8 PAGES TODAY By mail, per year (in advarce)_$2.M By carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 Mil AFFAIR UP TODAY - DOVER j^lionck Negro Said to Have Attack ed Officer and Claiming Sec ond Attack Given. The first public move in the brawl between Fred Dover, ex-po liceman, and Frank --menck, negro charged with assaulting the officer, came up in county court today. In brief, the results were that Sdienck through his counsel waiv ed the preliminary hearing and woe bound over to Superior court. Fred pover was not in court and it was siated by Max Gardner, attorney for Dover's father, that he was in Texas. The charge against Lee pover. father of Fred, was carried over for two weeks as was the charge against the former officer. *ho it is said will return lor uie hearing According to information coming out the hearing young Dover to gether with his wife and child left several days ago for Texas to see Mrs Dover’s parents. who live there At that time no warrant had been sworn out against the former officer and his counsel told the court that lie thought he could have him back for a hearing two weeks from now. The warrants against pover and his father, charging as sault on the negro prisoner, were not issued by Solicitor Gardner un til yesterday officers state, and Dover left before he knew that charges would be preferred against him. they say. His wife, it is said had been preparing for a visit there and when the young officer was asked to resign he accompan ied her. reports are. The colored man, Schenck, was able to arrange his $300 bond dui - ing the day and was given ms free dom. South Shelby News Gleanings Study Course Comes To End—New ton Feree Of New York Has Been Visiting Mother. • Special to The Star.. The study course of the intermed iate and senior B. Y. P. U. closed Tuesday night. The music club of the Second Baptist church met Monday night. A large crowd was present. Miss Ruth Wikle of Birmingham Ala is spending awhile with her brother Mr. J. R. Wikle. Mr Winfred Jackson has return ed to his home from the navy. Mr. and Mrs. S. E:.Weaver spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr.; R. W Weaver. Miss Vera Whisnant and he mother spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. D. C. Rollins. Miss Mildred Hawkins spent the week-end in Gastonia with relatives. Miss Violet Weaver has returned home after spending awhile in Gainsville. Ga. Miss Adelaide Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Weaver of Gamsvile, Ga.. will make her homo with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Queen while attending the South Shelby school. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Wood spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hughes. Miss Marion Bridges spent Sat urday and Sunday with Rev. Rush Padgett. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Blanton and children attended the birthday din ner with Mr. W. M. Branton of Sha ron. Sunday! Mr. Newton Ferree who holds a position in New York City, spent awhile with his mother Mrs. F. A. Feree. Little Miss Evelyn Hawkins is 'll at this writing. We hope she soon will recover. COTTON MARKET The government gin report issued today shows 3,505,552 bales ginned to September 15 as compared witn 1.540.000 up to the same date last year The market strengthened on «is as it is expected that this gin n‘ng represents about 30 per cent the crop. At noon cotton was Quoted in New York as follows: October 20.40; December 20.79: anuary 20.72. Yesterday’s close Oc tober 20.22; December 20.57; Janu ary 20.58. New York, Sept. 23.—Eight p. m . leather and forecast fair. Moderate usiness in Worth street. It war Puhited out in floor talk yesterday 'al because of motor transporta - on and improved ginning machin *r> cotton can be moved and gin- 1 jtod with much greater speed than j ormerly so comparisons made fo: j years back to work out an indi- ' tod crop from today’s figure may ** hable to serious error. Report ue at a a. m j£ four mli on it may have a sentimental parish effect but think only tem porary as all information points to 8 small yield. ev. H K. Boyer, D. D„ returnee fahelby Wednesday from attend upon the annual meeting of rard of trustees of the Children’, me, at Winston-Salem. Mrs. Boy acccmpanied Dr. Boyer as far a barlotte, where she spent the time ur.ug the doctor's absence with he. thildron. “Stunt” Night Directed by Wm. Lineberger Furnished Enter tainment to 140. Teachers of the Shelby public