V A " ? ---— PAGE SEVEN Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost WHat YonWant > In tLiw States For Want Advertisements In This Column ' Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion This size type 3c per word each insertion. murr Ads that amount to less than 25c, win be charged 25c for first insertion. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO fulld let us make an estimate ions and sketches cheerfully sub mitted First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors Phone 727-J tf 18c FOR RENT—NICE FOUR ROOM apartment with bath in private home Close in. Price $40 00 per ) month Phene 41. tf*29c FOR SALE STOVE WOOL) ready for use Phone 40G Morrison Transfer Co tf 8: OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR j sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-28x MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, unahzes 55 per cent protein Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c ^ HOWELL TRANSFER: WE haul anythmg anywhere, any time. I All grades oi sand for wale. Prompt i service. Shelby. N. C. Day phone 718 Night 124-R. tf 23c DON'T FORGET THE ST IR OF-j lice is the place lo secure your job j Printing. We are prpnared to do all ' kinds and sires of jobs. The price , is the lowest and the quality and I workmanship is the best. And every ! job registers full 'count, tI > i WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, printed, engraved or reliefgraf. Three different kinds of printing, many styles of lettering Brides-to-be, your secret will oc kept Place your order with us and save Bioney. The Star Phone No 11 ' '■ A * FOR SALE CHEAP: I R C. A. loud speaker; 1 Western Electric hedter; I cole heater. Address “Me." care Star. tf 30c FIRECRACKERS, ROMAN, ,, Candles, Pin Wheels, Caps and Cap Pistols, and other fireworks. Get your supply early at Fair Ground Fi.bng Station. 6t-10p i__-S___ ! FOR RENT: 4-HORSF FARM, two miles west of Grover. Will rent to one 4-horse farmer or two 2 horse farmer. H. Q. Blanton. Shelby. tf 10c BETTER BUY Y O U R F reworks early. Drive out "and sec the big variety, mod Dcrately priced at Fair Ground '•'■Service Station. 6t-10p FOR SALE-Beauti ful ten room residence cn Nsrth LaFayette street. Large lot. Two thousand cash, seven, thcusrnd Bu'ld ng &; Loan in six years, bal ance in three years.! Prompt possession. I Formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Patt’e j tWare. A. C. Miller, tf FOR RENT: 2 LARGE CON nectlng rooms with bath on E. Mar ion St. Mrs. Gene Gamble. tf 12c STRAYEL WHITE HOUND Right ear black, left ear white and black. Few black hairs on body. Notify Dr. C. M. Peeler for reward. tf He FORD SEDAN—FOR SALE OR will exchange for mules. C. S. Toting, Shelby. 3t-12c FOR SALE: FOUR ROOM house and hall, large Jot, 150 yards off highway No. 18 on Shelby Fallstoij road. fronts George Sperling. Bargain for quick sale C. C. Richardson, owner. tf 21c ‘'LOST BIG BLACK MARE mule, weighing about 1250 pounds. Reward. Notify A. H. Rhyne, Gas tonia. 2t 21p i DO YOU WANT A POSITION? We train and place young people in 'office positions. Mid-winter term starts January 2nd. Write for free information Gastonia Business NSollege, Gastonia, N. C. FOR SALE: 4 NICE BUSINESS lets on paved street. Terms to suit, for a bargain see J. M. Black. 3tl9p (JET YOUR FIREWORKS early. Bijy variety at Fair Ground Service Station, J. R. Champion. 6t-10p BUILDING LOTS—GOOD LO | cation. C. S. Young. tr-12c j FOR RENT: ONE HALF STORE room. Apply at Star office. 8t 12p FOR SALE NICE BOX WOODS. J. P. Hnmbright on Shelby-Grover road, one mile from Grover. 3t 19p AUCTION SALE ON DECEM bcr 28 at 10:30 o'clock: mule, horse, wagon and other farm implements ; on A. M. Hamrick place. Yates j Morgan. 3t I9p FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE j unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 313 N. Morgan Street, Phone 480. tf 19c FOR SALE: 2 BOWLING AL ieys and lunch stand in Hickory, N. C. $1,000 cash buys both. Write or see Lane Hammack, Hickory, N. C. 3t 19p MR. FARMER I HAVE SEVER al good farms in Lincoln County at a reasonable price and terms. See or write J. Robt. McNeely, Lincoln ton. N. C. 2t 21c FOR RENT! 6 ROOM HOUSE in South Shelby, modern conven iences. J. I Stacy, R-5, Shelby. 3t 21p "THE VOICE AS IT IS —That is just what Atwater Kent radio brings you—why not give one for the family Christmas gift, Shelby Hardware Co. tf 21c LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN: Red Irish setter from Mills Cline’s. Return to Cleveland Oil Co., re ceive reward. tf 24c FOR SALE: HALF KARAT diamond, ladies ring setting, ap praised value by T. W. Hamrick is $150. Will sell for $125 to quick buyer. Answer Diamond Ring, care Star, 2t 24p COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE, $15 and $20. B H. Pound, Carrs Sta tion. Ga. 3t 24p -,—,—i—m . WANTED MIDDLE AGE DE pcndable colored man for night duty at the hospital. Apply to Miss MeNichols. tf 24c FOR RENT TWO ROOMS AND large hall, steam heated. At Weathers apartment, |f 24c The Night Before “Flu” Christmas < Bv E. C. Durham.) Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town The "flu'’ was just raging and folks with a frown, And a sniff and a sneeze, and an aching old spine, * were Just hurting a sight and al most a-cryin’: For ‘twas bad to be sick, as every one said, But worse since 'twas Christmas and folks in the bed. And the guns just a-shooting and well folks so gay, All a-working and fixing for a glad Christmas day. But the folks with the “flu" were surely not merry— Each cheek like a rose, and each nose like a cheery: Twas "scat” and "kerchew” and "kerchew” and then "scat,” And no one felt better for any of that; And the germs were just flying wherever they pleased. Each time that one carelessly , coughed hard or sneezed. Till we thought to pure goodness that all folks would take it, And Christmas would be just what "flu” could make it. Out there on each lawn arose a great clatter. But folks were too sick to see what | was the matter— St. Nick with his reindeer, or the boys of the town— No^matter, no escape from the “flu” and the frown: Twas indeed a bad Christmas to the folks in the bed, At least they all thought so and that's what they said, And I’m sure the next Christinas these people are well All about* the "flu” Christmas they will laughingly tell. FRY SI III & “GUS AND GUSSIE”- Dark and Dumb ‘SrAtifr By! IT CAW'T BE LOM© A^OW — FOR THE FILM WHICH IS OKI AHEAD OP THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE GUS AND Qussie QUARTET 13 FLICKERING in ITS LAST REEL AND REELING ON ITS LAST FEET Atf'Z SAy ‘sure* BEAUTIFUL. But oum3-~. ALL RtQMT. X TMTART.. I TUAV TO you, AAA 1 TtoUR. . Type 2 " il jjjijj iS i £asi improve om twatgus » Vou ADO *1 LIKE 'EM BEAUTIFUL ©UT DUMB_ BEAUTIFUL SO I’LL FALL FOR. THEM AMD DUMB SO ”THE'/'LL / TwATS FALL FOR ME " —"A ©REAT gollv, y I CAW IMPROVE \ J on THTILL \ PURTHER_ QuTM ATHKTH ME iHEW " WHAT COULO BE DUMBER. THAW A 'DUMB BLOMDE*" AWD I AMTHWER, “A "THMAR.T S*_BRUNETTE!" They’ll Need a Holiday Then IF WE PUT This quartet over., i'll declare IT A LEGAL. HOLIDAY BLESSINGS rr suoulo APPEAL lb ALL y Vou can ' COllMT ME JM I'LL TELL thew^',0. LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS BY CHILDREN IN THE BIG FAMIL Y OF STAR READERS Fountain Pen. Dear Santa Claus: I want lots of fruits, nuts and candles. I want a Watermans Ideal fountain pen and a pair of over shoes. Now Dear Santa Claus don’t forget my precious little sister, Ruby and I shall always love you. Jack Pendleton, Lawndale. ~ isL . _ Wrist Watch—Fountain Pen. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old. I want you to bring me a wrist watch, fountain pen, and lots of nuts, fruits, and candy. Please re member my teacher and all the other girls and boys. Your little friend, Donnis Crowder. Lattimore. Drum—Football. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a little drum and a football and some candy, nuts and oranges. I am a little boy six years old. Best wishes To All. O. T. Carpenter jr.. Lawndale. Story Book And Doll. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years old. Will you pleas bring me a little doll and a doll carriage and a story book. I would like to have I lots of other things but I want you lake the little orphan girls and, boys ! some toys. Best wishes to all. Elizabeth Carpenter, Lawndale. ‘ Kiddle Kar. I am a little boy three years old I and I want you to bring a big ball I and a Kiddie Kar. Please bring! me some candy, nuts, apples and | oranges also. Please remember the} little orphan children. Your little friend, Joe Grayson. Shelbv. Ella Mill. Gloves And l)ol|. Dear Santa Claus I want you to bring me a doll and a pair oi gloves, nuts, candy, all kinds of fruits too. I want you to bring my sister a doll and a pair of gloves too, I will close for this tune. Goodbye, Goodbye,. Merry Christmas, Josie Bowman, Shelby, Electric Train. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a dump truck, a two wheel bicycle, electric train, a scooter, seme oranges anc. nuts If you can’t bring all please bring me some of them. From a little boy who loves Santa Claus. Max Gardn'”-, jr., Shelby. A Fnotba*^ Dear Santa Claus; j I am a little boy 8 years old. I I want you to bring me a football and some oranges, niggertoes, all kinds of fruits and some English ! walnuts. Little sister wants you to bring hex' a littihTstovc and all kinds of fruits and dome candy. w Clyde KlcSwain, jr. 6# *-— Trleyelo—Wa^on. Dear Santa, Claus: ■ I want you to bring me a tri cycle. a little wagon and an air rifle. I do not go to school. Bring me candy, apples, oranges, and every thing nice. Dear Santa..do not for get mama and daddy. My little sis ter’s name is Dazie. She is smaller than I am. Bring her a doll baby and a doll bed. Wish you good luck. Tour friend, Fail Origg, Shelby, R-l. Doll Bed! I am a little girl four years old. Santa please bring me for Christ mas a doll bed, a little piano and some candy, apples and some nuts. Please don't forget the other little boys and girls. Betty Jean Runyan, Earl. Air Klfle And Candy. Dear Santa Claus: Santa please bring for Christ mas an air rifla, candy, apples, seme