8 PAGES TODAY By mail, per year (in advare*)_ By carrier, per year (in advar.ee> |3.Ct I Late News Mayor W. N. Dorsey stated this naming that an alderman had not btfii appointed to take the place left fJfant on the city board by the re jignation of Dr. G. M. Gold, who has moved to his country home. The appointment will likely be made this f'ePk, however, it was added. It was stated at the Shelby hos pital today that Mr. C. C. Blanton, ghclbv banker, was “resting: better.” Ihere has been noticeable improve Bf„t in Mr. Blanton’s condition for spvrral days although recovery Is not to rapid. 1). c. Dcvinney, Beth-Ware school p,,. seriously injured last week when struck by an automobile, was also said to be improving nicely despite » head fracture and a broken leg. red mm HEBE GETS GOING IN FINE MINER Opening Drives Friday and Satur day Brought in Many Mem bers. Fine Support. The annual Red Cress rftll call lor Shelby and Cleveland county got underway Friday and Saturday of last week and continues this week. The two opening days proved highly successful in business firm memberships and individual mem berships. Saturday a group of girls worked the uptown section and stores were added to the Red Cross in the roll call. The drive for in dividual and firm members will continue this week and Red Cross officials urge that all join and push Eheiby’s total membership above any record in the past. Twenty-eight business firms lined up Saturday and a score more a.’e hoped for this week. These 28 firms had $5 as a minimum contribution and $4.50 of every $5 will remain in Shelby for work in night schools and relief work in time of disaster and suffering. The contributing business and professional firm members so far are: Cleveland Bank and Trust com pany. Shelby Creamery, Cleveland Hardware company, Shelby Hard ware company, Nix and Lattimore, Wcolwcrth's Store. Suttle Drug company. Efrids Department Store, Geo Alexander, Jewelers, Shelby Building and Loan association, A. V. Wray and 6 Sons, First National Bank. Gilmers. Inc. Best Furniture store, Paragon Dept.- store, Chas L. fckridge, E. H. Griffin, Bus station; The Star. Webb theatre J. C. Penney Co., Quinn Drug Company. Paragon Furniture company, T. W. Ebeltoft, Kelly Clothing company, McNeely company, Lineberger and Hoey, Ry burr. and Hoey, Bclmcnt Mfg. com pany. These first have all contributed a minimum of $5.00 . Noe: Other firms will ba canvass ed during the week. Marriages Now On Upgrade Here As Christmas Nears Thrrt* Couples Get License in Short Period Saturday. More Ex pected Turkey Day. Along about the time one hears the tinkle of the bells on Santa's reindeers the ring of wedding bells nearer heme his heard. “If there is a' season of the year When as many cf Our Cleveland county couples get married at home «s in South Carolina, it is in the holiday season,” according to Reg ister of Deeds A. F. Newton. “I is sued license for three couples in just a few hours Saturday and several nave already spoken to me about hitching papers for Thanksgiving’ he added.. The three couples securing li cense Saturday were: John F. Del hng. Cleveland and Mary Lou Bpeagle. Catawba; Mtley Stroupe, Lincoln and Ida Wright, pleveland; Marvin Cook and Mary Moore, both oi Cleveland county. So far license for 12 couples have ken issued this month. School Play Was Above Ordinary The 3-act farce presented by the dramatic department of the Shelby High school Friday night was any thing eise than a farce when the *crd is used in the sense of a flop. Shelby is a rather critical town *'hcn it goes to appraise a stage t,fcrt. particularly an amateur Production, yet one hears from all Mrs that the play? "The Whole To« n s Talking,” Friday night was Kie of the best given by the school •tudents in several years. Much credit for the performance ■ht’st go to Miss Ora Upshaw, new dramatic director at the school, and •he manner with which she elimi flattd the stage faults of young bhateurs was the basis for the suc Cess of the evening. The play was Mitten by John Emerson and Anita and the principal characters *«p Milan Bridges, Mary Reeves f^ney, Dorothy King, John Line *rR "i Many Such In spots here and there about Shelby are many such homes— many such scenes. Uptown here one seldom sees the little tragedies of life, and some of them are not so little. In issues to come The Star with the aid or the welfare officer. Red Cross workers, and members of the Woman's club, will cite actual in cidents of want and suffering about us. The best way to give is through the fund. Individual giving and dis tribution is all right, but on occa sions there are others who think C 6 the same families you may think of. That family may be remember ed twice while Just across the street another family will get nothing— not a breath of the Christmas sea son. Before The Star’s Christinas Stocking fund is distributed the welfare officer and his committee— to be announced later—will make a canvass of the entire section and there will be no doubling up. The fund will be spread Just as far as it will go—not to buy trinkets and playthings, but clothing, shoes, food and coal. - Can you enjoy your fine gifts and trinkets knowing that within a mile or so of your home actual necessi ties of life are missing. This is an early appeal, but it is hoped this year to raise the great est fund ever. Do not wait until Christmast week to give. Start it now. FRONT ... — ...... Mr. Paxton Elliott and Miss Cath erine Carpenter spent Sunday at Lake Lure.