m FIB IS DEM me BUT NOT LISTENED TO One Of Biggest Farm Crowds Was At Shelby Meeting, Observer Farm Writer Notes (S. It. Bivens in Observer Farm Page) What’s it all about anyhow This campaigning and these speak ings in every court house in the state in the interest of safe fann ing are about over, and seemingly a small per cent of the farmers have heard that such a thing is on, and many of them are asking "what is it all about?" The Cleveland Star observes that In many of the counties when the campaign was started, as few as forty and fifty to n hundred farmers attended the initial meet ing. In Monroe on the 12th, Dear I. O. Schaub made a brilliant ef fort for the future salvation of Union- county. There were 110 farmers who hoard him, and if the farm cenana for that county is correct, there were exactly 4,884 farmers in the county who did not hear him. The great majority of these will never know that he made a speech, and many who by chnnce may learn that he was in town will not learn what it was all about. In his message to the general assembly, Governor Angus W. Mc Lean satd that North Carolina is spending for food and feed ship ped into the state $260,000,000 an nually, and that this same food and feed could be produced on North Carolina favms. Add to this the possibilities of the state in in creased efficiency in North Caro lina farmers made possible by economic independence. Sum up these three things. Speculate as to how far the sum total will go on the church, school and road pro* prams, and In support of North Carolina business. and then an swer becomes evident that this campaigning and these speakings are about the future welfare and prosperity of all the people of the state. The North Carolina extension j division has the remedy. It has \ worked out tho plan which if car ried to the farmers and impressed; upon them will turn the trick, and this band of workers is doing all j in its power to reach the masses, but there are too many farmers' and too few extension workers for them to put the thin* across un assisted. Whose duty is it then to assist? Is it not a part of bank ing to help make money for depos* it in the bank? Is it not good business for the merchant to as sist his customers in acquiring the wherewith to buy ? Is it not f:u*> policy for the professional man, the teacher and even the preacher to assist their constituency in carrying a well filled poeketbook? Is it not the duty of the farmer, for the sake of his family, to ad just his farming to the times :*nd conditions which JconfrotV him? It is clearly the business of all the people to put over this bet ter farming program which the North Carolina extension division has worked out and is fostering. Most anybody will s’gn a letter of recommendation, but few people are willing to take their own medi cine. o) auioo no,f njojoq ogpt.iq aqi 3msso.io usqi osjom si cuoisnpuoo 5c Suiduinf Washington.—Ot.e out of every 261 residents’ of North Carolina is j collage rtnden*. it is .1 jy a study of higher education just completed by the bureau of jdueation of the department of in .r-rior. Out of every IS6 men of all ages j living in the . tat'.', one is; now j tending college. A considerably lower ratio k shown for the wo-j men, only one out of evi ry 137 be- j ing s> college student. The report of the investigation 1 of the bureau of education shows that there are 9,451 students at tending North Carolina colleges,I including 0,437 men su’d 3.014 wo men. Of this- number 5,069 men and 2,380 women, a total of 8,049 sire actual residents of the state. The colleges of North Carolina thus drew an excess of 1,402 stu dents over the number making their permanent homes in the state. At the same time 21.9 per cent of the North Carolina collegians go to institutions of higher learn ing in states other than their own, while the remaining 7>,.l per cent find the education they leek in the colleges and universities of their home state. The number of North Carolina student;-, go’tig to colleges in all states is 10,296 of whom 7,288 are men and 8.08(1 arc wo men. Looking at the situation from another angle, it was found by the educational experts, who made the study that of students attending North Carolina colleges and uni versities, 85.1 per cent were from that state, 14.3 pc- cent were from other states and the remaining six tenths of one per cent were from foreign countries and United States possessions. According to divisions of study, there were in North Carolina eol PALE & PEAKED foxas Lady Was Advised by Her Mother To Take Cardui, Which She Did With * Good Results. Hamilton, Texas.