Special attention is being given tl„. practical side of poultry rais ing by officials in charge of the poultry show at Dip Cleveland county fair, Shelby. September 28 t(, October 2, in an effort to en courage more small breeds to ex hibit at the fair. •'It i<- not a difficult task to get a chicken ready for ht." show r ug.” says Director J. W. Sutile, in charge A the poultry depart aunt. "If birds are given a lots of ground to keep them in fine phy sical shape, and are kept free from Inc and disease, the battle hi hciii almost wo... Only a little extra care is necessary the last few days to put them in show shape. If breeders only knew how fa: v it was to get birds read', for exhibition, we wouldn’t Lc* able to house the entries!” A majority of the M distinct breed of poultry raised in this county will be on display at the fair. It will be an easy matter to pick out the young birds in dirt l>hi' marked by their angular, av f /ar<1 appearance, and short, scant dress. They will outnumber the older birds, but here and t. ere an old rooster or hen, lary er and more finished in look, will poke a friendly head through the bars to attract the attention of passer-by. The usual number of ducks, Reese and turkeys will be shown, to add novel tone to the exhibit. ‘ Select a Rood rooster for your home flock at the fair,” is" the sioRao being used by fair officials to build up interest in the show. Ibe value of ( piling flocks will be stressed in an effort to double the meat ard egg output in this local ity in the next few years. Cash prizes totaling in the bun. dree:- have been put aside bv the feir management. Director * .Tno/ W • Suttlo reminds all breeders be sure and send in their en tries before September 27, when the entry list closes. The Friendly Store Down on 'the corner in the Beam Building. Heme made Candies, Fruits of all kinds, Fountain Drinks and Com fortable tables where parties are served. -DROP IN THE — Chocolate Shoppe "GEORGE” IS THE PROPRIETOR With a Handshake and a Smile. A Smile And A Welcome For Every Customer. Wanted POULTRY AND EGGS AT ALL TIMES. Ideal Ice & Fuel Co. GOOD CONDITIONED USED CARS FOR SALE 3 — 1924 Model Ddge Brother;; 1 ouring Cars. 1—1922 Dodge Brothers Touring Car. ^ 1—1924 Model Ford Roadster. 1—1924 Chevrolet Coupe. 1—J'$ Ton Graham Brothers Twick, And Others. CHARLES E. LAMBETH MOTOR COMPANY SHELBY BRANCH, South LaFayette St., Shelby, N. C. 31 Kings Mtn. Boys And Girls Leave For Colleges Body of Hen Ware Who W at Scald ed to Death in Akron Arrive*. Other News of Interest. (Special to The Star.) King’s Mountain, Sept. It.—We have the following young ladies in college this year: Miss Nell Hord Meredith; Miss Madge Patterson, N. C. C. W.; Miss Helen Hay, St. Marys: Miss Annie Roberts, Lime ton; Miss Kilna Norman, Lenoir Rhyne; Mis : Willie Plonk, Lenoir Rhyne; Miss Willie Plonk, Lenoir lihyne; Miss Mildred Moss, N. Cl. f. W.; Miss Kihel Styres. Ruth erford college; Miss Isabel McGill ami Miss Fay McGinnis. N. C. 0. W.; Miss Ruth Hord. Due West Female college; Miss Delores Mc Daniel, N. C. W.; Miss Frances Mauney. Lem-ir-Kiiyne; Miss Noli Oates, University of N. fl.; Miss Mitchell Williams, Mars Hill; Miss Elizabeth Dover. Miss Willie San der.', Miss Nell Sanders, Asheville normal. The following boys arc away in i noliege: Lamar Rhyne, Lenoir 1 Rhyne; Zeb Plonk and Fred Plonk. N. C. State: George Maur/7 .and I Carl Mauney, Lemir-Rhyne: Joe Mauney, Mt. Pleasant; Ernest I Aderholt, Ler-oir-Rhyne; L. Rhyne j Houser, Rutherford college: Ryy j Word, Wingate; James H. Black, j Furman university. | No town can boat;.: of a finer set | of young people, or a greater num ber in comparison with the popu I lation of the town. All of these j voung people are well prepared. ! They have all graduated from our .high school, and that says that they are well prepared for college. We ; had 10 to go front cur high school to college last year and they all j made good hut one who got sick i and had to come home before ti e ' year was out. Now wo have 31 in colleges with a large