Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost i —_______ WhatYoV^li In the Kates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimurr Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3e per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, first insertion. • will be charged 25c for FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISH ed rooms close in 408 S. Washing ton St,. Phone 282-J. 31 19c FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent 314 South LaFayette Street, Phone 008 tfc WILL PAY CASH FOR OLD furniture, guns, pistols, swords, china ware, mirror: , pictures, pic ture frames, brass ware, books, stamps and clocks. C B. Stitlle, Jr., Phone 40. 3t 19c FREE CUP AND SAUCER WITH each three pound bucket of Ameri can Jack Coffee at Campbell's Dept, Store. 12t 19c LET US RENOVATE YOUR OLD mattresses, pillows!) and cushions. Made like new. Cleveland Mattress Works. S Margan Street near Southern Depot. 3t 19c FOR SALE: THOROUGHBRED Jersey cow. Shu ford strain. See Ellis Kingham at Toluca or write Lawn dale. Route 4. 2t I9p FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE: 9 room house, both close in. Apply C. S. Young. Tf-12c I OST: ONE HALF RED BONE and half beagle dog Brown body, white breast, white ring around nook and while streak through head. Short legs and heavy built, Answer by name oi • Joe.” Finder return to Weldon Pruett, South Shelby, Shelby, N. C. R-3 and get reward 3t 17p FOR SALE: SEED BARLEY, See John Wortman, Shelby, Route No. 4. 5t 12p STAR JOB PRINTING WILL satisfy you, both as to quality and price. Call Phone No. 11 and a re presentative will call to see you. LEGAL BLANKS. SUCH AS 4!eeds, deeds of trust, mortgages, chattels, crop liens, etc. Ample supply on hand at The Star office FIRE PROOF SAFES, ALL SIZES and at prices that will surprise you because they are twenty per cent lower than you have been quoted by others. Phone Star office No. 11 and our salesman will call. tf-21p WANTED — TO WASH and Nap Your Blankets and Quilts. Phone 18. Shelby Steam Laundry, Inc. tf3c REMEMBER THE TWO PHONE number:, in The Star building Call No. 11 for business department. Call No. 4-J for news and advertising departments. If either phone Is busy or unanswered call the other number. tf-21 WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, printed, engraved nr reiiefgraf. Three different kinds of printing, many styles of lettering. Brides-to-be, your secret will be kept Place your order with us and save money. The Star. Phone No. IX. CORRECT COUNT ON JOB printing. All printing presses in our establishment are equipped with au tomatic counting machines. You get lull count. The Star, Phones 11 or 4-J tf-9 IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Bowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c FOR SALE: STOVE WOOD ready for use. Phone 406. Morrison Transfer Co. tf Be C ALL NO. 11 FOR PRICES AND DETAIL ABOUT ANY KIND OF JOB PRINTING. WE ARE PRE PARED TO FURNISH YOU. GET A FREE CUP AND SAUCER by buying your coffee at Campbell's. 9t-c-l FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE for Shelby property, 200 acre farm,’ six head mules, all farm utensils, and all iced stulf. Three good houses and outbuildings. Eight miles southeast of Shelby. Long terms. Write "Mack” care Star, Shelby. tf 3c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x FOR RENT AFTER OC X’. 15 ON N Morgan street 7 room house with modern conveniences. Also two 5 If.jom houses in South Shelby for rent. C. A Morrison. tf 12c HUDSON COACH FOR SALE. See J. W, Wilson. 4t 17c FOR SALE-ONE SEVEN ROOM lmu.se centrally located opposite Lat ttmore high school. Lot includes one and one quarter acres. See Mrs. W. T. Calton. 9t-8p BARGAIN IN USED CAR. Studebaker five- passenger, sedan. Perfect mechanical condition. Apply Service Garage, Shelby. 6t, 17c FOR SALE' 26 MODEL FOUR door Ford sedan. Bargain at $250. J. T. Porter. R-2, Cherryviile. 2tl9p OLD SPOOL BED IN EXCEL 1 lent condition, also nice baby car riage. price $8.00. Call 432. tf 22c SAND FOR SALE!, GOOD RIVER sand—Call 270, 3t 22c FOR SALE: REAL BARGAIN IN 41-acre farm Eight miles south west of Rutherford ton. J. T. Pon der. Ruth, N. C. 2t 22p * In Business And Motor Circles \ ) ( -— Smart Fail Colors In Hudson-Essex Hudson and Essex cars arc now available in smart fa.l colors and are being especially exhibited ail over the city, according to D. H Cline. pudson-Essex exhibitor. These colors, declares Mr. Cline, set olf ef fectively the advanced lines and vogue which characterize the cur ! rent Hudson and Essex cars. Mr. Cline continued: "Attractive lines and colors play a most im portant part today in the public's choice of motorcars. Hudson-Essex sales which have broken records ail this year have centered largely around