VOL. XXXV, No. l THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. 0. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2, 1929. Published Monday. Wednesday, and Friday Allernoi#* «y mau.perj Carrier, per 3 llA TE NEWS The Markets. **on pj,. j,n>_„ 67'jC j 'otton, per lb.19c Fair And Colder. L today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Thursday. Colder tonight with slowly rising temperature Thursday. .fl- Vanderburg Defense.. In fense attorneys-for Jacob Van :30 if*. 1"-j car-old Gaston farm lly »eld in jail charged with Itill ■vc members of his family and ing the home to hide his crime, ast night in Gastonia to plan defense. Attorneys hinted that -•y might come into possession of formation which would clear up mr of the mystery about the •rrlble crime. The report of the Toner's jury *-n be made Satur pie JURIST PRAISES MEMBERS Ifce Kennedy Sworn In. Law ’ yers Present Watch To | Judge Mull. I Cleveland county's new recorder, Or ace Kennedy, and one of the fcingest judges in North Carolina as sworn into office here yester ay morning alter wrneh he heard first case ar.d disposed of the Year's docket he swearing in of the new ge came as a Climax to quite a emony put on by the Cleveland mty Bar association honoring retiring Judge. John P. Mull, also the new judge. Given A Watch, token of their appreciation for service on the bench of the bar iation presented the retiring with a handsome white gold and case, the presentation made by Governor-elect O. ier, head of the bar as Tried 5,470 Casts, his four years and one1 a. office Judge Mull dispos ed cases, the Information hi his short talk of ap I for the gift tendered fof his admiration for Of the Cleveland county 1 . ..... ■Tying a.* *v -■cases m mis Bnc* the last Siionth of 1924, pjet to find what I would i dirty deal by a lawyer and truthfully say that no crook il tactics have been practiced me, tve listened to all types of tries, and many of each type, hinfcM r go out of office and B the practice of law that all lad tales I nave heard aid me greatly In presenting it eases before the court.” » Kennedy was swom in at erlod by A. M. Hamrick, if superior court, following |the new jurist made a few ■ in which he resolved at fanning Of a New Year and Into do his best*to hold up Lndard set in this court by r p. Cleveland Gardner, charge of the program, worn *.i before the com t Monday. Practically mfcei' of the Shelby bar pM fa; the prrsentation of [to the retiring judge and Uking of the oath of of Ldge Kennedy. Damages For Hand In Last March In Mill Loom. been filed in the su here wherein A. W. nt of eastern Shelby, i Burlington Cotton mills amages for an injured to the complaint, I filed by Attorney W. the hand was tom of the Burlington ch 29, 1928. ourg, manager of the eparing to move this newly selected loca te the present le announcement is made shortly of the |present A & P head Richbourg received at the Shelby store le top of the list in 1 division in Christ ONLY 1 PEOPLE • PUT INCOME TAX IN THIS COUNTY County Has One Income Tax Pay er For Every 195 Inhabitants. Ranks Low. Only 200 citizens of Cleveland county pay an income tax, this be ing an average of one income tax payer for every 195 inhabitants, ac cording to figures compiled by the University News Letter. With this average Cleveland coun ty ranks below the average county in North Carolina, the state aver age being one income taxpayer for every 82.2 inhabitants. Of the • five adjoining counties Gaston has the largest number of income taxpayers with 850, or one for every' 77 people; Catawba has 422. or one for every 94 people; Burke has 160, or one for every 157 inhabitants; Lincoln has MW, or one for every 185 people, while Ruther ford has 180 income taxpayers, or one fcr every 191 people. Mecklenburg -Leads. Mecklenburg county had the larg est number of individ'.r’s filing fed eral income tax returns covering in comes made during 1928, the num ber being 4.450. Mecklenburg also ranks first in the number of in habitants per individual income tax return filed, with one return for every twenty-one individuals. Bun combe is second in inhabitants per return, while Buncombe and Guil ford are tied for second place In the rtal number of returns filed. Clay county had only one individ lal who filed a federal income tar ntura for 1925. Alleghany had five I arsons who filed Income tax re t vch of which not more than fifteen iidivlduals filed returns. For the entire state there were 35,332 individuals who filed returns t overinj the income year 1926. How ever, exemptions exceeded net in comes for 19.274 of these individual#, leaving '16,058 persons In the sfa^e ft ho actually paid a federal inowne tax. An average U one person out of every 822 filed a federal m&sne tax return, and about one out of every one hundred and ninety ac tually paid an income tax. Deposits Are Larger And All Re port A Prosperous Ye*r. To Ele^t Officers Soon. . . Dividend checks to the amount of $21,750 were mailed yesterday to shareholders in the First National