—Mrs. Gladys Foitcvint, of this city, says: “At times 1 suffered awfully with pains across my back and through my aides. I would have to go to bed and stay two or three days at a time. It was very worrisomo. I managed to keep going, but ... did not enjoy myself at all. “Ono day my mother remarked on how had 1 looked. She said: 'You look so pale and peaked, why don’t you take a bottle of Cardui?’ She had taken it. herself a number of times, and it had always improvod her health, no she thought I bad better try it. “I got tho Cardui and began tak ing it, and from the Erst dose or two I could aeo a change tor tho better. The tjrot thing 1 noticed was that my appetite was improvod. .1 began to be hungry raid I enjoyed rny meals. 1 slept better at night. My rest was so much quieter that 1 got the bencilt from u. I kept on with the Cardui and took it for several months. The pains in my back and sides grew less 'until they dually uuit bothering mo.” Try Cnvdui for ycur case. At oil drag 6tore3. NC-170 -THE M. P. COLEY AGENCY SHENANDOAH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY M. P. Colev, Pres. — W. R. Casstevcns, Yice-Pres. -PHONE 200 Eiuimn 2/0.171 gaS^ULCW PENCIL wvvith t\a RED BAND ’PENCtLCO. NEW YORK, *n.uin.:.of».:Ah*8*»*T«« ua'tut MAD*. iY THELATStlT KSCJl FACTORY • a A QUE-STiON Alter reading a few cf Machiavelli’a essays on chicanery, care wonders how long he would laat aa a modem used ccr dealer. It would give him a great laugh, we know, to sec how conscientiously we recondition our Used Cars before offering them for sale. But the proof of a principle is in its success—end the laugh would be on him, after a!!. CHAS. E. LAMBETH MOTOR CO. Shelby Branch Shelby, N. C. A ISS6-0 CAR 19 ONLY AS DE-PS-NOABLe AS we OeALSR WHO 5E-LLS IT lege- 55(1 graduate students, J74 of whom lived In the state; f, > liberal art students, of whom 5, 390 lived in the state; 18r> agri cultural students, of whom 170 lived in the state; 555 commerce and business administration stu dents, 511! of whom lived in the stute; 721 engineering students, f>08 of whom lived in the state; 329 law students, of whom 254 liv ed in the state; 370 medical stu dents, 201 of whom lived in the state; 112 pharmacy students, 88 of whom lived in the state; and 180 theological students, only to of whom lived in the'state. North Carolina hoys and girls who do not go io colleges ta ■ n,,n‘ own .stilt'* appear to divide their preference evenly between Geor gia, Virginia, the District of Col umbia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Maryland. There were 189 men and women from North Carolina in District of Col umbia colleges at the time of the survey. 273 in Georgia, 106 in Maryland, 152 in Pennsylvan.u, 2o8 in South Carolina, 185 in l’er.nsyl via and 387 in Virginia, There were North Carolina students, it was found, in the colleges of 37 states other than their own. m.nzii, China, France, Guieana, India, Japnr, Mexico, Persia and the West Indies are represented among the foreign students at tending North Carolina colleges. Epidemic Killing Henderson Mules Hendersonville News. Horses in Henderson county are suffering from an epidemic of botulism, which has been faking for six weeks. Dr. R. E. Taylor, veterinarian announced yesterday that in the past four weeks, there has been seventy-five horses died, and he declared that others have also been lost of which he hnd no first hand information. This is the first time an epidemic of this type has struck Henderson county and there is a tendency on the part of farmers to confuse it with mad ness or rabies. Botulism Is an epidemic which has been widely known for its de structiveness to human life in the past decade in this country. Sonu seven years ago, many lives were snuffed out from it by eating can ned olives. It is also destructive to animal life, and l>r. Taylor ex plains il is in no way associated with madness. Botulism is o poisoning which comes from toxima caused by the toxine produced by which the medical profession knows as bacil us botulinus. It is a poisoning in all kinds of food which the ani mals eat, and usually develops fol lowing seasons of either extreme drought or wet, or one or the other following each other suddenly. The symptoms are of two kinds. One is where the hores be comes so weak, muscularly, as to drop into sleep. The other effect of tlie illness is that the horse be comes wild, losing its intelligence. In both instances, death follows in anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. Dr. Taylor recalls that during his experience in Kentucky, when an epidemic was experienced there or the same kind, he applied a re ventive serum to some four liun How to Keep tkc EGG Producing Strain Rpgrdate NOW vlil'.o ynt>r .Iv rt*n ere t ghting roM? h v. cathei. j. c ttirif? aua* light, end doing iheir heaviest kyikv-. Especially important U beepina up liw itrciift* of breeder .\ Don t let them b un out ! Insure fertility and hoichabiiiiy of iheeujrafrom your best4tyera. Tuo noum' • ot Ueguiet* r t UO lbs. of inesh tones them t-o—brinr:V'out tub (>v-p and vigor — puta birds if full bloom. Keep the egg strnin in your T\«sgu1r‘t now end influx livability intba wbi*..-i j *.v. own eggs. jpf^PouHry Regulate: Sold and Z'jcrzntacd l j A.. Bianton Groc. Co. Suttle’s Drug Store -SCHEDULES Inicr-C&rolina Motor Bus Company Shelby to Charlotte—7, u 1, f, F, T:30—Charlotte t%. Shelby—8, 10, 1:1, 2, 4, ( K.ngs Mountain to Charlotte—7:30, 0:30, 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 0:30. S:3o. Direct connect toil made in Kings Mountain for Spartanburg and Greenville in the morning—One hour lay over in the afternoons. Bessemer City to Charlotte—7:45, 11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 6:45, 8:45. Gastonia to Charlotte, leaves every hour on the hour, from 7 a. :n. to 8 p. m. Connection made there for Rock Hill, S. C.; Spartanburg, Greenville, Gramerton, Lincolnton and Chcrryvilla, York and Clover S C. Gastonia to Sholbv—On the odd hours, making connections for Kutherfordtor,, Hendersonville, Asheville and Statesville. Gastonia to Cherryvi'le—8:30, 12:10, 4:10. 3:10, Cherryville to Gastonia—7:15, 10, 2, 6 p. m. Charlotte to Rock Hill—8, 10:30, 4:15. Bus loaves Spartanburg 6:15 p. in. Connection at Kings Mountain, Churlotto. Telephones; Charlotte 2671; Gastonia 1051; Shelby 450; Shelby to Rutherford ton—8 a. m. and 1 p. in. Rutherfordlon to Shelby—9 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. Shelby to Asheville— 10:00 a. iA., 12. 2, 4, 6. p *u. Asht ville to Shelby—S, 9 and M a. m. and 2, 4 p m. Shelby—•7:20 a. m.; 10:00 a. m.; 1 p. In.*, 4:30 p. m. Lincolnton—8:20 a. in.; 11 a. in.; 3:00 p. m.; C:30 v. m. - Schedules Subject to Change. The World’s Foster Mother There i.? no more efficient producer of human food than the cow. For each 100 pounds of digestible feed consumed, she gives back in her milk six times as much edible solids as the steer cr sheep yields in its carcass. An the breed hao improved throughout the years, so has the feed, and today Miami Dairy stands among the most productive of Id 0 protein dairy feeds. All of the ingredients necessary for the cow’s body maintenance, for sturdy calves and heavy milk yield arc found in Miami Dairy. Whether you have one cow or one hun dred, Miami Dairy will produce results. We recommend it. See us for a supply today, HUNT AND HEWITT Lattimore, N. C. FREE! Introductory Sample 2 lbs. Tuxedo Starting Feed in every bag 