Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost k WKat You Want W kin the WANT ADS’ j Kates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c pet Word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. FOR SALE - Dodge 4 Sedan. In good condi tion. Apply at Star Office. 5-tf if YOU ARE PLANNING TO outlet N't us make an estimate PL ns and sketclv's cheerfully sub mitted First class workmanship guaranteed. Lowman Brothers, con tractors Phone 727-J tf 18c FOR RENT—NICE FOUR ROOM apartment with bath in private horni' Close in Price $10 00 per month Phone 41 tf-29c pop SALE STOVE WOOL) ready for u c Phone 406 Morrison Transfer Co . tf h OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale Tit The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Ed! at the press room, tf-28x MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, anulizes 55 per cent protein Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall tf 7c HOWELL TRANSFER: WE haul anything anywhere, any time AH grades of sand for sale. Prompt service. Shelby, N. C. Day phone 718 Night 124-R, tf 23c » --- LON T FORGET THE STAR OF fiu- is the place to secure your job Printing. We are prepared to do ail Lintls and sizes of jobs. The price is the lowest and the quality and workman-h p is the best. And every job registers full count. WEDDING INVITATIONS AND •Anouncements, printed, engraved or relief graf Three different hinds Of printing, many styles of lettering Brides-to-be. your $e*—et will oe K»p' Place your order with us and -save money The Star Pnone No U FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 R C. A 'feud speaker; 1 Western Electric heater; l cole heater. Address "Me.” care Star. tf 30c FIRECRACKERS, ROMAN Candies, Pin Wheels, Caps ard Cap Pistols, and other fireworks. Get your supply early at Fair Ground Fi ling Fetation. Ht-l()p FOR RENT: 4-HORSE FARM, two miles west of Grover. Will rent to one 4-horse fanner or two 2 horse farmer. H. Q. Blanton. Shelby.- tf 10c * BETTER BUY Y O U R Fircwori s early, Drive out and t;o« the big variety, mad cr; tely priced at Fair Ground Service Station. 61-1 Op FOR SALE- Beauti ful ten room residence N;rlh LaFayette siVeet. Large lot. Two thousand cash, seven theus nd Build n« Loan in six years, bal kstce in three years. I* r o m p t possession, •crmerly occupied by he late Mrs. Patt’e fare. A. C. Miller, tf FOR RENT: 2 LARGE CON iecting rooms with bath on E. Mar co St Mrs. Gene Gamble. tf!2e ST!; AY EL WHITE HOUND , light ear black, left ear white and lack. Fiw black hairs on body, lotify Dr. C M. Peeler for reward. tf 14c FOR RENT: 4 ROOM APART lent, new house. Private bath and lit. Price reasonable.' Apply West giam and Clegg St. 3t 17p STRAY PIG AT MY HOME, finer call at Lee Dawkins, Judge ills' farm. 3t 17p FORD SEDAN—FOR SALE OR j ll exchange for mules. C. S.! King, Shelby. 3t-12c Oft SALE; FOUR ROOM j^anri hall, large Jot. 150 yards highway No. 18 on Shelby* road, fronts G'oige trling. Bargain for quick sale C. Richardson, owner. U .tic : GET YOUR FIREWORKS early. Big variety at Fair Ground Service Station, J. R. Champion. (it-lOp BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. tf-12c FOR RENT: ONE HALF STORE room. Apply at Star office. 8t 12p FOR SALE: 1 OLD TIME COR ner cupboard refinished walnut. Good condition. See me at once if interested. Hudson M. Hamrick, 709 N. Washington St. tf 17c CHRISTMAS GIFTS CF REAL value at reasonable prices come to Grover and see what we have. Rainbow Novelty Mills. 3t 17c REWARD FOR INFORMATION as to party who shot my bulldog on vacant Green property in Shelby. B. D. Hulick. 2t 19p WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 1929 The busines world offers many opportunities to young folks with business training. Let us train and place you in an office position Mid-winter term starts, January 2. Write for free information. Gas tonia Business College, Gastonia N C. 2t 17p FOR SALE: 4 NICE BUSINESS lots on paved Street. Terms to suit. For a bargain see J. M Black. 3tl9p, FOR SALE NICE BOX WOODS J. P Hambright on Shelby-Grover read, one mile from Grover. 3t 19p AUCTION SALE ON DECEM ber 28 at 10:30 o'clock: mule, horse, wagon and other farm implements on A. M. Hamrick place. Yates Morgan. 3t 19p FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 313 N. Morgan Street, Phone 480 tf 19c FOR SALE: 2 BOWLING AL leys and lunch stand in Hickory, ' N. C. $1,000 cash buys both. Write or see Lane Hammack, Hickory. N. C. 3t 19p STRAYED: SETTER BIRD DOG white with lemon spots, fteward. Notify Paul Webb, jr. 2t 19c MR. FARMER I HAVE SEVER al good farms in Lincoln County at a reasonable price and terras. See or write J. Robt. McNeely, LAncoln ton, N. C. 2t 21c FOR RENT: 6 ROOM HOUSE in South Shelby, modern conven iences, J. I. Stacy, R-5, Shelby. 