school were guests last rtlgh. of members of the Kiwanis club members, who were also allowed the Drivilege of bringing one wif > along. One hundred and forty gath ered around the festive board and enjoyed an evening of hilarious en j tertainment in the nature of stunts planned by Wm. Lineberger who had charge of the program. In walk ed the guests singing “School Days" and from then the fun continued. Clint Newton, rising young attorney after a speech was presented wita a clothes basket of flowers out of1 which jumped Marie King who did the “Charleston". Herman Eskridge presented the new Ford. Josh Lat timore told of "what he saw and heard" after a visit to the city schools. Dr. Dorton presented ■“Spark Plug", a real liffe pony, to George Blanton. Kiwanis president and horseman. Prizes were passed around and a burlesque play entit led a "Gathering of Nuts" with th» principals as the nuts afforded amusement. The evening closed with the party singing "Good Night La dies." MBS, MB DIES !N GASTONIA | __ ; Sister of Clyde R. Hoey, S. E. Hoey And Mrs John Shannonhouse Of Shelby Passes. The many Shelby friends of the : Hoey family will regret to learn of | the sudden passing in Gastonia this | morning at 4 o’clock of Mrs Nellie i Hoey-Warren. daughter of the late Capt. Samuel ‘A. and Mrs. Lottie ! Hoey of Shelby. Mrs. Warren, widow ' of the late Robert C. Warren was i taken sick a few days ago with a throat trouble from which pneumo nia developed. For two days she lay in an unconscious condition and as attending physicians and relatives watched closely. they saw her gradually sinking. Only a week ago she was in robust health and was a visitor in Shelby. Mrs. Warren was one of Gasto i ilia's most beloved women, active in i the religious, social and civic life of I that community. She devoted her i attention to welfare work among tivt poor and was an ardent church and i Sunday school worker. People in al! walks of life loved her for her el‘ i fective Christian service. She was of a jovial disposition, very democratic in her manner, kind, sympathetic, affectionate and all who knew her ! loved her. Born in Shelby 54 years ! ago. she lived in Gastonia after t her marriage, but kept in close j touch with her Shelby friends, and j they are deeply touched over her untimely passing. Last Friday nigh.; ; she brought her Sunday school class ; to Cleveland Springs for an outing and was in the best of spirits. Mrs. Warren is survived by her two brothers. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey and S. Ernest Hoey and one sister. Mrs. John Shannonhouse of Shelby. Three children also survive: Attor ney Ernest Warren. Misses Myrtie and Lottie W'arren of Gastonia. The funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church of which she was a devoted membed on Sat urday morning at 10 o’clock, the services being conducted by her pas tor, Dr. Henderlite. He’s Going To Pay The two Shelby boys who made a unique wager on the Tunnev Dempsey prize fight are going to carry it through, it was announced here this afternoon. On Saturday morning at 6:30 o'clock, according to arrangements Everett Dellinger. high school youth, will start pushing a goat cart to Kings Mountain over highway 20 In the earn as a passenger Will be ' Buck'' Bridges, another youth. On Dellinger's back will be a sign “Dempsey the Coat!''; on Bridges back a sign will read “Tunney the Rider.” Dellinger waged the 13-mile cart ride that Dempsey would knock Tunney out in eight rouns; Bridges said no. The boys will cat dinner at Kings Mountain and return by bus. —Comes Here—Mr. S. F. Reavis, formerly with Gilmers of High Point has been transferred to Shelby to take charge of the furniture depart ment of the local store. He came into this new position Thursday, and predicts he will like the town and the people. Fortune Surrenders In Grover Negro Killing, Freed Under Heavy Bond One Of Quartet Sought Gives Up To Officer When He Hears Of Negro’s Death. Dis claims Any Connection In Beating. Says Hicks Struck Blows On Head. Released Under $3,000 Bond. Others Still Missing. Marcel Fortune, one of the four young white men sought by officers in connection with the fatal beating Tuesday of Claude Long. Grover negro, came into Grover Thursday morning and surrendered to De puty Sheriff tharlie Shepherd. Fortune was immediately brought to the county jail here, but during the day County Judge John Mull set a bond for him at $3,000 and Grover parties. It is said, arranged the