style and beauty as well as Super-Six performance. A. And P. Celebrates 69th Anniversary This week finds the local A&P stores bedecked in colorful decora tion m commemoration of The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea com pany's sixty-ninth year of business. In the Fall of 1859, the founder of the A&P chain. Mr. George Hunt ington Hartford, opened his first branch an Vesey street, in old New York. At that early date, mass re tailing. or the operation of several stores under one ownership, was unheard of and store-keeping was conducted along simple lines. Mr. Hartford, moved by a desire to operate several stores, and to make these stores unique in that they would show but little profit for every dollar passed over the coun ter, thereby presenting values prac tically unknown In that age, launch ed his commercial argosy. New Series Of Four Passenger Coupes In Victory Six Models Custom finished bodies with spec ially matched upholstery feature the special series Victory Six four pass enger coupes which have just been announced by Dodge Brothers. This new type with its attractive color combinations offers an all year sport model that promises to be a leader in the new Victory Six line. There is no advance in prices, and pro duction has been scheduled to make immediate deliveries. In body design, the models afford roominess to comfortably seat four passengers, and provide an inside compartment for luggage or parcels. Interior finish is designed to har monize with the exterior colors. The first color combination ship ped was black and opal cream, the hood and cowl of the car along with the moldings and upper structure being of a sparkling black. The belt panels and body are finished in opal cream—a rich shade at pres ent popular on sport models of the highest priced cars. Other attrac tive colors available, include brown and blue lacquers and the black and red combination. Two Convertible Cars Added Chrysler “75” Two new custom convertible-type body styles on its ‘'75” chassis are announced by Chrysler as ready for display at many of its salesrooms throughout the country. They are the convertible sedan and convertible coupe; the former of five-passenger capacity, the latter with rumble seat, golf compartment and other features, Both bodies are by Locke, special “GUS AND GUSSIE” Cafe Colege-Prof. Gu», D. W MOT “dead wrong* OR * DISW WASHER — — BOT*DOCTOR OR WAITEROLOGY _ INSTRUCTOR IN ItME CAPE COLLEGe AND DEAN OR "T^E school OR SERVICE _ ' BEFORE VOU COULD EMTEE. AS A FRESHMAN IN THE CAFE COLLIP6E VOU MUS PtRS ' SRAJOOATE FROM, -the Bus BOVS ACADEWy_ /~TWE UMPE R.TIMEMGE O' THE MO&ERM VoOTH IS 1MCRADIBLE * ij "Thev WAMNA JUMP im am BE WAITERS WWEM THEy DOM' KMOW A FISHFQRK FROM A SOUP-TOUREEN* WAiTim' IS A p'fessiom what requires MOT OMLV TAL-EMT, BUT KMO'A/LIDQE— ^Tvj Thame wav with CMECKfcOOA/OGRAPHV« X VT’TH a T^ycMOLOGICAU Thtupv, DRAGGING TiPTH from THTIMQy GUVTH— / DIME FR.QM average MAU is LIKE PULLIMG Teeth well n, There stands '■ The. former. queen o' ~1US Checkroom DENTISTS - / SURE. V7MEN TWOSE BIRDS ^ started Crossing MV PALM, IT CAME UNDER THE head of PAINLESS EXTRACTION-/ Lecture on Modern Youth x WE COME NOW, PUPIUSEC , TO > ONE O' THE Mfi'S' INTR.iGK.IXT BRANCHES O' WAlTEROUO&y-— NAMEtV, MOW TO GET THE TIP IT IS THE V.gRV SOUL O' THE P'FESSiON = BOOKS COULD BE WROTEN ON THE METHODS FOR. \ mak'.M' Tight patrqNS . LOOSEN-- , pVessor._. COULD 1 AST A \ QUESTIOM ? S'POS.E 1 A CUST'MER THINKS HE'S GlViM* VbU CHE Bill — a '»20 Mot let's sav_ At:' h reallv gives You TWO , STUCK. T'SETAER , what >s The f poper Thing to oo? liJ Ll ^ H M LEAA.\V£ SEE p'M —THAT'S A 7ROSLEM IM IETMSCS AM* HOkHCT/^. WELL, GIRLS, I TELL VOU ME HAD ME STUMPED = X COULDN DECIDE iP HE SHOULD Oft. SHOULDN'T V split That Eytrv #20 Vs/iTH "TmB h ETA O / v Y/AATER - />< ,. 'St. i ■ >#4. I ffM: ;/SLtv' Shelby’s first game of college foot ball is billed here Saturday after noon at 3:30 o'clock when the Boil ing Springs junior college eleven tackles the fast Oak Ridge prep eleven at the city football field. It is the first game out of the high school ranks that Shelby fans will be permitted to see on the home grid and with much Interest here, andover the section, already in the new Baptist college team a large crowd is expected. Foes Are Strong, In making their debut on the Shelby field the Baptist col legians will lace a worthy foe in Oak Ridge. The well known prep school for years has given the smaller colleges of the state bitter fights aaid for year after year has won the state prep school title. This year the Ridgers have one of their strongest eleven and expert to score a decisive victory over Boiling Springs. Blanton Aids Hammett. However, supporters of the junior college anxious for their eleven to stage a good performance in