I 12 PA' TODAY By null, per year on Carrier, per year Oft LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton Seed, per bu.__67!ic Cotton, fer lb._....... 19e Rain On Saturday. , Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness fol lowed by rain Saturday and prob ably late tonigh. In extreme south west portion. Warmer in west por tion tonight. Building Program Here Big Dur ing Latter Part Of Year. Shelby’s building program up to the first of December, 1928, total led nearly one half million dollars in a period of a little over four months. To be exact building permits were Issued in the city for a $495,285 building program from July 19, when Mr. E. A. Rudasill first be came building inspector, up to De cember 1, permits for the final month of last year not being assem bled as yet in the City Hall. These figures, it might be ex plained. contain the estimated cost of the First Baptist church educa tional annex and the new Hotel Charles structure which were not included in the permits, but are now under construction. Many Dwellings. Despite the tact that the latter part of the year Is not particularly a big building season the permits show that 60 dwellings were erect ed during the four-month period. Numerous structures were listed as being of brick material. Other buildings listed in the per mits follow: Nine store structures, live garages, two warehouses, two cafes, two repair shops, one barber shop, and one apartment, with one combination apartment and store. Permits listed in addition to these covered remodelling, repairing, and roofing of numerous varied struc tures. Mrs. Gardner To Be Official Host ess To Confederate 'Veterans Ai Charlotte. Charlot*, January 4— Appoint ment of Mrs. Q. Max Gardner, of Shelby, wife of the governor-elect, as special hostess for the south for the thirty-ninth annual reunion of United Confederate veterans, to be held In Charlotte in June, was an nounced by General Harry Rene Lee of Nashville, Tennessee, adjut ant general of the Veterans. General Lee made the appoint ment public in a telegram to The Observer. The port was tendered Mrs. Gard ner several days ago. but no state ment was made until she had ac cepted. She has received one of the most Important appointments of the long list to be made. Mrs. Gardner is the former Muss Pay Lamar Webb, daughter of Su perior Court Judge James L. Webb and niece of United States District Judge E. V. Webb. Hoey On Committee. Simultaneous with the appoint ment of Mrs. Gardner by General Lee It wag announced here by Cap tain Edmond R. Ales, reunion manager, that C™e R. Hoey of Shelby, prominent lawyer, in a let ter to Mayor Redd, chairman of the reunion committee, had accept ed a place on the state legislative committee. License For Dogs Moving Slowly As Car License Plates No Big Rush Here To Pay City Dog Tax. Time Limit Up January 15. Shelby people seem almost as slow about purchasing city license tags for their dogs as they did about purchasing license plates for their automobiles. accosdtug to City Clerk Fred Culbreth. Yesterday information was to the effect that less than a half dozen canine owners in Shelby have paid their dog tax for the year, although the time limit is up on Tuesday, January 15. City officials are of the opinion that all the dogs in Shelby did not have license paid upon them this year and after the 15th the threat ening news about the City Hall is that dogs without license tags may be disposed of by the city. Masonic Notice. Cleveland Loldge 202 A F. & A M. will meet tonight, F.id; , in called cc-.ununication tor law. Jc eroo worli Rural High Schools Of This County Facing Same Crisis As Do City Schools Shelby May Be enable To Complete School Tear Unless Legislature AMs. Expenses Cut. The Shelby city school system is not the only one in Cleveland county to face a crisis this year. Unless aid bobs up, in the nature of legislative spread of the equal* ixatlon fund or otherwise, three, and possibly five or si* rural high schools in the county will be unable to complete the full eight months term. This statement was made yester day by Mr. J. H, Grigg, county superintendent of schools, who adds that the situation did not de velop just this year but originated last year and before and is near a climax this year. Six Ran Short. Last year it is said six of the larger rural high schools—Fall ston, Belwood, Casar, Piedmont, Lattimore, and Mooresboro—ran shy of funds before the school year was completed. In