0f Tuxedo Eggtnaslt •eld between January 1st end March 1st Miami Dairy dred or five hundred head of horses, with the result that not a single one of them was lost. This is i.ot an infallible remedy, but works in a large number of cases, saving every horse in that in stance. He issues this warning to own ers of horses in order that they may not mistake the disease for rabies ar.d purchase pastuer treat ment, aa has been done in two in stances, and of course proved use less. Dr. Taylor gave serum treat ment to 35 horses on Saturday and will give L to more than fifty on Monday. Several horses, getting delirious have entirely destroyed their stalls, one running time and again through a barbed wire fence, un til he had practically cut himself to pieces. Grows*s 1 Yasiole&s GMH Tonga Invigorates, Purifies and Enriches the Blood. ® coc INCOME FOR THE RIGHT MAN There is a fine opportunity in Shelby and vicinity for a good “live wire” who desires associa tion with a well-established, fa vorably known Carolina life in surance company on a full time Straight commission basis. Pre vious life insurance experience not necessary. Intelligence and energy are the chief require ments for success. The right man for this job is probably now employed, is ca pable of earning $4000 or $5000 a year and is too ambitious for the limitations of his present work. He would have a maxi mum co-operation from the Home Office and General Agent who is a man of wide exper ience. If YOU are qualified for this profitable and useful pro fession, write for personal in terview giving education, busi ness experience, age and ad dress. Write to General Agent Box 352 Charlotte, N. C. i’ PENDER’S LOOK F©1$ THE YELLOW FRONTS FULL VALUE RECEIVED& The Customer Always Receives >' he Best Value At a Yell rw Front Store. No Sale Is Complete Unl*_~s You Ar<? Satisfied. BALLARD’S Pancake or Buckwheat FLOUR, Pkg.. 13c U0 ■«-» *» * TUTUS' U . + *Mr'**r<*** r Fancy California DRIED LIMA BEANS, lb.10c ur^t/i.r*L0r'4 0^0^0'm>4i ^~x»—>■» A# i*# ^_t« ^ %t0 TSjr**/ »«# u*^** '**** n.> iw r... SUNMA3D, Seeded or Puffed Seedle83 Raisins, Pkg. .. li fe EAGLE BRAND MILK, Can.18c ^Jr - " JT-.M-.M ^4' mas .. m^myiaj m »i < ifcji *JT< v* Vv# ~A*r WATER GLASSES, Hand Blown. Packed 8 to carton at 2Sc BEST AMERICAN CHEESE, lb.. 32c HONEYDEW GRAPE PRESERVES, 16 Ounce Glass Jar, Absolutely Pure . 35c COLONIAL CHOCOLATES, Regular 39c, try a box at 29c D. P. PATENT OR SELF RISING -FLOUR There is no Bolter Flour Made. Every Bag Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. 12-lb, bag. 24-lb. bag 484b. bag. 65c $1.27 $2.45 j Salt Pork, Rib Bellies, lb. ___ 24e Salt Pork, Fat Backs, lb._18c Salt Pork, Plates, lb.___18c Swift’s Premium Franks, lb, „__ 29c Princess Arfr.e Sausage Links, lb. __ 33c Boneless Brick CODFISH, lb. __ 12 l-2c For These Who want a Good FLOUR At Lower Price, Wonder and Snow Cream - 12 !b. bag 54c 24 lb. bag $1.05 ASPARAGUS TIPS Hillsdale, No. I Square can Van Camp’s, BAKED BEANS, can_ 33c 8c SLICED PEACHES, Mission or Colonial, No. 1 Can__ Silver Floss, SAUERKRAUT, Can ______ 15c 15c D. P. COFFEE The World’s Best Drink. Pound Package 45c D. P. BACON Our Pride Bread Breakfast sliced Rindless Giant 21-Ounce Quality 1 lb. carton. 1 lb. carton Loaf. Machine Wrapped 26c 51c 10c Low Prices - Easy Terms 1—1 TON FORD TRUCK. 1—HUPMOBILE TOURING CAR. 1—1825 MODEL DODGE BROS. COUPE. 1—H TON GRAHAM BROS. TRUCK. 1—1925 MODEL DODGE BROS. SPECIAL TOURING. 1—1922 DODGE BROS. TOURING. 1—1924 STUDEBAKER TOURING. 1—1924 FORD ROADSTER. 1—FOUR DOOR FORD SEDAN. 1—1923 3-4 TON DODGE BROS. SCREEN TRUCK. 1—1925 DODGE BROS. 3-4 TON SCREEN TRUCK. 1— 1924 CHEVROLET COUFE. 2— 1924 MODEL DODGE BROS. COUPES. 4—1924 MODEL DODGE BROS. TOURING 1— 1923 FORD ROADSTER. 2— 1924 FORD TOURING. 1—1921 DODGE BROS. TOURING. 1—1925 ESSEX COACH. / Buy Now and Save Money ALL ABOVE CARS IN GOOD MECHANICAL SHAPE. CHAS. E. LAMBETH MOTOR CO. Washburn Building, BRANCH North Morgan St., -SHELBV, N. C.

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