their first appearance here have secured the services of W. H. (Shine) Blan ton, jr., to assist Coach H. G. Ham mett in training the Baptists for Saturday’s game here. Blanton, f or mer staf half back at Carolina, to day took . up his duties assisting Hammett at. Boiling Springs. As it is Boiling Springs has one of the heaviest lines in the state, and three of the line players are for mer state halfback at Carolina, to Coble, Howard Moore, and Cleve Cline. In the backfield Hammett and Blanton have two, stars around which they will build their offense —Thompson, driving fullback, and McIntyre, former Wolford college fresh star. There is a likelihood, too. according to reports here this week that Max Connor, one of the best halfbacks ever to play high school ball in North Carolina, may enter the Boiling Springs school for preparatory work before going to Wake Forest. Scores of Shelby and Cleveland county fans, not going to Chapel Hill for the Carolina-Tech game, arc looking forward with interest to Saturday's game with the hope that it may become an annual affair and that other college games, with Boiling Springs using Shelby as the home gitd, will be staged here next year. ly built to Chrysler specifications, j The sedan, particularly, contains many innovations and improvements in convertible type construction. At the same time, points out ,1, W. j Frazier, Chrysler sales manager,; prices have been brought down to an exceptionally moderate figure. The sedan lists at $2,245 and the coupe at $1,695, each at Detroit, Addition of these two new' body styles broadens out the "75” line to eight body styles in a variety of col or combinations, upholstery, body trim and other finish Victim of Gang Law! Her skull fractured, her neck slashed four times, pretty Alta .. BonellOj alias Babe Bauer, alias Mrs. Leo Gordon, alias Mrs. Wolch, was found slain in her Sunnyside, L. I., apartment. Her gunman-husband is wait ing trial for holdup slaying in Kansas City and police believe his girl-wife was slain to pre vent her betraying gang secrets. ^international Newsreel) NOTICE North Carolina. Cleveland County. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as exe cutor of the, will of Henry Wheeler Bumgardner, deeased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit the same before him on or before October 1. 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of October, 1928. L. H BUMGARDNER, Executor of the Will of Henry Wheeler Bumgardner. deceased Newton & Newton, Atiys. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ot the au thority conferred upon me, I will offer tor sale to the highest bidder on the premises m No. 3 township, Cleveland county. North Carolina on Monday, November 5, 1928, at 12 o’clock M , the follow mg de scribed tracts ol land: Lot No. 1: Beginning at a stone Walter McSwarns corner. and runs thence 3.. 35'i W. 15.54 poles to a stake in the Rippy road; thence with the road S 78H W. 2.36 poles; N 58 W. 2.41 poles; N. 41 W. 4.b8 poles; N. 36 W 6.37 poles; N 45 _• W 2.54 pole.,; N 52 W. 7.00 poles; N 48’ W 5 60 poles to a stase over the bridge; thence with the branch as it meanders N. 19 E. ?. 44 poles; N. 50 E. 2.26 poles; N. 85 E. 1.00 poles; No. 28 E. 1.25 pole” to an iron stake. Cliff Davis’ corner; thence with His line S. 81 E. 14.00 poles to an iron stake; thence S. 25 W. 81-! poles to a stake; thence S 60 E. 16.50 poles to a stone, the place of beginning, containing 39. 58 acres, more or less. Lot No. 2; Beginning at a stone in James Camp land, and runs thence N. 68 V. 11.24 poles to a stake, J. L. Borders comer; thence N. 4 E. 13.10 poles to a stake in J. L. Borders line; thence N. 16 E. 11.40 poles to a stake; thence N. 23 E. 9.40 poles to a stake in the road; thence with the road 45'i E. 2.54 poles to a stake; thence S. 26 1. 6.37 poles; S. 41 E. 4.68 poles; S. 58 E, 2.41 poles; N. 78'v E. 2.39 poles to a stake in the road; thence •S. 35 \ W. 5.28 poles to a stone; thence S. 19 lt W. 22.50 poles to a stone, the point of beginning, con taining 45.82 acres, more or less. The two tracts above will first ue sold separately, and then as a whom. Terms of sale: One-third cat!) on delivery of deed, balance payable in one and two years, with option of purchaser paying all cash, or sec uring the remainder with deed of trust. This the 5th day of October 1928. J. F. BYERS, Administrator of Mrs. John H. Rippy Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. Mortgagee’s Sale Of Real Estate. (First publication in Cleveland Star. October 15th, 1928.' Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain mortgage deed, dated the 26th day of November, 1924, made by Mrs. M. A. Gardner, a widow, to secure a certain note executed by her to the mortagee herein of even date for the sum of twenty-five ($2500.00) hundred dollars with in terest thereon from date, and which said mortgage deed was duly re corded in book 118, at page 233, of mortgage deeds, of the register’s of fice of Cleveland county, reference to which is hereby made; that said note and mortgage was due and payable on the 26th day of Novem ber, 1925; that a payment or sum of one hundred ($150.00) and fifty dollars was made on said note and mortgage on the 12th day of Octo ber. 1925, and default having been made in the payment of said debt as provided in said instrument, the undersigned mortgagee will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock M . on the 17th day of November. 1928. or within legal hours on said day, the following described real estate, ly ing in No. 6 Township, within the corporate limits of the town of Shel by, Cleveland county North Caro lina: "Beginning at |in iron stake on the Northwest corner of the prop erty and lot deeded by E. A Well rnon and Mary A Wellmon to P. Cleveland Gardner and Tazwell Lloyd Gardner, his wife, and run ning with the North side of said lot South 85 1-2 East 209 feet to an iron stake, same being the North east corner of the lot aforesaid ' deeded by Wellmon to Gardner, thence North ~ 1-2 East 55 feet to i an iron stake, thence 85 1-2 West : 209 feet to an iron stake in the East side and edge of the extension of I North LaFayette street to the town i _ LONG TERM FARM LOANS At 6 P. C. Interest Semiannual partial repayment of Principal with interest. Put your farm on a business basis with funds from a FARM LOAN running from 20 to 33 years. Clean up—Paint up—Make the Farm a Home for a healthier happier family. Loans made promptly on improved farm lands for: Paying off Existing Indebtedness Payment of Balance of Purchase Money on Farm Lands Improving Soil, Purchase of Livestock Purchase of Fertilizer and Farm Implements Remodeling Farm Buildings, Painting, etc. New Barns, Dwellings, Tenant Dwellings, etc. DIVERSIFY FOR LARGER PROFITS Below is listed the attorneys who are our local representa tives—see any of them if you need funds B. T. FALLS, Shelby, N. C. BENNETT & EDWARDS, Shelby, N C. BYNUM S. WEATHERS, Shelby, N. C. J. R. DAVIS, Kings Mountain, N. C. Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank Of Raleigh RALEIGH, N. C. of Shelby, North Carolina, thence i running with said street South 31 1-2 West 55 feet to the beginning! containing 11.495 square feet, same being situated North of the town of! Shelby,” now within the new cor porate limits of said town of Shel by, and adjoining or near the new school building situated on North LaFayette street. This the 16th day of October, 1928. E. A. WELLMON. Mortgagee. * t Peyton McSwain Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Union Trust Co. Building County Taxj Notice ! T will he at the following named places at the j times specified for the purpose of collecting 1928 j County taxes. No .1 Township, Monday, October 15th, Brack- j eft’s Store, 9:00 to 11:00 A. M. No. 2 Township, Monday, October 15th, Jolley’s j Store, 12:00 noon to 2:00 P. M. No. 2 Township, Monday, October 15th, Boiling j Springs, 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. No. 7 Township, Tuesday, October 16th, Moores- | boro, 8:00 to 10 :30 A. M. No. 7 Township, Tuesday, October 16th, Latti- i more, 11:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. No. 8 Township, Tuesday, October 16th, Polk- j ville, 2:30 to 5:00 P. M. No. 8 Township, Wednesday, October 17th, De- j light, 9:00 to 11:00 A. M. No. 11 Township, Wednesday, October 17th, j Casar, 11:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. No. 10 Township, Thursday, October 18th, Car- | penter’s Store, 9:00 to 11:00 A. M. No. 10 Township, Thursday, October 18th, John i T. Warlick’s Store, 11:30 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. No. 9 Township, Thursday, October 18th, Dixon & Lutz Store, 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. No. 9 Township, Friday, October 19th, Lawn dale, 9:00 to 12:00 Noon. No. 9 Township, Friday, October 19th, Fallston, 12:00 Noon to 5:00 P. M. No. 5 Township, Monday, October 22nd, Waco, 1:00 to 5:00 P. M. No, 3 Township, Tuesday, October 23rd, Earl, 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon. No. 4 Township, Tuesday, October 23rd, Grover, 1:00 to 5:00 P. M. No. 4 Township, Wednesday, October 24th, East Kings Mountain, all day. No. 4 Township, Thursday, October 25th, lown Office, all day. This is the last year that I will collect the taxes in Cleveland County and as I have all the books in hand for the entire County, 1 will thank all tax pay ers to see me and make an immediate settlement on this round. Hugh A. Logan SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR.

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