other words school expenses in the half dozen big schools for the year surpassed the income from the taxable source of revenue. Last year all, are practically all of the schools named above com pleted the term upon borrowed money hoping for a county-wide long school term. This failed to materialize and at first this year It was believed that the schools might have to be removed from the stand ard list. Hcwever, many delegations of patrons beseiged the office of the county board in the interest of maintaining the full eight months, and with the hope that the legis lature this year would not cut down the equalization fund, but would permit it to be used in aid ing extra month schools, the schools reopened this year wdth the deter mination to remain open the full term if possible. Expenses “Cut To Bone.” Present. indications are that such will not: be possible even though expenses hi all six of the schools have been literally "cut to the bone."’ By drastic economy in the opera tion of the schools, which neces sitated a lower grade of teachers and crowded conditions, ill but three of the schools are running within their taxable income this year, reports say, but whether or not they will be able to finish up the entire year in such a manner remains to be seen. Oh the other hand the other schools «are unable to operate within their Income de spite the rigid economy practised and it seems a certaintythdt these three—Casar, Pallston." and Bel wood—will be unable to complete the full high school year unless some provision by the legislature this ihonth aids them. And ere the' school year is over the same may apply to the other rural high schools. In practising rigid economy this year these rural high and consoli dated schools are doing without teachers they actually need and less than the number required for for the work handled. In some instances, particularly at Lattimore, there are far more pupils per teacher than should be for bene ficial work, it is stated. Realizing last year that something must be done the county school board and district committees selected many teachers with low-grade certificates thus cutting down their salary budget considerably. Utners cut down upon their regu lar number of teachers, cut out one or two transportation trucks, and did everything possible to low er expenses,- but at the best figures available it seems as if at least three of the schools will be unable to break even with the income. Taught Without Pay. In one county school last year, it is said, loyal teachers wishing the school to stay on the standard list taught for two weeks withouf pay in order to permit the school to complete the term. No More Tax Levy. The perplexing end of the prob lem is that every one of the six high schools, with the exception of Piedmont at Lawndale, has already voted the maximum tax levy for a special school district, which is 50 cents. By law the letT cannot be voted any higher in special dis tricts, therefore no additional in come can be expected from that source. The difference between the taxation income and the school ex penditures. even when "cut to the bone," is due to the fact that the schools are in rural district with little other taxable property than farm lands The situation is par ticularly acute at Casar. Fallston and Behvocd betaur* neither of the three districts have i ble torpor ofo y»*fioHb VMHi po ** Fund Would Pay Colored Teacher* If Cleveland county had an eight months county - wide school system one-half of all the colored teachers In the county would have had their salaries paid for one month | this year without costing the I county one cent. It was an nounced today by the office of the county school board. A letter received by the board from the Rosenwald fund, devoted to the educa tion of the negro* stated that the fund would pay the sal aries of 30 teachers in the colored schools of this coun ty for one month, provided they were teaching in eight months schools. There are about 60 colored teachers in the county, meaning that the fund would have paid half of them for one month, but not a single colored school in the , rural system operates over six j months. V-..