senior class in our high' school. Kings Mountain is gring to be on the map more than one way before very long. Our young people are going to make I folks sit up and ta'ke'Tioticer We now have the only concert band in the county, and so far a* wo know, the onTy up-to-date or chestra. The Land has about 30 first-class instruments in it with others ordered, anti cur orchestra has eight first c’ass pieces in it. It will be reedy for all kinds of entertainments before long, but positively does not pray for danc ing. Body Arrives From Ohio. The body cf Ben Ware arrive! from Akron, Ohio, this morning (Friday.) It was taken to the home of his father J. Fletcher Ware to awaic burial. Mr. Ware’s death is one of’ the saddest we have heard of in a long time. As was announc ed in the las? is**'? of The Star he was scalded while working in a rubber plant in the Ohio e ly. Hin brother George War? started to see him. lmt Mr. Ware died before he arrived there. lie was buried at El Bethel Saturday at 2 p. m. Superintendent G. G. Page is attending the Superintendents con ference at Asheville this week. He expects to return next Tuesday. Mr Page is one of die best Sunday school superintendents in the state. Eugene Matthews the Heralu linotype operator is visiting rela tives and friends in the eastern part of the state. He expects to return home the first of the week. Delegate- Notify Mr. Herd. Mr. F. D. Herd is ehairman of the entertainment committee for the Kings Mountain Baptist asso ciation which is to meet with the Baptist church here the last of this month, or the first of the nexc. The churches cf the association will do him quite a favor indeed if they will inform him concerning the number of delegates they are going to send. Especially do we urge that those who are going to spend the night with us let him know about it. We are going to do all that we can to make the asso ciation as pleasant as possible for those who attend, but we cannot do what we want to unless we know ■what we are goirg to have to han dle. Just drop Mr. Hord a card stating that you are going to spend the night yith us. It will not cost you but a penny, and thc-n it will do us so much good. We want you to spend the night with us if you can. i Training School Closes. The Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. training school in tnc First Bap tist church closed iast Friday even ing. The school was taught by Mr. A. V. Washburn, Mr. Ben Favell. Mr. G. G. Page, Mrs. M. E. Hern don and the pastor. The school was quite a success. Many attended and! took the examinations. Mr. Wash burn and Mr. Favell are experts in; their line and they are doing a great work for the Kingdom. Mr. j Washburn is our associational field 1 worker and Mr. Favell is the ap ; proved intermediate Sunday school worker for the board. The only trou ble we have is that we do not have enough of such worker. Our county reeds two at the very least. Our ice plant is too small for our town, so the Kings Mountain Ice & Fuel company has decided to en large its capacity for the coming season. The pla,:^ will be large enough next year to accommodate the entire cofnmunity. We are glad that we have this business growth. We were glad to see Rev. T. D. Harrill on our streets one day last j week. He is always a welcome vis itor in our town. lip ^as many ffiends here. Mrs. C. J. Black and two sons James and George Truett, return ed home from Wake Forest last. Wednesday evening where they hrd been visiting Professor C. S. Black The singing at the Second church which was taught by Prof. C. P Gardner closed la-'*. :Triday even ing. It was the best attended that any school hifs ever been in this section. More than 100 scholars at. tended all the time. Dover Mill Items; List of Teachers Miss Ituth Price and Marshall Honeycutt Muter to Chester And Are Married (Special to The Star.) Dover Mill, Sept. 11.