FEATHER PILLOWS $1.79 Good quality full size feath er pillows, sale price, ja pair-- >1.79 B WIDE CHAMllRAY 10c YARD Pull yard wide shirt rham hray, perfect short lengths __ I0c r OIL CLOTH 25c YARD Rost quality full width oil cloth, white and colors. Slightly mill run __ 2.'»c ROMPER CLOTH 22c'VAI;" 32-in. Romper Cloth, fast colors. All new stripes as v.xll as,plain shades at Tic HOUSEHOLD BROOMS 25c Brooms special for Friday and Saturday morning. Ex* cellent quality. Well made 25c COATES SPOOL COTTON 3ic Coates Spool Cotton, all numbers at-3 t-2c Limit 6 Spools. * NEW HANDBAGS 69c featured in the Chain Sale 1 lot ladies’ new style Handbags, $ 1 values at t>f)c RUFFLEDCl Fn i Al)U S HAT BOXES 49c $1.95 Ruffled ’Scrim utji<- !lal boxes, a quality special for op-on in- ,]a' have 2000 while they last, pairiis - ;,t - arwavs sold special for $1.95 BOX KOTEX 34 c 1 hox containing 12 Kotex. Large size. Very special. Box -- - 34c OCTAGON AND IVORY SOAP Octagon Soap a cake 3 l'.*** Ivory Guest Soap_3 1 Octagon large size _ .j i-2c 1 !M WATERBlfRY ALARM CLOCKS 69c Waterbury $1 nickel alarm clo^-s. June Chain Sale_<_fiilc Gingham & White Goods Friday and Saturday morn ing we will sell one big ta ble of 36” white goods, as sorted apron and dress ginghams in short lengths, per yard - _ __ 5c Men’s Handkerchiefs 3c Men’s white hemstitched handkerchiefs. Good qual ity. Sale price ,‘tc Men’s white hemstitched handkerchiefs 5c INDIAN HEAD 25 c Perfect short lengths in all the season’s newest col ors -__ 2.»c \ 36-INCH SATINI5S YARD •' . / 36’’ sateen, blaehs and col ors, 5<)e Quality in short lengths __29c 29 c APRON CHECKS 5 c One case apron chock k'ii'K hani one half" to go on sale Friday morning and on. half 1 Saturday morning at_*_ :»c per yd. COLORED SILK PONGEE 55c In all the now shades, ex cellent quality 5.1c yard 81-INCH 1 MILE ACHED SHEETING 29 c VARr> 81-inch Semless Unbleach ed sheeting 29c yard ■■■■■■■■■■BianBBanHii 81x90 SEAMLESS SHEETS 88 Pelzer bed sheets. 81x90 size, $1.25 value H8< to PER CENT OFF ON LUGGAGE 10 per cent Discount olf on nil new luggage, trunks, etc., except the special $3 halbox at .$1.05 MEN’S UNION SI ITS 65c Men’s $1 Athletic Union Suits, slightly run of the mill - fi.'c MEN’S $1.00 OVERALLS 98c Men’s full cut overalls, ex (client quality __ 93e NEW POLKA DOT VOILES 29cYARD Sheer chiffon oualitv. wide range of colors . 20c yard ELECTRIC IRONS $1.79 Full weight Electric Irons opening special at — SI.79 PELZER 81x90 SHEETS 8&c Pel/er 81x90 regular $1.65 seamless sheets at _. 8Sc A STANDARD BRAND SHEET $1.00 A standard brake! 8iX0'» seamless sheet -- first rmality .. _ $1.00 42x36 PILLOW CASES 25c 42x86 pillow cases 25c 9-4 unbto&ched seamless sheeting__29c WIDE SEAMLESS SHEETING 29c Alexander 9-4 unbleachcgl - sheeting..;p)c A GREAT LOT OF Tl’RK HUCK TOWELS TO B BY THE EFIRD 58- during THIS Every New And Popular ONCE A YEAR Color Included. Hosiery Prices THAT LEAD ALL OTHERS IN VALUE LADIES’ RAYON FASHIONED HOSIERY, 25c Ladies’ Rayon hoot silk hose in all QC new light shades. A 50c value at &DC Other Rayon Hosiery, 39c Ladies’ (15c quality all over Ray- q on Silk iiose in all the new colors at 0«/C CHILDREN’S SOCKS! SAVINGS Children’s Fancy Children’s 3-4 Socks, 22c Le.igth Socks, 22c Children’s eutie fancy Children’s'3-4 • light color Socks, Sale Price _— 22c fancy Top Hose 22c FULL FASHION PURE SILK HOSIERY Style 615 and QC full fash ioned silk hose in whites and all the leading colors, a $1.65 value— $1.35 $2 full fashioned silk hose in white and all the lead ing colors. Sale price— $1.45 FULL FASHION SILK HOSIERY One table leches full fash ioned hose, slightly irregu lar but no; noticeable in the 'bilk, all colors, worth up to $2.00 per pair, sale price— $1.10 50c FANCY TOP SOCKS, 38c 50c 3-4 fancy Top Hose, Chain Sal« price _ 38c Stores Closed l P* M«» Thurs day, To Mark Down Merchan dise. Hundreds Of Towels Purchased For June Chain Sale HUCK TOWELS Medium size face and barber towels_5c . 