WITH A RING IN HIS NOSE You have seen him. Magnificent ip his strength, rolls of muscle around his bowed neck, his knurled horns separated by creases about his eyes, ——these furrows being themselves expres sions of dignity. S*eek despite his massiveness, there was pride in every stately step. But there was a ring in his nose. Attached to the ring was a chain. At the end of the chain was—possibly a small boy. A travesty? Perhaps. Yet the ring was there, and that little ring held him subservient to the will of lesser strength. v v ' When we see the young man-or the old er rnan, for that matter—unable to resist the temptation to consume every dollar of his earnings in one continuous round of pleasure-seeking, there is a sub-conscious thought— With a ring in his nose! The head office of the Union Trust Co., or either of its branches, will always wel come the savings depositor who comes de termined to save. Interest is paid at any of our offices at the rate of four per cent, compounded each three months. UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. Branches At Lattimore, Lawndale And Fallston.

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