bond at the instigation of Clyde R Hocy, employed as attorney for Fortune. Tells Fatal Brawl The story told by Fortune through Mr Hoey, his attorney, clears up a portion of the fatal brawl. Fortune himself disclaims any actual con nection in the affair and is backed up in his statement, it is said, by the sister of the dead negro who was a witness. Futhermore the neat-appearing young fellow who gave up says that he was not trying to elude officers and that he came in when he learned that the negro was dead and that he was connect ed with the case. At latest reports Hicks. Allen ana Westmoreland are still missing. Of ficers are continuing a search for them, especially in South Carolina. Mr. Hoey states that Fortune told him that on the day of the fatal beating he had driven a team up to Grover from his home just across the South Carolina line. During the day he said he came on to Shelby, leaving his team at Grover. Re-, turning in the alternoop, he says, a i car came by with Hi6ks, West- I moreland and Allen in it. They call ed him. he claims, to come take a ride “down the road a little piece.” He got in and the car proceeded on down to where the dead negro's car had stopped- At this place the car in which he was riding stopped, he says, and one of the others remark ed “We want to see this negro.” Fortune says that at this time Hicks and Westmoreland got >out of the car and went to the negro. Hicks struck the negro over the head one time with a stick or spoke of some kind, Fortune tell it, and then Westmoreland is said to have told him “Don't hit him any more.” but that Hicks swung the bludgeon against the head another time. Left The Quartet According to Fortunes story tc his attorney he then left the party, never having moved out of the car during the assault. Allen, it is said, also returned to town and told the officers about it. Later. Fortune says, he got ms team and drove on home. Hearing early Thursday morning that ne was connected with the assault and also that the assaulted colored man was dead he came back across the ! line and gave up. Had No Feeling Fortune's explanation that he was in no way connected with the as | sault is further supported in his I story by the related fact that he ! was not connected with the original j trouble with the little negro boy Saturday night. Hoyle Allen. Er i nest Hicks and Jack Westmoreland were the ones who had the original | trouble and it was against them, ac ! cording to Fortune, that the fatally ! injured negro testified. His first j connection with the party was when I he was asked to take a ride, he j says. The heavy bond, under which '[ Fortune was freed, was made re , tumable on October 10, by Judge [ Mull but it also makes it plain, it l is said, that the bond is returnable t at any time between now and then when officers deem advisable, or when the others are captured. De velopments at present are awaiting something new in the search for the others. as tne Fortune story is told, al though not definitely brought out. it seems as if Allen was not a lead er in the assault, as it is not men tioned anything about Allen getting out of the car with Hicks and Westmoreland. From Grover comes the report that one of the negro women along with the negro who was beaten states that Hicks struck the blow', or blows, as the case might have been. Fortune is somewhere around 2£ years of age, a rather nice-appear ing young fellow, and not married. He belongs to a family well known in the section. Honey Exhibit At Ceveland Co. Fair All bee keepers are urged to co operate with its in putting on tf<f' good honey exhibit as possible at the fair. Due to the fact that this year is generally regarded as a poor season for honey production. We should strive the harder to win some prizes. The premium list gives instruc tion how to prepare thq six entries.] and prizes offered for each year.’ Bring on your honey to the fair whether it be much or little. Lee s make our exhibit attractive by both quality and quantity of honey. Do not let a few win all the ribbons We want greater competition of en tries than ever before. JAMES S. WARE. —Gin Report—The government bureau issued figures at 11 o’clock showing that 3.505,552 bales of cot ton had been ginned from this year's crop up to September 15 as compared with 1,540,000 up to the same date a year ago. Cotton prices stiffened on this report. Local buy ers are paying 20 1-4 cents. Hundreds At Radio Ringside Here As Gene Tunney In Greatest Fight Stops Near Come-Back Of Jack Dempsey Tex Rickard sold out every ring side seat in Chicago Thursday night and a record crowd of over 150,000 looked on, but Tex has no vague as to the thousands who held a radio ringside seat and fidgeted through one of the most gruelling fights on record. Here in Shelby hundreds of fight fans, men, women and children, listened in as Gene Tunney weath ered one of the wildest attacks of the Manassa man mauler in the sev enth round and then came back to victory to retain his heavyweight championship crown. Dempsey apparently held the ser timent of the largest number here abouts, but the ex-marine had his followers, too. In various sections of the town business men gave open radio concerts to hundreds of pat rons, while in scores of home neigh borhood circles gathered about to hear, the details of the greatest sport spectacle ever staged. At the con certs in the uptown section the jam was so great that the streets were hardly passable. The first big kick came in the fourth round when it seemed that the champion would dispose, by a knockout of Dempsey, trying to come back. Then Dempsey came through until the gong. In the fifth and sixth rounds they slugged away. In the hectip seventh Penipsey lor a moment looked like the lithe wild cat that sent the bulky Williai d i down time after time. He drove his famous left repeatedly to the cham pion's head and "Tunney is down" came the radio report. In another state Dempsey might have been a champion today, for Tunney it was ' said was down 12 to 14 seconds, but j complying with the Illinois law the I counting does not begin until ti e ! other fighter is back in his corner i and Dempsey lost time getting away from the fallen man. In be | tween “nine and ten” Tunney crawl , ed to his feet and began dodging tin ; til his groggy head cleared. It was , then that the superior mentality of ; the champ revealed itself in mak ( ing time to get bearings. After tha' round Tunney staged the comeback that kept his crown. In the ninth his slashes opened a cut over Dempseys eye. In the tenth tin challenger was gory and wobbling and the final round saw the cham pion near to knocking out the most dangerous threat of his career. Tunney won the decision by rounds, the tenth being considered I the deciding factor by many ring side experts. As it was the two fighters, about whom remarks were made after the Philadelphia fight, gave the spec tators their “money's worth", even sending a tingle through radio spec tators thousands of miles away as ‘hey tore into each other swapping siags and jabs in one of the greatest tights ever before the largest crowd ever. i THOEE HURT WHERI CARS COLLIDE AT TRIANGLE CORNER Cleveland Sprints Steward Worst Hurt In Wreck Between His And Lewis Auto. Three patients were carried to the Shelby hospital Wednesday aft ernoon, two of them seriously hurt, as a result of a coll Ison between two cars in front of the Roy Sisk res. dent at the intersection of Marion and Warren streets three blocks east of the square. % Bert Curtis, steward at Cleveland Springs hotel, is perhaps the worst Injured in the trio. His frontal bone is fractured and he is cut about the brow and chin and otherwise bruis ed over the body. Por most of the night he was irrational, but medical attendants say his condition is fav orable and he will recover. Craig Lewis, West Shelby groc eryman. and his son, Raymond Lewis, and Mrs. Craig Lewis, riding in the other car were cut and bruis ed. Craig Lewis being the worst hurt in this car. His chin and fore head were cut, his injuries being at the same place Mr. Curtis was-hurt, although Lewis had no fractured bones. Several stitches were neces sary to close up the gashes in his chin and forehead, but he is rest ing well at the hospital this morn ing. Raymond Lewis, said to be the driver of the Lewis car is cut on th > arm and has a badly bruised head. He was able to be dismissed from the hospital the day after the ac cident. Mrs. Lewis was bruised but her injuries were not serious and she was dressed in a home near the scene of the accident. According to best information available, the Lewis car was com ing toward town, while the Curtis car was going toward Cleveland Springs. Lewis says the sun was in his eyes and he could not see. From the position of the care he was too close to the left side of the road and the cars hit head-on at the curve of the road. Both cars were almost completely demolished. A man by the name of