nuts and please don’t forget any of the little boys and girls. Your good buddy, Joe Franklin Runyan, Doll Carriage, Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl, nine years old I go to school and am in the sec ond grade. My teacher’s name is Miss Mary Sue Hunt. She sure is a good teacher. Santa please bring for Christmas a doll carriage, pair of gloves, candy, apples and some nuts. Please don't forget any of the little boys and girls. Grace Runyan, Earl. Football, Wagon And Teddic Bear. 1 am a little boy four years old I want yo u to bring me a foot ball, wagon and Teddie tear, fruits, nuts and candy. Please remember my grandmother on Shelby R-2. I will be at her home Christmas. Your little friend, Ralph Sheppard, Shelby, R-l. Erector Set. Please bring me an erector set, a cowboy- suit, and some games. I worrld like to have seme fruits, nuts and candy. Remember all the little poor children. Your little friend, v Brice Morgan. Shelby. Desk, Gloves And Paint Set. Dear Fan*?* Ctare: I am a little girl ten years old ' I go to school. My teacher is Miss Agnes. I live in Greenville, S. C., at 804 Hampton avenue but I will be on Shelby R-l. I want a desk, a pair of gloves and a paint set, nuts, fruits and candies. Please remem ber the little orphan children. Your little friend, ’ Lucile Sheppard, Shelby, R-l. Fountain Pen Dear Santa Claus: I would like to have a fountain pen. Be sure to visit the orphans and poor children, I would rather have less so they might have some-1 thing. Ruby Morgan, Shelby, j Tinker Toys. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me some Tinker toys, a cowboy suit, and some games Also bring me some candy, fruits, and nuts. Your friend, George William Morgan. Shelb}'. Watch—Air Rifle. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy ten years old in the third grade. My name is Gas ton. Please bring me a watch and . an air rifle Christmas, fruits and | everything nice and my sisters., brother, tj> ther and father, all the j little boys and girls. Visit- them all and treat them nice so they will | not be sad. Remember my teacher whose name is Miss Faye Ross. Rer home is at Fallston. They will be pleased to walje and see that you have visited them. Row happy they will be. A friend of yours, Gastdn Grigg, Shejbv, R-l. Carriage—DolL Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl three years old and I want you to bring me a baby doll, a wrist watch and a baby doll carriage, lots of nuts, candy and oranges. Your friend, Mildred Weseon, Shelby, R-2 Watch—Ball. I am a little boy 6 years old. I want you to bring me a watch and a ball, candy, oranges, outs and any thing else you have to spare but be sure to remember all the other little boys and girls, and my mother and daddy. Your friend, Hal Wesson, Shelby, R.-2. Watch And Knife With Chain. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 7 years old. I try to be a good boy and help moth er and daddy. I go to school and study hard so I want you to be sure and come to see me this year, and bring me a real watch, and a knife with a chain and lots of candy, fruit and nuts. Santa please remember my grandmother that iives with us and also grand father and Grandmother Wesson, and my baby sister, Vivian. Please please don’t forget her. Bring her something nice. Joe Dene Wesson, Shelby, R-2. Steam Engine. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me two hun SANITARY MEAT MARKET WISHES ALL CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND V HAPPY NEW YEAR W. E. CROWDER, Prop. dred fire crackers two inches long. And I want you to bring an electric steam engine like this one in the picture. Your friend, James Greene, Shelby. Stone Doll. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old and and I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. Please bring me a little rocking; chair and a little cook stove, and a doll baby that will close its eyes. That is all thank ing you. Vertie Hicks, Vale, R.3. A local boy was offering some rather uncomplimentary remarks about an acquaintance. Finally he wound up with the remarks: "Why, he’s so dumb that he thinks • nightmare is a milkman’s horse. Let Bost Bakery do the Work for You. Strawberry, Caramel, Walnut, Cherry, Old Time Don’t Overlook Your CAKES FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER WE HAVE CAKES OF ALE KINDS AND FLAVORS: CocoanuL Chocolate, Orange, Pineapple^ trawberrv, Caramel, Walnut, Cherry, Old Time Pound Cake, Old Time White Pound Cake, and also Commercial Plain Cake, bo^h in white and yellow. We have a1! of the above flavors in 1 lb., 21b., and 1 lb. sizes, and the price is cheaper than you can bake at home not including the work of baking the cakes. — BREAD — We have these cakes all ready for you now and will bake some cakes to order. We also have the bread for your Christmas dinner, that f ne texture Pul'man Butter Flake Bread, Fresh Rolls, rll kinds and everything Rood to eat in the baked goods. Call and fve our line of cakes and bread. Bost Bakery PHONE 158. - SHELBY, N.C.

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