i A WIDE* CHOICE Selling as many new Dodge Brothers Cara aa we do, it i9 only natural that we should be offered a wide selection of used cars in trade. We take the best of these—and put them in such good condition that they cannot help but reflect favorably on our reputation. LITTON MOTOR CO *V 11 ry q a «■ |» % CHAS. E. LAMBETH MOTOR CO. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE' AS THE- DEALER V/HO SELLS IT VfAXO Arlington hotel £3 IDEAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION One of the 4"M Hotels if CAia° 4 M I COLONIAL ,I FAIRFAX HOTELS B MARTINIQUE Washmj»«#cliT'^N^LL cJtlways A ROOM A ROOM WITH WITH Run h i no PRjvaTI WATCR. RATH 12 *3 OWRATtP BY MAODUX, MARSHALL, MOSS & MALLORY,we. WRITE FOR AIM COPY OF OUR *1.00 PICTORIAL GUIDE MAP OF WASHINGTON THRICtomE Miwins to FORTY THEATRES AKO ALL SHOPS TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK CITY JUST OFF BROOWAY AI109-10 WtaT4»*« ST. -SCHEDULES Inter-Carolina Motor Bus Company i § Sholby to Churlottc—7, 9, !.?* 8, 6, 7:30—Charlotte t». Shelby—8, 10, 12, 2, 4, ( King* Mountain to Charlotte—7:3f 9:30. 11:30, 1:30, 3:80, 3:30. 8:30. Direct eounaotion made in Klaus Mountain for Spartanburg and Greenville in the morning—One hour lay over in the afternoons. Bessemer City to Charlotte—7:45, 11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 5:43. 8:45. Gastonia to Charlotte, leases every hour on the hour, from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Connection made there for Hock Hill. S. C.; Spartanburg, Greenville, Crnmerton, Lincolnton and Cherryviue, York and Clever S C. Gastonia to Shelby—On the odd hours, making connections for Rutherfnrdton, Hendersonville, Asheville and Statesville. , Gastonia to Cherryvllle—3:30, 12:10, 1:10, 3:13. Cherryville to Castonia—'7:15, 10, 2, 0 y. nt. Charlotte to Rock Hiil—S, 10:30, 4:15. Bus leaves Spartanburg 6:15 p. m. Connection at King* Mountain, Charlotte, Telephones: Ohaniotte 2671; Gastonia 1051; Shelby 450; Shelby to Rutherford ton-—S a. m. and 1 p. »n. Rutlwmfordton to hiholby—9:40 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. Shelby to Asheville—10:00 a. r*., 12. 2, 4. 6, p. m. Ashe ville to Shelby—8, 0 and 11 o. m. and 2, 4 p m. Shelby—7:20 a. m.; 10:00 a. m.'j 1 p. m.; 4:30 p. m. Lincolnton—8:30 a. m>; 41 a. m,; 3:00 p. m.: 6:30 p. n». Schedules Subject to Change. Corn Cracker Saw Shelby Election Thev Even Called Him “Colonel” Thinking To Gel HU Vote, But He Couldn’t Vote Editor Star: For the first time within thirty years I saw the municipal elector ate of Shelby in action on last Monday; ai d can still depose with out being sworn that, like the col ored troops, they fought nohlv. Owing to all kinds of mental and some physical infirmities, mv busi ness at Shelby is with a doctor and a druggist. The doctor assure* to" that I may rally from mv physi cal impediments hut that my men. tal condition is hopeless. Tn fact, he fears I shall be pulled into the noisy and inconsistent conclave of the adherents of A1 Smith—which will, of course, mean my incar ceration in a madhouse. Early Monday morning of May 2. 192?. I flagged down a prosperous gran ger who is a good Samaritan He permitted me to ride on he hur ricane deck of his tin lizzies. and we rapidly threw miles behind us. When within nearly four miles of the City of Springs. I heard a joy ous explosion of mirth. As mv hearing is by no means acute. 1 asked my comrade the whencenngs and the wherefore. H" paid that Hatcher Webb now and then had an ebullition of mirth that had a range of twentv-eight furlovms. That thp«e audible smiles were Ilk" the wind, they blow whpre they list; but you can’t tell whence thev come nor whither they go. I +old him that Hatcher was a candidate for Lord Mavc-r and was therefore expected to be sedate and circum scribed. His reply was tha^ Hatch er i« a pronounced optmnst and would, probably, laugh at the stirring trump_ of do^m that will proclaim that time shall lie no more. We anchored onj* boat in Shelby, and I heard the roar of vocal music. It turned out. tr> b« a sextette, and all the municipal candidates were making a contri bution of lumbering vocal melody. The sonic was: "I loved a young lady, her name was Kate Brady, She came with her mother from over the sea. I told my love Sunday, pot roit tened on Monday Aiid that is the cause of great miser-ee. I never shall marry though here I may tarry To figure my age at a hundred and ten; My love is a canker my fooling arc ranker Than were ever hetrayod by an old sitting hen.” i As I thought it was the fine, Italian hand of A1 Smith speaking : through a sample of Mr standard i proof but un-tax home brew, I was enraged, disgusted; *nr>d used bn j gunge unorthodox and unparlia mentary. But a reliable man as sured me that they never had the smell