McSwain. accompanied by Dr. J. R. Osborne who was with in a few feet at the time of the ar —©tdent. carried the patients to the hospital Lewis, senior, has only :t hazy recollection of what happen ed, while Curtis, riding alone in his car, was knocked unconscious and remained partially rational alt through the night. Local Surgeon Is Notified Of Honor Dr. John W. Harbison. surgeon a* the Shelby Publie hospital has been notified of his admission to the American College of surgeons, a much coveted honor, representing years of successful study and prac tice. To become a member of thU organization of professional men. u surgeon must have performed vari ous kinds of operations, met with a certain high standard of success been accurate in his diagnosis, kept a complete history of each case. etc. Dr. Har bis on's many friends con gratulate him on receiving this mer ited honor. 5,053 CONVICTS IN NORTH STATE, CENSUS REVEALS Raleigh, Sept. 22.—North Carolina has a total of 5 053 prisoners, cl which 2,104 are white and 2.922 ne groes. a survey made public by Par-' don Commissioner Edwin Bridges re vealed. The census represents ihe first comprehensive survey of the situation. Of this number, 1.160 prisoners were in the county jails, 2,301 were in county prison camps and 1,592 prisoners in states prison and state s prison camps. The total was made up of 78 white women. 175 colored women. 27 In dians. , 1.427 white men and 2,741 negro men. The county prison camp census was compiled as of July 1, the jail census as of July 15 and the state s prison census as of July 31. BEST GETS BACK FROM TRIP FOR NEW AMBULANCE John M. Best, accompanied by Mrs. Best, arrived in Shelby Wed nesday night from Piqua. Ohio, driv ing the newly acquired Best am bulance. one of the handsomest ve hicles of the kind seen hereabouts. Mr. Best left Piqua Sunday and made the trip in something over four days. The new ambulance, an eight cyl inder car. finished in the new Mon astery and Abbott grey, was mad'? by the Meteor Motor Car company, and represents the last word in am bulance construction. A new fea ture of the equipment will be a first aid outfit, which with its other fea tures makes of it virtually a hospital on wheels. It will be put in service at the fair. BIG FAIR WEEK PROGRAM ABOUT LINED UP FOR TUESDAY OPENING FAMOUS HOUSES IN El DACES Will Reynolds, Tobacco Magnate. Enters Ills Coveted Blue Horse. "Humpy” Coming. Those who line the rail at the county fair grounds next week may bank on seeing some famous steeds in actiorf. Dr J. S. Dorton. fair secretary, returned yesterday from Mt. Airy where he booked a big list of some of the best known racers in the conn try. In the one booking he secured 15 horses from six states. Among the prominent North Car olina race horse owners who will have steeds here are Will . N. Rey nolds. tobacco magnate of Winston Salem. and the Cannons, of Con cord. Mr. Reynolds will incidentally have some of his pets in the local heats, while among the other steed < being brought by Gene Cannon are "Macaroon Patch.” the unique blue horse rated as one of the fastest m recent races in the west, and Grace Wood, better known hereabouts as •Humpy." The races here Tuesday and on through the five days of the fair will open the racing season for tin North and South Carolina Trotting association. Records and time made here will play an important role In the remaining races of the seasons and track followers from the two states will be peeking a keen eye over the entries, most of whom will j be in other events in the two states The booking made at Mt Airy was as follows; the name of the owner being given first followed by his horses: H. S. Stout, Orlando. Florida—"Robert S '; Paul Bowman Odon. Indiana—"pouglas" Volo and "Straight Street"; J. H. Addison, Spartanburg — "Peter O'Neal"; Spring Smith, Camp Hill, Alabama —“Judge Bennett," "Billy Shirley" and "Lassie B ": Lou Somers. Tim monsville, 8. C.—"Baroness O'Con nor"; W. N. Reynolds, Winston-Sa lem—"Princeton Boy", "Prince Olien ault” and "Thompson Direct "; Har ry Haskell. Sweetwater, Tenn.