Special to The Star Miss Grace Cook, who spent last week with her brother Mr. L.»A. Conic has returned io her home near Gran ite Falls. Mrs. Paul Peeler and little son, Ned, returned with Mr. Peeler to Hendersonville, Sunday for a two weeks stay. Mr. C. L. Ramsey jvho is wot king ing Asheville spent the week-end wih home folks, Mrs. C. D. Weast and daughter. Miss Pearl spen. Sunday with Mrs. Marcus Bridges near Ross’ Grove. Mr. Clyde Kendrick of Kllenharo spent Monday with his mother, Mrs. Sallie Kendrick. Mrs. Mary Proctor is spending r few days with her daughter Mrs. .1. T. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Silver and lit tle daughter Mary Margaret, Mr. and i Mrs. W. O. Hefner and “Snbok,” and Mr. J. C. Hydrr spent Sunday io Morgnnton the guest of Mr. C. F. Sil ver. Mrs. A. B Champion anil little | daughter, Elizabeth, of Gastonia spent j Sunday with Mrs G. E. Lewis. We were indeed glad to have R< v. J. D. Morris of Fal|ston preach for vis at the M. P. church Sunday night. The revival which was to have begun has been railed off. Mr. A. A. Ramsey is electing n nice little bungalow on Gardner SI , which lie will occupy when conplt *d. ~ Mrs. Rollins Buried At New Hope Church Cedar Grove Yeung Woman Dies it Lakeland. Florida, Follow ins: An Operatiea. The funeral services of Mr. . C. ; Rollins were penductod this week nr i New Hope, l*'»*rl• Rev. (!. I'. Abcrr.et hy j having charge of t he services. Mrs. Hollins died last hi iday at . Lakeland. Florida, following an ope>-j at ion,- the remains reaehins- Karl Sun- ! day. With her husband Mr-. Rollint moved lit Florida la-1 fall. lie tore marriage ' the deceased was j Miss Ri by MeSwain, atal was a | u.ute of Boiling Springs. She was for j some time an efficient tea-iicr in thirl county. Survivors are her parents: Mr. ant! I Mi L. M. Mt Swain, of the Cedar (Jrove section, four sisters, Mrs. Tom Moss of Karl, Misses Fay and Mil dred M(‘Swain of Cedar drove, and Mrs.JBessie Duncan of Crewe, Va., and three brothers. Messrs. Clyde and Marvin. of Cedar Grove and Mr. Law rence McSwain of Kentucky, a!i of whom wt re present at the funeral. Memorial Service. Memorial serv'ce will be held at the Caisa.r Baptist church Saturday Ma; 2,'ird. Services at 11 a. m. and dinner | :m the trround. j General Items Of Boiling Springs (Special to The Star.) Boiling Springs.—The farmers of this section arc busy finishing up their planting. Mrs. Z. O'. Holland and son Jack, ; pent the past week in Shelby as the truest* of Mrs. Georgf Holland. Miss Mnlina Jolley of Gaffney, S. (’. visited Miss Lucille Buchanana last week. Mr. J. B. Walker and family at tended memorial exercises a, Sandy Plains last Saturday. Mr. Roland H-vnriek and Misses Mettie Parker, Edna and Rut a Han - rick motored to Shelby Sunday after noon to hoar Mrs. Thacker. On last Friday afternoon 'Mrs. If. B. Greene was hostess to the Ton Kites and Needles club. After a pleasan, hour of scrying the club was called to order for a business meeting. Several suggestions were made by >b