ket A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost . j I , * •' r-v Rates For Want Adveikisemenls In This Column. Minimurr Charge Mpr Any Want Ad 25c. ^ This sire type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion, j Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. i FOR SALE - Dodge !, Sedan. In good condi ^ tion. Apply at Star Cfffice. 5-tf IP YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted First class workmanship ) guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con ractors Phone 727-J tf 18c t f OR RENT—NICE FOUR ROOM fijmrtment with bath in private tome Close in. Price $40 00 per month Phone 41. tf-29c f i f ! FOR SALE STOVE WOOD >ady for use Phone 406 Mon-Ison ■^tmsfer Co. tf Be OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR mie at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x CALL NO. 11 FOR PRfCES AND EtETAIL ABOUT ANY KIND Ok JOB PRINTING WE ARE PRE PARED TO FURNISH YOU. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS cards now. Beautiful line at moder ate prices. Individual cards bearing your name In any style of type. Call The Star office, telephone 11 and our representative Mrs. Ruth An Sews will call and show you sam «. tf 31 p MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf Vc 4 HOWELL TRANSFER: WE . haul anything anywhere, any time. All grades of sand for sale. Prompt . service. Shelby, N. C. Day phone 718 L Night 124-R. tf 23c DON’T FORGET THE STAR OF (Jce is the place to Secure your job Printing;. We are prepared to do all --kinds and sires of jobs. The price is the lowest and the quality and workmanship is the best. And every job registers full count. WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, printed, engraved or reliefgraf. Three different kinds of printing, many styles of lettering Brldes-to-be, your secret will oe kept bj’lace your order with us and s.ive money. The Star. Phone No 11 FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 R C, A loud speaker; 1 Western Electric heater; I cole heater. Address “Me.'* care Star. tf 30c , FIRECRACKERS. ROMAN Candles, Pin Wheels, Caps and Cao Pistols, and other fireworks. Get your supply early at Fair Ground Filing ►Station. Gt-lOp FOR RENT: 4-HORSE FARM, two miles west ol Grover. Will rent to one 4-horse farmer or two 2 horse farmer. H Q. Blanton, Shelby. tf 10c BETTER BUY Y OUR Fireworks early. Drive out and see the big- variety, mod erately priced at Fair Ground - Service Station. Gt-lOp FOR SALE-Beauti ful ten room residence cn North LaFayette street. Large lot. Two thousand cash, seven thousand Building & Loan in six years, bal ance in three years. Prompt possession. Formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Pattie Ware. A. C. Miller, tf FOR RENT: 2 LARGE CON nteting rooms with bath on E. Mar lon St. Mrs. Gene Gamble. tfl2c STRAYEL WHITE HOUND Right ear black, left ear white and black Few black hairs on body. Notify Dr. C. M. Peeler for reward. tf 14c W“ FOR SALE: FINE POINTER well trained. J G. Blanton, Shelbv Com Mill. 3t 14c GET YOUR FIREWORKS early. Rijr variety at Fair Ground Service Station, J. R. Champion. Ht-lOp FORD SEDAN -FOR SALE OR will exchange for mules. C. S. Young, Shelby. 3t-12c BUILDING LOTS—GOOD LO- ] cation. C. S. Young. tf-12c FOR RENT: ONE HALF STORE room. Apply at Star office. 8t 12p FOR SALE: HARLEY DA VID son motorcycle, Z1925 model. Perfect mechanical condition, new tires. P. G. Noblett. phone 382-W 3t 14p FOR RENT: 4 ROOM APART ment, new house. Private bath and sink. Price reasonable. Apply West Graham and Clegg St. 3t 17p STRAY PIG AT MY HOME. Owner call at Lee Dawkins, Judge Falls’ farm. 3t 17p FOR SALE. 1 OLD TIME COR ner cupboard refinished walnut Good condition. See me at once if Interested. Hudson M. Hamrick, 703 N. Washington St. tf 17c CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF REAL value at reasonable prices, come to Grover and see what we have. Rainbow Novelty Mills. 3t 17c WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 1928? The business world offers many opportunities to young folks with business training. Let us train and place you In an office position. Mid-winter term starts January 2. Write for free information. Gas tonia Business College, Gastonia, N. C. 2t 17p REWARD FOR INFORMATION as to party who shot my bulldog on vacant Green property in Shelby. B. D. Hulick. 2t 19p Better Air Mail Schedule Provided Northbound MaH Leaves Shelby At 11 A. M.—Southbound At 6 P. M., Says Mr. Quinn (By J. H. Quinn.) For the information of the busi ness houses we have compiled the following schedule of departure of air mail from Shelby and the hour of its arrival at the various points named, to-wit: Northbound mail closed here at 11 a. m.