Thi'y don’t hold their peace “for mer hereafter.” Five divorces have already been granted in Superior c ,urt here, says a news story. * * * Shelby race followers are plan ring to attend the Speedway rints at Charlotte on-Armistice tliv, and news dispatches have it that several records may be smashed. Locally a drive will be made on that day for contributions to the World War memorial here. It would be odd if all Shelby’s railroad dreams should come true about the same time. An article with that view is published in to day's issue. * * * Not only has the female a su periority complex in swimming the Knglish channel but it also show:; up in the Shelby school honor roll as listed in The Star tod^v. * * * During ,he criminal term of t ourt last week not a defendant was sent to the chain-gang. Some thing unusual that. Details of Judg“ Harwood’s plan are carried today. The school children of Cleveland ■county will make contributions on Thursday to a fund ;j create a me morial to the county’s World war dead. Today’s Star urges that par ents also help swell the fund. Have you contributed? Several Shelby people will attend the banquet at Charlotte tomorrow night honoring a Shelby citizen, according to a news item today. • * * What about cotton, and the price? The Star always keeps it*, readers posted on the cotton out look. Look for the -jureau report today. r * * * The correct date for the opening of the newly paved Rutherford road is a part of today’s news. * * » Deaths, collisions, social events school and community news— a part of The Star’s usual news serv ice. .^4* Hig Store70 Tanks Have Capacity uf 150,000 Gallons Gasoline. Gight-stall Garage. The Gulf Refining company hr>3 completed its mammoth distribut ing plant on S. LaFayette street near the Belmont Cotton mill and the Royster Oil company which has the distribution of Gulf products from Gastonia to Hutherfordton, moved its offices to the new loca tion last week. The Gulf plant here is modern in every particular and represents a large investment. Six large storage tank* nave a capac ity for the storage of 150,000 gal lons of gasoline, while on the prop erty is also a large brick ware house for oils and other petroleum products. A brick pump house with electrically driven pumps makes loading rapid and easy for the fleet of eight or more large trucks that operate over the territory for the distribution of Gulf products. An 8-stal) garage has been erected to accommodate the trucks, while the driveways are concrete and a steel vnre fence encloses the entire prop erty. The office is conveniently sit uated and was occupied last week by the Royster Oil company which controls the distribution in this ter ritory. The Gulf business has grown rapidly, each month showing an in crease over the previous month. More trucks will probably be added. Yates Assistant Penney iVIanager I)r. R. Yates, of Rapid City, 3. Dakota, an old associate of the manager, E. E. Scott, of the J. C. Penney company, Monday morning stepped into the job of head man at this, the local store. Mr. Yates comes to Shelby boost ed by Mr. Scott as one of the best merchandising men With whom he has previously been associated. The new assistant manager and Mr. Scott in the old days were both clerks for the Penney company at Hastings, Nebraska. Lately Mr. Yates has been one of the owners of * group of chain stores in South Dakota. He was previously in business for a time m Louisiana. Although himself from Indiana, his wife is a grand daughter of a Confederate veteran and thus he says he feels identi fied with the South. “I like the looks of Shelby,” he says, “and think the town has Kreat possibilities. The climate and general appearance of the country appeal to me, the district having lhe look of my old home environ ment” Judge Harwood Shows New Way Of Correcting Youth *' or Firsi 7 .me In Years Not a Single Defend ant is Sent to Chain-Gang. Gives Boys a Chance Judge John H. Harwood, presid ing over the pre/tnt term p«>j inr i o'-r; here, 'concluded the criminal do ket last week and in doing so established what barris ter? here believe a record—at least for many years. Not a single defendant .was sent to the chain ing. * Just how ninny years it has been since. the Superior court grind did not increase the convict crew no or.e see Is to remember. There are those who say it has fever happened before. However. Judge Harwood wasn’t wb-'t law-breakers term an “easy fudge." Instead of the chain-gang he introduced a novel method of handling those convicted. As has been noted bv this