ttiliful incr Part y. ilr. and Mrs. John Sehonck, jr. I bo hosts at a beautiful dinner :ty this evening at their lovely no in South Shelby. s. McCord lertaining rtrs. William McCord is enter ning the South Washington idge club this afternoon at the no of Mr*. W. A. McCord on 3th Washington street at 3 lock. {»’ Anthony fort tins (^lovely party of the nfternoon the bridge tea, Miss Margaret Ihony in giving this nfternoon Soring her delightful house ttt Miss Marjorie Be nit'/., of mington. The hour is 3 o’clock. tftion Kjp Tonight 'he New Year’s Eve dance which he sponsored by the Shelby itlion club this evening at the vriand Springs hotel brings to me the last of the beautiful ccs. The ball til's evening ises to be tha outstanding ce of the season and many vis it,, will make the scone most utiful. , Ceph Blanton teas. fs. Ceph Blanton was the gra • s hostess to the members of the rsday afternoon club on Thurs afternoon at 3 o’clock. The as of this hospitable home were ty with their Christmas decer ns. Tables were placed for rook pfter many progressions, Mrs. lion served delicious refresh ts. les Lucy and Kate Harmon «r Hosts ipses Kate and Lucy Ilarmon J, th-' delightful hosts at a Binner, on Monday even dock at their attractive rooms were most, beau irated with Christmas ly and poinaettas. The charmingly appointed its center piece a large :?t filled with crimson ®st d$\teious six course tr was served to ten guests. rn From ling Trip and Mrs. It. M. Lynch who s married in Georgia the past j have returned to Shelby p .they are making thcii !. Mrs. Lynch i.-- a moat charm ill accomplished young wo 'having been Miss Mildred b, of Griffin, Ga. Mr. Lynch Bnected with the Janetto iry Co. and they are ranking l-home at Mr. and Mrs. Cep!. Cm’s. isutiful Party vely Sehenck home in Iby was the mecea of a gathering on Wtdnes .g at 8 o'clock when 5^r. to n inter-Spangler » ing Dec. 22. wedding of much interest in ind other counties was sei zed on Wednesday December Shelby, when Miss Lillie tier, became the bride of Mr. |bs Carpenter of near Waco. Kush Padgett performed the fony. bride was beautiful in brown with tan and gold. She is the ter of Mr. W. S. Spangler of ouble Shoals community, i groom is the son of Mr. and J. B. Carpenter of Shelby, ind is a splendid farmer. ± after the ceremony Mr. and ^Carpenter left for Charlotte, l they visited Mr. Deems Car r in Myers park. They return iday afternoon and are now xfe with the grooms parents, k . 'arty For tone Girls. I Adelaide C«t>aniss, daug’n Mr. and Mrs. C. B., ostess at a lovely party at me Wednesdry evening hon teveral college chums of Lime soilege. honor guests were Missis Camp, of Forest City; Tom e Hardin, of Blacksburg, and \ and Mrs. l.ove lace's guests were as follows: Misses Jario and Oharleen Htamey. of Fallston: Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Lovelace, of Goldsboro- Mr and Mrs. Deck Wilson and Misses Sarah and Mildred Taylor- of Rutherford ton; Dr. and Mrs. Pitt Beam,' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Royster, Mr. anl Mrs. Rob Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Story. Misses Lucy Hamrick and Elisabeth MeBmyrr ar.d Miss Ruth Mutvdy. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ouinr and Dr. liarbeson and Mr. Forrest Eskridge. Mrs. Sam Lattimore Given Beautiful Dinner One of the prettiest affairs of the season was a lovely dinner patty given by Mrs. Sam Lattimore at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Me K. Albergotti in Blacks burg on Tuesday evening. The tab’e was beautiful in every detail, the center piece bring a large sil ver basket of red roses and poin settas. A delicious f>x course din ner was served by Misses Cnther 1 >no anil AiMie Tnrn«r. Covers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mvs. Sam Lattimore. Mr. and Mrs. , Albergotti, Misses Louise Hardin, Lucile Gooch, Lurlinc Porter. Kath leen Hardin, Mary