-Our vil lage was a scene of much excite ment last Thursday morning when school opened. The children, some eager, and some very indifferent, winded their way to the little school house that sits on the hill. One hundred and fifty-seven strong the little fellows crowded in a much too small building to listen to words of wisdom and knowl edge. Mr. Frank Putnam, pastor of our church, conducted the de votional exercises and made a short talk for us. Our new principal, Mr. Covington, then gave us a short talk on the whys and what nots of school life Two of our committee and many of the par ents showed their interest and loy alty bv coming with their child ren. The patrons nre expecting great things in an educational way this winter and the faculty ha asserted its determination to do its best. The teachers are: Mrs. Novella Costner, primary; Mrs. Beulah McSwain, second grade; Miss Lucy Harmon, third grade; Miss Ruth Padgett, fourth and fifth grades, and Mr. Hugh Cov ington, sixth and seventh grades. Mr. L. S. Hardin, of near Forest City, has succeeded Mr. Joe Car ter in the barber shop. Mr. Hardin opened last Wednesday and has a good reputation already. Miss ,Ruth Price and Mr. Mar shal Honeycutt motored to Ches ter, S. C., last Thursday and were married on Friday. They returned home Friday and are spending their honeymoon at Creer rod Spartanburg. S. C. Both of the young people nre vrey industrious and have many friends who wish th'Vfeall the happiness possible. Mr. Fgan'> Cantrel has a:; his puests, Miss Addic Cantrel, his aunt. Mrs. Mumgardntr, of Kings Mf., , is spending the week-end with her sister, litra. F. E. Smith. Mis- Viola Nolan and Miss Ruth Padgett spent Friday night with Mbs Emma Gold, of Double Shoals. Invited To Hold Rutherford Court In New Building — Judge Webb, Native of Rutherford, Asked by Rutherford Com. To Preside Rutherford county's beautiful nrw court house will be finished within the next thirty or sixty days and the next term of the Superior court will be held there in. To make this an occasion of which the county will be truly proud, the county commissioners of Rutherford adopted resolutions a few days agp inviting Judge James L. Webb to hold the first term in the new building. The resolution reads: “Whereas Hon. James L. Webb is a native of Rutherford county and a man who enjoys the venera tion and respect and the admira tion of all the people of his native county of Rutherford and it is ex- i pressed desire of a number of cu- ! iaens of Rutherford county that j Judge James L. Webb be requested j to preside at the first terms of court in the hew building, now j therefore, we the county commis- j sioners of Rutherford hereby signi- I fy the desire of ourselves and other people of Rutherford that the Hon. J. L. Webb, of Shelby, shall nreside at the next term and the clerk is hereby instructed to mail Judge Webb a copy of this resolution to the end that should he be able to hold this court, the proper steps may be taken to ac complish the same." The resolution is signed by W. G. Harris, H. W Rollins and G. E. Morgan, commissioners. A New Yorker was knocked down twice in one day by the same car. Next time, I presume, he be comes the property of the motor ist. •Jopiuis b woijiim ‘PJO,4 B SUMO A\OU P-.OQOjyj j|;g sXbs Xanqaa^BAV siq aujpuiM Xap b oa\j ao jnoq uu puads o} pa -sn oi{M ui?ui pouoiq^Bj pjo . Some peopi-5 take bichloride of mercury tablets, while others try to beat the train to the crossing. PrisiiDprs Tticmwlvf. Know Much More A!>uui What is (loiter On than Officers Raleigh.- “That man over there, exclaimed George Ross I’ou, sup erb . m’ent c.i ili<> slat'* prison "know - more about wtint’s going on in : u!o ttiif prison than tin elcrk who stays in my office every ut in any pro on in the country. Put a man j in .a dung nr. :n -olitary confine- i anywhere and he"I know every-| t;iii g that ft" 4 mi if In* can read and wr:‘s and soiaetiines if he can’t. “Pm not raying they’ll tell you all about it if you . ask them, hut they know it jtfsi the same. “Not so long ago we had to put a newcomer into the prison into solitary confinement. He didn't ing Bars for building use* J*C.WEA5HERS Phone 662 SHELBY . y*C* NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MECHANIC'S LIEN. By virtue of the authority and previsions of Section 2425 C. S. of North Carolina, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy liens thereon fo? repairs on Friday September 24th 1820 at 12 o’clock Id., or within le gal. hours, the following personal pronertv: One Dodge roadster, model MO, SuMal No. 17201)0, Mat or No. 222PC7, repairs made January 18$, IS#. This September 7th, 192C. CROSS ROADS GARAGE. Bv Paul Poston, Owner. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. What Is a ’ Diuretic? People Are Learning the Value of Occasional Use. Everyone knows that a lax ative stimulates the bowels. A diuretic performs a similar function to the- kidneys. Under • the strain of our modem life, cur organs arc apt to become sluggish and require assistance. More and more people are learning touse Doan'sPillt, oc casionally, to insure good elim ination which is so essential to good health. More than 50, 000 grateful users have given Doan's signed . recommenda tions. Scarcely a community but has its representation. Ask your neighbor! DOAN’S Stimulant Diantic to the Kidneys Foster-MiUnuc Co.. Mb. C bear.. Buffalo. N.Y. PAINS ALL OVER Lady Says She Took Cardui and Never Saw Such Improve ment—Was So Weak Couldn’t Stand. Weathersby, Miss.—Mrs. James M. Hall, of this place, writes that sho was “getting weaker all the time” when Cardui, the woman’s tonic, was first brought to her attention After sbe had taken Cardui a while, she writes that sho “never did see such an improvement.” “I suffered all the time and had pains all over,” says Mrs. Hail. “I was so weak I could not stand. My skin was cold and flabby. I did not have any color. I had always been a vefy active woman—used to j outdoor exercise, walking and going where I pleased, and to get down, not able to get myself a drink, was indeed a hardship. “Nothing seemed to help me, till I began on Cardui. The first bottle seemed to strengthen me, and I sent for five more. By the tirno I had taken these, I was on my feet, going around, doing my work, gained in health and strength. “I took two more bottles, and I am well and strong. Can work my garden. I haven't had any more Bickness.'* Ask your druggist. NC-165 know tin* system then, but ho ' won «r\ t on to it, and Inter told ini' about it. “From hi* story ho hadn’t boon in hi;-, colt but a few minutes be fore he hoard something whiz/, by the outside grating. In a few sec. nnd found it to by a note, rolled inside the roll of paper placed ir; every cell. A length of cloth, torn Iroiu a piece of bed clothing war, tied to tl:> paper core. 1 he me*? age hadn’t bean in his posscssiot. long when he heard a voice in another cell telling him to par.s it. along, ns it wasn't for hint. As there is no tvay to cnmmuni eotc between cells except by way of t'ne outside corridor the voice gave him directions for rending it along. "He followed the directi ins. Grouped the cord by the end, ex tending his arm through the grat ing. twirled the core at the end ui til it gained good spied and then released it in thr direction of the voice. Soon it came back for the ncv. conn rV, contribution to the iIhv's news, and it was n>*t lone before every occupant of the cell row knew win* he was and all about him. "He had become a part of the pram*vine news system. "Notes and all manner of infor mation aim passed about by this method when the men can’t pet together and talk,'* Mr. Pou de clared. One 'find1* out something, or a pew mart comes in and soon thov all know it. “How do thev get writing v*at onds it came whizsing back. Then something else shot in front of his cell. Ho became curious and watch ed closely. It was not long before a missile dropped in front of his barred door. “He drew it through the bar W.... % Dr. A. Pitt Beam DENTIST Office Phone 18f. Residence Phone 89 Shelby Bank Building ^BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Rear Postoffice Horace Kennedy Attorney-At-Law Shelhv, N. C. Office In Star Building Eck & Stephens Certified