15c and 18c Huck towels __10c 25c and 30c Huck towels, hemstitched, Jac quard borders, etci_;_18c TURKISH TOWELS Large size Turkish towels, a regular 25c and 30c value at_____18c A special large size Turkish towel a£_25c Turkish towels worth up to 65c_44c 50c Turkish towels____ 34c DIAPER CLOTHS Diaper Cloth and hemmed diapc-rs> one of the best absorbent 24-in. 10-yard bolt at $1.19 27 inch 10 yard bolt at__$1.29 30-inch 10-yard holt at ___$1.39 HEMMED SQUARES One dozen 24x24 __$1.29 27x27 _.... $1.39 30x30 -_----il.49 U -** ■ it ■ Mill Ends WHITE GOODS Thousands of yards go on Sale Friday 1 PURCHASE! WHITE GOODS 5c YARD Yard wide white goods, lawns, shrunk linen finishes, apron cloths, etc., opening morning special_____ LONG CLOTH REMNANTS 10 Yard wide English long cloth, fine qualities in short lengths __1--, 10c COLORED NAINSOOK 10c f Yard wide colored nainsooks. Good qualities. Pink, flesh, peach, etc. __ 10c PRIDE OF WEST LAWN 10c • Regular 18c quality, pride of West India Linen white lawns Sale price.. 10c 40 INCH WHITE VOILE lie Here you will find 40 inch white voiles, values worth up to 25c per c ard, Chain Sale price _ 14c SHOWOW STRIPE 36-in', Showa'V stripe batiste, white and colors for dresses, underwear; etc. Regular 25c quality --Die MARQUISETTE VOILES tSc Fine mercerised white voiles, perfect short lengths. Worth to 35c per yard. Per yd. . 18c SHEER DIMITY CHECKS ltr Remnants of fine sheer qual ity dimity and flaxon checks. Values up to 30c- per yd. _ He RAYON LINGERIE CLOTH 29c 36-in. pe-fect quality Rayon lingerie cloth, white, peach, pink, honey dew, etc. 40c val u#, at per yard _ 29c WHITE BROADCLOTH f’.G-ineh perfect short lengths White Broadcloth, values up to 31k*. per yard ..._i__........ _... |«j<. PRINTED FLAXONS, 25c Genuine printed flaxons, new light and dark patterns, 45c values. Per yard __25c 25c PRINTED VOILES 29e New 5fie printed voiles, polka dots, neat light an«l dark pat terns. Per yard_29c COLORED INDIAN HEAD Perfect short lengths of genuine Indian Head in all the new col ors for dresses, smocks^ etc., opening day and while they last at, per yard......25c TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS 58-inch mercerized Table Damask, p-ir yard _ 38e 64-in. full mercerized Table Damask, per yard_47c 18 inch mercerized Nan kins __inc 22-inch mercerized Nap kins ___ 18c Good quality toweling . 10c DIMITY CHECKS 10c . White check dimities. Small and medium size checks for dresses and underwear. Per yard —. 10c BETTER FLAXON CHECKS 29c Best quality fine sheer white checks, flaxen. All size checks. Values up to 50c per yard, yard 29c SOISE'JTES. 25c Perfect short lengths gen uine soisettes. White and colors. Per yard_25c READ THESE PRICES COMPARE Fruit of the loom * n bleached Domestic_|OC Barker bleach Domestic Yard wide English Long Cloth_ Quality 1500 English Long Cloth,_ Hope bleach Domestic_ Quality 2000 English Long Cloth_ 18c 10c 16c 16c 18c Quality 3000 fine quality Eng lish Long Cloth_ Quality 3X Nainsook .. Genuine Lonsdale Nainsook ^_ 22c 10c 25c 18c 22c 14c Regular 56e quahty 36H Tlax en Dimity Checks, a/v very sheer. C >6 inch Embroidery' Cloth__ Yard wide Cannon Cloth_ Fine quality sheer Ditnity Checks For Men, Re I hese Values! MEN’S PALM BEACH SUITS $11.65 Men’s new Palm Beach Suits in all this season s new colors and pat terns, well tailored. Sale price, only -.. $11.65 MEN S MOhAIR SUITS $13.85 Men’s hew Mohair suits, weli made, good looking. 