o^r. TOM SIM 1926 JOY NEA SERVICE MAIN ENTRANCE tlon reigned fot/forly »nd forty nights, without »ny time off for lunch. why shouldn't it? Just until you hear exactly what was that happened. Bill Whimpiddle went fishing one y afternoon, which 5an About dark his wife got . She went to find Bill, there he was. Bill was g cn the bank of the creek a big string of fish and per. sober. hi, Whimpiddle was so sur. she dropped dead. Bill is in charged with “shock with in to km.” is, however, has nothing to 1with our present story. In iy Never Knew” two people, a man, the other a woman, ty. ' be perfectly frank, JIMPSON D marries PEARL HANDLE, ether character<| are Pearl’s j ER, and Mr. ana Mrs. GUM-1 m' 1 i’s the latter three vs. the for- j rant two. NOW LETO TRY IT CHAPTER XXII We must refer to the conclusion of the previous chapter. Jimp was chasing Pearl’s fath er.'around and around the north Both were mad. Both got or They got so hot they melted the ice. They fell into the water. Pearl entli Mr. and Mrs. Detective Gum shoe, who were Watching the chase, also fell into the water. The five were swimming around with no possible aid in sight. “Grab hold of the north pole,” Jimp yelled to his lovely wife. She did so. Presently old man Handle swam j up and grabbed the pole. Detective and Mrs. Gumshoe wefe clinging to the other end. The five*unfortunates were safe for the time being. The water was fairly warm, the temperature having been raised (rat "rhiles around when old man Handle and Jimp fell through the. we. “Be still,” warned Jimp, muking a face at Pearl’s father,, The old mail was trying to erHwf on lop ot jtlae floating pole. This was making if*toll over and ov$ft* * *' , 1 Si won’t be still,*’ slioutetl tlie oM _still riled ftou’ll be still or I’ll'poke you 3» tne eye,’ claimed Jirbp.' f^“^eafl,*’' yfelled the old man. “Do Ipii hear how your husband talks Toe?” You run right home ar.d father his pistol. Te'l moth ’s Und.er the pillow.” “I, can’t,’ said Pearl, the darling. Uppft get away right now.” is infurjpted the old gent be maasure. To him it was a case of disobedience on the ’ of his favorite daughter. m gritted his teet and flung ‘ tets across the /pole at Jimp, aon-in-iaw’s only increased his He started gnawing the pole, biting out big chunks., gavg Jimp a fine idea. He J under the pole, coming up side with his infuriated an ti Grasping the old man by , Jimp directed the gnaw a very few minutes Handle gnawed the, north pole into a -canoe. They all climbed into dttoe gnd started paddling. iy were safe, temporarily. Id man quieted down and felt better except for a few pains. arctic regions are desolate of snow and ice swept by illy winds. They arc thinly ,ted by Eskimos, polar bears and that’s about all. great mass of ice and snow from tumbling down into ■by a circle drawn across iiL black ink. This circle the Arctic Clrclb. ;kimos live tipon iror.cn blubber, whale oil and souvenirs to explorers, itos are sleds drawn , by U they have an advan you are out riding and tff, you can’t drink your It an Eskimo can cat a , the greatest advantage the are. i - regions, a i Eskimo Realtors ally the length and nights are six months long, of an equal an Eskimo gets a work lie has time to one of, them a ns, it means to work for a date with until along about with her for a few such fairly well ac. f%' ■' •/ have to Take one Such an Weal arrangement would be (Treat stuff if ii did not work equally well along other lines. An Eskimo woman who hasn't had a new hat in two years, says to her husband, “Gumdrop, 1 need a lid.” But Gumdrop only smiles and says, “I’m sorry, Kskimona, | but I bought you one only day bo fore yesterday.” When company drops in to visit I an Eskimo for the week-end, it means he'll have the n on his hands at least a year, and maybe t wo. A really neat gentleman who takes care of himself and tries to make a good appearance has to have his hair cut ten of twelve times every day. An Eskimo is walking down the j street. She meets a friend. “Why, | goodness gracious me! If it isn’t Walrus Tooth Annie!” exclaims' the friend. "Hello,” smiles Walrus Tooth i Annie. “Where have yon been ;-o long? asks the friend “I haven’t seen you since we wore little (sirIs in boarding seho. 1 several days ago.’ Haven’t you heard, giggles Wal rus Tooth Anne. “I'm married now. Got eighteen children.” An Eskimo move.