Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost WHatYojjrWant In the WAHTAPS Itules For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimu/r Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c pet word each insertion. This size type 3e per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. FOR SALE - Dodge Sedan. In good condi tion. Apply at Star Office. 5-tf IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO nuild let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted First class workmanship guaranteed. Bowman Brothers, con tractors Phone 727-J tf 18c FOR RENT—NICE FOUR ROOM apartment with bath in private home Close in. Price $40 0o per month Phone 41 tf-29c FOR SALE STOVE WOOO ready for use Phone 406 Morrison * I r. n fer Co tf 8? OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR f !e at The Star off ice. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-'26x CALL NO. 11 FOR PRICKS AND DETAIL ABO IT AW KIND Oi JOB PRINTIN'* HE ARE PRE PARED TO FI'RNISH YOl. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS cards now Beautiful line at moder ate prices. Individual cards bearing ••our name in any style of type. Call The Star office telephone 11 ami our representative Mrs. Ruth An drews will call and show ycu sam ' pies. tf 31 p MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analize. 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c HOWELL TRANSFER: WE haul anything anywhere, any time, i All grades of sand for sale Prompt service. Shelby, N. C. Day phone 718 Night 124-R. tf 23c DON’T FORGET THE STAR Of fice is the place to secure your job Printing. We arc prepared to do all kinds and sizes of jobs. I'he price is the lowest and the quality and workmanship is the best. And every job registers full count. WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, printed, engraved or rcliefgraf. Three different kinds of printing, many styles of lettering Brides-to-be, your secret will oe kept Place your order with us and save • money. The Star Phone No. 11 FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 R C. A. loud peaker; 1 Western Electric I'ea.tei; i cole heater. Address “Mr." uare Star. tf 30c I I REGR ACKERS, ROM AN , Gandies. Pin Wheels, Gaps and Gap Pistols, and oth|r fireworks. Get your supply early at Fair Ground Fi ling station. i ice. lias left home without per mission and 1 hereby forbid any 4 orie to hire or harbor him. He has light, .'..hair, blue eyes, and weighs about 150 pounds. L E Dellince" Kings ML, R-4 f?t lupd FOR SALE OLD TIME BU rv.Mi, over 100 years old, made of cherry in goed condition A. E. 1 :ri!ord. R-l, Casar, 3t. lOp FOR SALE: ONE WALDERMAN cabinet and grand piano will sell afy bargain for cash. W J. Hoy, Box 597, Shelby, N. C 3t lOp BETTER BUY YOUR * Fireworl-s early. Drive out * and see the big variety, mod erately priced at Fair Ground Sen ice Station. Ct-lOp STAR JOB PRINTING WILL satisfy you. both as to quality and price. Call Phone No. 11 and a re presentative svl 11 call to see you. FOR SALE NICE five gaited nine year aid saddle horse, for merly owned by Mrs. T. W. Hamrick. See J. W. Silver. 3t-7c I AM NOW GINNING COTTON only two days a week—Tuesday and Friday Those holding see l tickets please bring them in and get their meal. Crawley Gin, Lat timore. 3t 7c (JET YOUR FIREWORKS early. Biff variety at Fair (Jround Service Station, .1. R. ('hampion, tit-1 Op FOR RENT- TWO OR THREE unfurnished connecting rooms., for light, housekeeping, 313 N. Morgan Street, Phono 480. if 12c WANTED. BOARD AND ROOM, private family, steam heat, reason able distance post office. Address “K" rare The Star It 12p School Answers The Dararosh Questions South Shelby School I’ses Radio To Advantage. Questions Oil Music Test Knowledge. (Special to The Star.) The following program was ren dered at the South Shelby school Friday morning at 11 a. m. during the R. C. A. educational hour. This concert was for grades 5 and 6, or grades 7. 