4*1 ft Cl Sale price. 10.00 MEN’S TROPICAL WORSTERS $17.95 Men’s Tropical Worsted suits, cool well tailored- Sale 7 DC price. 3)1 MEN’S TWO PANTS SUITS $17.95 Men’s two pair pants nifty suits, splendid values, $17 QC new colors. <*>1/ •5/0 WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 94c Men’§ full cut white Broadcloth shirts with soft collars qa or neck bands. •*** C r WORK SHIRTS, WORK PANTS, OVERALLS 98c Men’s pin check, full cut pants .. Men’s khaki Ijgnts Men’s special quality khaki pants.... Men’s mole skin work pants. Men's full cut heavy chambray shirts. Men’s blue chambray work ^g £ shirts, full size. Men’s Blue Devil full cut overalls, 220 white back 98 C denim .... Boys’ full cut overalls... 98c $1.45 $2.65 65 c 69c MOTHERS! BUY YOUR BOY’S CLOTHING IN THIS SALE! NEW SUMMER SUITS $4.95 Boys’ spring* suits, one long* and one short pants, new $4.95 patterns... SPECIAL PURCHASE! SUMMER IJND WEAR _ CHOICE 44c Ladies Novelty Crepe Gowns made of floral patterns, pink, maise, etc_ Sg,® P*‘inc?8s Slips in all the light pastel shade ties Teddies and chemises, ribbon and lace trimim in colors at_ Ladies bloomers made of figured crepe, strings, etc . all lace trimmed at___ Tb Raj on Princess slips, flesh, peach, m#ise. etc., ribbon show straps _ English Warp satin stripe Princess Slips, all the high c.ilors English warp bloomers, peach, flesh, maize, etc. ... - ™p7ns- Tade of Ray°n> voile, and other ligh* "ei summer materials in pastel shades. $1 values at :__ Teddies made of Voiles and other light weight materials colors, rose, peach, flesh, etc. $1 values at . . Hand made gowns, hand embroidered Porto Rican styles... CHILDREN’S BLOOMERS 1,1 Crepe Bloome/s, figured and plain colors, sizes 8 _ __ .. __ 18c M tv. 18 __________21c IS Crepe Bloomers_—-- 3.4c CHILDREN'S ROMPERS *,v‘n --rompers, made of solid colors, English prints, etc., $1 •v at ! .. ... ....__ . t.Sc Happy Home Dresses ‘a! C-‘an. up of HAPPY HOME DRESSES— and colors _______ 84c v1M°RE BiRESSES-i—Batiste, Voiles, Etc., extra Q A Ailment—all sizes'___- - -- ^C ! Stores Closed 1 P. M. Thurs day, To Mark Down Merchan dise. 1 '' ffIf SUMMERY GOODS JUNE CHAIN SALE PRICES COLORED VOILE 18c 40 ’ now colored voiles for (loesses and under wear, 29c value _________ 18c BELVEDERE VOILE 25c Belvedere voile, a real 50c value in w'hite and all new light shades_;_,___J 25c SILK AND COTTON CREPE 44c Butterfields Ravon and cotton crepes and other silk and cotton crepes all this seasons newest patterns. Regular 95c qualities, Sale price -____ 44c SHIRTINGS 25c Mohican woven stripe shirts, madras and percale, fast color. Every new patern for shirts arid dresses__________ 23c RAYONS 29c ^ Yard wide 50c. rayons for dresses in all the hew stripes. Perfect short lengths ..._ 29c All the new solid colors in Rayons. Small checks and neat stripes. 65c dualities __ 38c RAYON NOVELTIES 55c America’s leading novelties in Rayons, ex clusive patterns. Light colors. $1 qualities for -— — — ---- 55c DRESS GINGHAMS 10c New patterns in 32 inch dre«s ginghams. Perfect short lengths. 