With Renn Drum A POLITICIAN IS SO AC jcustomed to putting over a bluff l that it Is hard for him tc recognize the reat thing when he meets it. A certain politician here in Shelby v/rs stopped on the street tills week and asked why he didn’t vote fcr the school tax levy. His answer was that before the elec tion he thought the schools would continue to run for nine months Whether or not the measure pass ed. "Since the election I have learn ed that It will be impossible to op erate a nine months term; if I had known it before I would have voted lor it,’’ he said. "That Information was publish ed in the paper, prior to the elec tion, didn't you read it," the friend came back. "Sure, I read it, but I thought that was Just some propaganda to bluff the voters like we put out just | before voting day in a political election. Now. after it is too late I understand that it was a true state- j ment.” SNOW MEANS ONE THING TO some folks and another thing to others. Mrs. L. M. Hull, who is going back to her former Florida home to spend the holidays, was all upset this week because it hadn’t snow ed since she came to Shelby, and due to the‘fact that she had been giving In Florida for years she hasn't seen any snow in a lost* |me. She certainly expected to see Some "way up here" to tell the Morida friends about when she re lumed. That's one side cf it. Wednesday morning the morning the big frost, two travelling sxecutives of one of the local chain stores were chatting over their joffee in a local cafe, when one juked a local citizen: "How in the deuce do you folks know it’s Christmas down here without having any snow at all and -It is warm weather.” (Wonder what he calls cold? While he was (speaking the big frost on the (ground was causing Shelby people to shivver like an underclad flap iper should shivver at a football jC&me.) That's another side of the j snow complex. One person, who came up to forth Carolina, wants to see it mow because snow is rather freak ish to her, while another person, who came down to North Carolina, r ants to see It snow because it does not seem like the Christmas sea son unless there is a big snow on tiro ground. Then there are the local young sters who wouldn't ask Santa to bring a bigger and better pack of fun than a good snow to chase about on with their sleds. SHELBY HAS ONE OR TWO j things, after all, to be proud <M. | Wednesday afternoon late The Star’s Christmas fund had reach ed the $508 50 mark. On'the same day a newspaper published in a city boasting 47.1C0 population re marked how the charitably in clined of that city were "shucking out' for the poor—up to Wednes day they had contributed $508.75, two* bits more than 10,000-popula tion Shelby. SHELBY HAS FOR YEARS, perhaps been the stamping ground i of'more 'veil known rtiiieics than any other town oi similar size in the country fRy Leonard; who fcpeps up with athletes and athletes | In general, makes note ol ihe fact, that two former lug league plov ers are now making their home in Shelby. One Is Howard Camnitz, who was a star pitcher with Pitts burgh in days gone by. He sells in surance here. Not long since Hun; Redfcrn, of j the Chicago White Sox. dropped in j for a visit, with old friends Fart is,! an assemblage of the former big, leaguers and the minor leaguers who have settled in Shelby would j present a right flashy line-up j YOU FOLKS WHO LIKE TO work on brain teasers, hitch your1 chairs a little closer to the fire and 1 let's try one. Tell some friend of yours that you ern tell his or her age and telephone number if he or she will juggle figures at bit. Then go about it this way. Have them put down their tele phone numbers; multiply it by two; add five, multiply by fifty; add their age, add 865, subtract 1115. Then have them show you the answer without showing you the ; other figures, and the answer will £ be the age and telephone number. | the