— "Zonite"; E. T. Cannon. Concord— "Grace Wood" and 'Macaroon Patch' Joe Cannon. Concord—"Constapon Junior" and others. One Fair Story For The Kiddies This story is ior the children. It isn’t a bed-time story, but it tells about a few of the many things the children will be interested in when they visit the Cleveland County Fair, September 27 to Octo ber 1st You know, children forget so easily! We want to remind them to save their pennies so they can enjoy themselves at the fair. There will be so many things there they will want. It will be much nicer and they will enjoy themselves much more if they save their pennies and spend their own money at the fair. Oh, yes, there will be plenty of ice cream. Gallons and gallons of cream flavored with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. There will be gallons of the pink iest kind of lemonade. There will be "sodie-water" and pop There will be “hot-dog" stands barking on every corner. There will be boys selling toy bal loons. There will be boys selling pea nuts, canes and ticklers. In other words, it is going to be a “Keen-Fair.” And for the grownups we might add that we are all children again when we attend the fair. Come and have a good time. Forget your busi ness and home worries for a few hours. Join the throng of merry makers. Family Troubles In County Court Two Minor Cases Aired Before Re corder Mull at Kings Moun tain Yesterday. Minor family troubles constituted the docket before Recorder John t> Mull when he held court in Kings Mountain Thursday. One colored man was charged with abandonment, while anothei was^ip for "beating up the old lady" The first was put under a bond to assure that he would pay his fam ily *5 a week for a year and also pay tlie costs of the case. The lat ter since it seemed that the beat ing was only a little family row, was let off with the costs and a sus pended sentence. I ( Holiday Here For Schools j Shelby school children will | ■ iave the day Tuesday to at ^ .end the county fair opening. ; ( free admission will be given i ( ill school children on Tues ( Jay. j | Supt. I. C. Griffin, of the | city schools, stated yesterday ( that Tuesday would be a hol 1 I iday in the schools to permit | C the children to take advantage j of the free admission. This | | Jay will be made up later, it is ! J Announced. !For the other three school days during the fair there will be one session. PBESCirs SEED FI Ilf NANCY Says All Those Who Preach Against It Should Be Made To Drink a Pint Of It. (By H. K. Reynolds. INS Staff Cor respondent. i London.—Jack Jones, the voluble and restive Socialist member of Pariament for Silvertown, is trying to get Lady Astor to drink a glass of beer He thinks that it would do her good. "It is time that all these people j who preach against beer were made to drink a pint of it.” Jones said in an interview with an English jour-, nalist. "I would like to make them drink one pint—and I would pay for it—just to see if there is tin least possible chance of making them human. The government needs beer bad- ; ly, and the man who needs it most in the government Is Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the Home Secretary, said: "Yes. I would even buy her a glass of port wine if she would drink it.” Jones declared that if beer is not the backbone of the British nation. | it at least helps to support the backbones of those who are obliged to bend them continuously during an eight-hour day. I am convinced that if Jix had a pint of beer he would ask for another. He is just as human as you or me. but a man with a Non I conformist conscience and a bee in j his bonnet about beer cannot be ex j pected to Iwld sane views about I anything. ’ "Once I had an argument with Lady Astor about beer. She said. ‘Why do you drink beer?’ and X said ’Because I like it. And site said 'It does you a great deal of harm It is ruining your constitution.’ "I said, ’My dear lady, you know nothing about constitutions. You know nothing about the British Constitution, and you know nothing about your own. You cannot even say “British Constitution” as clear , ly as I can. although you have been a life-long teetotaler. Moreover, you know nothing about beer because you have never tasted it.’ ” Asked if he would like to treat Lady Astor to a pint of beer Jones “It makes me tired.’’ lie said, “to hear people, who pride themselves on doing brain work, trying to rob the working man of his beer. Most of these people haven’t any brains to work, and if you asked them to do a hard day’s physical labor you would find they hadn’t any bodies worth mentioning. Good beer is es sential to the manual worker, and it is time that teetotal, as well as other fanatics in the labor move ment, and out of it, were put in their places.” Good Program On At Boiling Springs • Special to The Star.) Boiling Springs—The Lundberg Scott company of Asheville, under the direction of Miss Edna Luncl berg, is scheduled to give a program on September 28th. at Boiling Springss that will meet the demand for a wholesome and worthy enter tainment. Come and bring your friends. 