3t 2lp “THE VOICE AS IT IS"—That is just what Atwater Kent radio brings you—why not give one for the family Christmas gift. Shelby Hardware Co. tf 21c DO YOU WANT A POSITION? W'e train and place young people in office positions. Mid-winter term ! starts January 2nd. Write for free information. Gastonia Business College, Gastonia, N. C. ; m star wiivr ids. i ■ —_ - - ... „ II ■ ..-. ^ | No one knows how to see ! that the funeral ceremony is conducted in a fitting' and appropriate manner quite so well as does an earnest, trained, experienced and conscientious funeral direc tor. The expense is entirely within your own control in accordance with your wish- » | es when yoti confide the funeral arrangments to THE STAMEY COMPANY Faliston, N. C. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Ambulance Service Day Phone No! 4 Night Phone No G v 4 “GUS AND GUSSIE”- Gus Has a “Sound Opinion.” To THE 6US /AMD CUSS IE Quartet, standing on ~THE EiRST Stage or THEIR LIRE AT The PtAVHAM Theatre , awaiting the CALL.—/ 8E A FOREST FtRe — ON WITH THE SHOW THEy CANT CALL ME SOON ENOUGH ^ I’M KEVED UP TO SING My bluest and let loose some wicked TOPNOTESs AAV PIPES' ARE TUNED LIKE A B-PLAT SAX AND I'M k Tinglin' with Jazz, -a t ~Tp*— --—— sy SIR.— i'm ooim' to put *t om for. 'EM WHEN I THAR. OFP AAT DlTTV eoy— z'm going to sing "TP-U Another Three-Sided Affair. r r I WELL, TROUPE, THE FILLUM IS DftAwiN' -to a close = The WIFE HAS COME HOME , REPENTANT, AN he’s TELLiN' The BLONDE VAMP WHERE SHE GETS OUT A"! SO -THE 8l<& HUG UNDER THE SMILIN' MOON WONT BE LONG NOW* SAV, ThEM BOZOS IM THAT P\T CARE LITTLE ABOUT SUCH “TRIFLES *~ftEy'LL PLAV You om with THEY REMEMBER FIRST AH' FAKE ' That won't do* I DANCE lt-4 SPLIT-BEAT TIME AMD THE PIANIST must POL LOW ME OP- IT WILL- BE V TERRIBLE / ^OT IhlAT PiANtST^. ' he followed The last hooferine And her HUS WA'TIM' for her. outside, an'»t M/AS Terribue -H~ fr LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS BY CHILDREN IN THE BIG FAMILY OF STAR READERS JJ Wagon And Candy. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 5 years old and I want you to bring me a wagon and candy nuts and apples. James neigh, Kings Mt, R-2. Sleepy Doll. Dear Santa Claus: I want a sleepy baby doll, a lit tle stove and candy, nuts and ap ples. Iren Leigh, Kings Mt,, R-2. Doll And Piano. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl three years old. I want you to bring me a baby doll, a carriage and a piano. Please bring me lots of candy, fruits and nuts also. Your little friend, Kathryn Gamble. Tricycle. Dear Santa Claus: I want a tricycle, doll buggy, doll bed, fruits nuts and some candy. Your little friend, Ray Francis, Shelby. Airplane. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a car, a ball and an air plane. I suppose this will be all this time. I want some candies, oranges, fruits - and nuts. Your little friend Charles Bess. Shelby, Box 474. Cow Boy Suit. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 7 years old and I want a cow boy suit and 1 want a pair of boots, a horn and a side walk bike. H. T. Bess, jr., Shelby, Box 474 Nev. Doll. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl live years old I want you to bring me a pretty new doll and a carriage to roll her in, and a little piano. Please bring me lots of candy, fruits and nuts too. Don't forget to bring all the other little girls and boys some i thing. Your little friend, Nell Frances Gamble. Peter Babbit Book. Dear Santa Claus: I am just a little girl but I guess I want as. much as a big girl. I want a doll and a bed for it too. I want a story book about Peter Rab bit. Peggy Putnam. ■--—• Pair Of Boots. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years old and I am in the fourtn grade at j school. I want a rair ol boots, a ' little ironing board and a ring.! This is all I want this time Don’t forget grandma, mother and daddy. Don't forget the other children. Bring us all some candy, fruits and nuts. Your friend. Frances Bess, Shelby, Box 474. Raincoat And Slippers, Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl p years old. Please bring me a raincoat, size 10 and a pair- of gloves and a pair of bed room slippers and a baby doll if you have one to spare. Also some tangerines and nuts. Bring something to brother and all the other girls and boys. Very truly yours, Rosemary Eskridge, Shelby, R-6. Stockings. Dear Santa Claus: I am a girl twelve years old and my teacher is Miss Vertie Champ ion. I want you to bring me a pair of stockings and a box of station ery. Please do not forget the little children that have no father or mother. With love. Mattie Sue Elliott, Lawndale, R-l Doll And Piano. Dear Santa Claus: 1 want you to bring me a doll, a piano, bed room slippers and a lit tle dog. and