JB The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY — WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY ; . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mail, per year_-—___-_------ S3 50 By Carrier, per year ----—.— S3 00 THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. f,EE B. WEATHERS.....President and Editor S. ERNEST HOEY_____Secretary and Foreman RENN DRUM —.-. News Editor A. D. JAMES..Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter January 1. 1905. at the postoffice At Sfielby, NOrth Carolina, under the Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that it is and has been our custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adherred to. N# H i T WEDNESDAY', OCT. 24. 1928 TWINKLES Will Cleveland county make more than 45,000 bales of 'cotton? You answer—The Star is merely recording the an swers for reference when the final ginning report is issued. ~ An item in The Cleveland Star of ten years ago reads: -Cotton was bringing only 29 cents in Shelby today." AH farmem who would stage a buck dance if it were only bring % ^ ling that price now please raise their right hands. test ? -•* : _ m ! f ■ft* -ft* ...Clyde Hoey speaking at Burnsville last week declared that the Republican party hasn't developed a new idea in 601y$3rs. Admittedly we seldom differ with Mr. Hoey, but we do on that statement: We figure that getting the Kluck ers-to help throw mud at the Democratic candidates wa somewhat novel procedure for them. Shelby people should turn out-in large number? Satur day to see the Boiling Springs college eleven play the fast, Oak Ridge prep eleven at the city park. It is Shelby’s first j college game and if the proper support is tendered the Bap tist boys, and if the boys themselves can deliver, it should be th'it JShelby will witness, several good college games next, i* - ' ! u U *«* * * © n *4 * $ 1 ' More than 40 Harvard professors have issued a state ^trrentiiy which they support the candidacy of Gov. Smith be cause Athe best hope for a return to the liberalism of Roose ir-l«klf>andHWilson lies in the election of Gov. Smith.” Of course the Harvard professors are an ignorant lot and Ku Klux lecturers, appearing here and there and most anywhere, should be heeded rather than the professors? | RADIO AND POLITICS s,*pHE RADIO MAY HAVE been a boon to some people but it surely was a double dose of hardship for the political Kip-hooray artists. In the old days a campaigner could use the same speech throughout the entire campaign as he had a new audience each day, but nowadays with the audience the next'rifght listening in on what he says tonight,.the speak-, ec must get up an entire new line of whoopee by the next ’ evening. For some of them, if you’ll pardon us, it will be quite a task. “YOU TAKE YOUR CHOICE” QLEVELAND COUNTY people should have no kick about . their political whoopee this week. As the old colored fel low said “you takes your choice and gees your way.” All those who want to hear the Republicans lambasted may go over to Kings Mountain Saturday afternoon and hear j Cole Blease do it as few others can; those who would rather: hfar the Democrats razzed may stay at home on the same! afternoon and hear Jake Newell do it, and Jake can; then thos$ not satisfied might turn out here Saturday night and hear Judge Newby, coming under anti-Smith auspices, give Gov. Alfred Smith heck. Those who say they can hear only one side may hear three sides in one day. HOW IT MAY BE DONE REPUBLICAN inquired here this week how he might yote for 0. Max Gardner for Governor without touching a Democratic ticket. The information tendered him was that he could use the Republican State ticket by merely marking through the name of the Republican candidate and writing next to it Mr. Gardner’s name. The vote handled in that manner will count for Mr. Gardner, and from general re ports., cotping in from various sections of the county quite a nuilber of patriotic county Republicans are going to do . just that. This county would do well to honor Mr, Gardner with every vote cast, not merely because he is a native son but more so because his home county knows better than any other that he is fitted to make a good governor. Still, after thinking it over, perhaps some anti-Smith Democrats might tender better information as to how the ticket can be voted without voting it entirely. BORAH IN CAROLINA CENATOR BORAH’S visit to North Carolina apparently did nqtturn so very many votes to Mr. Hoover. There seems to us to be only one answer, and that answer is; not that Mr. Borah is a poor speaker. He is one of America’s most enter taining and convincing speakers, but in talking for Mr. Hoo ver he must have had to talk with his fingers crossed, and a man cannot be very convincing when he talks' in, such a mah V"' A « * 0 r.er. * ft: A • it # »* u li ft Jj ifa c Mr. Borah drew good crowds in North Carolina and would draw them anywhere because he has been recognized as an independent—one who thinks for himself and talks for him self. Therein came Borah’s failure in this state. Hearing an independent, straight-from-the-shoulder speaker such as he has been take back water, or "eat crow,” is disconcerting. Ten years ago Mr. Borah flayed Hoover at every opportunity. --‘ The things he said about the Republican candidate in those .