bank, Cleveland Bank and Trust Co. and the Union Trust company, Shelby’s three strong banking in stitutions. Each bank head reports a prosperous year and an increase in bank deposits, surplus and undi vided profits. It was one of the most prosperous years in Shelby banking history’. The usual six per cent semi-an nual dividend on a capital of $250, 000 was paid by the First National. This dividend amounted to $15,000. A similar dividend was paid July 1. Recently this institution's total re sources passed the five million mark. On January 8, the annual' meeting will be held at which offi cers and directors will be elected for the ensuing year. A three per cent dividend was paid by the Cleveland Bank and Trust Co. on its capital of $125,000, this distribution amounting to $3, 750. The balance of the profits was placed to surplus and undivided profits and reserves which after di vidends are deducted will amount to $158,000. The annual meeting of the shareholders of this bank will be held next Tuesday, January 8. The Union Trust company which maintains branch banks at Latti more, Fallston and Lawndale paid its usual three per cent semi-an nual dividend o na capital of $100, 000, the total dividend at this per iod amounting to $3,000.' Ttore-Jias been a steady increase in deptsita and affairs reported in first class condition. Trio County Couples Are Married In S. C. Citizens Talk Another Vote On School Plan Board Plays Hands Ofi Bat Arons ed Citizens May start A Petition. Shelby people may tiike another vote on the city school question when six months have passed with the hope that a second ballot bat tle will end in such a manner that the local high school may remain on the accredited list by operating a full year. However, the city school board announces that it has nothing to do with the discussion of the plans being considered. “We intend to run the schools here Just as long as the money holds out-after that It's up to the citizens.'' The Flan Talked. The plan, as talked by numerous citizens Who are worried at the fact the schools will be closed before the entire year is out, is that a peti tion may be passed over the entire city asking citizens to sign a pledge to vote for the tax levy when the measure comes (o a vote the sec- j ond time. If enough signatures arc being signed to assure citizens be hind the movement that the meas ure will carry when it comes to u vote the second time then it is hoped that the school authorities may agree to complete the year with the pledged understanding that the measure will go over. Six Months Off. By law another vote on the school levy cannot be taken until six months after the first vote is tak en. This means that another elec tion cannot legally be called before June, which will be more than one month later than the schools can operate with available funds, ac cording to the school auditor, The plan, however, is that If the petition shows that the measure w ill go over the schools may complete the year in view of the passage of the measure Just after the school year. inose pro; effort. K> me. piau JH au _Ti to Remove the ^~rwr*- from «h*lby jSrjW*1 nlMMr*ri a. chance. believe that the measure wOl pass readily if put to a vote again. "Many, many citizens,” they***, "did not realise the seriousness at, the situation at the tint election and failed to register and vote. Others who were against it seen)# were not aware of the real plight the schools were in and wopl^ .Vott* ftir it fadw that they see tb* tiRufF curtailed schools will mean t»dfcd» by and to the children of Shelby whose morale in the school room has been shattered since the holi days due to the belief that their people do not care whether they get equal educational advantages with' othsr children.” .Ma definite move about the peti tion has been made other than general talk, although the school board is definite in its statement to leave the matter to the citizens. “We truthfully told the people be fore the first election how tilings were," states the board, “and they deemed not to believe its or not to care. It’s a job for the people now." School Of Missions At Presbyterian Ch. A school of missions will begin at the Presbyterian church here Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o’clock, ac cording to an announcement made by Rev. H. N. McDiarmid, pastor. AH men’s and women's organ) za i tions are urged to enroll for the first session. The school will con tinue for si* weeks and hold every Wednesday evening instead of the usual prayer meeting. Miss Eliza beth Brown will lead the women's division while Prof. I. C. Griffin and M. H. Randolph will lead the mens’ division. The book for study is “The Desire of all Nations" by Dr. Egbert W. Smith. . Fallston Club To Meet This Fri tSuecial to The Star> r 2.—’r.At Fallston tSub v 111 meet at the club 2 o’clock/ Every member be present Byrd Honors His Boyhood Hero i W ' i __.