paper before, the general run of prisoners be fore the court were mere boys. With a bov the chief aim of jus tice is reformation', stern, sure and leaving the example plain. Report Each Month Judge Harwood’/ r thod w/; b the young defendant;* was this: i’pon conviction he sentenced them from one to two wars on the chain rang. Then he smiling told the defendant: “You’re so young I don’t want to send you to the roads. I'll just let you send your self.” The sentence was suspended upon one or two years good be havior under good bond, the sen ten *e to stan once the defendant broke a law or a part of the sen tence contract. Still the sentence was more binding and in its added detail had the new method. Costs in the case were totalled up to gether with what ever damage ap peared in the complaint then the judge v/ould order that the de fendant on the “first Monday” of every nrorth for an allotted period appear before the clerk of court and give him $10 to $50 each month, at the time exhibiting written statement showing that he had continuously been engaged in a useful occupation and that the money was of his own earning. Generally sneaking local folks acouainted with court events con skier it a praise-worthy method. Little good, especially for a boy, comes from sending a You'hfuL de fendant to the roads. On the other hand the youth with a sentence over his head will not be so likely to again become a law-breaker. Moreover a boy who works regu larly seldom has time to break any laws. And Judge Harwood’s me thod makes every effor to save the boy and at the same time re ;niburse the state for all expenses. One addition to such sentences was that after the monthly payments had eliminated the costs in the case the remainder of the pay ments should go to the school fund. Those Sentenced Although -no defendant:' were given road terms three were sent to the State prison. Euzelia Jones, colored, who killed Walter Gaines last August was given term in prison or not less than three years, no more than four years. Odell Eskridge, young colored boy. faced the court on charges of breaking and entering, larceney, and receiving. He was given three concurrent sentences of eight ^months, six months, and two months in the State prison. Horace Byers, colored, who sprinkled his wife with shot in a j “row" near Patterson Springs | some weeks back was given four months in the State prison on the charge of assault with intent to kill. On Civil Docket The criminal docket of tilt j court was completed Friday and some time given during the day to the civil calendar. There was no court Saturday and the session re sumed today taking up further work on the civil docket. Prior to the adjourning of Super ior court here Friday afternoon un til Monday five divorces of the fif teen on docket were granted. At least 10 others will be taken up before court ends the civil cal endar this week, it is said. Those granted divorces were: J. E. Peeler vs. Annie Shuford Peeler; Cynthia Adams vs. Janies Adams; Edward Wilson Mollis vs. Eliza beth Hollis; Nancy ivirkpatrick vs. Eli Kirkpatrick; Clare Gallman vs. Gordon Gallman. Citizens of County Are I'rged that Day to Contribute Some thin!; to Fund. With no formal program for .1 celebration on Armistice Day, Thursday, November 11, citizens of Cleveland county are urged to make contributions on thtkt day to! the proposed World War memorial i here to Cleveland couty’s dead. On that day every school in Clev eland county will receive contribu tions to the fund. Hundreds of school children have already made known their intention to give ! something to honor the memory of their “big brothers” who marched away never to return. Likewise each school district will also urge parents to make gifts in the name of their schools. The fund to date is of consider able size and with the proper in- j terest shown on Armistice day the memorial should soon become a , reality. The Star in supervising the me- j mbrial fund plans when enough ' money is secured to get ideas- of a tablet for the court square on j which will be placed a bronze slab ; with the names of those who died, in service. No unusual interest has been! shown in the fund so far but it is! thought that the general interest! created by the school children this | week will help. 1 Remember how glad you were 8! years ago when the lives those j boys gave made possible a new pe riod of freedom. Do you not feel as if you could give something? It's a matter of county pride as well as a personal debt to oncoming generations and the memory of the