8, ana 9 Flute and clarinet- Suite in B. minor. Bach; minuet from Sym phony No. 4, Beethoven; Chinese Dance, Tschaikowsky. The following questionnaire com piled by Mr. Damrosch for this concert is intended primarily to provide a means of testing the ability of the pupil to comprehend and to remember the explanations given during the radio concerts for schools, broadcast each Friday at 11 and 11:30 o'clock Eastern Standard time. Inasmuch as the answers to all the questions will be incorporated in Mr. Damrosch's explantory remarks, the question naire will constitute, principally, a memory test. Mr. Damrosch hopes that these concerts may not only enhance the pupils understanding of and love for good music, but that they may also stimulate a de sire on the part of the pupils to take up the study of some orches tral instrument. Q What is a wood-wind instru ment? A An instrument made of weed, which is played by blowing into it. w are au wooa-wma mstrumems really made of wood? A. Original ly all wood-wind instruments were made of wood, but nowadays flutes and clarinets are sometimes made of stiver. Q, Give the names of some of the wood-wind instruments of the or chestra. A Flutes, piccola or lit the 1 lute, oboes. English horn, clar inets and bassoons. Q. What is "suite" in music? A. A group of pieces that follow one aiv ‘ ' m a certain order. Q. What is a minuet .' A. A dance of olden time , in three part meas ure. Q What instrument plays the meiody in the middle part of the minuet from the Fourth Symphony in Beetheoven? A. Clarinet Q. Mow does the clarinet differ from the other wood-wind instru ments? A. It has a larger range, or compass, than any of the. others. Nearly four octaves Q. What is a piccola? A. A small flute which sounds an oc tave higher than the large.flute. Q. How does the tone of the pic cola sound? A Shrill and pierc ing. Q. What instruments play the principal melody in the "Chinese Dance" by Tschaikowsky? A The piccola. flutes and bells. Q. What instruments play the funny clumsy accompaniment'' A. The bassoons Salary Cut, New Bern—A salary cut of, from $3,500 to $600 a year for the chair man has been made here by the new Craven county board of com missioners. The new chairman. W. B. Blades, will not devote his full time to the office, as did the re tiring chairman, L. H. Cutler, “GUS AND GUSSIE” Downward Steps ROOMS -OR IMS fiUS AND QUSStE , QUARTET. I liioir "ONWARD" 2 TH6 CORRECT word «s TME DRESS'N ROOMS IS UNDER. "The stage . SOUPTOUR.EENIAM PASSAGE FOB. VOUR UFE-. \F VOU DOM' BUS VbUR NECK- IT'S a good tuick. AH... AT THE THRESHOLD OP- RAM'S and fortune r iEMTS" ■SSIMG ©OM X tAOHS OSESSIM" ROOHi ■T" “The costuming Will, now COMMENCING , Y Nothin}' doin' ! ( NO SCRetrCMVN I FROM Vqo. _\ LAV OFF MV . - ... I'M vouth \^^|^ ,n -OULD \ THIS CREECH k .TROuPe , v' jo? ’ "k/; >' ■ Ready to Make His Bow their winds made up To put the mew vaudeville act OVER WITH A ZAN\ The <3us and Gussie Quartet WILL NOW ALSO MAKE UP "ThEiRt FACES.'... AM' PUT m\S GREASEPAINT ON My PAN.... X "DON' KNOW FROM MO AND NOW "THE. UP STI CK. well eivE '.'oa A CHERRY. RPC MOUTH NECS-SSURRY, "That my kisser should LOOK LIKE A ROSE BUD * I A PAIR O' UPS j 'WHAT X /WEAM — J VOU SURE MADE • A GORGEOUS ). LOOKIN ' i \ CRE E C HE R.... - / it’s very CHIC, GUS .'A Ves, Sir.,., /our. mouth NOW IS A VERITABLE Calton Wins Guessing On Yield Of Cotton Contest Waged At Lattimore On Yield Of Cotton Plat. Fer tilizer Doubles Y'ield. The $5.00 g<3td piece oflered by the Chilian Nitrate agencies for the one guessing the nearest to the yield on three plats Of a demon ■ st ration conducted by John L. McSwain when the farmers made i a tour of the cotton demonstrations last fall. His guess was; Plat No. 1, 650 pounds, plat No. 2. 