Turner, Gladys Porter. H<’",nr' Debebtful Guests At her attractive home on South DeKalb street Miss Helen Bess was the charming young hostess at a j most delightful party given in honor of her lovely house guests, Misses Juanita Mauney and Chris tine Carpenter, of Crouse. The at tractive home was beautiful de corated with Chri-s.mas decorations ar.d presented e lovely picture.. A number of Shelby’s younger social set were present and many de lightful and enjoyable game- were played and music enioyed also. At the close of the evening the young hostess assisted by v her mother, Mrs. Bess, served a most delicious sweet and salad course with ho* chocolate ard candies an.l nuts. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Millicent Blanton Hrsfosa At Beautiful Dinner Miss Mitlicent Blanton was .he chcrminp hostess nt a beautiful dinner party on Thursday even in'.-- at the attractive Blanton homr on West Warren street. The rooms with their lovely Christmas tie: orations presented a beautiful scene. The table was most ex nuisite in its appointment. It had for its central decoration a hand some preen bowl holdinp crimson roses and poinsettas with soft preen ferns. At the four corners if the .abler, were the handsome low preen vases "holdinp red candles and between these were the dain tiest of preen compotes holding Christina^ candies in red and preen. A most delieiou- six course turkey dinner was served and cov ers were laid for twelve. I’nsten-Self * Wedding A wedding of ranch cordial in terest was that of Mr. Fibra Pos iton, son of Mrs. -T. R. Poston, of near Waco, and Miss Sarah Self, daughter of the late Mr. S. S. Self, of Shelby, which was ‘•o'emr i*M on Wednesday eveninp at 3 o’clock at Gaffney, S. C. The bride is a most popular and charminp young ladv and bright and attractive. She was beautiful, dressed in a blue fiat crepe and ae cersorips to match. She has boon a saleslady at the J. €. Penny Co. Mr Poston is one of Cleveland county's most prominent younp farmers. At the present time they will make their home with the groom’s mother. McNEELY’S HALF PRICE SALE Now Running— Is the most successful sales event m the history of the establishment, and one of the most successful ever staged in Shelby. STANDING ROOM was at a premium in the store Friday morning. Women literally scrambled for the bargains. The big HALF PRICE offer brought them, THE SALE IS STILL ON And Will Continue While The Supply of Merchandise Lasts. All Coats, Dresses, And Millinery Reduced ONE-HALF Vrr*A 88* crJl 1 si jag Hi a§ IliC Such bargains in fine wearing apparel have never before been seen here. Tak^advantage of this offer while it lasts. It will not scon come again. Remember—DRESSES, COATS, Mil LINERY CUT IN TWO—FIFTY PER CENT OFF. ALL OTHER GOODS CUT- SOME FROM 25% TO 75%. J. C McNeely Co. QUALITY SERVICE Hi THESE WANT AD'S Rates For Want Advertreemer Charge For An This size type ie pei This size type 2c pei This size type 3c per Ads that run less than 25c, i insertion and above rote ROOMS FOR RENT, STEAM heal, (■!•:::•'• in, V. D. Ross, Phone 702. Rt-shknee 207 E. Marion Street. "3t-3Ie LOST WHITE AND BROWN spotted hound dog. Reward if re turned to J- V. Martin, R-2, Grov er. Ct-20p BLACKSMITH SHOP WILL open Monday, Decern-,er 27th in W P. Kings’ place. All kinds of repa., work. 0. S. Lipscomb, owner. 3cp i A COMPLETE LINE OF IN gredients in stock if you dare to mix .your own feeds. A. B, Suitle Hatchery. / tf-24e _ MAKE NO MISTAKE SLANT _ BASS BRED UP ; — PECANS See T. H. Abernethy. ThOmasson Realty Co., on Court Square, J Shelby, N. C. 15c FOR COTTON—WE ARE offering to a limited number of prospective students 15 ccnt^ a ; pound for cotton, same to be ap plied on tuition charges.'Write for 1 particulars. Gastonia Business Col lege. Gastonia, N. C. 2i-31p. LOST DOUBLE BAR AUTO 1 bumper between Lawndale and Fallston. Notify Sam Blanton, ' Lawndale, R-2. 