also fruits and nuts. Don't forget my little sister, Betty Gean. She wants a doll, a doll bed, and don’t forget the little girls and boys who have no mother or father. Your little friend, Mildred Walker. Fire Truck. Dear Santa Claus: I will write you my annual letter to tell you what I want for Christ mas. I am not sure myself, but I guess what I want will be enough. I would like for you to leave me a fire truck. Your friend, John Putnam. Story Book. Dear Santa Claus: I am seven years old and in the second grade. I want a doll and doll carriage and a new pair of shoes. Please bring me any other things that you think is right for me. If you have any extra story books leave me one. Your little friend, ’ Elise Putnam, Shelby. Tea Set And Doll. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years old, go to scnool at Belwood and am in the fourth grade. I want you to bring me a tea set, a pair of bed room slippers, a doll and doll car riage. Good night Old Santa. Coleen Mull, R-4, Lawndale Overshoes. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pair of over shoes, wrist watch, cap, beads, ring No. 6. candy, fruits and nuts. Don’t forget my sisters and broth ers and papa and mama. Bring them something nice. Your friend, Mae Bridges, Gaffney, S. C, Teddie Bear. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a title girl three years old, but, will soon be four. As Christ mas is not far off thought I would write you now. Santa please bring me a teddie bear and a doll, some candy and apples. Don’t forget the poor children who can not buy their Christmas. A friend. Francis Bridges, Shelby, R-5. Raincoat. Dear Santa Claus: I'm a little boy six years old go ing to school. I have to walk to school so I wish you would bring me a raincoat and a wagon. If yoii have any candy, apples nuts and oranges, you can bring me some. Your friend. Harrill Bridges, Shelby, R-5. Watch. Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy nine years old and I go to school at Polkville.. My teach er is Miss Powell. She is a good one. Santa please bring me a watch. I’ll be waiting tor you Christmas night, A friend, T. G. Bridges, Shelby, R-5. Boll Bed. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll bed, a big doll and all kind of fruit. Your friend. Gladys, Mintz, Gaffney, R-2. Doll And Tea Set. Dear Santa Claus: I am in the filth grade and I want a doll and tea set and banjo uke. Please try and bring me these things. Sincerely, Anna Lutz, Shelby. Doll And Tea Set. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll, a tea set, a little table and chairs, a little doil ward robe trunk and of course some nuts, fruits and candy. Lots of love. Mary Grace Lutz. Shelby. Sewing Box And Doll. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am writing you asking you to bring sister and myself a sewing box and small baby doil each. My little brother wants a veloclpeci; and a wagon, some nuts, candy, op pies, oranges and bananas. Don't! forget papa and mama and the lit- ; tie orphan children. With love, Edna and Myrtle Lee Reynolds, Kings Mt„ R-2. 1‘kulele And Sandy Andy. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a ukulele out fit and a sandy andy. My little brother wants a dump truck. I have a new sister, bring her a little doll j and rattler. Sister Miriam, two years old, wants a nice baby doll, i Bring my larger brothers and dadd ; and mama also grandma some thing. Bring us all fruits, candy and don't forget any one. Your little friend, William Lipscomb;. Boiling Springs. Big Boll Bed. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a big doll bed, wrist watch, ring, drawing book, picture book, candies, fruits, and nuts. Don't forget my little brother and sister and papa and mama. Bring them something nice, papa would like a radio, so he can tune in up at his Uncle Zacks store so when he can't live there he can keep up with all the news. Your little friend, Hashell Blanton, Gaffney, S. G. •t YiUW£»V lVi-ton (T-30) . $1395 2 -ton (T-42) . $1685 3 -ton (T-60) . $2800 4 -ton (T-80) . $3160 Price* are chassis only, equipped with pneumatic tires, F. O. B. Pontiac* Mich. §B8ft f AN increased range-—4 -i *- models* including in W/creased capacities for heavier y duty. More power and speed than will ever be used or needed. Extra-powerful t-wheel brakes. 20 real advancements in general design and construction. This is a development that will write its story on the credit side of your ledger. Expect a lot; you'll find a lot more than you expect. We mean that. General Motors Trucks new BUICK peu/aed Now, more than ever, a COMPLETE line'—wi'.h PONTIAC powered light duty equipment and the ltlG BUI TE for heaviest duty. D. H. CLINE, Dealer W. WARREN ST. SHELBY, N. C. TELEPHONE 678 AJRUCK FOR EVE (|Y PURSE 4^10 PURPOSE