^ wealth the tax valuation figures In these districts are not high and therefore the 50 cents tax proves Inadequate. Legislative Hope. The hope of legislative relief hinges about one angle. School of ficials are not enthusiastic in their belief that the eight months school term will pass. But,this year there has been a tendency to cut down on the equalization fund, from which this county gets something over $47,000 each year. Hereabouts, in the face of the school crisis, it is hoped that the legislature in stead of reducing the fund will per mit the surplus portion of the fund to be used in operating extra months instead of increasing the funds to operate the six months schools. If this measure is given a -celd shoulder by the legislature the Spring of 1928 could find Cleveland without a single accredited or standard high school. Wholesale Economy1. In the attempt to curtail the school expenditures the most busi ness-like economy is practiced by the county school board, accordbjg to Supt. Grigg. “We purchase practically 'ItHfS thing we use in the county schools on the wholesale plan saving every cent possible. We buy all of our coal, for every school using do*U during the summer when the prices are lowest and we get It at whole sale reduction thus saving, hun dreds of dollars. Our auto trucks and truck parts are purchased the same way, as well as the gas. oil and tires used, and the same thing applies to our lamps, brooms, stoves, paint and everything used. All supplies are bought in carload lots at wholesale prices, and every economy known to business is used now by the board as a county unit and in cooperating with the dis trict,” declared Supt. Grigg, “yet these-districts find themselves in a dilemna.” “No, the Shelby schools are not the only ones looking somewhere for a solution to a serious prob lem,” he concluded. Buick Agency In Larger Quarters Now Lacker Secures Lease On Gardner Building For More Com modious Quarters. This week the Buick agency held by J. Lawrence Lackey moved Into the Max Gardner two story garage building on S. LaFayette street, formerly occupied by the Jordan Chevrolet company. Mr. Lackey is t very proud to secure large quarters ' for the Buick agency which has grown by leaps and bounds since j Mr Lackey has had charge. I It is understood that the show ; room in the Gardner building will j be greatly enlarged to accommo date a number of cars. This change , in the building will be made by an j addition to the front where Mr. Lackey expects to keep on display at all times a number of the latest models of Buicks. In addition to the sale and serv ice of cars, the second floor of this mammoth building provides large storage space which will be utiltz I ed for public storage. The Crawford agency which re cently purchased the Jordan Chev rolet agency has moved into the building on Sumter street vacated by the Buick agency. This shift hr locutions was made this week and registers the most important turn-over in the local •«ntf»r M. mum on iy BE MINI HR BE corn Aston Adonis. Of Lattimor.e, Mtku Two Roles Pm* Acre. At Banquet Today. Cleveland county, the champion cotton county of North Carolina, lias today attending a Rale-Per Acre Cotton banquet In Charlotte a 14-year-old boy who stands a gtjad chance of being ' acclaimed fhe champion cotton grower of this state. The youth Is Aston Adams, 14 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Adams, of near Lattimore, and the record he presents at the banquet today is nothing less than two bales per acre produced at a remarkably low cost, thanks to the instruction the youth received In the agrhihl* tural vocational department of the Lattimore high school under the direction of Prof. V. C. Taylor. Others Attending. loung Adams was only one of a group of leading farmers of the Lattimore section attending the banquet given in Charlotte today by the Chilean Nitrate corporation honoring bale-to-the-acre cotton farmers of the Piedmont section. Among those going down from the Lattimore community, where the agricultural department of the school has aided the fine farming section greatly, were F. 8, Crowder. W. A. Crowder. R. O. Adams, D. P. Washburn, Aston Adams. Ray mond Jones, Walter Davis, Ladd Brooks. Wads Harrill, Wyan Wash bum, Reytanr Washburn, Julius Wilson, Lyman Martin, Morgan Walker, Luther Walker. Everett Brooks, Woodrow Humphries, Prof. Taylor, Lawton Blanton, principal of the Lattimore school; and ,J. Horace Origg, county superintend ent Invited as honor guests were iverppr-clect O. Matt Gardner, and George Blanton. What They ^reduced! On m > tt* abort 1 era produced cotton, or 403, J In cotton ire farm ids of lint somewhat ie acre over « average The cotton was use $26. 