figures to the left being the I telephone number and these to the I right their age H Try it on yoursell first to see H that it works. Rif DOTTINi; HERE AND THERE | about Shelby; A small boy feed* j§; fan, peanuts to the semi-pet squtr ||i|fel on the court square and having |, a|big tune of it ... An eirbarrass | e4 man in McNeely's trying to tell Rp%mfllng girl clerk that he wants | OTif'i# those-'Oh-you-know-whats H f# Tvis wife's Christmas gift, and ; ' Mg embarrassment Increases as she jp;jpulls dOy'm an armful of ahm K|n«rjr> B&ovies things, asking Sii*n which one as she tells him Just what they are ... . And over a: Wray’s place a sophisticated your./ flapper buying "shorties" for her boy friend and not worried a bit except that she can't imagine what size he wears . , V local minister writing hurriedly spells ii "Xmas' Once was newspapers ran campaigns trying to get the p or to spell it as it should pe, you know the season L the observance oi Christ’s birth arid has nof urig to do with an “X'' . . ... C'dar Christ mas trees all around the 'court square Streets, but the 'flu” envs to have taken the "pep" out of the occasion .... Co'.e: sate youths de bating the merits oi their favorite institutions, with Carolina finally winning the argument since that school won the football title aim what else matters? . , Toasting cabinets in nearly all the Shelbv drug stores. Next thing no ddubi will be iarge coffee urns and they’ll be fully equipped cafes . ... in a joke letter in the Shelby high school paper Ralph Gardner, vot ed the most popular boy in the school, gives Listerine the credit -. ... i . ’The gang" once known as “Dinty's bunch," will watch life’s little parade in Shelby this Chr. t mas from the same old location now that the Cleveland drug store is back in the hotel building .... But all over town can ns seen only a few sprigs of mistletoe—perhaps it's because the. young folks these days don’t need eny incentive, or shove-off, to get going. WIFE IS QUARANTINED WITH DIVORCED MATE: SECOND HUBBY RAVES Lewiston, Idaho. Dec. 18.—What 'does a woman find to talk- about, when there's nobody much to tali: to but her divorced husband? That question stirred Lewiston somewhat today, while John Hall, barred from his own home and the society of his wife, raged vainly at the city council which denied him entirely, and forced his wife to stay with her former husband The rrasen for it ah was thus: Ray Farrar came to the home of Mrs. Hall, from whom he had been divorced on cruelty grounds, on an amicable mtesion. He brought Christmas toys for his small daughter, who was in Mrs. Hall's custody. While . there, lie became ill. and a smallpox quarantine was put on the house When John Hall returned to his home, they would not let him in. They wouldn't let Farrar, the cause of It all. out. The final blow came when Hall offered to be quaran tined with his wife to keep her company, the city council turned him down and left him out. And this has to go on lor 15 days. SENDS OBITUARY TO N. Y. EDITORS New York. Dec. 19.-—Obituary editors cf New York # newspapers, groins through their daily grist of mail, found the following notice: "To my triends in New York. Chi cago and elsewhere, -greetings.} and glad tidings that I kicked the buck et December 1,7, 1928. "Causer tedium vitae, T got tired of life, | "My voluntary pa?' is in keecihg iwith my philcrophy and was plan* nert long ago . ' Free was my life and tre tv my death. "Pity nte net; t hate had my dream. "I am at peace with Cod. the I world and ur'self- - . "—Ccodbyr' ' George Pan baker." investigation by report" at the | East 121st .Street rooming house which Pancbr.itc: gave as Ills .ad dress. revealed the body hang-in,;', I from a steam pipe iin a shabbily I furnished room filled with books in j German. French, It■■..li.vn and Eng-, ! lish. Neighbors said he was the--son.. I of a German .'bmtgomctster;. a . j.world traveler end a trcr.dctor v.' | medical and philosophical writings He was 65 ye ars old. Rcsore Ciil Be one Home. Win ;ton-£ '.r.i The old !' -one , home in Davie, county has been; turned cv.t to the■ Hcohe Trail; Highway :u. ciat.on and a fc.r.vr Davie citir.cn will .at orice. bio. ■ in work of rcstorat; n of the home cn the Yadkin The site i- r. t tar from the new j.CHO brriyr ovci the Yadkin ncai Fork church.. When restored it is expert-;d that': it will prove attractive to many tourists passing that way. a large amount of shrmt.ry y ill fch moved to the old home and plant" a in th park which surrounds i. It was announced tliute penhous. r ' It was announced that open horn. ' will be held at the Old Boone home during the -holidays; December 27.; and 'simmon beer and ginger cake | will be dispensed to visitors. A big: fire will o« hospitably tanning that i day cn the old B-.vtu* hearth. S-:oi by Robbers • ■“Stick' up—>-i. >. >s ■■ was com:;,and sho.tiuvd at Patrol .(nan- 1 --a :i k '-Keefe .f guard who T.i.t ' c-.-a.-c.df cr, oI ( inkers, N V,, bank truck. The officer didn't respond im mediately and rcceiSr ; a buHc-t through his* race. The-raiders got au:ay \v it h '$104:000 :n cash . arid currency. TOLUCA ANT) NOB CREEK NEWS NOTTS Six Year O’d Child Kies..Simlents Home From S< hoo!. Many Sica With Flu. (Special to The Star) Toluca; Dec. 20.—The death an gel -visited at the home of. Mr. oni Mrs.. Joe Clarke last;"week' and . claimed their Utile six year old daughter. Pcarlie Male. She was buried last Friday n: Mia’s Group above Mcr-gantOU; Most every family in tins com munity has the flu. with vnw. children of Mr.. Cicero Falla have pneumonia. They have, t-vvo trained nurses to take cr.rc cf (hern 'Sarah Elisabeth. Carpenter who liar; been .sick with pneumonia is now improving. Rev, \7, G, Camp was unable .to fill his Sunday - .T''-’ tr.eiit at Carpenters Grove on last Sunday c.n account of flu. Among the college boys that are returning .hem;' for the Christmas holidays are Messrs. Fletcher S vn. Ralph Fa'ls. Glcriard War lick and Tlcpd Hallman. -. Mbs Edith Ledford". -.of. 'Shelby spent last' Saturday rffijht ;y. ;th’ her cousin M”;s Corcno Hoyie Mr. and Mrs. A’vin Dee! spent the week-end with then- parents Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Deal of Bd weed. Miss Minnie Mull returned home last week from Cfullov.-hea statu normal where she has finished a two years course there. Miss Lucy Yehon : of Lcc.vndalc visited Miss Minnie Mull cn last Sunday afternoon: Miss Etta Willis oi Yale,:tout for merly of Tcluci rnci 'lr. Sam Neal of near Lincolr.tcn. ro c - happily DWERS Cany Your Message I’LOWERS cany expressions of. io;ve and endearment in their gorgeous .beauty and sweet fra grance, holding sway over the realm of gift suggestions because hey reverent the most direct route to EE Ft heart. We have a variety of seasonable cut flowers, potted plants and corsages, reasonably priced. Shelby Flower Shop S. Washington. . Phone 580. married on hast Sunday. Rev. j, m Morgan -.performed the ceremony.' Air and Mrs. Roland Boyles have moved Mr,. Ed Ganipe is having an nd di'icn built to his house. Mr. L. M. VViudnis of Catawba county '■rent last Wedrtt day night at the hon'd of Mr and Mrs. S. A. Satin ’ Mr. and Mrs, M s. Boyles and A. C. C. stnei visited at the-hftme o' Mr r.r.d Mrs. Au> -n links of Fall :on last Sunday evening Miss Ora Sain of Morpnton •arm last S. nday with her par tits Mr. and Mrs. J. L Sain. Mr and Mrs.