-, into a village one morning. By afternoon he is three months behind on his igk rent. A day and night can't pass with out every member of the family having a birthday. Imagine buy ing a birthday present for every member of your family every day. , The Eskimos have to look at a calendar to see how long it is be fore daylight. Day breaks along about June. “Hurry and get your chores done," says mother to William in Octo ber. “It’s going to be .light before next month.” And along about midnight evory night, it’s Christmas. Santa Claus is a neighbor, so there is no ox -■uso for not giving presents. Every morning, just about the time hurd-working Eskimo gets town and opens up his store and gets it all swept out. he finds it’s the Fourth of July. So he has to' dose. Life in the arctic regions has its compensations, but it also 1 as its drawbacks. i .» * ■*•..* ■ , j '■ VWiich Way shall we ’go?" dsS sul 3Imp, who was paddling the j north pole.,He waih’l such a good j mariner. “Better head south,"’ sugge1 ted P( arl. "Whieh wav is that?" a-kcd her i husband, looking about him “Doesn’t matter,” laughed her husband, looking about him. “Doesn't matter," laughed the darling girl, who was amused even in the face of danger. “Every wav is south here." -Timis paddled ul -;,g in rilenec. Mr. Ha1 die -at i.i the how of the boat. He v.’sa content for the once. During Ids gnawing he hud happened across a nail which some on* hr. 1 i;tc(! for D:. #‘ii\ a *klo Parking” sign upon the north pole. The old men rat and chewed upon this nail. Detective and Mrs. Cum sat in the center of the boat. Even in this hour (»f distress they conversed in whisper:-'. They were trying to {illink up a new plot by which Pearl and .Jimp could he separat ed. The dear girl sat behind thorn. Phe \va 1;’(. lif(> 0f the party. Now arid then shy sang matches of papular songs. Between timer, she u nde gav remarks to Jimp. Tilings had gone along thusly for several hours when Jimp sud denly ceased paddling. “I see a sail!” he cried. ' ‘ A sale?” cried Mrs. Gumshoe. “A sale?" screamed Pearl. Leap ing overboard the two women swam hastily in the direction in which Jimn had pointed. Jimp paddled fast ns he could. When Hie can or reached the shin, the women were already aboard :u:<1 disappointed. “I thonght you said ‘sale’,’’ greeted Pearl. “That’s what I thought.” added Mrs. Gumshoe. The joke was on them. But it was no time for joking. The captain wants to see you,” grinned a sailor who had on heavy boots.,;' red sash about his middle, i uid n huge knife between his j teeth. They entered the captain’s call-; in. “Wh-p are‘von doing, aboard my ship?” cried the demon, throw, inp a skull at Jimp. It was a pir- j ate ship. That was easilv seen. ‘'Take them out,” yelled the enp heir. “Throw the women in irons. ; Make the men walk the nlnr.k.” He took a drink, as the chapter ended. • (Tn he continued) GASTONIA MAX IS DEAD OF INJURIES Gastonia, Sopi. 17.—Sam Ballard f'2, died in a local hospital today following injuries received yester day afternoon when a lumber truck lie \Y»S lUMhi? \tf|ts|rit b.^ £L*j*d N. W. passenger * tram oft a local grade crossing. Dapper Young Man Who Operated Here Last Week Has Not Been Apprehended Yet i While the dapper youog man ! who operated in Shelby, flashing I checks on localmerchants has not | been apprehended ns yet, one bold flasher who has been plying his trade in a similar fashion in Western Carolina has been caught in Wadesboro where he is being tried, according to the Statesville Landmark. The resourceful op erator who was caught a few days ago passed under the names W. J. Johnson, W. J. Jackson, J. S. Johnson, T. J. Johnson, L. A. Davis and J. A. McDonald. At StatesvNle, Johnson or Davis had n nur-'ber of victims, including Efird, Belk’s, Gilmers, James E. Tharpe’s cash and carry store ar,d l'olk Gray Drug store. The total amount of his worthless checks passed out to the above merchants is figured at between $125 and 8150. This is said to be the same man who has operated at Ashe ville, Mooresville, Monroe, Char lotte end Wadesboro. Mr. For rest Eskridge, cashier of the First National bank says it ap pears to be the same man who tried checks on the First National bard: of Shelby, when he was op erating in Asheville, but he fail ed to get by with: his shrewd scneme. The young man who operated in Shelby last week, passing worth less cheeks to several merchants when he would buy a small amount of merchandise, write a check for a larger amount and ask for the difference in cash, may .it.il! be working his trade in other places. Instead of signing his name Cleveland Gardner, he signed Cleveland B. Walker. and drew checks on the First National bank, Charlotte. He made a small de posit at the First National bank then immediately checked out a large part of it. Mr. Eskridge