18c quality at __ 10c AMOSKEAG GINGHAMS 17c Amoskcag 32” dress ginghams in solid smock colors, small checks, etc., at _____ 17c CURTAIN MATERIAL 36” Curtain Materials, regular 18c quality, perfect short lengths at ___ lQc 25c and 30c quality Swisses and Maruui ‘ settes perfect short lengths_16c i . i : ■ ... .... A Sensational SILK SALE Purchase! $160,000 Worth Of Fine New Silks $160,000 worth of new Spring and Summer Silks bought at Bargain prices for this sale. 12 MOMMIE JAPANESE PONGEE 55c YARD 12 Momniie Imported Jap Pongee, best quality. Sale price--—---—-_ 55c Yard SILK RADIUM 9c YARD 36’’ silk radium, the lead ing colors _94c All silk fine quality radium washable for underwear dresses, etc., $1.10 CREPE DE CHINE $1.10 39’’ and 36” Crepe de Chine, a real quality piece of goods in white and all the "leading colors for dresses and underwear, at __SI.10 BLACK SILKS. SAVINGS! Dutchess Satin 98c & $1.44 Yd, Yard wide black satin Duchess, pretty quality. Sale price__ _ 9K<* & $1.44 Washable Pongee $1.10 Yard All Silk Pongee, all the leading colors, washable, at_$1.10 Baronet Satin $1.29 Baronet sport satin in all the leading colors for dress es and slips. The b« tter quality _$1,29 Pointed Crepe De Chine $1.35 Yd. 40” printed Crepe de Chine this season a quality and patterns $ 1 .‘15 FLAT CREPE $1.84 40” Flat Crepe, a quality in white and all the new sport and underwear shades, as well as black and navy at -$1.81 39 and 40” heavy quality crepe de chine, a quality usually sold at $1.95 per yard in white and all the leading colors --$1.44 40” Canton crepe, black, and colors_$1.84 Georgette Crepe $119 Yard 40” Georgette Crepe in all colors, Usually up to $2 per yard at _____ $1.19 A CARLOAD OF ALEXANDER SHEETS 1 AND PILLOW CASES 72x90 Alexander Sheets $1.10 81x90 Alexander Sheets $1.25 63x90 Alexander Seamless Sheets $i.oa 81x90 Pelzer Sheets Regular $1.35 Seamless Sheets 88 c FINE DIMITY SPREADS AND COLORED WOVEN STRIPE QUILTS 63x90 Colored Dimity Spreads $1.10 72x90 Ripplette Fine Quilts. Big Stock $1.65 80x90 Woven Stripe Bungalow Spreads, Regular $2.50 Value At $ 1.59 63x90 Genuine Ripplette Dimity Spread $1 44 81x90 Ripplette 'Fine Qpilts $1.79 80x108 Bungalow Woven Stripe Spread, a $3 Value $1.97 PIECE GOODS DRESS GINGHAMS Narrow width dress Ginghams perfect short lengths. First Three Days Of Sale, per yard 5c 38 1-2 IN SHEETING Smooth, perfect short lengths. Opening Day while they last- per yard 6c .. ■ 1 '■ — ■■■■■ ■■■■■■ FATHER GEORGE SHEETING Genuine Sea Island Sheeting. Special Sale Price, per yard 10c ~i RAYON SILKS Fine assortment of best grades. Big stock 29c WHITE CHEESE CLOTH Perfect Quality. Per yard 5c DOMINO APRON GINGHAMS Genuine Indigo color& n Domino quality, per yard 8ic A. C. A. TICK AMOSKEAG A C A The only original feather proof 25c NARROW PERCALE Light Shirting, colors and stripes in narrow Percales. Per yard, Sale Prce ft l-3c PAPER PINS PER PAPER c 360 count full size steel doth pins per paper __ Ic TOOTH BRUSHES EACH Tooth brushes, fully steri lized. values up to 25c _ 9c SAFETY PINS CARD Cherub nickel plated Safe ty pins, regular 5 cut card ---Jc MEN S GARTERS 19c Men’ wide silk garters, 39e value, sale price_19c 81x90 SHEETS $1.00 81x90 seamless sheet, a full standard, $1.65 value, first quality-$1.00 SILK AND COTTON CREPES 44 c YARD >ilk and cotton crepes, new >atterns, worth Up to $1.00 per yard _44C FATHER GEORGE SHEETING 10c Father George >Sca Island sheeting, good quality, CERTAIN MATERIAL 10c YARD Full width, values up to 20c yard, sale price __ 10c yd. DRESS GOODS 5c YAHP White* goods, apron checks, dress ginghams, etc. Open ing hour Friday and Sat urday - 5C per yard ruffled certains 94c $1.50 white curtains. she«r quality, daintily ruffleS, pair---94c — R U G S — 18x30 Oval Shape new de parture AQ rag rugs __ «/OC 24x36 Oval Shape new de parture rag rugs__ lape new de $1.85 27x54 imported m p* Grass rugs_ flrtHC 36x72 Imported Qjg Grass rugs_ 0*1 C 6x9 Grass Rug $2.65 9x12 Grass Ri> $4.45

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