boys gone on. Contributions may T>e left at The Star office, mailed rn, or made through your school on Armistice Day. Will you give something? Mr. Holland Dies At Mount Holly Father of Mr. L. P. Holland Gf Shelby, Passes Away Sudden ly. Pioneer of Caston. The many friends of Mr. L. P. Holland of N. La Fayette street, sympathise with hfm in the death of his father, Capt. W. F. Holland, who passed away suddenly Friday morning at 5 o’clock at Mount Holly of heart trouble. Captain | Holland was 75 years of age and a pioneer of Gaston county, prom inent all over the county. Although a retired druggist at the time of his death he had been very active in his younger life, at all times an untiring and interested worker in i religious and civic affairs. Captain Holland was born near 1 Dallas in 1851. He received his | education at Catawba college, fin ishing in 1872. For awhile he lived in Charlotte with hts brother-in law William Pegram, agent for the C. C. and A. raiTroad and then Cap tain Holland often served as con ductor on trains. Returning to Dallas he opened the first print shop in Gaston I county and had the first photo grapher’s studio there, turning our photos known as tin-types. He was captain of the Dallas Light Infan try for 12 years and later captain of Co. K 4th N. C. guardsmen. At one time he was elected colonel, but ; declined to accept. He was a lover of good music and organized a band which enjoyed state-wide fame. For a while he was post master at Dallas. He was a deacon of the Presbyterian church at Mt. Holly for more than 30 years and actively engaged in the drug busi ness for many years until his ad vanced age forced his retirement. Number To Attend Gardner Banquet Quite a number of Shelby peo ple will attend the Chamber of Commerce banquet at Charlotte tomorrow evening honoring O. Max Gardner. Shelby citizen. The ban quet will be attended by political, educational, journalistic and offi cial leaders of the state. u Bureau Estimates 17,918,000 Bales At 11 o'clock tocay the gov ernment census bureau esti mated that the cotton yield this year will be 17.918,000 bnles ! and reported that up to No vember 1st, there had been ginned 11,259,931. The estimat ! ed yield is about in line with i what cotton men hud expected and as a result that there was little change in in the market, The price going a few points higher. If the gin rt port had not been so larg\. the price might have gone much higher on the estimate of yield for some had predicted from 18 to 20 million bales. SHELBY SCHOOLS TELL OF SHELBY TO TEXAS FOLKS School Pupils There Write For In formation About Town. Stu dent Answers __ > Students in modern schools have modern ways of studying- By the" modern plan the geographies do not tell the children enough. The result is that some information is gained first hand. , Recently teachers of the sixth grades in Shelby schools received a letter from Texas school child ren pi the same grade inquiring on Shelby industries. The letter from the Texas school and the answer made by a young Shelby I student follow: Lubbock. Texas. Oct. 4, 192G. Geosrranhy leacher ot Sixth Grade Shelby. North Carolina. Dear Teacher: We are studying ahorf North Carolina in geography. We cannot get all the details of industries and things that are raised in the smaller towns and cities in our I text books, so the teacher has ask that we write to some teacher and class in a town of North Carolina. We find it no easy manner to choose a place to write but have finally decided upon Shelby. I am sure the pupils of your class would like to hear more about Texas and other western states than is given in the text books. I will tell von a few things about oil’’ town of Lubbock. Lubbock has a population of anproximatcly seventeen thousand. They raise cotton, grain, a few fruits such as. peaches, cherries, plums and apples. Lubbock has .about seven cotton gins, a linseed oil mill and a college, the Texas Technological college. It has not been founded very long. The nupils of the sixth grade of Lubbock would like very much to hear from some of you/ pipils so if you will please give tjiem these addresses I would be very thankful to you: Bowlder Johnson, 2002 Broad way; Ellis J. Ringuald, 1716 Avenue 2: Burr King, Box 747.. Lubbock, Texas. Hoping to hear from some of you soon. Your friend, BURR KING. Local Bov’s Answer 600 W. Marion St. .Shelby, N. C. October 22, 1926. Dear Friend: We received your letter asking us to tell you something about North Carolina. We decided to let each one select a different sub ject about it. I am going to tell you something about Shelby, the city in which I live. Shelby was named for General Isaac Shelby, who fought in the battle of Kings Mountain during the Revolutionary war. Shelby is seventy-five miles from Asheville,! fifty miles from Charlotte and about three-hundred miles from the coast. It is located on the Sea board and Southern railways and state highways Nos. 20 and 18. Shelby has nine churches, eight schools, three banks, four building and loan associations and seven textile plants making novelty and silk merchandise. Shelby has a pub lic library, a standard hospital, an 18 hole golf course and a country club house. The Eagle Roller mi\l puts out five hundred barrels of flour daily. Forty buses and six passenger trains stop here daily. Over half the population are church members. The great Cleve land Springs hotel is an all year round resort. Boating, bathing, tennis, horse back riding, horse racing, fox hunting, quail shoot ing and many other sports are en joyed .here. In 1920 the population was 11.609 but now it is 8,854, Shelby increas ed 145.8 per cent in population in five years. Shelby is now paving Nearly Three Times ns Many (iirls On List as Boys. Ninth Oracle Leads Others. The female of yie .species, even in the young, seems t(' he brighter than the male. From a report issued from the of fice of the city schools it is noted that almost three times as man; girls attained the honor roll dur ing’ the second month of school as did hoys. The girls placed 52'on the list, while the boys were seem ingly satisfied with 18. By grades the ninth grade was the leader with 25 on the list; the eleventh grade was second with 22. The monthly honor roll by grades follows: Grade 8, Sec. 1—Vivian Buiee, Cullen Ray Gibbs, Kathleen King, Maggie McGowan, Mildred McKin ney. Grade 7. Sec. 2.—Raymond Word. Evelyn Dellinger, '.‘ary Alice Falls, Lallage Sperling, Lillian Crow. Grade 9, Sec. 1.—Lula Agnes Arey, Mary Frances Carpenter, Bunie Gettys. Dorothy King, Ruth Laughridge, Ada Laughridgc, Min nu LeGrande, Mac T.llcn McBray er, Madge Putnam, Mary Fay Per inger. Buna Rollins, Elizabeth R< viere. Alice Sanders, Bessie Sue Wilson, Robert Gitfney, Alex Gee. Grade 9, Sec. 2.— Elizabeth Aus tell, Guy Bridges, Robert McDow ell. M. B. Brannon, Lorcna Belch. Ruth Roberts, Bernice Shytle, J. T. Dyeus. Grade 9, Sec. 9.—Vernon Silver. Grade 10, Sec. 1.—Lucile Bridge:; Boneta Bifiwning, Kate Bridges, Martha Eskridge, Minnie King. Sara Richbourg. Ethleen Webb. Viola Walker, Kathleen Young. Mi lan Bridges, Billy MeKnight, Wil liam Webb. Grade 10, Sec. 2.—Melva Ham rick. ’ Grade 11, Sec. 1.—Margaret Blanton, Irene Bridges, Eva Go forth, Lucille Hamrick, Charlie Mae Laughridge, Alice James, Jen nie Lee Packard, Maude Rollins, Mary Brandt Switzer, Donnie Sain, Novella White, Madge Sper ling, El vine Barnett, Milton Loy, George Richbourg, Lee Wray, Brady Lai]. Grade 11, Sec. 2.—Roy Harrill,' Troy McKinney, Nina Cabiness, Se dalia Propst, Annabelle Lutz. RAYMOND SPAKE DIES IN WOODS Twenty-two Year Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. (’. C. Spake Victim of Heart Trouble. Raymond Spake, 22-year-old j son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Spake| died suddenly Sunday* afternoon about 2 o’clock while hunting! black-haws in the woods with a1 party of friends. While standing: on the ground watering other mem- ' bers of his party and alking to them, he suddenly swooned and fell face-forward to the ground, life leaving him almost instantly. A physician and the coroner were called after death and declared the cause to be natural after a thor ough examination of his body had been made. In the woods with young Spake at the time of his dead* were Mon roe Poston, Daniel Poston, Green Philbeck and George Davis. Young Spake had been in his usual health and had made no complaint of his physical condition whatever. In hi youth he had a bad spell of ty phoid fever and from the ill ef fects of that diseas his physical j condition has always been impair ed, making it necessary for him to spend much of his time in hospitals and under the care of physicians. The funeral will take place Mon day afternoon at 3 o’clock and the interment will be at Ross Grove church, with Rev. H. E. Waldop conducting the services. Now York man who had not tak en a bath for twenty years died the other day. The average small boy will agree death would not be so bad after such luxury. We often hear it said that good roads increase the value of the property they pass through. And we believe this is true, but we fail to see where the tax assessments show it. sidewalks and roads. Shelby has two publishing companies. They are the Cleveland Star and the Cleveland News. We would like to know something about Texas. En closed you will find a small folder which tells something about Shel by. There are a few pictures, also. J. R. PRUETT. Sumpter School. Much Skidding In Try-Out Races On Charlotte Track Spectators Getting Ready For Thrills In Armistice Day Event There. Hartz Sees Records Webb Write* Up Hi* Final Court In Role Of Clerk George P. Webb After Eight Years as Clerk and Juvenile Judge Is Leaving Office. It will mean more leisure and i little fresh air, but still there must be a tinge of sadness in leaving an office which one has held for eight years. George P. Webb, clerk of Super ior court and juvenile judge of Cleveland county, will retire on the first of next month and will be suc ceeded by A. M. Hamrick, clerk elect. Mr. Webb announced prior to the last primary that he wanted to get out and wouM not be a can didate again, despite the fact that he was a favorite with voters and could have perhaps been elected several more terms. And this week Mr. Webb is act ing in the role of clerk for his last time under the Superior court bench. In intervals he is writing up judgments that hereafter will be written by another and in the mean time Mr. Hamrick is “getting on to the ways of the office.” Practically all of the other county office also change on the next “first Monday". A. F. Newton will succeed R. Lee Weathers as register, and the other officers will succeed themselves. The coun ty solicitor’s post changes, it is un derstood, on the first of the year when P. Cleveland Gardner goes into office. Contract Let For More Street Work Wegners Secure Contract to Widen West Warren Street or Highway No. 20. F, L. and L. J. Wagner have been awarded the contract to. widen highway No. 20 from the old city limits to a point just west of the home of Mr. Leander Hamrick and work commenced this morning. This stretch of Highway No. 20 has just been completed by the state, the road being 18 feet wide. Property owners petitioned the city to make this street 30 feet wide by adding six feet of con crete on each side and the Wagners wei’e the low bidders on this work. Mr. Leander Hamrick who owns considerable property along this road has agreed to loan the city the necessary amount of money at five per cent interest, the rate of inter est the last street improvemet t bonds were sold for, until the city makes another bond issue of $50, 000 to finish paying for the water plant and this refund to the street department money borrowed from this fund to finish paying for the water plant. The distance that is to be paved on West Warren street to a width of 30 feet is about 2,400 feet. Charlotte, Nov. 8.—Spectators at the thrilling Armistice day sprint championship on the Charlotte, speedway are due to see the decis ive battle between the conventional rear-drive automobiles and the new front-drive creations. This declara tion was made today by Harry Hartz. the youthful speed king from Hollywood, who has clinched the A. A. A. champrjnship title for the year. Hartz, circled the huge mile-ar.d a-quarter board bow: at 134 miles an hour in practice, using the same rear drive motor that has won him a fortune this year on the “roaring road,’’ then pulled up to the pits after battling on the turns in prac tice with all five of the entered front-drive motors. “The front-drive cars of Duray, Bennie Hill, Earl Cooper, Pete Kreis and Dave Lewis are going to be plenty fast in the 25-mile sprints, asserted Hartz, telling of fhe sensational speed duels be tween Lewis and Cooper here at the August 23 sprin: races. “But,” he added, “they suye will have to move over in the 50-mile and the 100-mile dashes because there is going to be about ten of us with rear drives who are going all fhe way through with the motor wide open.” Fred J. Wagner, noted sportsman and starter, talking in the group of racing pilots with Hartz as they stood with split-second stop watch es timing the others in their tuning laps, cautioned the drivers against their terrific skidding on the steep ly banked turns. Observers sta toned at the curves saw one driver after another flash through with their tires smoking as the cars, im pelled by the terrific momentum, reared and swung sideways. Because the American champioir ship for sprints will be decided here, the crowds of fans lined back of the safety fences watching the cars practicing