.— Something To Think About Little Here, And There By Bruno Lessing “Do you believe,-’ asks a corre spondent, “that there can be such a thing as a perfectly happy mar ried life extending over twenty years?” No, madam, there can be no such thing. Why did you drag in the word "perfectly?” II you had left that word out, the answer would have been “yes.” Many mar ried couples have been happy for more than twice twenty years. In spite of all the divorce statistics and the incessant gallivanting of husbands and wives—either openly or secretly-—-this writer is firmly convinced that the majority of married people are happy. But there are varying degrees in happiness, just as there are in most other things, from thermom eters to stock quotations. In per fection, however, there are no de grees. It would be difficult to point u:: what condition in life V capable of being developed t.o perfection. Life itself is imperfect. It is slave to tifhe and tempest Perfect health, perfect indepcncier.ee art) perfect happiness are merely phrases. The very fact that, some day, the Reaper separates hus band from wife, must always be a slight blur to mar the perfection of their maPMed life. But why bother about perfection? Why not be content \vhh the mi:.~ of the gods as they come along? Above all, the gift of love. If hus band and wife love each other steadily, for twenty years—and it often happens—they can afford to ignore perfection. Mus.-ohm says that, the Italian press is free.. The freest xri dhe world: in fact.. oili er th my:-, that -.if) r pi-.mhted in other comerics ’lb: tTti*» is poor eohsolatun td tn and which eome prop;-••row ,'vcfr * nr: exist, is • nig i o be popphe: ih .RaieK'h thm v trier. • / V. • i-o. In •! . ft 1 place them • ;« iniber of HbfHib'ieim-x.'jtt the h. iiy than usual. t'nk with covetous eyes upon all that money which is rolling into the coffers of the state highway commission—the gas and oil tax. There will be a strong eifort to di vert it to the counties or to the state treasury to go into the school.! equalization fund. Then the demand for nuisance taxes is going to have a big run this year. This form of taxation is based upon the theory that such objects of taxation arc luxuries and should therefore be taxed. They are aimed at the retail prices of cigarets. cigars, movie' tickets, face powders and such like. They are nuisances pure and simple and it is to be hoped tint they will never be adopted in North Caro lina. Yes, it is going to be a merry time. BEAUTY SEEKS BALM FOR t ALLS TO OLD LADIES Milwaukee, Wis.—Because her j beauty shop was given the same1 telephone number as an old ladies’ home. Miss Marie Livingstone filed suit tor $10,000 damages against the Wisconsin Teleplione company. Miss Livingstone in her complaint said that as a result of the dupli cation of numbers in the telephone book her shop was receiving calls asking about the condition of Mrs. So and So, or inquiring whether her crutches arrived safely. The j old ladies’ home, it is claimed, has had many a request for appoint- j ments. for permanent waves, mas- . sages and manicures. ! i LET ME j QUOTE YOU ) ( ! PRICES ON > i | BURGLARY | i HOLD-UP | | AND [ ROBBERY > jj INSURANCE. | | j CHAS. A. HOEY j N. LaFavette St. ! : ( j Phone 658. j fry Star Job Printing BIG FURNITURE AUCTION SALE SHELBY FURNITURE COMPANY FRIDAY—SATURDAY—MONDAY December 21, 22, And 24th At 7 P.M. sma * BEGINNING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2IST AT 7 O’CLOCK, AND CONTINUING THROUGH SATURDAY AND MONDAY. WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, ANY ARTICLE IN OUR EN TIRE STOCK. NICE CHAIRS ARRANG ED TO ACCOMMODATE OUR PROS ... . - 1 PECTIVE BUYERS. DURING EACH AND EVERY SALE VALUABLE PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTF.I .Y j FREE. COME EARLY AND GET A NICE SEAT. STORE ALWAYS WELL HEAT \W feel fortunate in having secure d the services of Colonel Graham, of Charlotte. N. (\, who will eondu et these sales. He is both an able auctioneer and a thorough furniture man. WE WILL OFFER AT THESE SALES:- I LIVING ROOM, BED ROOM, SUN PAR- 1 LOR SUITES, AND ODD PIECES OF THE | LATEST DESIGNS AND FINISHES: | RANGES, COOK STOVES, ELECTRIC j FLOOR LAMPS, KITCHEN CABINETS, 1 MIRRORS, TAPESTRIES. RUGS. AND j ART SQUARES, BLANKETS AND BED | SPREADS. 1 IN FACT EVERY ITEM IN OUR ENTIRE J STOCK. TREE PRIZES DAILY SHELBY N.C. SALES WILL BE HELD RAIN OR