30 Degrees Down A drope of 30 degrees in the tem perature here in one week Drought out the extra blankets from their hibernation quarters together with the customary fall and winter wraps Thursday one week ago the ther mometer at Ebeltoft's crept ui> above 90. while on yesterday morn ing the mercury had taken a flop to a little below 60 degrees above. School Children of Six Counties to Stage Big Rush on Opening Day of Fair. Out on Highway 20 the big Cleve land County fair grounds are abus tle with activity as workmen com plete preparations for the opening Tuesday morning. Exhibits and entries are coming in. barking stands are being packed with hot dogs, light lines are being strung, trucks are moving this and that, while the ring of hammers is to be heard as carpenters make last minute changes. “Everything will be ready and waiting Tuesday.” fair officials an nounce. The exhibit halls are spick and span, booths are being checked off and arranged, the race track smoothed, and the livestock stalls cleaned. Saturday and Monday race horses will be limbering up around the half mile track and the big Johnny Jones shows will be pitching camp for the week's stay. School Tots Day. I Newspapers of Rutherford. Gas ton. Cherokee. Lincoln, York, and Catawba counties this week carried an advertisement informing that the children of thdbe counties would be admitted free here on opening day along I with the school children of Shelby, Kings Mountain, and Clev eland county. Just how many hun dreds of children from the ad joining counties will attend is not known, but it is a certainty that the majority of the thousands en rolled in this county will be on hand for the day. In connection with the free admii Mon it is stated that the passes is sued to stockholders are good foe only one day as there are several hundred stockholders and il the tickets were good for the entire week the lair's financial status might be hurt. Department heads say that en tries in the various departments are good and all predict a record week insofar as their departments are concerned. < Those wishing to make last min ute inquiries should, it is said, com municate with the department hav ing to do with that question, or general fair officials in the office at the grandstand. i-Tom over ine county reports am that every section expects to attend in large numbers, 20-cent cotton af fording a little more opportunity of enjoyment to the farm folks. Thai the fair will draw its usual large crowds from a distance again this year seems assured. Fair workers out many miles distributing adver tising say that the Cleveland County Fair is being talked throughout the Piedmont and Western sections of the state and in upper South'Caro lina. Tuesday, September 27, through Saturday, October 1. - Football Eleven Scrimmages Now Although it is a week before he has a game for his charges Coach Casey. Morris has been shooting his two high school elevens through regular scrimmage for several days. Although minus some of the weight expected early in the training sea son the first string outfit, if one can tell which it is, is rounding into shape raDidlv. 1 Bridges, Beam, Wall, Cline and Poston worked considerable in the first string backfield yesterday with the veteran Ed Harris directing the work of the second stringers. Indi cations are that the above mention ed and Harris will be the most fre quent entries for the Four Horse men, Big Joe Singleton and Milky Gold are at present on the flank berths and the gangly youngsters look good in their wing play. Zeno Wall directing the first team cut loose several passes for good gams yesterday, while Beam and Rippy chased out several lengthy end runs. Cline, a driving back, seems to be the prospective line plunger of the squad. In the second string ele ven yesterday are several line play ers and backs who will make a strong bid for regular berths, and at least will get in many of the games. Fact is, switches among the play ers were made so often that it was hard to tell the first string line from the second forward wall. The first game is today week with Belmont Abbey here. Mr. and Mm. Calloway Summers of Atlanta, Gw, spent* Friday her j with Mrs. Summers sister, Mra, I Carey Boshamer.

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