Public Account ants. Gastonia. N. C. System — Audits Investigations Income Tax Specialists Hoyt C. Dixon —DENTIST— Office Old Masonic Bldg. Over Rose’s 5 i* 10c Store COMMISSIONER’S SALE By virtue of a decree of the Su perior court of Cleveland county, N. C., in Special proceeding eii-. titled “Emma Carpenter and hus band, et al., vs. Lula Ellis and hus band, et at,” I. as commissioner, duly appointed by the court, wil, sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Shelby. N. C., on Saturday. October 2nd, 1926, within legal hours, the real estate belonging to the late W. I.. Dedmon situated in No. 5 township, Clev eland county, N, C., and describee as follows: 1st TRACT. Lying on the waters of Buffalo creek, adjoining the lands o Caroline Kendrick and oth ers and containing 65 ceres more or less. ' 2nd TRACT. Being a part of the land conveyed to W. H. Ellis by ,1. G. Webb and wife, and conveyed by W. II. Ellis and wife to W. L. Dedmon, containing 10 3-4 acres more or less. 3rd TRACT. Being the tract ot land deedc to W. L. Dedmon by "W. H. Ellis and wife containing 56 acres more or less. 4th TRACT. Being a part of the W. H. Ellis land and that trac conveyed bv S. Mayhue and wire to Y*. r,. Dedmon and containing 3/ 7-16 acres more or less. 5th TRACT. Adjoining the lands of R. P. Hoyle, I). II. Elliott and Others, and being the tract convey ed by R. P. Hoyle to William Ded mon and containing 29 5-8 acres more or less. All of the agove five tracts are adjoining and possession will be given to the purchaser on January 1st, 1927. Rents reserved for the year 1926. Taxes for the year 192o will be paid by the commissioner, TERMS OF SALE—One-third cash on day of sale: balance in 12 months, to be evidenced by note with apnroved sociality, bearing in terest from‘December 30th, 1926. Title reserved until all the pur chase money is oaid with the priv ilege to the purchaser of paying ah cash upon confirmation of the sale, or on January 1st. 1927. This Am gust 30th. 1026. A. C. DEDMON, Commissioner. Ryburn and Hoey. Attya. trials ami other stuff for their grapevine?” someone asked. “You can't keep »tuff from a prisoner,” Mr. I’ou laughed, “there is no telling how they get it, but they do, and nil having a common cause they usually start immed iately to share anything they get with as many more fellow pris oners as possible.’ There is a real fellowship among the inmates of the state’s prison, Mr. I’ou believes and the obser ver noted that he did not regard the “grapevine" incws system as a menace to the prison welfare, or oerhap : ju: f as he said, “you can’t keep them from it so why worry about trying?” Anyway, out in those middle western stale's the best seller is a cyclone cellar. A DM IN 1STH ATOM’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that 1 J 'vo (his <|nv qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Robert Newt< n, deceased, late of Cleve-* bind Countv, N. C., and all persons having claims against said estate ne hereby notified to present them to me nroperlv proven for payment on or before September 10th, 192? "r whis notice will be nleaded >n bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This Sep tember 9 th, 1920. 1). G. NEWTON. Admr. of Rob ert Newton, deceased. Ryhurn and Hoey, Attys. Dr. C. M. Peeler —DENTIST— Office Over Woolworth Residence Phone 460-W Office Phone 99-W - -I i T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone-82 Save Money BY REPAIRING YOUR OLD SHOES We Repair By Goodyear Welt System SHELBY SHOE SHOP J. O. Panther, Prop. W. C. Harris Co. “Realtors’’ i Office Paragon Bldg. Phone 568 ' . II# r*'m'm .. . .. Dr. H. D. Wilson Eye Specialist And Optometrist Prices Reasonable 28 Years Experience. Office at Paul Webb’s Drug Store *.. , 1 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE (First published in The Cleveland Star, August 16, 1926.) Having qualified as Executors of the estate of John W. Ellis, late of Cleveland county, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having eluitns against said estate to present same itemized and veri fied for payment to the undersign ed executors on or before the 16th day of August, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All' persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned execu tors. This the 16th day of August, 1926. SAM A. ELLIS and B O.RANDALL, Executors of John W. Ellis, deceased. P. Cleveland Gardner, atty. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICK Having qualified as administra trix t. a. of the estate of J. B. PH»1 beck, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Au gust, 1927. or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tc said estate will please make immediate pavment. This the 19th dav of August, 1926. SUSAN PHILBECK, Ad ministratrix c.t.a. of J. B. Phillbeck, de ceased. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. ELLIS STUDIOJ, —I'lNB PHOTOS— —Kodak Finishing— i —Pictures —PI A flivver thinks Bill Pendlc__ is a small automobile made to-«U part* i'ur. • Ford saya the Charleston dunce. Yet the people ridii.g in his cars. .. —— "M Peyton McSwain « Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In AH Courts^ Office: Union Trust Co. * Building NOTICE OF SUMMONS. ' North Carolina, Cleveland County*' In Superior Court. H Ida Coleman (Col.), plaintiff. ■ vs. Lee Coleman, (col.) defendant. , . The defendant above named will, take notice that on action. entiuMT an above has been commenced* ‘in the Superior court of Cleveland' county, North Carolina, whereby the plaintiff is asking the court fail a divorce absolute from said, d$e fendant on account of the adultry of said defendant as alleged in trie complaint filed in this action; hrfdf the said defendant will further With* notice that he is required to ***♦■ pear before the Clerk of Superior • court of said county at Shelby, ft. C.-on or before the 4th day tober, 1 926 and answer or dent tc the complaint of the plaitmjt or the plaintiff will apply to T court for the relief demanded. ‘,, v CLYDE R. HOEY, Trust***,. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Cleveland County. , In the Superior Court, Before tM Clerk ’>*• Clerk. G. W. Green and wife. MolHa■' Green, Jacob Green and wife Mai* i lie Green, and Liaaie Pruett, widoabi Petitioners. ' , li; Eliza Ross and husband. Wit-, liam Ross, Sallie Smith and htts- 1 batul, Lyman Smith, Annie Dfcvis** and husband, Stough Davia. R. M; Wilson and wife, Winnie Wilson,* Mary Myers and husband, Georg* > Myers, Elizabeth Peck and hut-, band Elisha Peck, Sarah Kricksoh npd husband, Rudolph Erickson,' W. A. Wilson and wife. MaAde Wilson. Winona Geneva Fenrusow. and husband, Eric Ferguson, Henry Wilson and wife, Ella Wilsppvy Joseph Wilson and wife, P<;arli( Wilson, Lucy Peterson and hus band, Albert Peterson. l'tefendanfS. To Eliza Ross, William Rosa; ’ R. M* Wilson, Winnie Wilton,' Mary Myers, George Myers, Eliza eth Peck. Elisha Peck, Sarak. E-Lkson Rudolph Erickson. W. A„ Wilson, Maude Wilson. Winon^ Geneva Ferguson. Eric Fergusob, | Henry Wilson, Ella Wilson Joseph Wilson, Pearl Wilson. Lucy Peter*': son and Albert Peterson, r.oli-re«W * dent defendants: ,» \ You and each of yon are hereby . notified that d Special Proceeding has been instituted ar* above en titled in the Superior Court of* Cleveland County, N. C., for the purpose of having a sale for parti tion and division of the real estate - belonging to the late I. J. Grew^ which real estate is situated m Number 4 Township, Cleveland; County, N. C. You are further notified that said petition sets fort* the interest of all the parties a»> « heirs at law of the said I. J. Green and the petitioners are asking fpr . an order for the sale of said real estate, and said petition is return- " able before me at my office in Shelby,' N, C,. on Thursday. Sfeo terober 23rd, 1826, at my office, in Shelby. N. C„ and you are further - notified that, unless you appear and answer the petitioners will ask for the relief prayed for In the pe tition. This August 21. 1026. 1 1 . GEO.V. WEBBt Clerk Superior Court, Cleveland Couuftg. lta4w-26