138.08, making a nefprofit on the 374 acres of $17,213,02. or a net profit per acre of $|p.03. The cost of production, per link pound over these acres ■ • 'iroang Meim* Record. Topping thejitat•**' fine , farmers, howevef. jiSm&ti .£Ums youth, in Cotton sections Jot years his record Win be discusaetl. t, On two and one-half acres the youth produced 2,HJtu#ounds of lint cotton, which was 6300 pounds of seed cotton, or five 500-pound bales. But that isn’t the big story of the young fellow's records, the story being the low production cost. His total Income from the two and one half acres was $571.25, while his expenses totalled only $163.98, leav ing him a net profit of $407.27, which means a profit of $162.90 per acre. Figured out by his agricultural teacher the cotton was produced at a cost of onl$ 2.9 cents per lint pound and was sold at 19 1-4 cents per pound. which was near 17 cents 'profit per lint, pound. The low produMon cost was brought about by the use of very litle fer tilizer on the fertile Adams’ farm. On the two and one-half acres only 1,400 pounds of fertilizer and 600 pounds of soda was used. And if any one at Charlotte to day can surpass the record of the Lattimore youth. Prof. Taylor de clares himself ready to doff his hat in that person’s presence. Young Adams is in the ninth grade of the Lattimore school and has taken vocational training for a little over two years. New Officer* Begin Over Kiwani* Club Dr. E. B. Lattimore took charge as the new president of the Kiwanis club last night and Mr. Wm. Line berger as vice president. Both made short talks and Dr. J. S. Dorton, the retiring president presented the incoming president with the cus tomary pin while Max Gardner pre sented the past president's pin to Dr. Dorton. Next week there will oe no meet ing because of the inauguration of a former club president as Governor of North Carolina and many local men will attend the ce. smonies. Two weeks from now toe club will be ii tied dinner by ladies in ' worunn * <*bib The President-Elect in Chile Photo shows, 1. to r., President-elect Herbert Hoover and General Carlos Ibanez, president of Chile, as they rode between cheering lines en route to the American embassy in Santiago, Chile. Find Pistol With Five Empty Shells In The Vanderbnrg Ruins Identified A* Owned Bj Enemy Of Vandcrbarg Family. May Clear Boy. ——— Gastonia, Jan. S.—Unearthing of an empty-shelled pistol In the fire blackened ruins of the J. W. Van derburg home, near Gastonia, dis covery of its recent ownership by an enemy of the family end the present wrytltanoe of the suspect in this immediate oecttort was made TJtJWW’Rfcre tonight by a private de tective co-operating with attorneys for the Imprisoned son. Jacob Van derburg. The newest developments of this sensational case in which the elder Vanderburg, his wife, two daugh ters and a son were slain myster iously end their bodies subsequently burned to ashpj In their home early last Friday was advanced as the latest theory of the quintupe mur der by H. K. Williams, head of an investigation agency of Greensboro. Mr. Williams announced that he had been drawn into the case today by Marvin Bitch, of Charlotte, as sociated as counsel for the defense With George W. Wilson, former sol icitor, and J. M. Hoyle, both of Gastonia, in representing the sole survivor of the family now await- j ing an unfinished coroner's inquest here at 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing which was continued from last.' Saturday by Solicitor John G. -Car penter "During the day one of my op- j eratives and I, working ir conjunc tion with defense attorneys, made the very startling discovery of a pistol In the ashes of the wrecked home.’’ declared Mr. Williams. "It was a .32 caliber revolver with emp ty shells In Its five chapnbers and gives us the* very best foundation for the plausible theory that the five members of the Vanderburg family were killed by a person with this pistol and their hodies placed in a heap in the back room and burned when the rouse was de stroyed by fire. "We do not hesitate to say that the pistol once was the property of Jacob Vanderburg. He owned it un til something like a month or so ago when he pawned it. We also are In possession ol indisputable proof that the pistol was purchased at the pawn shop by a person wlw was an enemy of the elder Van deiburg and the family as well.” Sheriff Eli P. Linebcrger, who has had a leading part in the invest!