-■c days were fierce. Now he is trying to put a sugar-coating -• over the wounds his taunts left in Hoover’s side. Such tac tics do not make votes. Borah, the independent, in a spectacle of reversing him self much in the manner of Senator Simmons nowadays go ing back on his party loyalty declarations of 1912. What sights I HOOVER AND THE FARMERS “T AM AGAINST Mr. Hoover because of what I learned 1 during my service under him in the vood Administration. I do not believe he is a friend of farmers of any kind, either livestock men. grain raisers, or those engaged in mixed farm ing.” These are the words of Gifford Pinchot, former Repub lican Governor of Pennsylvania, written only last Spring during the pre-convention campaign in which he opposed the nomination of Mr. Hoover. They were written to John A. Simpson of Oklahoma City, president of the Farmers Union of Oklahoma. This opiniyi of Mr. Hoover was not one newly formed by Governor Pinchot. Under date of February 17, 1918, Governor Pinchot wrote to Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Harding and Coolidg'e as fol lows: •‘It is curious to find a man born on a farm in Iowa, as Hoover was, showing such blindness toward everything that affects and controls the farmer, but we both have met cases before where later education had wiped out an earlier train ing. In Hoover’s case the mining engineer has won against the earlier farm boy, and has eliminated him. “The Food Administration has been run upon the theory that the great special interests such as the packers, the cali ners, the millers, should first be invited to suggest their own conditions and prices and often their own men as well .. . But the farmer was to be given his orders and told to go and carry them out. With all the blunders of ail the age? to pick from, in the language of the cartoonist. ‘Can you beat it?’ *' CALLING KLI CKER HOTALEN QXE OF THE CHIEF, items in sticking a stopper in the method of campaigning this election has introduced seems in this section to be a general calling of Dr. Earl Ho talen, \y ho is passing about the country criticising the Dem ocratic nominee for President. First of all, Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, and 31a jor John Cohen, Atlanta Journal publisher, declared a state ment made by Hotalen at Lumberton to be false, the state ment had to do with Smith and negroes as we recall. Then Johnston Avery, alert young Hickory editor, with the aid of Senator Simmon-5, bm -elf an a,vti-Smith. called Hotalen again. And now E. W. Ewbank. Henderson county Demo cratic chairman, makes a father thorough job of it. Speaking in Henderson Countv some time back Hotalen “exposed Tammany Hall." or rather that was his declared purpose in an address. After the address Mr. Ewbank sent the following wire to the Birmingham News: “Doctor W. Earl Hotalen speaking here Monday night on “Tammany Exposed.’’ Rumored here that he has bad record in your territory. If so wire me collect informa- ' tion that will expose him." In reply Ewbank received the following wire: “Wire received. Party Klan lecturer. Formerly from Tennessee. Indicted for perjury October Term., Nineteen twenty-five by grand jury. Methodist min- j ister. Proscribed by Holston Conference because of radi cal vews and utterances. Conducted incendary revival under Klan auspices in Alabama until exposed by News. Chattanooga Times as well as Birmingham News pub lished his indictment and practically charged him with being a fugitive from Justice.’’ After receiving the first wire Ewbank in turn wired the Chattanooga Times for confirmation and received from that paper this message: ‘W. Earl Hotalen former pastor of a suburban church here was indicted for perjury by the Hamilton County grand Jury in 1925, but left the State before the warrant could be served. After leaving the church he became a high offical of the Ku Klux Klan and the in dictment grew out of a row in the ranks of the kluckers. A faction brought suit against Hotalen and other offi cers and an affidavit signed BY THEM resulted in the perjury charge. He went from Chattanooga to Alabama after being indicted and figured in the warfare staged by the Birmingham News on the Klan following the floggings. + (Signed) CHATTANOOGA TIMES” A few more show-ups and Dr. Hotalen may not be so hot after all. However, the most perplexing thing to us about the whole affair is that citizens, who never buy a horse without examining the animal’s teeth, nor an auto without looking at the motor, go to hear such speakers and fall for their arguments without seeking any information as to the speaker’s general reputation or the veracity of his statements. With the campaign dropping to rather low levels at points with both parties the people should get at the source I of all political information before attempting to digest any of it. Failure to investigate beforehand may bring on a feeling of disgust after you have swallowed something which later may be shown up as false, or bordei*ing thereon. Fly by-night orators, seeking most any platform whereon they may earn their bread by public exhorting, have already | proven to be thorns in the sides of campaign managers. Ilear j ing some of them and reading what they say has a tendency | to remind us of a ballyhoo artist telling the gaping crowd j outside of the fake freak he has inside the tent. ___ Something To Think About Ladies And Gentlemen ..