1050 pounds; i plat No. 3. 110 pounds. Actual yield of seed 'cotton: plat No. 1, 680 pounds; plat No. 2, 1110 pounds: plat No. 3, 80 pounds pounds. Error plat No. 1, 30 pounds; plat No. 2, SPOTS BEFORE EYES Miner Had Dark Spots Before Eyes. Felt Dull, Tired, Achy. Doesn’t Get Down Any More. Somerset, Ky.—Telling how he ha?' known of the merit of Thedforc; Black-Draught since he was a boy Mr. Albert Garland, of this city, recently said; “I used to work In the mines, but lost quite a bit of time on ap ! count of the sick spells I had. I would get to having a bad taste in my mouth, and a very dull, tired feeling and ache. I would have dark spots in front of my eyes, and I would be so dizzy I would stagger like I was drunk. ‘T took medicine, but didn't seer1 to get any better. "My mother told me to try Black Draught, which I did, and after r few doses I felt much better. No •>, I take it as soon as I feel the least | bad, and I don't get. down. I cer tainly can sav that, it has doir more for me than any other medi cine I have ever taken “I never get without Blaci. Draught. If I go on a visit. I tak< a package along in my sult-ca ■■ My health is better now than has been in years, and 1 believe is the use of Black-Draught, tk, did it.” Black-Draught is prepared froi: medicinal roots and herbs, of high WET WEATHER WARNINGS Now is the time to havi your shoes rebuilt. THE LANDIS SHOE SHOP Does it the right way. All work guaranteed. Third Door From Western Union. WEST MARION ST.. SHELBY. N. C. v 60 pounds; plat No. 3. 30 pounds. Or a total error of only 120 pounds of seed cotton on all three -plats. Plats Nos. 4 and 5 which were not guessed on yield: Plat No. 4, 1030 pounds; plat No. 5, 1200 pounds. The largest and most profitable yield being oh plat- No. 5 where mixed fertilizer was used with a side dressing of 200 pounds of ni trate of soda applied at first chop ping. The afore mentioned experiments were conducted by an agricultural student in Lattimore school under the supervision of V. C. Taylor, agriculture teacher. It has been worth considerable to students and farmers to observe this experiment. John L. says that, if he had used 200 pounds of nitrate of soda as a side dresser he believes he would have doubled his entire crop. This is indicated by actual figures in the yield: plat No. 1, home mixed fertilizer, 680 pounds seed cotton; plat No. 5, home mixed fertilizer with 200 soda. 1200 pounds of seed cotton. Increase in yield due to soda, 520 pounds seed cotton. Card Of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness shown to us during the tragic death of our father and husband. May God bless each and everyone ofyou. Mrs. 8. L. Gantt and Children. Of all gifts, a new motor car. . of all cars.. a new Buick . . the fullest measure of Christmas cheer you could possibly give toy our family Silver Anniversary BuicK With Masterpiece Bomla by Fisher J. LAWRENCE LACKEY DEALER SHELBY, N. C WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT-..BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 1 The Batwinjf Scarf. In the endless variety of scarfs, j the batwing type to two colors is new. This is twisted once about the neck, clasped directly to front with the ends flaring out abruptly at. the shoulders. • ^ Can’t Talk To Wife, Too Cross And Nervous "Even my husband couldn’t talk I !-- -- to me, I was bo cross and nervous, Vinol has made me a different and happy woman.”—Mrs. N. McCall. Vinol Is a compound of iron, phosphates, cod liver, peptone, etc. The very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have} a BIO'appe tite Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK the iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep. Vinol tastes delicious. Quinn’s Drug Store. f, December 21st,. East Kings Mouniain, all riy . HUGH A. LOGAN SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR