Kings Mountain News MRS. W. K. CROOK, Reporter — Items Of News Will Be Appreciated—Phone 177 — The Woman’s club held Its month ly meeting last Friday afternoon at 3:30 in the Central school oiudt torium. This was one week earlier than the regular meeting on ac count of the Floral Fair, which is to be held Thursday, November 1 in the Webb building. Mrs. M. E. Herndon presided. Devotional was in charge of the chaplain. Mrs. L. F. Neal, Mrs. J, E. Aderholdt. chair man of the program committee an nounced that the subject for the afternoon's study would be “Kings Mountain As a National Park.” Alt er a piano solo by Miss Virginia Parsons and a vocal solo by Miss Ozelle Kiser, Mrs. N. F. McGill ac companist, Mrs. D. C. Mauney in troduced Congressman A. L. Bul winkle. He made a very interesting talk on: "Why King's Mountain Battle Field Should Be Made a National Park.” Floral Fair. Following is the prize list for the Floral Fair. Best collection ol chry santhemums, 24 blooms, blankets to be given by Mr. Charles Sayres. Second best collection chrysanthe mums, 24 blooms, gold seal con goletim rug, given D. F. Hord Fur niture company. Best basket of pompon chrysanthemums, 3 colors pottery vase. Three best whites, lun cheon set given by Plonke Bros. Three best creams, prize given by J. M. Rhea and company. Three best yellows, one pair of silk hose given by Mr. Tabot Three best reds, .cat glass pickle disk; given by E. L. Loden, Three best appletons, white princess slip, given by the Dilling mill. Three best pinks, silk hose given by Mr. Huffsteller. Three best bronze, book rack given by El mer Lumber company. Best vase of eight blooms of 6 varieties, rug given by Mr. Glass. Best vase of dahlias. 8 blooms, bedroom slippers. Carpen ter McGill. Best fern, bottle of sat in polish, given W. K Mauney. Best pound cake, bed spread. C. E. Nois ier, sr. Two best pound cakes, an electric shade, Hoke Electric com pany. Angel food cake, silk hose given by T. F. Boozer. White loaf cake, copper tea kettle given by Gold and Bridges. Best sponge cake, book shelf given by Elmer Lumber company. Best white cocoa nut cake, chair given by Barton Furniture company. Second best cocoanut cake, electric shade given by Hoke Electric company. Best cocoanut pie. syrup pitcher, R. C. Gantt. Best Lemon pic, silk hose by W. M. Gantt. Best loaf bread made from Melrose flour, fifty pounds of Melrose flour given by Ware’s mill. Best dozen rolls, roast er by Phifer Hdwe. company. Best collection candy, 6 kinds, one pound each, toilet box by Griffins Drug company. Second best collection candy, underwear by Keefers. Best collection, four kinds, one pound each, box handkerchiefs by Quality Store. Domestic Art. Best baby dress, pocket book, by Summers Drug company. Best house dress, press cloth. W. A. Rid enhour. Best made garment for child, book rack, by Elmer Lumber company. Best made garment made by child 10 to 16 years, pink slip, by Dilling mill. Best house apron, cloth given, by Phoenix mill. Best piece of hand craft, vase given by Mr. Souther. Best crochet, record given by McGinnis Hardware com pany. Best embroidery, pair of silk hose, by W. P. Fulton. Best boy's wash suit, subscription to Herald, G. G. Page. Best handerchiefs, electric shade, Hoke Electric com pany. Second best wash suit, elec tric shade, Hoke Electric company. Study Club. The membership of the Study dub and a number of invited guest were most delightfully entertained last Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 by Mrs, A. M. Huffman at her home on Piedmont avenue. The home was arranged with Hallowe'en dec orations and vases, of georgeous dahlias and cosmos. Mrs. Paul Mauney presided and Mrs. P. B. Stokes announced a program on “Literature For Children'' various members represented different magazines. Mrs. E. W. Griffin read an article taken from “The National Geographic.” Mrs. M. E. Herndon represented, “Better Homes and Housekeeping,” and Mrs. N. F, Mc Gill “The American.” The hostess assisted by Mrs. O. B. Carpenter and Mrs. J. E. Aderholdt served a delicious congealed salad course. Among those present were Mrs. C. E. Carpenter, Mrs. Lester Hoke,, Mrs; Hayne Blackmer, Mrs. M. A. Ware, Mrs. J. M. Rhea, Mrs. P. B. Stokes, Mrs. Paul Mauney, Mrs. M. E. Herndon, Mrs. P. D. Herndon, Mrs. N. F. McGill, Mrs. Floyd Mauney, Mrs. W. A. Ridinhour, Mrs. J. E. Aderholdt, Mrs. Frank Ormond, Mrs. J. G. Hord, Mrs. Ted Weir, Mrs. Harry Falls, Mrs. P. G. Ratteree, Mrs. W. K. Crook, Mrs. Lester Hoke, Mrs. Charles Camp bell, Mrs. S. A. Lowry, Mrs. E. C. Cooper, Mrs. J. S. Mauney, Mrs. Ar thur Hay, Mrs. Helen Hay, Mrs. E. A. Smith, si-., Mrs. John Lackey, Mrs. Charles Thomasson, Mrs. P. D. Herndon and Mrs. Miller of S?is>$>ury. Housekeeper Heet. The Wide-Awake Housekeepers club and a number of invited guests were most delightfully entertained Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 by Mrs. W. K. Crook at her heme on W. Mountain street. The home was arranged with vases and bowls of j roses, cosmos and dahlias. Mrs. J. I E. Anthony presided and Mrs. M. A. ; Ware announced the following Hal ! lowe’en program alter she had given j a short sketch of the origin of Hal ! lowe’en. A poem "The Pumpkin Seed Puzzle,” Mrs. C. T. Carpen ter. The Goblin dance was given by Miss Jean Ware. A piano-logue “The Goblins ’ElGie You Bf You Don't Watch Out." Mrs. A. M Huff man, Mrs. N. F. McGill accom panist. A poem, Mrs. C. E. Car penter. Vocal duct., “Gypsy I Love You," Mrs. M. A Ware and Mrs. A. H. Patterson. Fortunes were told by Mrs. Patterson dressed in Gypsy costume. The program was con cluded with several musical selec tions by Mrs. Charles Warlick of Bessemer City. The hostess assist ed by Mrs. A. H. Patterson, Mrs. M. | A. Ware and Mrs. C. T. Carpenter j served a tempting salad with ac ! cessories to the following, Mrs. J. G. Hord. Mrs. A. M: Huffman and mother, Mrs. Miller, of Salisbury, Mrs. Lester Hoke, Mrs. J. K. Willis, Mrs. D. J. Littlejohn, Mrs. JacK i Crawford, Mrs. T. P. McGill, Mrs. C. E. Carpenter, Mrs, J. E. Anthony, Mrs. P. D. Herndon, Mrs. B. M. Ormond, Mrs. N. F. McGill. Mrs. A. J. McGill, Mrs. Charles Warlick | of Bessemer City and Miss Jean , Ware. A charming party of last week ! was the one given last Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 by Mrs. Harry Keeter at her home in Bessemer City honoring Miss Mary Helen Keeter of Grover, bride-elect of November. i The home was tastefully arranged with fall flowers. Progressive . hearts was enjoyed at seven tables. ! After the game the honoree was pleasantly surprised, when Mrs. Keeter presented her with a basket of gifts. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Byron Keeter of Kings Moun tain served a tempting salad course. Those present were Miss Mary Helen Keeter of Grover. Miss Sara Fulton, Mrs. B. J. Keeter of Kings Mountain, Mrs. Henry Holden, Mrs. Bob Coble. Mrs. Henry Kiser, Mrs. Lawrence Rhyne, Mrs. Bob Ormond. Mrs. L. E. Wall, Mrs, E, L. Frome berger. Mrs. Oliver.Black, Mrs. Wal ter Fuller, Mrs. Howard Horsely, Mrs. George Ferguson. Mrs. Meek Pierson. Mrs. Dewey Wolfe, Mrs. Roy Bullard, Mrs. Albert Owens, Mrs. Charles Zemp, Mrs. George Patrick. Mrs, James Ross Caldwell, Mrs. Lloyd Biggers and Mrs. D. J. Keeter, Mrs. C. F. Harry and Miss Elizabeth Denby, of Grover, Mrs. Joe Wharton of Greenwood and Mrs. J H B. Jenkins, of York and Miss Mary Ormond. The membership of the Adelphian club and a number of invited guests were delightfully entertained by Mrs. O. B. Carpenter, Thursday afternoon at 3:30, at her home on