—Arrives New York City, 6:15 a. m. ne::% day; Boston, Mass., 7:50 a. xa. next day; Montreal, Canada. 11:15 a. m. next day. Southbound mail closed here at 6 p. m,—Arrives Atalnta, Ga„ 6:17 a. m. next day; Birmingham. Ala., 7:10 a. m. next day; Mobile, Ala., 9:30 a. m., next day; Jacksonville, Fla., 9:55 a. in., next day: Miami, ! Fla., 1:30 p. m.. next day; Chicago, 111., 4:30 p. m.. next day; San Fran cisco, Cal., 4:30 p. m, second day; Los Angeles. Cal., 5:25 p. m., sec ond day; Portland, Ore,, 7:00 p. m. third day; Seattle, Washington, 7 p, m., third day. A German scientist converts wood : into food. Now "board and rooms” can be taken literally.—South Bend Tribune. --- No one knows how to see that the funeral ceremony is conducted in a fitting and appropriate manner quite so well as does an earnest, trained, experienced and conscientious funeral direc tor. The expense is entirely within your own control in accordance with your wish es when you confide the funeral arrangments to THE STAMEY COMPANY Falls ton, N. ('. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Ambulance Service Day Phone No| 4 Night Phone No 6 * “GUS AND GUSSIE”- Spoken Like a Star. WELL.COME ALOM6, JAMES . the pee-tliqwts is callin' us To PACE OUR. PIRST AUJENCE * IN hale am hour we're all OH. WELL DO OOR. BEST, BUT OOWT TAKE *TM\S AuDIEMCE TOO SER\OUSL.y, A FLOCK OF M1CK.S WHO COME TO SEE THE MOVIES. THE VAUDEVILLE ACT HERE »"5 OWLy A CHASER TO "DRIVE PEOPi vs rsu-r Ike orchestra is TiNCAN,TME scenery 15 190 8 MODEL, THE FLOOR IS TOO ROUGH FOR HOTFOOT ik HOOFING. -/Anything / ELSE The MATTER. WITH This Temple H OF ART ? i r>OM SMELL NOTHIN* Their Zero Hour ALMOST mow Time to OU*? SToPF am* SMOW GOODS — 'T WOMT Belong ax ALL ADAMize AAV Tmroat SO AAV SPEAKIM' WQICE WILL ©E CLEAR am' Sweet I WiSM t KNEW ip OUR. quartet will ee a ThuCXTVhETH - Sft DO I - 2. WONDER WHO’LL. 8E "THE star of this Troupe — (r LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS BY CHILDREN IN THE BIG FAMILY OF STAR READERS V Jf Wagon And Candy. Dear Santa Claus: I am 8 years old and in the sec ond grade at school. Santa please bring me a wagon, some candy, oranges, and nuts and don't forget my brothers and sister and bring them something and my school mates. Good night Santa. j Seth Bridges, Casar j Tools And Candy. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to come by our house and bring me a little tool box and some tools in it and some candy, apples and nuts. Don't forget my brothers and sisters and papa and mama and bring them something. Your little friend, Ralph Bridges, Casar. Wagon And Fruit. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 8 years old. I ! am In the third grade and i wantj you to bring me a wagon, apples, oranges, tangerines and please bring me some candy. G. G. Cornevin. Wrist Watch. Dear Santa Claus: I am taking music. My teacher is Miss Spangler. Don’t forget her either, Santa, I want a wrist watch, a string of beads and a ring and all kinds of fruits and nuts. Don’t forget my two sisters, Pauline and Amie. Santa, Ruble Elliott. Stationery And Kin*. Dear Santa Claus: I want a box of stationery, v ring, candy, nuts, apples and orariges. Please don’t forget my papa and mother. They would like to have something nice too. I am taking music and my teacher’s name is Miss Spangler. Come to her house too. I am ten years old and In the fifth grade. Well I guess I had better go. Bring other little boys and girls something too. Your little friend, Pauline Elliott. Kitty Cart. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old. I want you to "bring me a doll and a kitty cart, some apples, oranges, candy, nuts and bananas, and Santa do not forget the other lit tle children. Your friend, Nancy McArthur, Shelby Doll And Carriage. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl of live years old. I have a little brother, Jerry, and he is two years old I am real good. 1 help my mother every day I surely do wish Christmas would come for I want you to bring me * a doll, carriage, cabinet, gloves,) slicker, and candy nuts and fruits. With love, Beth Hawkins. 730 S. LaFayette street. Two Wheel Bicycle. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a two wheel bicycle. Pearl Weatheis Rain Coat And Cap. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little boy seven years old. I am in the first grade. I want you to please bring me a rain coat and cap end also a pair cl rubber boots. I have a, little brother five years old. His name is Winslow, jr., and he wants a bus. I have anoth-1 er little brother four years old. His j name is Hugh. He w ants a fire j truck. We all want* fruits and nuts. Goodbye Santa Claus. From your friend, J. C. Wright, Fallston. Bath Robe. Dear Santa Clans: I want you to please bring me a bath robe and a pair of bed room slippers. I want some candy, nuts and fruits. Lovingly, Margaret Walker, Lattimore. Tricycle And Apples. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little boy 9 years old and T want you to bring me a tricycle and some apples and oranges. J. Woodrow Hoyle, Bellwood, R-l. Panama Pile Driver, Dear Santa Claus: I have not been much oi a good boy but you can forget it this time can’t you and bring me a panama pile driver? Also, a pop gun, mov ing van, fire crackers, lots of fruit, and candy. Don't forget daddy and molhei’.. Your boy. Walter Clubb. Cleveland Cloth Mill. Dump Truck Dear Santa Claus: Will write and tell you what I want you to bring me. I am seven years old. I want you to bring me a dump truck, a pop gun, some caps. I have a cap buster. Bring fire crackers, lots of fruit, caudy and nuts. Don't forget our baby. He is nine months old. Your little friend, Alfred Clubb. Cleveland Cloth Mill. Bus And Pop Gun. I am nine years old and I go to school. My teacher's name is Miss DePriest. I love her. I w ant you to bring me a bus and a pop gun, some fire crackers, some marbles. a little truck, lots or fruit, and candy. Don't forget the little boys and girls that have no daddy and mother. Allen Clubb. Cleveland Cloth Mill. P. S.—Don’t forget my teacher. Niggertoes And Air Rifle. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old, but this is the first time I ever wrote you, but you have never for gotten me. Bring me an air rifle niggertoes, nuts, fruit and lots of good things to eat. Please remem ber mother and dad. because I haven’t either brother or sister. Good night Santa, C. Bryan Borders, Shelby Doll And Carriage. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl five years old. I have been a good girl and I want you to bring me a doll, a doll car riage and a cooking set. Your little friend, Viola MeSwaln, Shelby, j 502 Blanton street;. Carriage. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years old and am in the second grade. My teacher’s name in Miss Moses. I want you to bring me a little doll bed. Dora McSwain, West Shelby. 502 Blanton street. Goloshes And Gloves. Dear Santa Claus: Just thirteen more days until Christinas and I am hoping you will bring me a lot of nice things. I want so many and am going to name over a few of them Bed room slippers, goloshes, gloves and some card games. I want you to be sure to visit all poor children and bring them just what will make them happy. Love. Minnie Anna Forney, Lawndale. Collar And Chair For Dog. Dear Santa Claus: I am just a little boy in the sec ond grade. I am 8 years old. I want a gas tank, truck and a little fill ing station, a collar and chain for my little dog, fruits, candy, and some nuts. Don’t forget my sisters and my big brother in Alabama. Your little friend. Lanford Lindsay. Shelby, K-4 Clothes And Toilet Set. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll dresser, a doll with lots of pretty clothes and a blue toilet set to put on the dresser. My baby sister. Doris, wrote you a letter but you couldn’nt read it for she didn’t spell a word She wants a new dol- [ ly, a blackboard, a tea set and a] teddy bear. You will find our stockings hanging by the mantle in the living room. Fill them with :andy, nuts and fruits. Tour friend, White, Shelby Box 55, Wrist Watch. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 12 years old. I want you to bring me a wrist watch, bath robe and bed room slippers, a hat box, a kitchen cabi net and a pretty doll set. Wish you a merry Christmas. Don't forget to bring me and my brother and sla ter some candy, nuts, apples and oranges, Margaret Lindsey, Shelby, R-4 Doll And Bed. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl eight years old. 1 go to school at Polkville. My teach er’s name is Miss Lizzie Mae Lee. She is a good teacher. I want you to bring me a doll end a bed for it to sleep in also some candy, fruits and nuts. Please remember my lit tle brothers, Billie and C. G. They want a little gun. Annie Hamrick, Shelby R-5. Truck And Fruit, Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a truck and anything that you think I would like. Don’t forget the candy, oranges, apples and nuts. If you will bring me these things I will t ry and oe a good boy. 1 am eleven years old and am in the third | grade. John Runyans, Shelby, R-2. i ■ - . .. V,Vi For health and happiness, —for sheer delight on Christmas day and a thou sand days to come—choose a new Buick with Master piece Bodies by Fisher. Silver Anniversary . BuicK With Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher J. LAWRENCE LACKEY DEALER SHELBY, N. C. WREN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT... BUIGK WILL BUtt»f> THEM