have already seen a sore of impromptu races. Frank Lockhart, the youthful star who won the two long races here in August, has repeatedly tried his powerful car against the others in brushes on the hazardous curves and fast straight-aways. Two Cars Collide, Woman Is Injured Miss Bettie Wilson of South Shelby has a broken nose and broken ribs, Cary Hoppes and Gra ham Dover have bruises and Miss Wilson’s car is a complete wreck as a result of a collision near Cam eron Putnam’s in South Shelby about 1 o’clock Sunday morning. A car driven by Ralph Nanny of Chav lotte struck the Wilson car head on, in which she and Hoppes and i Dover were riding. I The Nanny car was driven off but Nanny could not keep it in the road and it nosed into Will Put nam’s barn. Nanny who is said to have been going to Cliffside was arrested and placed in jail, charged with drunkenness. Miss Wilson Is 1 painfully injured, but is said to be improving. RAILROAD dreams MAY BECOME REAL1 ALLOT ONE Tltf Sc .'board May Extend; Southerr May Change Route, and I*. & N. May Come This Way. It's not likely to happen stil there is a possibility that all o Shelby’s railroad dreams may com. true about the same time. Tha seems to be the central topic o recent rail rumors hereabouts. For many years Shelby togethe with the section to the westwar* has dreamed of seeing the Soft hoard stretch on across the moun tains to Hendersonville and Ashe ville. And for an equal number o years, perhaps, longer, Shelby ha had the hope of getting on a larg er Southern system line. Then oi later years business leaders haV been seeking the extension of th P. and N. on by Shelby to Spar tanbug. Oddly enough taik concerning a three has arisen about the stun time. Not long since the Seaboar president made a visit to Shelb and toured the prospective route j the west. No one knows why hi came, but since that time annoui cement of new bridges along tb Seaboard route have been math and naturally there is suppositio about the extension and visit. Th«s came the rumor that the Souther might change the Spartanburg Asheville line by Shelby to replay the present Saluda route. So {« as is known that is only rum© Now comes the wore: that the Piej mont will be extended from Cha lotte to Durham and from Gaston to Spartanburg. The route by Sh® by from Gastonia to Spartanburg: one of those talked and somethil definite in this taj is more easi discerned than in the others. ; It could be that all may blooi into reality. Still it’s not so like! However, out of :ne three She! should gain one. That ’s the general talk on t| streets and as far as the man i the street is concerned he is pil ing for something to be done loci ly to attract one of the three. 5 Cherryville Native Goes in Bankrupt^ John J. George. Once Wealthy Te tile Man, Desires To Start Over Again | i Charlotte, Nov. 5.— Bankrupt* papers were filed in federal co here today for John J. Geor prominent cotton mill man Cherryville and a member of board of trustees of Lenoir-Rhy college. at Hickory. Mr. George’s liabilities were 15 ed at $363,443.98 and assets § $184,474. The petitioner Susan Wylie, of Bessemer Cil W. F. Johnson, of Bessemer Ci and the Cherryville National ba of Cherryville. Samuel R. McClurd, Chariot attorney, filed the papers. The, bankruptcy petition foil the receiver’s sale of Mr. Georj mill, the Vivian mill at Chei ville manufacturing automo' tiro fabrics. The mill was sold for $36,000 a was valued at approximate $300,000, Mr. McClurd said.. Lenoir-Rhyne college was in the bankruptcy petition of Mr. George’s creditors, amount was $43,000, including terest, Mr. McClurd said, The indorsement amounting to approxima 000 was given as OR3 causes of the bankruptcy by the attorney. Mr. McClurd s Mr. G°orge will not fight the . tion, but “wants to clean the s! and start again.” At one time Mr. George was of the wealthiest men in Che. ville, it being estimated that was worth $600,000 at the hei of his financial career. The b ruptcy hearing will leave Cherryville man with $1,000 f, home and $500 for personal p erty, it is said. To Open Road On Wednesday 171 The plan now is to open H| way No. 20 west on Wedne November 17th, according to Graham, one of the state engineers. The road has l ished two weeks and had time to season so on Wedn„ traffic will not have to make detour by the new water station Dover mill, but cxn proceed 1 out warren street to the ford town and cities. The road Shelby to the Rutherford line was completed at a_, $44,000 and has been under . struction this year and a - | last year.