W. Mountain street, Mrs. D. C. Mauney presided. The members responded to roll call with the name ol an American artist and one of his paintings. Mrs. D. C. Mauney read "An Appreciation of American Artists.” Mrs. P. M. Ncis ler sang “At- Dawning,'' Mrs. N. F. McGill accompanist. The conclud ing number was a selection taken from Mid-Summer Nights Dream played by Miss Louise Carpenter. Progressive rook was then played at eight tables after which the hos tess assisted by Mrs, C. E. Carpen ter, Mrs. Hayne Blackmer r.hd Mrs. W. H. McGinnis served a tempting congealed salad with accessories. Those present were Mrs. D. C. Mauney, Mrs, W. O. Ridenhour, Mrs. E. A. Smith, sr„ Mrs. S. A, Lowry, Mrs. R. C Baker. Mrs. N. F. McGill, Mrs. L. P, Baker, Mrs. C. E. Carpenter, Mrs. W. K. Crook, Mrs. P. M. Noisier, Mrs. C. T. Car penter, Mrs. Joe Thomson, Mrs. E. L. McLaughen, Mrs. J. G. Hord, Mrs. A. M. Huffman and mother, Mrs. Miller, of Salisbury, Mrs. J. R. Davis, Mrs. Charles Sayres, Mrs. Ted Weir, Mrs. Annie. Billing, Mrs. Joe Grimes. Mrs. M. L. Harmon, Mrs. O. C. O'Farrel, Mrs. J. C. Pat rick. Mrs. E. L. Campbell, Mrs. L. C. Parsons, Mrs. Floyd Mauney, Miss Poston, Miss Lauring, Miss Rast. Miss Jones and Miss Meryle Wimberly. Mrs. C. E. Ncislcr, sr.( Mrs, C. E. Neister, jr., Mrs. H. N. Moss, Mrs. Walter Ormond. Mrs. Avera, Mrs. Fleming Ramseur, Mrs. Lee Ram seur, Mrs. L. C. Parsons, Mrs. I. S. McElroy, Mrs. Hugh Stowe and Mrs. Pete Gamble attended a dis trict meeting of the Woman's aux iliary of the Presbyterian church held in Mt. Holly Thursday. Mr. H. T. Fulton, local undertaker is attending the National Conven tion of Funeral Directors, held in Kansas City. The Vermont Distinction. From The Hickory Record. If you examine the records you will be surprised to know (at least we were) that Vermont is the on ly state in the union which has gone Republican consistently since 1388. Pennsylvania has the nearest rec ord, with an independent deflection in. 1912. That year of 1912 broke many records. On the other hand there are nine states which have gone Democratic consistently since 1888. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas. Louisiana, Missis sippi and Virginia. Rev. R. M. Hoyle, Aged And Belov ed Minister Preaches Great Sermon On Oct. 21. ; Editor Star: Sunday, October 21, was a red letter day for Polkville Methodist church. The occasion was a dedi catory service, the weather ideal, the audience was large, apprecia tive and orderly; and the lions of the occasion were Rev. R. M. Hoyli, affectionately known as “Rob Hoyle” by his hosts of admirers of all denominations; and his militant running mate, Rev. J. A. Cook. Both have passed the allotted age of three score and ten; both are re tired on the superanuated list; and both exemplify the martial type of a vanished age In which stern old Peter Cartwright of the Methodist Boanerges order, and Drury Dob bins of the Baptist church. Both of these militant Sons of Thunder who graced the occasion of yesterday were large men in every sense of the word. Both were self-made, both picked their course by the stars and were renowed as fearless, original thinkers; and Cook is also renown ed as a formulator, organizer and ( builder of churches. The dedication sermon was deliv ' ered by Doctor Hoyle; and with his martial old time fire, which re minded his auditors of the war cry of Jehovah. While verging on eighty, and while his voice is some what shattered and his rugged frame gives token of decay; his zeal and mentality have not been impaired. The Polkvilel Methodist church is a remarkably fine, spacious and modern Christian temple; and an NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Cleveland county, made in the special pro ceeding entitled L. H. Bumgardner, executor of the will of Henry Wheel er Bumgardner, deceased, and oth ers vs. Edleman Bumgardner, and others, the same being No-upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commis sioner will, on the 22nd day of Nov ember. 1028. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Shelby. N. C. offer for sale to the highest bid- j der. Terms one-lialf cash balance in one year; that certain tract of land lying and being in No. 11 Township, Cleveland county, N. C., adjoining the lands of Z. H. Bum gardner, John Downs and others, and more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING on a stone, then East 62 poles to a post oak < now down i; then South 86 poles to a stone in the center of the creek; thence with the old channel of the creek 12 poles to a stone in center of said channel; thence West to a stone, A. P. Bumgardner’s old cor ner; thence West 100 poles to a stone pile in Joe Downs’ line; then North 62 poles to a stone pile; hence East 18 poles to a sfone: thence North 35 East 36 1-4 poles to the beginning, containing 56 acres, more or less. This the 23 rd day of October, 1928. I,. H. BUMGARDNER. Commissioner. Business Man Time is money in busi ness and I make sure my car is always ready for service by using Champion Spark Plugs. _) Champion is the better spark plug because it has an exclusive sillimanite insulator specially j treated to withstand the much higher temperatures of the ; modern high - compression ; engine. Also a new patented solid cop per gasket-seal that remains absolutely gas-tight under high compression. Special analysis electrodes which assure a fixed spark-gap under all driving conditions. Champion Spar/CPlugs (677) Toledo, Ohio Dependable for Every Engine enduring monument of the zeal, benevolence and energy of a peo ple of moderate financial means; but every financial expense has been met, and hence dedication. While Rev. R. M. Hoyle has no col lege degree, Duke university should confer the D. D ; for he can out preach nine-tenths of the ministers who have a string of letters after their names like the tail of a comet. Rev. J. A. Cook deserves the title of Hiram King of Tyre—or else that of the Widow’s Son celebrated as an ornate designer by history and tradition. He gave a succinct his tory of building of the original Polk ville framed church edifice, erected under pastorate of Rev. J. A. Cook in 1893. A quarterly conference was appointed for Polkville church, when the site was in the forest. But the building was erected in time for conference, and the contractor was paid $140. His assistants were paid 73 cents a day; and eggs sold for five cents, corn 40 cents, lard six and a fourth cents; the pastor’s salary was $650 a year. The present building is a monu ment to labors, energy and persev eranve of the late Rev. A. T. Cor dell, who served two years as pas tor; while the parsonage, a modern, tasty and spacious home was due the executive of Rev. A. M. Avett. Besides tne foregoing exercises, a dinner was spread upon the ground which was a triumph of culinary skill and which was paid an ex pensive compliment by sojourners from Shelby. Kings Mountain, El lenboro; Joe Martin of latter place proving a true gastronomic genius. Another feature was the vocal and instrumental contest of tuneful Levites. Prominent among the cru saders for vocal harmony was seen the fallen mantle of Maj. Oliver D. Price decorating his son, S. O Price of Lattimore, with his redoubtable sextet of buzzers, Capt. A. M. Lat timore of same place true evangel of melody in the stirring strains of Isaac Watts, and lydfSs of seraphic sweetness as emanations from brain of Charles Wesley; and Prank, Wal ter, Clem Lee were numbered among the prophets; and Misses Poteat and Inez Whisnant featured as dul cea song birds and with cunning skill evoked melody from keys of a piano. By means of moral suasion, threat of heroic measures, a con stable, and a club; the sad-eyed, rough-necked fiddler of the occa sion was restrained; and made to swear he would never again dese crate this place by his presence—a vow he means to sedulously keep. MELVIN L. WHITE. R-5 Shelby, Oct. 22. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina. Cleveland County, Number 6 Township. J L. Parker, plaintiff, vs. L. Y. Horton, defendant. The defendant L. Y. Horton will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced be fore T. C. Eskridge, one of the Justices of the Peace of Cleveland county. North Carolina, to obtain judgment for the sum of $89.55 against the defendant, said sum be ing due plaintiff by reason of de fendant having purchased goods from plaintiff and failing o pay for same; and the said defendant will further take*notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of T. C. Eskridge, Justice of the Peace of said county in the courthouse in Shelby, N. C., on the 23rd day of November, 1928, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. T. C. Eskridge, one of the Justices of the Peace o* Cleveland county, N. C. This 22nd day of October, 1928. M. R. Weathers, Atty. No Driving Effort—* All You Do I» Steer A “DURANT” Davis-Bishop Motor Company SALES & SERVICE West Marion St. Shelby, N. C. 1ST1 HEW OTHER DAY E J PER HEIR The Paragon Department Store HOME OF BETTER MERCHANDISE. THIS PATENT STRAP From Drew $7.85 Is as neat as the picture illustrates. Comes in all sizes and widths. Rollins Full Fashioned Hose $1.00 Slight irregulars. First quality sells for $2.00. CADET HOSE Pointed Heels $1.95 In the season’s wanted shades. Either service or chiffon weight. And Now HUMMINGBIRD , Silk Stockings With POINTED HEELS $1.50 A new hose from Humming Bird. These pointed heels silk to top are very unusual, and shown in all the fall shades. As Neat As A Pin, This New PATENT PUMP Spike Heels $7.50 This spike heel pump is as popular as ever. We have this exact style in stock The quality is excellent. Fits well and the style is perfect. SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW « New Sport Frocks AT *9-7S (OVER 100 IN THE LOT) Read Description: One and two piece styles. Some are dressy but most of them are very smartly tailored for general wear. Materials of Crepes’, Satins, Jerseys, Flan nels and Wool Twills. Including the very smart Navy with neat pin stripes. No two alike. Sizes 14 to 46. I —OTHER DRESSES — $16.75 t0 $39.75 A Very Special Offer Elegant Coats Values To $95.00 $59*®° A recent New York Purchase. There is a big savings in these Coats as vou’ll find only the best materials', genuine furs and very high grade workmanship. They are Sample Coats, bought late and at an unusual price. See them for real values. — OTHER COATS — $16.75 0 $39.50 A FRESH SHIPMENT Hats Of Individuality JUST RECEIVED $5.00 t0 $8.00 The expressman has just brought in these Hats. They seem to us pret tier than the previous1 lot—and they w*re lovely. Now come in and see these, try them on and tell us what you think about them for real values and style. (NO TWO ALIKE) VAN RAALTE Kayon BLOOMERS And VESTS $1.00 Phe name Van Ra ilte is sufficient, 'or no brand is bet ter known. Colors of pink, peach, French nude, tan 2tc. Children’s Derby Ribbed Hose 25c Dolors of tan, brown, champagne, slack. Guaranteed to give excel lent service. FABRIC GLOVES From > 1 VAN RAALTE $1.00t0 $2.50 a »> Plain and embroidered turn back and straight cuff. A color to match any outfit. First Showing NEW HAND BAGS $2.95t0 $10.00 r A new shipment of pretty hand bags, leathers to match the fall footwear. Including a large selec tion of Brown and Black Suedes. New styles and new leathers,