of homebrew upon their gar ments. neither did their breath smell like a distillery struck hv lightning, T asked wbense surh revelry and was assured it was the contagious example of Hatch er Webb when his muse wgs riding him with spurs. Hence all was for given. my doctor iookoh nip over ana said T might last to vote in next presidential election; but my com diiion was precarious. Generally, when I visit Shelhv I dhn’t attract much attention, nor do I try to stand in the vivid spot light. Tim people of sense and principle greet me ouiedy and cor dially; while the fellows whose staple article of diet in their bringing up was soap grease, glare at me with true asainino stupidity. Of course I didn't expect to vote in ihis race; although I entertain kind and friendly feelings for every aspirant. Several attractive lnd-'cs approached me saluted me as “Col. Corn Cracker,” and soli cited my suffrage for their hus bands. I told them that I infested the Wilds of township No. 8 and WuiuEwayGiuPl i fi.tru^wauEivrauea.'S! was not allowed io vote anywhere else. But as Kentucky chivalfy is a strong trait of my nature, I wax ed indignant because I could not help those ladies. Dave Baker of King? Moui.tain and Tulius Smith of Shelby, both expressed sympa thy for my handicap. It was de cided that I receive a pension for my forty-five years as a teacher and be allowed, hereafter, to vote in the municipal elections of Shelby. M. L. WHITE. !V!eHa! Winners At Belwood School Fourteen Received Dinlomns in Graduating Class. Personal Mention of People. (Special to The Star.) Belwood, May 7.—Vacation has arrived at last for the boys and girls of Belwood. The commencement war just fine. The auditorium was packed every night. Those receiving medals were rs follows: Scholarship for boys, T-eo Willis; Scholarship) for girls. Mittie Sain; and two improvement debaters medals, Rubv Day berry end Selma Pronst. Recitation; Lucy Rein; declamation, Hovir Hallman: athletics, Fay Gantt and Edgar Cocke. Fourteen seniors received their dinlomns without any signs of failing. Miss Nellie Stamev visited Miss Rosemary Peeler during commence menC Miss Kathleen Bog^s had for her guests Monday and Tuesday, Wil ma Stroup and Miss Boggs of Fn'V.ton. I Miss Blanche l.attimore was the guest of Miss Lucy Dixon Tuesday nieht. 'lifts Pauline T nckey visited Miss Misses Gantt Sunday. Mir sees Liicv Wright and Pearl Gantt spent Sunday night with M's, George Martin. Miff, Lucy Wright visited Miss Pearl Gantt Sunday. Miss Essie Powell visited Miss Tula Ivester Wednesday. Miss Mid vena Lnckev snent Sun day with Miss Mayo Gantt. Mrs, Blain Toney spent Monday | night with, her mother Mrs. R. A. Ivester. I Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Guess was the dinner guest of Mrs. C. G.j Richard Sunday. Misses Verna and Mildred Rjor.- j sey and brother J. T. Ramsey were j the dinner guests of their aunt Mrs.! S. L. Gantt, Sunday. Mr. Hershal FUn»»t. spent Mon-, ; dav night with Mrs. Elliott's par ents Mr end Airs. Will Willis. | | Miss Edith White is visiting her freinds, cousins and sister at Bel-1 wood. | Miss Vashtie Peeler was the guest of Miss Mildred Peeler Wed nesday night. I Mrs. Grady Davis of Gastonia is | spending the week with her nar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Hart man. Miss Rosemary Peeler spent Sunday night with Miss Blanche i Lattimore. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Ford visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Porter last Sunday. | Mr and Mrs. Buford Spurling visited Mr and Mrs. George Mar . tin Sunday. u Mrs. Gradv Blanton visited in Belwood Wednesday, i Mr,and Mrs. W:,l Willis and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bing ham Tuesday. Miss Austin Brackett visited her parents Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Brackett. “Was pnttinar in that lunch coun ter helnert your business?’ asked , Jones of the druggist. “Well it has about trinled the sole of indigestion tablets.” he re i plied.—Cincinnati EnqutVer. Maintaining soil fertility is prob-] I »b!v the biggest emblem before the ' fruit grower of North Carolina. tl doesn’t, matter so much where lb'e nrovide you can get away (from it when you please. ./cwmi^eojeiiraur^jciueiuaueiueiuE Charlotte,—A new hydro-electric plant with a generating capacity fif 56,000 horsepower will bo built immediately at Oxford Shoals, near Claremont. on the Catawba river, by the Southern Power company, accordir.g to an an nouncement from the officer of the company in thin city. Contracts have been let for the equipment of the new plant and much of the preliminary work has already been done. It is believed that ihc plant will be in operation by June 1, 1928 Officials of the company declin ed to make any estimate of the cost, pointing out that the work was done by the construction de partment of the Duke interests find that no accurate idea of the amount of money could be had. Other reconjly built, dams >n the system have cost between 'Tx end eight million dollars and the Ox ford Shoals plant probably .' ill cost more than $5,000,000, it is osti mated. The Oxford Shoals plant is the twelfth hydro-electric plant that has been built by the Duke inter ests. Tha total generating cannot1 v of these twelve plants is 651,000 horsepower. - A recent contract between the Southern Power company and the Tallnssee Power company gives the former tire entire output from the High Rock darn on the Yadkin river, now under construction. 1 he High Rock and the Oxford Shoals plants will add SO 000 horsepower in 1928 in the Duke system. With the hydro-electric plants generating 721,000 horse power and the steam plants gen erating 721.000 horsepower, the total ouput of the new Southern Power company is now placed at 901.000 horsepower. Tho now plant will have the largest hydro-generating units in service on the entire Duke system, the plans calling for two units of 28.000 horsepower each. Contracts for the generators have been awarded to the Westinghouse Elec tric and Manufacturing company. The water wheels will he built by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock company, of Newport News. No. 1 Township News Of Interest (Special to The Star.) Mr. John Bailey and family of near Chesnee spent last Sunday with Mr. Beck Bailey. Miss Vernier Byars spent last Sunday with Miss Willie Humph ries of Grassy Pond. The people from here carried their play “Dot, the Miners Daugh ter” to Henrietta last Friday night. The proceds will go toward pay ing for the church piano. Mr. and Mrs. Barn Mintz of Cliffside were visitors at the home of Mr. Bulo Earls Wednesday night Memorial services will be held at Camp Creek the fourth Satur day in May. Miss Nan Ellis has returned homo after graduating at Boiling Springs bio'h schnril Mrs. Mills Bailey is visiting her son Frank Bailey. Mr. Wade Jones had the mis fortune of spinning his ankle last Sunday. Mr. W. W. Hawkins and family visited Mr. f'urman'Jolley of Bos tic last Sunday. School was out at Palmer last Friday. Mi3s Cabines.s carried her children to the river on a picnic which was enjoyed by all present. Cotton mills of North Carolina are using four times as much me dium length cotton as is produced in North Carolina. There appears to be a good demand for inch to inch and one-cighth staple. uriueiueiuaurJUti(ueiiH'*trd:t!a ruauer COLD THAT K EEpg NO SACRIFICE of efficiency to price. The Kclvinator freezing tank guara^ .ees “cold that keeps” for 24 hours, even if your electricity is shut off temporarily. Let us tell you all the cold facts. Cabinet Kelvinators complete, as low as $210.00 installed in your home (wiring extra). Convenient terms. SHELBY ELECTRIC COMPANY Shelby, N. C. Kelvi rt at o r Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigeration i in a smooth stream The outstanding characteristic of the Essex Super-Six is com plete absence of labor in all performance. Whether spurting at top speed or doing a comfortable 50 miles an hour all day long, you can realize its super ability only by the way you distance others. ! ESSEX i The New Sedan DeLuxe *89j 2-passcnger Speedabout f?0C 4-pa.ssinger S(*-cd»ter $785 Coupe |735 Coach $735 Sedan J79S All prices/, e. 6. Detroit, plus war excise tux. D. H. Cline, Dealer Shelby* N. C. i ^''-rjr.i. SR. Star Advertising Always Brings Results Try Our Want Ad Column And See. _ jrjyayc{.ir!3uaueiu^«^rnjtaJEianiJaL^jrmjEaua^!e^JHuain»w^ia^!^dauaLiB.iBi>:-injau^7';T-;^ JefJ U=U UkTI Ik ' *1 > ’"Mi i* nfl v yc-uv^j mij ubui :*-'i i*=u «*£> **e*4 cc ^ w«£i usu uku 'jksu u*r-J uu-j i*>-j u*»i u«=j ucjj l&u u«__j lw „ NEXT THURSDAY, MAY 12TH, AT 2 O’CLOCK IS THE DATE OF THE BIG uci* • cjj ucii i—udt ucu Uk-ii itu v«lu udi idi ud idi ikd «=*i Lcii u=»i \k=n Mti. udi ikjj iVyi h»ji twM lBngi i^ri^^nE^mpnqanjpnc^ tu-jj u«=di ud DON’T MISS IT! 50 choice home-site lota going on the block to the high bidder. T act one of the most choice in all this section—located on the old Kings Mountain Road, j within the city limit* of Shelby. The R. E. Roberts property. Features: Fine location, good elevation; water and electric lights; every lot ha* highway frontage; property lies I adjacent to sites owned by high class citizens. Here’s a rare opportunity for the buyer seeking a home-site in a good location, at a REASONABLE price. BAND CONCERT ATWATER-KENT RADIO SET TO BE GIVEN AWAY SELLERS ANNOUNCE REASONABLE AND ADJUSTABLE TERMS. LOOK OVER THE PROPERTY BEFORE THE SALE— AND BE ON HAND WHEN THE GONG STRIKES. te J. B. NOLAN CO, Inc., SHELBY, N. C. COL J. A. RUSH Auctioneer |

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