became suspicious and telephoned the Charlotte bank on which he was drawing checks and drafts and found out that no such name was on the books of the bank. Im mediately Mr. Eskridge found the young man, asked him to with draw his account. turn in his check and deposit book and also notified the merchants to whorq he had given checks that theV-' were worthless. He did not get by with the hank op aryv of his crooked transactions and .would have' been apprehended by the merchants who he had crookedpcx j cept for the fact that he fled the j j town on a bus. Check flashing now seems I to be a popular past-time with j crooks in North Carolina just now j and merchants would do well to veri' I fy the genuineness of all checks j offered to them by strangers. i Ti GNE-lO ; con (By Wm. Lineberger, Shelby Biuik er and Creamery Head.) The other day while showing the Gaston county farmers over Cleveland county, they wanted to '• know where were Grose great herds ^ of dairy cattle, fine barns, silos ! and pastures they had heard of! over here. We went over a great area and don’t believe we saw a i cow while out—but of all the cot ton, corn, cane etc., we saw it. These folks from Gaston'Wanted to ' know some way they could help the one, two and three cow man, and right there is where we come in. Wetold them that there were not any large herds of cows in Cleveland, but most every farmer had one or more and that about 2000 of these farmers sent their! cream to the creamery. The cream- ; evy not only takes care of the large i I herd but the one cow as well. By ' ■ operating cream routes the cream is gathered up and down the roads at each farmer’s house, at a mini mum cost and brought to the cream ery, made into butter, sold and the farmer is paid from-the returns! less ihe expense of operating the i routes, creamery, etc. So there you; are,and the farmer receives more for his cream in this way than any other. The volume of business the creamery does, makes this possible and all this comes about from the co-operation of the one cow man and the man who has several cows. Business has grown slowly in Cleveland, but it has grown and will continue to grow, as it is a safe, sound, sure, business, it gives a cash return the year round. Out farmers receive around $15,000 a month for butter fat, through the creameries, and if they continue adding a few good cows each year this amount will be increased greatly and the farm dairy busi ness will prosper as never before. We urge our farmers to grow feedI stuff, lots of it. Euy a few good j cows each year and get rid of the! •poor ones. Now that dairy farming is as suming its rightful place of im-j dwrtance on North Carolina farms,: Extension workers are devoting fmore attention to the kind of cat tle being used. “The Man Nobody Knows” JESUS AS A HUMAN BEING— and the greatest business man whol ever lived! in I “THE MAN NOBODY KNOWS”] v —BRUCE BARTON BRUCE BARTON— | Paints a graphic, active picture of the most influential person of his time, | or any other. This powerful, reverent story is alive with thrills and will give A ' ( •. t everyone a clearer idea of a character hitherto largely obscured by sentimen . - tal distortions and pedantic sacharrin. THE FIRST INSTALLMENT WILL APPEAR NEXT MONDAY IN The Cleveland Star EVERY - OTHER - DAY To buy at your own prices one or mere valuable farms in a fine agricultural and industrial section of progressive Cleve land County which is distinguished for its successful agricul ture, splendid schools, good reads and general progress in all lines of industry. The misfortune of others furnish to you wonderful chances to make big profits by purchasing these lands which must be sold even if they do not bring their real value. The estate must be settled without delay. By virtue of that certain Deed of As signment for the benefit of his creditors executed and delivered to the undersigned by S. S. Mauney and his wife, dated July 22nd., 1926, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County, North Carolina, in Book TTT at page 78 et sequiter, we will sell to the highest bid der at public auction, at the front door of the COURT HOUSE IN SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA, at 1 o’clock, P. M., on MON DAY, OCTOBER 4th. 1926 all those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Town ship Number 5 in Cleveland County N. C. and bounded and described as follows: First Tract: Known as the “PLONK FARM’” situate about four miles from the Town of Cherryville, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stone (formerly a pine) near the