____-_ Upon the occasion of his recent visit to Christchurch, New 1 Zealand. Commander, Richard E. Byrd paid a tribute to the man who, in his own words, was “the outstanding hero of my boyhood days,” Captain Robert Falcon Scott, famous Antarctic explorer. The intrepid American is here shown laying a wreath upon the Scott monument. ;• ’..C■ . Many Disasters In Section During 1928; Review Of Big News Hotel Fire And Building Crash Outstanding Items Of Shelby News During Last .Year. Politics Played Big Role. New Cotton Rec ord. Year Generally Quiet. Star’s 1928 ■ The year 19J8 was featured in tills' section Ihortt ftuttapier and trag-, by ffcfSSfljg e edy than by H$t$Bfg else accord ing- Wrw“tevteW WMocal events of th Mmr governor, but to preside «vw governor’s tiiwdon. |nd to R% leigh society she is already being hailed as one of the most beauti ful, and sweetest women ever (0 bcome the stats's “First Lady.” Her emotions .as she goes about customary duties of a wife, seeing that everything is sRip-shspo for the strange In houeelwrfds, are not spoton. But there’Is a complacent, half-reminiscent smile on her face as she moves about, a smile like that seen on the face of all women when their minds are running upon thoughts in connection with their men. Her ureams. Perhaps she, too, has dreaming since a score of years ago when she walked up to the altar and linked her life and fortune to that erf a struggling young lawyer, who up to that time had been « mar table college student and more remarkable football player. The freshman, who enrolled for the spring term 39 years ago at college, then A. & M e.dmits day that In those early, and c&slonally bleak days, his e; dreaming the eternal ambltlo dreams of youth, often turned ward the capitol and the execu mansion. For near three the man who goes to Raleigh week as governor has had his fixed on th3 scat he takes; and though It has never been spoke: is likely that the help-meet will accompany him has been lng dreams, too. Perhapfe sire ed her dreams in her early perhaps as a young aerator’s Anyway, dreams that would ' happiness In the breast of i man have been realized by the smile, too, one can eee Isn't all happiness that fosi there is a lot of pride smile not far removed f she must have worn w! pound sweetheart was football line and c into his first frame. Wo ways more proud than anyone else of the accomplishment 'If their men. be the accoinplishibents in high or humble planes Another Max wy. Going down with theif parents, for the inauguration at least, will be the remainder of the family: James Webb, Margaret love (who is Mrs. Eugene Burgees*, and Max. Jr. The elder from Raleigh the ux.iveii return when Ralph, ti Will gc pool at son will hool here the senior daughter e here. fervescent ine-hal Hi Shplhv Postjffi iir*i-\,iujsRatini Receipts-lWill Start fi ^ Marriages Peart— , County Doling k Only U Law Firm DiuoiN ••tnershipHere Brnnnett and Edwards, ihw firm which hu been practicing law here will continue to practice— indivi dual*. They retain adoinhig of fices in* the Royster lailtjng, the only difference be in a tint their practice will be separate Ttjher than ict’clhgr pa a fFra. as brgtofore. Cleveland county trtt aeem to be of the opinion that nsy can get on rithout lafcands, thank Cieveiani _, that or tefVoung iadler sisters men to Be a an it nay be the most of to save their ney and were and their, elder found desirable bit elusive. And that those who opportunity prefi "catch1' a bit of married in South All of which Ms up to the disconcerting fad^UsfOncerting — those who beMewdn Leap Tear, black cats, and #nta Claus—that during 1028. whdt was Leap Year, marriages fell iff in Cleveland county instead i>C picking, up. . IT that doest feshow the avow— independence o( me so-called weak er sex. nrav. tftOt do—? ' Notwithstanding four more calendars will go! com* down before Leap year atotMLlh* girts of this Beetle ift ah ordinary year and not Leap [ Toe Bard On ’Em. A. r Newton, register or deed* iwtjteale- in marriage licettfe, de ar* that the marriage decrease trvdoes not indicate that the tN»net|^|| also a raise in salar^H master end •sdstmt*gij The Shelby office:,** first-class mark ?,tongs December 3», at mtdnM r as learned jpostlip the efftoe for the year i ed, and passed, tturf|| r.-hksh is required of a" Office. Receipts at thp* are reckoned by the call bdt the local office wlB 1 attain its first-class h JuIyLtho boslnnlnj os F Deed Gate She Actual receipts for the Shelby office totalled | was announced yestardi master J, ff. Quinn, In the receipts passed tt quota by S1M.90. which over last - year-oof' JfjDfl rehulnmuMp i only 52.M0A8, General Inernst, .The office's raise to its t tlhn vras not sporadic UWw the figures fo* the year, i ^‘Postmaster Qutam. ft ! in fact there w*fcAja& the best, quarter txa was w’h^lto^MpwPi quarter, •frqtf Ipigft During tWI quarter, t ed the receipts at th totalled »10,?3«,31. Just what change! in the system it the' now that.it is +' fin "There presumably dAdJftoite' *1 staff, hut Jwt-rbw l am unaMe to say ho When the ifist-daes iffect tt ,wiir fntttTh’J alee In salary for Mi 11*00 Titotarywm