- Dennis Sain spent . • Sundry night with their sis ; r Mr./and Mrs. Wythe Costner c. JJoubie ct.ii .is, Mrs, S. A Sain visited at the. heme of Mr and Mrs. Frank Nor man last Sunday afternoon. Miss Edith Sain, Boone student is home for the Christmas holidays. Mr Flay Carpenter who Is at Charlotte hospjtal is improving : very fast now. He spent Saturday - night at his home but returned to ’ Charlotte for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Viekers of 1 Shelby spent last Saturday night with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J M. Carpenter. Mrs M. S. Boyles was in Shelby 1 shopping last Wednesday. Mr. Blah e Willis spent last Fri day night with Mr. Theodore Boyles; t ■ MFRBY CHRISTMAS Tuesday is the big. day, fust Old Maid: ‘Would a Ion j ?‘cdan;: held what you want fo * Christinas?” [• Second Old Maid: "No, bat a , ■ pair of sekdis- would " Yes. we have a bargain in a , need Her d: tor. a Touring and a. | -''oupc Get 'em quick. | Spc :fe:ng ci Christmas frees— j For her he pined, ht .balsam, fhe'n he cedar, and spruced tip She «> frem. Hollywood, and he .was- front Evergreen, We have • just; shade the follow - ire: people happy with a new Wide! A” Ford: R. L McMurn a Tudcr. \V. P, Brown, a Road ster, W- E Wells, a Tudor; Geo, I pried. Phaeton: Norris Wil son. Tudcr; ’.Pink Grips, Fordor. Nothing would be nicer for a Christinas present then a New Ford at your , deer on Christmas ■ morning. ■ ; , '. j ; “AIRSICK''—'is the latest, i Look out below . M vffl chcrwycny fee for anyone ask ing questions.'His fee is just. for. giving the answers. Dealt lorget to put alcohol in your car. truck dr tractor. We i -ell 183 proof alcohol and give free testing service,. Notice The License Office will be -t :n : closed Monday and Tuesday the ! 34th and 25th. Get your tag tj early arid avoid the rush. We have had your tag ready for •' you since Dec. 1st. Don't blame us if yon can't get waited on first. Get in line and sign your cards. ' To Model "A" Fora Owners: Give the wife or hubby a Car Heater, installed for only $5 00: a Duatrol for only $0.00: Pedal Pads for 50c; Trunk and Trunk Rack only $40.00. Walter Turner is stall anxious to sell you one of those genuine 13-Plate Rubber Cased Ford Batteries. Only $8.00 and your old battery. George Elam says to see him about Goodyear Tires if you want, mileage and satisfaction. For a good used Ford see B A. Lefler or Knox Hardin. If they haven't got what you want, tell me. We have some real bargains listed with us for sale. Dodges, Essex. Buicks. Chevroieis. Etc. We can get you a used car of most any make at a very reas onable price. You are invited to inspect our Parts and Service Departments. Come around and let Us show you what we have. Ask A. Blanton Grocery Co.. about their Ford Truck They have used trucks for many years and are good judges. . L. ESKRIDGE FORD PRODUCT! PHONE *Jil. Special Sale OF DOLLS At The Paragon Department Store PRICES CUT TO MOVE THEM OUT REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: $1.50.DOLLS. 98c $2.50 ...... DOLLS.$1.50 $3.50 .DOLLS ...... $2.48 $4.95. DOLLS. $3.48 Beginning tomorrow and all day Monday our Dolls will be greatly reduced. You’ll find here only the very best quality Unbreakable, Sleepy, Crying Dolls. As pretty as dolls are made. BED ROOM SLIPPERS ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE We have Bed Room Slippers for every member of the family from the tiniest tot to the grown-ups. An ever popular Gift and so very practical. 59c $1.00 $1.5° $1.95 T0 $3.95 MEN’S TIES IN CHRISTMAS BOXES 50c $1°° SI-50 $2°° MEN’S SILK SCARFS Packed in individual Christmas boxes. All silk or silk and wool. $1-00 $2.0° $2-50 $3°° Give Him A Bath Robe Most of our robes have slippers to match. Packed neatly in individual boxes. All sizes and all good colors. Blanket and Silk Robes. $4.85 $7.50 10 $14.50 PAJAMAS — GLOVES - SHIRTS SILK SOCKS — BELT SETS Any of the above items from The Paragon are sure to please. Your G’ft he pract'cal and yet very inexoensive if selected from our line of furnishings. Hand 1 Hen Han^!’erc^:efs FOn "EN — 50c — Nent’v Hand d nwn and a’l line". Yen’ll b**v '•ev^ral when you see them. The Paragon Dept. Store

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