* gation and proved one of the im portant witnesses at the opening inquest-meets* tanirtl ttwt no fweta of atfdtUonai importance h*a been uncovered by the county forces but that “all ray men have been hard at work on the case and we're ready for the inquest Satur day.” Five-Year-Old Boy Escapes By Miracle Rutherford ton, Jan. 3.—Jessie Lee Martin, the five-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Martin, of Henrietta, had a most misaculous escape from an awful death yester day morning. A man called at a nearby house to the little boy's home, driving a Ford touring car. He was waiting for some friends. They were late and he decided to take another friend across Broad River, while they got ready. Ora ham Hughes, the driver of the Ford, started .his cor not knowing that the little fellow was around. Jessie Lee had climbed on the back of the car and was perched on the tire carrier. When the car started, lie fell, but his overalls caught In the cover for the time and his head hung down. The driver, all uncon scious as to what was going on, started his car and dragged the boy over a half-mile, while the frantic mother ran after the car screaming, as she happened to see him, Just as the car started acron the Broad River bridge, which has heavy iron tracks, though a wooden bridge. The little fellow had pres ence of mind enough to hold his head jup, Keeping it from striking the ground, as he bounced along, fastened to the cover. He was pain fully, though not seriously injured. People May Control The “Fla ” Says Head Of N. C. Health Board Watchfulness And Preventative Measures Urged. Doesn’t Think i Serious Situation. Jan. i—The influenza epidemic in North Carolina probably will not become more serious than at presen' but the decline in the rate of de velopment of new cases may not begin until several weeks have elapsed, it was said today by Dr, A. J. Crowell, of Charlotte, president of the state board of health. “The people themselves can con trol this disease largely by watch fulness, and no other general pre ventative measure seems at hand, and a problem to the medical pro fession said Dr. Crowell. “X agree with Dr. Laughbighouse (secretary of the board of health* that the heads of colleges end schools cf this state Should go ahead ad it .1 oil r t’ Ch< i4tRM and yv Of course. tHfuv is much about influenza that is un known to the medical profession, but I think the wise course is to let the children and young people go on to school and college and watch them closely. At the first sign of {ever, that person should be sent to bed ar.d watched very carefully. “Influenza is no respecter of per sons, and the young, middle-aged and the old all seem to be subject to it. Therefore, everybody should be careful. “There is no occasion for alarm or excitement at present. The num ber of eases is very large, but the disease is not nearly so st vere as it was in 1918, and the number of cases with complications i» very much smaller than In that epedemic. These cases which do became com plicated do no* s«em this year to as severe ecmolkr.tfons as ww ttn#' io Hip post,” Hr. Crowell said * Mach Colder Here In 1928 Records Show Thermometer 10 Above Year Afo Wednesday. Yest(iH»y Coldest Of Winter. The cold snap which struck Shel by and section Wednesday night end Thursday morning was the coldest of the winter season, or equally as cold as the November cool spell, but it lacked 14 degrees of being as cold at it* was Just one year ago. Thursday morning the Ebeltoft thermometer was down to 24 above, which ranked with the same temp erature on November 36. 1928, aa the coldest of the present winter. But one year ago Thursday, which was Jan. 3, 1828. the aame thermo meter was registering a bleak 18 above, six degrees lower than yes terday. On the preceding day, January 2, 1928, the thermometer was down to 10 degree* above freezing. A year ago today the temperature was the same as it vats | yesterday—24 degrees above. TDM S. ELLIOTT PILOT IDEE ! Beloved Veteran Of The County Succumbs To Long fitness. Burled At New Hope. Mr. Thomas Esley Elliott, valiaat Confederate veteran of the ooun | ty living at 306 McBrayer street, answered the last roll call Thurs day afternoon at 3 o’clock whan he quietly passed away at age 63. For several years he had been In de clining health, more recently eon« fined to his bed- He waa a man at excellent habits, however, strong physically and a hard worker In his younger days so he weathered the storm of years with unusual strength. -*.4 mJMt. Elliott was a fine, up-itand