1-31 p 71,824 Shown As Charlotte Census i Charlotte Observer. The population of Charlotte at the opening of 1327. seven years after the last decennial census, is 71.821, compared with 09,507 at the opening of 1926, and 10,338 in 1920 ,, and increase of 55,0 per cer.t, ac cording to a- survey just completed ' for The Char-lotto Observer and I the Newspaper Feature bureau. The fo-rvey. with definitely as certained figures of increase, is not , to be classed with estimates deriv ed only from the gain of the 1910-1920 decade. ! NOTICE Or SALE OF A VALE. ABLE HUDSON COACH. Under and bv virtue of the pow er of sale made and provided for and in case of liens, I will sell tc the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door, in Shelby, Cleve land county. North Carolina, on Saturday, January 15th, 1927, at 2 o’clock, p. m., in order to satisfy and pay a labor and material lie'] on the same done and furnished by the undersigned, the following de scribed nersonal property, towit: ] One Hudson Coach In Good Con dition ar 1 Repair Generally. This 30th dav of December. 1926. RUSH THOMPSON 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSON AL PROPERTY j As administrate* of the estate oc i Wade A. Bell, •deceased, I will offer i for sale at public auction at the l home place of the said Wade A. ! Sell, in Number Four Township, | Cleveland county, near Grover. N. | €.. on Saturday, January 22, 1927, i at 12 o’clock, 'toon, or within legal hours, the following described per sonal property, towit: Three mules.. one buggy, two cows, a quantity of corn, two cane mills, one wagon, a number of farming tools. Terms of sale: CASH. This December 31. 1926. J. L. HERNDON, St-31 -7-1 -1. Administrator. ts In This Column. Minimum y Want Ad 23c. word each insertion, word each insertion. word each insertion. viil be charged 25c for first on subsequent insertions. FOR RENTt^ALL NEW FIVE rom apartment. Modern conven iences. Close fh Garage. Phone 651. if-24o BABY CHICKS FOR DELIV cry every Tuesday beginning Jan uary 4th. A. B. Guttle Hatchery. tf-24c WE ARE PREPARED 'i'Y thresh your peas, cane seed, soy beans at rear of office every Satur day until further notice. Morrison Transfer Co. tf-p9a l- ' FOUND— SUNDAY NEAR , fairgrounds tan handbag, contain- . ing children's clothes. Owner identi fy. Call 667-W. 2t-29p WOOD FOR SALE DRY PINE ready for stove or fire place. Will deliver any amount call. Hov/eil Transfer Co., Phone office 718, residence 124-R. tf-lOc GENUINE FORD batteries, new and {guaranteed, for only $12.00 installed in yeur ear. Charles L. Eskridge. St22c HIGHEST CASH price paid for poultry. Ideal Ice & Fuel Com pany. 3t-31c LOST BLACK AN'D TAN FE male hound near Dirty Ankle above. Casar. Notify John- Cook, Casar or C. P. Bumgardner, Gastonia, R-i. 4t-24l» ; A COMPLETE LINE NEWTON and Wishbone brooders in stock. ; A. B. Suttle Hatchery. tf-24e '* AUCTION SALE—AT MY homo on End Hardin place, Shelby, R-% Wednesday, Jan. 5, 10 o’clock. Forming tools, wagon, buggy, mule, cow and feed. J. A. Stewart. 31-ltp. REPAIR WORK CN ALL KINDS of automobiles, trucks and trae. tors. Prices reasonable. 11. (i. Stockton, Host’s old bakery stand, West Marion street. tf-16u FOR SALE GOOD TWO HORSE wagon. A. M. Russ, R-3, Shelbv. 3-29p j WOOD IN ANY QUANTITl and quaiity. Prepared for stove or fireplace. Morrfs'a Trawler, Phone 406 tf-lift 1 FOR RENT—THREE ROOMS close in furnished or unfurnished. Mamie Jones. tf*29c HIGHEST CASH price paid for poultry. Ideal Ice & Fuel Com pany. 3t-31e GENUINE FORD : batteries, new and i guaranteed, for only $12.00 installed in your car. Charles L. i Eskridge. St22c PRINCESS THEATRE — Tonight Special THOMAS MEIGHAN IN “THE CANADIAN”—ALSO VAUDEVILLE. ADMISSIONS 10c, 25c, 35c. Resew- 50c --MIDNIGHT SHOW — VAUDEVILLE & PICTURES. All Seats Reserved —_ 7 P. M. TO 10:30—THOMAS MEIGHAN IN “THE CANADIAN.” ALSO VAUDEVILLE — 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c. «nuri#