f rouni am anelby Sidelights - -By Renn Drum P HERE’S A TIP TO THE GIRLS of Shelby who may on certai' nights be “dateless.’ A report per ambulates about town that in oneof these display cases used by pho tographers there is the photo of a good looker. Not long since, as the | report goes, a love-lorn young i swain passed by and gave the pho I tos the once-over. Something aboa*. ; the particular picture mentioned above attracted the young fellow. Maybe ’twas the eyes, mouth, or some other charm. Anyway, to con tlnne the report, the young fellow ambled upstairs and inquired of the photographer just who she was. The photographer, eater going down to see which one, told him her name and address, and the telephone di | rectory helped him put in the call. That night, it is said, the young lady had a date. Of course, she had had dates before but the object of this story is to inform you thnt she had one that night. Moral: If you have a few empty nights during the week get your “picshur took’ and have the pho - togrnpher place one in his display window. It mav work, and it may not. Perhaps it’ll be according to the attraction. REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS when every congressman furnish ed nil the voter# in his district with free seed#? Those were the’ grand old days when politics required grandeloquent oratory as well ns subtle vote catching. Anyway, the Morganton News-Herald in the “20 years ago” column has the follow ; ing to say about one of the free seed dispenser# of that day: "Con gressman E. Y. Webb sends this note from Washington under date of January 22: ‘You will oblige me greatly by stating in your paper that all persons desiring free vege table seed can obtain same by writing’.’” The old freo-seed plan has been discarded, but as we remember it such was about the only farm relit f ■ congress ever gave. FROM THE POLITICAL NEWS it is understood that there may be a whole half dozen candidates for mayor next May. (Wonder if thats the reason they call 'em may-or just because the election is in May?). Anyway, the colyum has a platform it would line to see adopt ed by some of the six. The platform would read somewhat like this— modifications in order, of course, on up until May: 1. —Have T. W. Hamrick, George i Alexander, or Ed Morrison fix the court house clock so Shelby will not be going to dinner when the clock says somebody should be waking up and kicking the alarm off. 2. —Make the postoffice more of a public Institution by hanging sbme doors that the women and children can open. 8.—Put soft cushions on the '*• coflrt square benches, for there’s where most of the -•oiitudiu1* hang out while the voters are working. 4. —Hove some ordinance to pro tect the jay-walking pedestrian. All the traffic ordinances now take care of radiators and hub caps but what is mere man as compared with a flivver fender? 5. —And since this platform was written on February 1, one day be fore the ground hog came along and on the same day bill collec tors do come, have a law thnt would imprison any one carrying bills or the public streets. Take it from us either man men tioned among the likely six shoot ers at the mayor’s or.'ice could b« elected if he could guarantee the “dear public”, that winsome, fickle folk, sueh a platform would be car ried out. AND IN DEALING WITH POL Hies there’s another story the enl yum has been planning to tell foi some time. It seas related to us by Prank L, and Robert A. Hoyle, ami they’ve been familiar with Cleve I land county politices for some sev | . eral calendar*, and the story deals .with United States Senator Lee S ‘ Overman, he who had “Our Bob'1 .Reynolds as an opponent. There are those, ykno’w, who say 3j and complain that in recent elee .tions Senator Overman does not f .come down home and handshake the iolks and give them the usual line of taffy. For a long time we’ve * thought such complaints against . the handsomest man in the senate 1 were unjust. When a man goes into i any business, gives it his best ef forts for years and makes of it a success after devoting his life to it there usually comes a time when he 4 can take things easy with the good will of those he Tias worked with and for. Now Senator Overman is not taking things easy yet by a I long shot but just because he does not campaign like *‘he nster’’ is n-> . / justification for givfng him a howl. !The main reason for the howl, we presume, is that the younger gen eration doesn’t remember so muon > of tie old-time overman cam paigns, but ask the older folks anu« aneep the tir at a searchlight twetpt the thy. MAUNEY AUTO SUPPLY CO. ' West Marion St., Shelby, N. C. -PHONE 518