All item* Intended for this depart* ment must be telephoned or sent in to the Society Editor betore 11 a. in., the dny before publication. All news items of interest ta woran are welcomed. By Mrs. Madue Webb Riley Telephone No. 30 Wise Sayings— “You must remember that it isn’t only laying hold of a rope — you must go on pulling.'”—George Elliott. Returns From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards ■who were married in Norfolk, Yu., have returned from a delightful wedding trip coming to Shelby on, Tuesday evening. They are mak ing their homo with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bei.nett on the Cleveland; Springs road. Mrs. Edwards will, be quite an addition to the social j set of Shelby. Gentlemen From I Greece Here Shelby had two interesting vis | itors on Wednesday, they being My- I. C. Carey and Mr. Ti. A. ) "‘UPf'le, of Cavalla, Greece. They 1 are friends and associates of Mr. Harold Griffin who is living in Greece and they were guests of Mrs. I. 0. Griffin. They were greatly pleased with Shelby and i report splendid things of Mr. Grif fin. He is well and getting fat they say and doing fine in a business way. Miss Juanita Daniels To Study In Paris The many friends of Miss Juan ita Duhtetn who has been visiting her (fra ml parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Beam, will he interested to know thai she sails Saturday for fSurope. She will travel three months, then will spend one year studying: in Paris. Her subjects will be music and the arts. Miss Daniels is from Valdosta, hut she has been one of Shelby’s most pop ular and beloved visitors. She has many friends who wish her bon voyngre. Miss Webb Gives Luncheon • Elizabeth Webb was the charming; hostess at a beautiful small luncheon at her attractive liplfcie on South Washington street Wednesday at. one o’clock. The | table was beautifully appointed mjd the central decoration was a JttlTo baske. of Shasta daisies and t Ihnro r.ennias of vari-eolors. A ituist. elegant and delicious five course luncheon was served to Miss Webb, Mr. William Webb, Miss May Washburn, Miss Mat ilda Lattlniore and Miss Ruth Moore, of Alexander. M|fss Ethel Beam Marries In Asheville \ Jho many friends of Miss Ethel SB^ani will be interested to know taft she was married in Asheville on Thursday last, at six o'clock, the ceremony being; performed by Rev, U. .1. Bateman, pastor of the First Baptist church in Asheville. Miss Beam was married to Mr Sproles llallman McGee, of Mem phis, Tenn., but originally from Columbia, S. C. Her costume was a lovely gray suit with hat, shoes, Sd accessories to match. After wedding they left immediately >r Blowing Rock and Little Swit [Prland. After a visito to Colum S. C. they will return to unphis to make their home, McGee was educated at Col umbia College, S. C. and at Cor nell. Miss Beam is the attractive and handsome daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Beam. She has been connected with the Columbia hos pital in Columbia, S. C. Mr. Mc Gee is a food broker and importer. The many friends wish them much happiness. Miss Inez Lutz Weds Mr. W. CJ. Brown At Home A marriage of interest to a wide circle of friends and relatives throughout Cleveland and Lincoln counties was that of Miss Inez Lutz to Mr. Walter Guy Brown, of Lincoln county, which was quietly solemnized at the beuutiful coun try home of the bride’s father, Mr. Marvin L. Lutz, near Bel ic^agod ~ on Wednesday afternoon, | Yuly Gtb at 3 o’clock. The cere *>PEAS, AND CANP seed. All varieties, M. Transfer. Phone 400. u-,;0g I. G. WATSON, HEATINT, \xn ventilating. Furnaces for coal or oil burners. No smoke, ml oot No dust.'As fresh and moist as thU air outdoors. Weathers Apartment building, Phone Oi l. Shelby, N. c _____ ' 1 2-24c FOR RENT THREE rN>n;X. ished rooms. Private rntraiin. lifts N..Morgan street. Phono lL FOR RENT TO WKliK KND parties or season farm dud nt-; tages in Lake Sega. Bathing, ter nis, golf. R. E. Lawrence, IJrcvatd N. G. 8-1?* LET US SELL VOL A RFM ington typewrite;. ,>! f portable. Also second-hand ma chines. Cash or terms. For Inal demonstration write II. ('. Miller. ;!o Remington Typewrite Co., Asheville. 1 t-AVed-fi DEEDS, DEEDS OF TRUST notes, claim and delivery papers, crop liens , chattel n>brtg:iees, church letters for sale at The Star office. These blanks are cash and cannot be charged. g FOR RENT THREE ROOMS for light house keeping on K. War. ren street. Young couple onYrred, Two blocks of square, ('all at Star office. 2-iw FOR RENT NEW FIVF ROOM house with water and light.-. Rhone .'524-11 or see C. D. Mima. .Fv Modern Piano Merely Copy of Old Dulcimer Even the handsome pianos in a® modern living and anode vvmis were not always as vve know them today. The story of thu devt-lop^ meat of the piano, like that mfr netted with everything vise we use. Is a story of humble l> ■. it.nltiss and continuous itnprovi ownis. i The history of mvisioat Instni ments shows us that the uiann is very probably a modern develop1 nient of an instrum> ut known at the dulcimer. This was .gii.aliv nothingmore than a tint i>|o<-e oi wood, on which were fastened two converging strips of ... :orosi which strings were '.stretched--.and tuned to a natural scale. S««M was produced by hitting the strings witli two hanuners, one in eath liand of tlie player. As a separate musical hidflt i nient the dulcimer lias prfttaMj been changed less than at > other. Two pieces of wood have beensum ed to produce a sound box for tin body and keys with which m i'iim the strings; otherwise it i< "till 1* practically its original form. It Is easily seen how the lli:inl! was developed '.from the itulrhn** The only difference in the prinrlpM of the two • is the fact that in* piano is larger, and its strings an struck by keys instead "t tuers. The modern pl«mi is nothing more or less than n kef* dulcimer. Wanted No Witnesses to Theatrical Fligh Ip Sir,James BaiTle’i l4aj'- “fj ter Pan,” Tinker Beii ®»ta up her stage wings, hovers tsf".uf room anti flies out of an ‘‘I dow. The playwright. one of his rehearsals, e\pro»c. desire to try tiie mechanism which this flight is achieved. a attendants at lathed the "ire, the distinguished gentlonitm j prepared to hoist him hi tbp lll!: The amusing part of the s followed. Sir James,-a veteran ' the world of the theater. »a» * denl.v struck by a terrible f'1,d ‘ whelming stage-fright. *'*“ ". mantled that every one !',|U> , hoards, and had tin* trout 111 " put down and tiie puss doors eurely closed. Then, alone in the room '' - the backdrop, the curtain al‘l wings, he was lifted UP- "M vered over Tinker Hell’s t'otne-■ in all iiis disheveled dignity, s0 out the window uiipercelvctl. Build Up Your Health With Dr. Pierce’s “GMD” GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY A Tonic Which Dr. Pierce Prescribed/ When- J in /. Active Practice* U*di or TahUU. All Ocala* If you are run-down, you’re an easy mf'K-n for Colds and Grip;