THE CLEVELAND STAR Shelby, N. C. Monday, Wednesday and Friday Subscription Price Hy Mail, per year .__*—....... - By Carrier, per year ___ ... -,0 . S3.00 The Star Publishing Company, Inc. B. WEATHERS . . ' . . . President RENN DRUM __.... Local Editor • Entered as second Clars matter January J, 1005, at the postoffice at Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, March 3, lMYtl. We wish to tall your attention to the fart that it is, nnd has been our custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary noticeafter one death notice has been pub lished, This will be strictly adhered to. WED. NOVEMBER 17, 1926. = TWINKLES V If everybody who celebrates the Christmas season with spirits gives :oanta a drink no wonder he s such a joky old fellow. i; : Alas, the thought' comes occasionally of the Shelby corners f that were going to tky-scrape back m the spring. Perhaps they’ll bud again come another spring. Another indication that Christmas draws near is that of the officers finding several gallons of liquor in fne ears that ordinarily haul quarts. v; It seems as how the Rev. Mr. Wood was punished suffi ciently, mentally anyway, for his slaying of a prisoner. That is, if he heard the report, before the jur.v liven him, that 10 jurors were for conviction. I; Hendersonville and Jackson county editors are debating as j to which side of the ridge has the best clime. May haps if they i get together and complete the Plectwood they can get d whiff i of both from the root garden. Still Mencken has not turned an attack on North Carolina sigee his visit and back-slapping praise, so, perhaps, after ail the man has been converted by the latest Asbury s presenta tion of the first Anbury's Methodism. Nell Battle Lewis, North Carolina’s feminine literary S.pius, has been devoting several columns to a discussion of tne North Carolina woman and how she votes. As we see it *0 e whole thing devolves, and revolves, about t to school patrons in Shelby. Rather, it should be of enough interest to create some pride. Ifl In Group Three of North Carolina high schools, made up of 16 towns, School Facts show that the lowest high school cost of teaching each pup 1 per day is in Shelby. The aver age daily cost of teaching ;\ high school pupil here is 18.6 cents per day, which is ;.J.» cents less than the school in the group, Reidsville, having the highest cost, and 12 cents less than the average in the stair. And under the same head the average salary of Shelby to ichors is less than that of any town in the state and even less than that of rural schools. Yet from the standpoint of scholarship the teachers in the Shelby schools rank ninth in the list. |L „ Which might be concluded with the words of the comedian I; at the recent county fair—all the school children know them. (. ■ NORTH CAROLINA JOURNALISM Arthu.’ Ryhl, a New York writer, made a trip to this state recently “covering” the sentiment, anti and pro, concerning A1 Smith. In the course of his published survey he men tioned brought to mind the effort to really determine what Graves' paper could be classed under. Failing, the only near concise thought was that the Chapel Hill Weekly offers the only newspaper refreshment in North Carolina—unless one makes an exception of the frequent editorial contributions of the Monroe Journal, or Cecil Wilson’s “\\ h.uta World ’ when the writer does not try to be funny and lets it roll naturally. The realization of the refreshment, or whatever-you-wish, of Graves’ “Chapel Hill Chaff” and Halifax Jones’ “Random Shots” came when they were missed last week, the occasion being that of the taking over of the paper for the week by Qecar Coffin’s class of budding journalists. Not that Coffin’s pupils “fell down” on the job for the “Chowder” almost equalled the “Chaff” despite what resembled imitation, and the “Shots” were localized to a state viewpoint and thereby Interesting. The regular force might take a vacation several w ies a year and not hurt things so very much. Y’know, er a round of “chaw’clate sodys” a “Yes-We-IIave Split” 1’t hurt occasionally. Jading the unique paper after persuing the other news >ts of the state is somewhat like dropping into Ebeltoft’s >re—a Shelby setting for a Samuel Johnson coffee aid hearing the proprietor talk after listening to the talk of cotton prices, .football, amusement, business, modern what-not: or like stepping from the dining room palatial hotel into a combination dining room and kitchen the food is cooked in skillets, or pots swung down huge jaJys. All of which should be interpreted a.; meaning university town's weekly is different. are those from the critics of the Mencken class to jr., who rave about lapses in Southern literature, itly they are not on the subscription of the Chapel Spleen in Nature of Storehouse for Blood Fur :i Iona lime III** spleen whs !is.v<;eiiiie gentle arid sweet-tempered was he, uni lie let this pedantle n;istart down gently by suggesting to him that lit- might with advantage turn tils book Into t hymn. It Is related that the author went away highly pi.- d. anti. <-n com pleting his task, returned lo Sir Thomas for a Until verdict. "Aye, aye." said the wiitv satirist, "Hint's hotter. 'TIs rhvme til least, now. end before It was neither thyme nor reason." Water Absolutely pure water' Is eivn pU'tW.V tasteless. Consisting a.4 It does only of two tnsii*1»>ks; {mil odorless gases. In fact. absolutely pure wider Is also Invisible and w.* are only iiwiiit of It l>,v fooling it. tint* reason. nf course. why we can't taste* It Is that out* own bodies are very largely composed of water, tinil that the cells with which we taste* art*, therefore, aware of no “foreign body” with pure water. In practice, however, pet feetly pure water only exists w * en dis tilled by the chemist. Oar ortli nary water has i s' her eoim* through perhaps tnlles of earth, picking up all sorts of salts on the way, while If It is ilireet rain water, it is heav ily charged with sopt ami dirt from the uir. Remarkable Resemblance Feature for feature, inch fortneh anil ottnee for onti(*e, Ivaxuo Kanekn ami Tsttguo Kanekn, twins. In Tokyft, are so much alike that even their parents were unalile to distin guish between tlnm. In voice, man ner. likes and dislikes they are Jti plleates. Called t• • the eolors re eentl.v, the examining otlicers could find no identifying marks so were forced to nftix murks to their out lobes so that connnamllng officers might know to which one they were giving orders. - So to Speak Talkative Visitor (trying tocheet tip convalescent)—Well, my dear you've hud your ups und downs, ant! now I'm sure It will soon be all ut with you! Nothing is as liigft as the high cost of loafing. No work and all play it* the end makes u mighty hard Miller’s Article. Deaf Carolinian. The Cleveland Star, Shelby, has been publishing in series interest ing letters from Robert C. Miller who has been sojourning the Pa cific northwest. In the. letters he writes of the wonders and points of interest out there, and he cer tainly handles it well. Robert who is at present making his home io Seattle, Wash., was *-jr many years a valued member of our teaching staff. s 4FTER THE TURKEY —when the family assembles in the living-room on Thanksgiving after noon. let there be music! The new Orthophonic Yictroia will give you the great music of all the world, mar velously played 1 Come hear it — ;;