road in James Bailey’s line and runs thence South 43 East 33.50 chains to a stone; thence North 47 East 47 chains to a stone; thence Nofth 43 West 33.50 chains to a stone; thence South 47 West 47 chains to the beginning corner, contain ing 158 3-4 acres, more or less. Among the improvements on this farm are a five room residence, barn and granary. Second Tract: Known as the “MAUN EY HOME,” situate 3 1-2 miles southwest of the Town of Cherryville. and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Blackoak. James Neill’s corner, near his house, and runs thence with his line South 57 1-2 West 36 poles to a stake, his corner; thence with another of his lines South 3 West 36 1-2 poles to a stake, his corner; thence with an other of his lines South 87 East 64 1-2 poles to a stake, another of his corners; thence with Warlick’s line South 44 West 77 1-2 poles to a Pine stump, S. S. Mauney’s own corner; thence South 42 1-2 East 90 poles to a stake; Thence South 45 West 16 poles to a stake. Warlick’s corner; thence North 45 West 109 poles to a stake, Plonk’s cor ner; thence the same course 133 1-2 poles to a rock, his other corner; thence a new line North 3 West 51 poles to a stake at ,the Creek; thence South 88 East 36 1-2 poles to a Whiteoak near the Creek on the south side; thence up the Creek North 57 East 21 1-2 poles to a BVch on the bank of the Creek; thence South 77 East 75 pole* to a rock on the old line; thence with it South 35 East 28 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 105 acres, more or less, save and except six (6) acres which has been sold and conveyed to James Beatty. Among the improvements on this farm are a seven room residence, barn, cow-barn, two gian- | arics and a wagon shed. Third Tract: Known as the "SELLERS PLACE,’’ adjoining the tract next above \ described, and bounded as follows: Beg:n- j ning at a Pine Stump, David Mauricy’s cor- | ner, and runs thence with P. H. Warlck's line S. 80 1-2 E. 47 1-4 poles to two Post oaks in the field; thence a new line S. 17 W. 41 poles to a stake on David Mauney’s line; thence with his line N. 43 W. 55 poles to the beginning, containing five and seven | eighths (5 7-8) acres, more or less. Fourth Tract: Known as the "David Mauney Place,” situated two miles from the Town of Cherryville and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a Birch, S. S. Mauney and J. S. Mauney’s comer, and runs thence S. 57 W. 21 1-2 poles to a Whiteoak; thence N. 88 W. 67 poles to a stone; thence S. 3 E. 52 poles to a stone; thence I S. <3 W. 28 poles to a stone, W. A. Maun- j ey’s corner on Plonk’s line; thence N. 24 W 31 poles to a stone pile; thence N. 12 W. 50 p.\*s to a Birch; thence N. 35 E. 16 poles to a rock; thence N. 82 E. 15 poles to a rock; thence N. 4 W .54 poles to a Black oak; thence West 20 poles to stones in road; I thence N. 27 W. 51 1-2 poles to a W. .oak; j thence N. 24 W. 58 poles to a rock-pile; thence N. 11 Vi. 55 1-2 poles to stones; thence N. 88 E. 82 poles to a Pine stump; | thence S. 3 E. 51 1-2 poles to stones; thence S. 87 E. 96 poles to stones; thence S. 8 W. ! 163 poles to the beginning, containing 153 acres, more or less. Among the improve ments on this farm are a three room resi dence, barn and granary. These sales will be made as nearly as possible according to the rules governing judicial sales of land and the bids 'will be reported to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cleveland and Caston Counties and will stand open twenty days for better bids. Terms of Sale: One fourth of the pur chase price to be paid in cash on date of sale (or otherwise secured to the satisfac tion of the Assignees) and the balance in two equal installments on a credit of six and twelve months, deferred payments to bear interest till paid, with the privilege to the purchasers to pay all cash at anf time, title reserved until the entire price is paid but possession will be given to the purchas ers at the end of the current crop year, or possibly at an earlier date. REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE, viz: at the Court House Door in Shelby, North Carolina, at 1 O’Clock, P. M„ on MONDAY, OCTOBER 4th., 1926. Please inform your neighbors and friends of these sales, and do not fail to attend 1 them even if you do not now think that you want to buy any I i of these lands. We fear they will not bring their real value. \ You may miss a real bargain if you do not attend these sales. | September 1st., 1926. 66 J W. T. Love and J. White Ware ASSIGNEES OF S. S. Mauney \

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