==t By Bruno Lessing ====== A novelist, forsaking the realm of fiction and venturing into the realm of philosophy, makes this statement: “My experience with life has led me to believe that there is no more essential difference between a man and a woman than the difference between their physical machinery. That is an accidental difference and of no more importance to their character than it is to a man’s character whether he is a sailor or a soldier, a butcher or a baker or a candlestick maker.” It is am interesting statement but not convincing. It is interesting because it directs ytur thoughts to the great problem ol sex. Everything i tnat mkites you unnK aooui men ana women is interesting. They are -tht only two sexes we have. There is no more essential dif ference between a horse and a cow than the difference between their physical machinery. Yet this dif ference in machinery enables a cow to excel in giving milk and a horse in running. To be sure a c6w can run and a mare can give milk, but you only have to make the state ment m order to see the absurdity of it. Character is a vague term. The definition that you find in the dic tionary stretches anywhere from the moral qualities of an individual to the broadest principles and forces of life. Yet, whatever definition of char acter you decide upon, you will find that it is controlled by ’ machin ery." Love plays a far greater part in the life of women than it does in the life of men. Women love love for itself. They think of it, dream of it. hope for it. conjure ip end less pictures of its bliss and joys, prepare for it and shape their hab its of thought and conduct in ac cordance with their conception of It. This is the natural consequence of their "machinery." Can it be possible to indulge in such a trend of life without "character" being affected? Even though you define •character" Just as you please? The difference between men and women is a vastly greater one than that between two sexes possessing different "machinery.” It is a dif ference that has been brought about by a million yea,rs of tfie working of that “machinery’’ and Its effect upon the mentality and the psy chology and the "character” of sex. This novelist uses the word "es sention.” As a matter of fact, the only essential difference between men and women is that of "char acter." The character or the nature of the sexes is the result of these many centuries of habit and custom and trend of thought. The Big Trees of California began growing 2,000 years ago. They have a differ ent character from a spruce tree. And they cannot get away from their character. All this talk about the equality of the sexes is stupid nonsense. Wom en are entitled to full justice, in "life, ilberty and the pursuit of hap piness.” No sane being dreams of denying it. The wildest suffragette asks for nothing more. Yet women are entitled to even more fhan that. They are entitl ed to a greater degree of considera tion, of chivalry, of help, of sup port. of love, of affection and of sympathy from men than men ex pect from them. Because of their weakness. When, however, you ad mlt that one sex is entitled to more consideration than another, how can you. in sanity, discuss their equal ity? Then, if anyone pops the theory or the "sameness” of the two sex es—WeM, you had better run up to the roof and get a whiff of fresh air. Triangular Meeting Of Kiwanis Clubs Shrlby, Forest City And Ruther ford Clubs To Meet Together At Forest City 25th. (Special to The Star,' A Joint meeting of the Shelby. Rutherfordton and Forest City Ki- j wants clubs will be held in the Blan j ton banquet halt, at Forest City. Thursday night, October 25, at 71 o'clock. Tim. W. Crews, governor-elect of Spartanburg. S. C., and Mrs. Crews j w ill be present as guests of the j home club and are desirous of meet ing a full representation of the home and visiting clubs. Each club will be responsible for 15 minutes of the program scncdule, this time be- j ing filled with songs, music, stunts or speaking, as each club may deem I best. Members of all three Kiwanis clubs are urged to bring their lady members and ample accommodation is assured for all. These three clubs represent the nearest neighbors of any group in the first division and their coming together should mean great community party. Every mem ber of each club is cordially urged to take advantage of this outing and is asked to notify his club sec retary as early as possible the num ber of guests he expects to have! present. Each secretary is asked j to notify, M. W. Giles, Forest City.) as to the number of guests from his club, not later than Thursday j noon. A great get-together meeting. "Kiwanians. Let's Go.” LIGHT AND VENTILATION ARE NEEDED IN KITCHEN Good light and ventilation are | highly important in the kitchen, j Cross ventilation will carry away j the odors of cooking and keep the ' room cool in the summer. This is t secured by having doors or win- J dows on opposite sides of the room i A hood over the stove will help take away the odors and heat, and windows which can be opened from the top will also help. There should be at least three or four windows in the kitchen, located on at least j two sides of the room. Windows located higher than 34 j inches from the floor do not break j into valuable wall space and give a i better appearance than lower ones, j WE SELL THE — NATION’S BEST COAL — We recommend (his coal unreservedly, and our patrons have found that our judgment of a good coal has been borne out. D. A. BEAM COAL COMPANY NORTH WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE 130. Vhe new Buick is the new Style 31 1 eet. symmetrical, low to the ground, unique & unrivaled