r—==———— Copeland’s Health Talk Middle-Life Danger BY ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. (I'nltfed States Senator And Former Hesltb Commissioner of N».-v i’ork.) This is a beautiful morning. As I write, my train is on the way.j from Detroit to Dexter, where I was born. To me. Michigan is a j wonderful and a beautiful state. What remarkable changes have taken place since I first traveled this route! Most remarkable ot all ir the im proved public health and the lowered death rate The old cemeteries we pass tell the story of how the pioneers suffered. Malaria was more fatal then than scarlet fever is today. Now we rarely hear of a case of malaria, let alone a death from it. When my ancestors located in Michigan, every last member of the family shook with the ague. Fortunately, not all of them had the at tack on the same day. It was the "off day' for one ot two of them, when the rest were suffer L ing from chill, fever and sweat. The groups I alternated in personal service as they did in ‘ illness. DB. COPELAND 11 was thought then that a miasm, poisons air. was the cause of malaria. It was decades later that the mosquito ■was discovered to be the carrier of the disease. Typhoid fever raged. Diphtheria and smallpox were common afflic tions. Child birth was associated with a terrifying death rate for mother and baby. Go through these old cemeteries and read the inscriptions on the tombstones: You will be shocked to find how many young mothers and infant children gave their lives to the unsanitary and unscientific conditions of that early day. If the babies did not die the day of birth, a third of the survivors died within a year. Indeed, the average expectation of life was Mi ls A Prescription For Colds, Grippe, Flu,- Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria, ft is the most speedy remedy known j, r WHEN THE TIME ARRIVES that you need g&a and oil bear in mind the fact that this is headquarters for all that is best in that line, that here you get Sinclair gas and Opaline oil and that here without ex ception prices rule lower than those for similar gas and oi! anywhere else. Hap py New Yea* to you! Cleveland 03 Co. Distributors * ly forty years. There were centen arians, of course, but they were the notable exceptions. We have, every reason to thank God and take courage. We are bet ter off In a thousand ways than were those brave, old pioneters. But there Is much to learn from their lives. They had qualities and habits that are good for us to pos sess. They were not afraid of the out of-doors. They walked a lot. They exercised their muscles. They were in athletic trim all the time Our lives are too soft. We do not use our muscles, even those having to do with the chewing of food. The food itself is robbed of husk, covering and fibre. In con sequence, the muscles of the intes tinal walls have little to do. Con stipation results. We must not be too puffed up over the improvements of modern times. Great as they are, they have not made life any safer be tween the ages of thirty and sixty. In that period disease is just as fatal aa it was a hundred years ago. That is the time of life when strict attention should be given to the rules of personal hygiene and conduct. Fresh air, sunlight, mod erate exercise, plenty of sleep, simple food and temperate eating, cleanliness of the body, lots of wa ter to drink and a contented mind _these are important at all ages. but they are absolutely essential between thirty and sixty. Live a modified pioneer life during these years and old age will be a joy to you. You won’t be a de crepit, toothless, rheumatic cripple in advanced life, if you live as you should between youth and old age. Santa Claus Letters Doll And Bed Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a sleep doll and a doll bed and a carriage and lots of fruits and candy, your friend, Prances Davis, Shelby. Remember Us AIL Dear Santa:—Please remember us second grade children with a lots of nice gifts. We are all good and hope you will leave us heaps. Mary Lou Lail, Virgie Whi taker, James McSwain, Mil dred Connor, Pearl Whitaker. Shelby. A Doll Dear Santa:—I am a little girl in the second grade. I have been good. Please bring me a doll and don’t forget father and mother and don’t forget the rest of the children. Will close for this time, by by. Pearl Whitaker, Shelby. Cap Buster. Dear Santa:—I am a little boy. I am ten years old. I want you to bring me a cap buster, candy, ap ples and anything nice that youj have for me. Good bye. James McSwain, Shelby. Doll. Apples and Candy. Dear Santa:—I am a lltle girl in tb* lecond grade. I have been godd. idease bring me a doll and some apples and candy and don't forget father and mother. Good bye. Mildred Connor, Shelby R-8. j Big DoIL Dear Santa:—I am a little girl in j the second grade. I have been good. Please bring me a big doll and some apples and candy and nuts. Please j remember all the other girls and boys. Love. Mary Lou Lall, Shelby. Doll And Carriage. Dear Santa:—I am a little girl in the second grade. I have been good. Please bring me a big doll and some apples and some nuts and a big baby carrir^-e. Virgie Whitaker. Shelby. Tom Mix Suit. Dear Santa:—I want a bicycle I and fire crackers and fruits and nuts and don't forget my little sis ter. She wants a doll and doll bed. piano, tricycle and don't forget the ( Royal Visitor! Another Romanoff has come to America This time it is Her Royal Highness, the Grand Duchess Marie, a cousin of the late Czar She is shown above as she arrived aboard the liner Paris. poor little boys and girls who don’t have no father and mother. Your friend. Junior Queen, Shelby. And I wish you to bring me a Tom Mix suit. Doll And Tea Set. Dear Santa Claus:—We are two little girls, 8 and 6 years old. We want you to bring us a tea set. a I cooking sei., cancly, nuts, fruits; Nell wants a by-Io baby doll. Dorothy and Nell Cabaniss. Shelbv, R-5. Ring And Doll. Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to please bring me a ring and doll, j I am a little girl two years old and bring plenty of nuts and fruit. Yours truly. Year Hendrick, Shelby, R-8. Tricycle. Dear Santa:—I am a little girl 8 years old and am going to school. I want you to bring me a tricycle, fruits, nuts and candies for Christ mas. Don't forget any of the little boys and girls. Your little friend, Margaret Moore, Shelby. Pony And Kiddie Car Dear Santa Claus:—! am a lit tle boy five years old. Please bring me a kiddy cart and a pony, nuts, candy and plenty of fruit. Don't forget my mother and daddy. Your friend, John Hendrick, Shelby. Pink Hat. Dear Santa:—I am a little girl 4 years old. My father and mother are both dead and 1 hope you want forget me. I want a pink hat and a doll that crys and a little bed for it, a rocking chair for myself and lots of nuts, apples and candy. Mildred French, Shelby. Umbrella-Gloves. Dear Santa Claus:—I would like to have a baby doll, an umbrella and a pair of gloves, apples, oranges, nut'- and some candy. 1 DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted and Repaired. Located next to Haines Shoe Store. (Down Stairs) SHELBY, N. C. TELEPHONE 585 have a little sister that is two years old and would like to nave a baby doll and a red wagon lor Christ mas. Your friend, Bernice Brooks. South Shelby Doll And Carriage. Dear Santa:—Please bring me a big doll and carriage to roll her in ■and apples, nuts and oranges. Re member the good aiTls and boys and father and mother too. Good bye, Girthie Bowers, Shelby, Sleeping Doll. Dear Santa Claus:—Please bring me a doll that opens and shuts its eyes, a doll carriage, oranges, ap ples, a box of raisins and tanger ines. Betsy Hall Roberts, Shelby. Bed Room Slippers. Dear Santa Claus:—Will you please bring me a doll that will cry? and a pair of bed room slip pers, and don't forget my little sis ter, Nancy Jean. She wants a baby ddH and a picture book. Martha Frances Roberts, Kitchen Cabinet. Dear Santa:—Please bring me a doll, pair of gloves and a toy kitchen cabinet. Plenty of fruit and c.ui*-!v Remember ah my other little ti lends. Marie Mauney, She'bv R-6. Dutch Mill. Dear SantaPlease bring me a coaster wagon. Putcn mill and \ some candy, irult and mjts. Re- ; member daddy. mama and rav !■ brothers and sisters. Charles Mauney, Shelby R-5. A Watch, Dear Santa:—Please .bring me a watch, apples, orange, bannanas., and candy and den t forget moth er and daddy and my teacher, f Miss Elhott. With love. Truman Smith, Shelby R-6. KISS FOR C1NDEREM V is CHEAPER THIS YEAR Chicago —A kiss for Cinderella or anyone else., seeking her big Christmas moment beneath the mistletoe, will be within the reach of all this year, the mistletoe mer - ' chants announce. A bumper crop is available lroru the south, especially Alabama and Texas, the florists said, resulting in ' a price drop which in turn has been accompanied by an unusually heavy demand. ^^^____aBa_HMBHaHHHBE9HgeEKBEEaBBHiEr - NOTICE! To our customers that have purchased Clothing or other merchandise on our “Lay Away” System, it will be neces sary for you to call and get your pack age before, cr not later than Dec. 24th, after which time, geods w'll be placed back in stock and the paid on amount forfeited to Gilmers, Inc. LAY AWAV TOYS WILL NOT BE HELD LATER THAN DEC. 22 sr ! Let Boat Bakery do the Work for You. Strawberry, Caramel, Walnut, Cherry, Old Time Don’t Overlook Your CAKES FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER WE HAVE CAKES OF ALL KINDS AND FLAVORS: Cocoanut, Chocolate. Orange, Pineapole, trawberry, Caramel, Walnut, Cherry, Old Time Pound Cake, Old Time White Pourd Cake, and also Commercial Plain Cake, bo'h in white and yel’ow. We have all of the above flavors in 1 lb,, 21b„ and 4 lb. sizes, and the price is cheaper than you can bake at home not including the work of baking the cakes. , — BREAD — We have these cakes all ready for you now and will bake some cakes to order. We also have I he bread for your Christmas dinner, that fine texture Pul’man Butter Flake Bread, Fresh Rolls, all kinds and everything good to eat in the baked goods. Call and ree our line of cakes and bread. Bost Bakery PHONE 158. - SHELBY, N. C. LET THE STAR PUBLISHING TO QUOTE YOU “AT COST” PRICES ON YOUR JOB PRINTING - it was only a young man s car and her lineage was hon orable. it’ long... her speed ometer hail slopped work ing at 30.0(10.. .but how she ale up the miles from Newark, N. J., to Anderson, S. C. . . . and how she waltzed away from many a bigger and shinier ea ... and how confident and prom! her ow ner was when he said to the S. S. M.*. . .‘‘sure, fill her up with none but ‘Standard’ Gasoline and give her a shot of ‘Standard* Motor Oil . . . her digestion won't take kindly to any otuer lution” . . . „..we forgot to mention that ourbrigh young man and his honorable little cai were guided all along the way with a “Standard” road map and with direc tions furnished by the ‘‘Standard" Tour ing Service .... 26 Broadway ... and this service is yours, free, for the asking ■jr 5 If. stands f->r "~’inr,. Lansing Davis-Bisfoop Motor Co. i READ THE STAR. IT NOW CO 'S INTO 4.7C0 KO 'ES EVER'V OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS FOF A QUARTER BY CARRIER BOY.