mrtwwr. tlHflKjr. friendly and sympathetic and held in high es teem by lilt comrades, and friends. He waa the son of Sydney Elliott and Sallie Cabaniss. Surviving are his wife and three children. Mrs. D. G. Mauney, T. S. and Jake W. Elliott and 13 grand children. Two slaters, Mrs. Mary Humphries and MTs. Annie Thompson and one brother Wade Elliott of Grover sur vive. He was one of the oldest living members or Zion Baptist church. Funeral was conducted from the residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Revs. D. F. Putnam and Zeno Wall and interment was at New Hope church, Earl. High Cagers Meet Hickory Grove Jn Can Here Tonight Fifteen More Games On' Schedule. Tough Frays Are Coming. i The Shelby highs have 15 more basketball games on their schedule, and the nest game Is on tap to night. Friday, In the “tin can” here with the strong Hickory Orove quint from South Carolina furnish ing the opposition. To date the highs have played two games, winning one and losing one. Of the 15 games on the schedule seven are booked for the Shelby "tin can,” seven away from home, and one open date on January 18. The next home game after to night will be played with Belmont Abbey here on Tuesday night, Jan uary 15. Games scheduled by Manager Ralph Gardner follow: Jan. 4— Hickory Grove, here. Jan. 8—Gastonia, there. Jan, 11—CUffside, there. Jan. 15—Belmont Abbey, there. Jan. 18—Open. Jan. 32—Belmont Abbey, there. Jan. 25—Forest City, here. Jan. 28—Lincolnton, here. Feb. 1—Kings Mountain, here. Feb. 5—Lattimore, there, Feb. 8—Gastonia, here. Feb. 8—Kings Mountain, there. Feb. 15—Lattimore, here. Feb. 15—Lincolnton, there. The big home games of the year will come when the strong Forest City, Kings Mountain and Lattt more quints play In Shelby, the Jiircc games attracting record crowds last year. At Episcopal Church. Services will be held Sunday aft ernoon at 4 o’clock at the Episcopal church here, it is announced. Rev, S’. R. Gin- paid- pf Lincolr.ton, will K'tict the services. "I will not be % Congress two year* you my my tbtti Clyde fl« Rory. N^rl Itical leader, tilt' night when queried being mentioned j> candidate tiro era Ue party. In the last elf elect Chad. A. defeated Congri winkle, Dernocri since that time hare beqn disc who could rcd« xncidentpli, the sut«5 iw that t candidate two yci of the few ecnfws sign from that toot elected to tmceftt E. Yates Webb, wh trict count bei son. but real! taking office, by Major Bui The neyf'MqgfWyypM News subgesUng MrT-Jfiooy * likely winning candidate fol ' "A fetching lille political | floats around among the Met burg poUticana—that Clyde R. may be a candidate for congn the next campaign. ** »' “The idea ts compelling to ii UUcal for the senate,'* is the here to Urn ppUwt, ai the suggestion meets ’ perfect astonishment gat •rally considered as apt akpil the United States senate’ fdi from new, or when Overman hc ana Morrison are ioocw the real oontettd&rs fit tli< Both menare strong politics both reside.in theptoth-x sional dimrtet, which V»OS,f can to SRfvember. The Oe are straining at the leasli to the diitrtet. With a man Iq as their candidate they co on a congressional campaii would arouse the Mate. ' Ti gresstonaj vtotory, the reetori umn. wogBgBHBB| didate wim ltd the would impflgJjllSJBpfc came a senatorial years latgr.”^ v-'V4;^" “Objections to the bility were that Mr. elected. to congress j and that thepeoplewt kindly to the idea at back in the-house—unli they saw in torn thjl* redeeming the district explanation of his res that he did not like h is not fuljy suggestions c Uy explainat uating the 1 sugge*txnfcl5wfiei winning candidate folio race, should that cotta, wo iher complicate a, district j already complicated. Cha Jonas. Republican coder elect. is expected, of eourse, the fight of his life'lbr rr Congressman A. It. Bttlwt Gastonia, Who was a vfctic fight of hi* Ufe for re Congressman A. -It. Bttfwl Gastonia, who was a vidin political whirlwind ot ftort considered as a possiblec* Several of the countiee aip* trlct were imderstood as with the Idea of iatrpdw Democratic Candidate, in I burg It would be possible Democrats to draft way*)* a dozen or so congressiona dates without any trouble a< “Amhg thoefe mentioned a Smith, TValter dark. J, John A. McRae,'1 Hamilton C James L. DeLaney, J. D. M Frank Flowers, and some 1 Couple Gets On New Y secure mart New Year n curing the j first day of the couple t ply for ma to Register. The count listed* as to 20. and Vic