, OF SUN. WILLIS * TELLS SCIENTISTS California Savant Says We Get Substance And Energy From Solar Orb. Wew York.—All )■"”•"«» beings are "children of the sun.” Dr. Bailey Willis of Leland Stanford univershv told the American As sociation tor the Advancement of Science *t its opening session. "The mystical idea jf the Pha roaohv of Kgypt that they were the offspring of the rising aun has been proven by science,” he said. "Though mystery has been re placed by understanding, the an - elent faith is true. We arc children of the tun in very reality. "In the Pharaohs’ day he alone |Vm of that majestic lineage. But today we all are. ? ' "It Is no longer a distinction. We ■ * share It with all races of men, with ’ the beasts of the field, with the ser . peats that crawl, the fishes that ' swim, and the microbes that mul v tlply—even the rocks are our kin. Tvom them to you and me runs the heritage of substance and energy, an of which comes from the sun by Malaria In tike Blood GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TON1G deetroya^he malarial gerroa to tfee blood and removes jvs&r&tsafts baalthy blood-.a»d fortifies the system^ apifcst GWIJb. You can # ' ting EfftcLU t ":l the Cheeks and Invigora Color to Improvoa the Appetite. Pleasant to take. 60c. o'm for ihn»« connection WE’RE SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD Like the schoolboy who dreamt he w#s twins and sent the one*§Q school while he went fishing. We have no time for dreaming at this establishment—we are always busy supplying deal ers with, Sinclair gas and Opaline oil. The growing de mand for these products is evidently deserved. You will do well and wisely to u$* ^Sinclair and Opaline products, as a source of continual satisfaction and •omm. n-—* — - = virtue of which we arc children of the .sun.” Sun Has Two families. Dr Willis, retiring president of the Geological Society of America, expanded the scheme of human origin by saying that we were rath er grandchildren than children of the sun. The direct children of the sun, he said, were the planets and the comets, and we the offspring of the former. According to his outline, the sun is a parent with two families, wives unmanned. The children of one are "highly Individualistic, erratic, and unaccountable.” These are the cornels, and "each ope pursues his own path, going off into the outermost spaces, returning i after a long interval for a brief visit only, and disappearing again on his own course.” These nomads and vagabonds of space are the prodi gal sons *f the sun. But the children of the other family "are the planets, the stay homes. They constitute the family circle, as it were. Each has Us place, or orbit, each keeps its place In the plane of planetary exist ence. and each rotates persistently on its individual axis." "Furthermore.” said Dr. Willis, “our earth is one of these self centered little personalities of the planetary family.'* Story Told By Earthquake. Discussing the origin of the conti nents upon w hich we dwell, the geo logist described human beings, these grandchildren of the sun, as scratching out their existence upon the blistered skin of "this sclf centered little personality." He told how it was now possible to sound deeper into the earth than the bottom of the deepest sea. Esrth quakes which vibrate through and arounu the globe produce curious writings upon the seismograph, which can be translated into de scription of the kinds of rock and metal through which the vibrations have passed. ••In fact,’ lif said, "with the aid of earthquakes which radiate waves through the globe, we can sink out plummet more than hnlf way to the centre." With this kind of plummet scien tists have found that there nre two chief parts of the earth which we Inhabit; first, an envelope of rock 3.000 miles thick, and inside this a core of very heavy material, prob ably largely iron, which may be molten, it ts so hot. Dr. Willis said that the earth's crust In all likelihood was n<H "dead" and finished In shape. The theory Is that miles down in the rocky skin of the earth great blist ers form, as big as whole states and provinces, and these blisters swell up and help to uprear vol canoes and those great pleateaus of rock and soil which we call con tinents. Energy la Transformed. The heat that caused blisters, he said, probably did not come from that hot metallc core of the earth “A source of Internal heat has long been recognised in the com pression of the interior by gravity, the force of which Is thus converted into heat energy. The extremely high temperature of the earth's core may be attributed to this kind of transformation of energy, Oth er possible sources of heat exist, no doubt, tn molecular energy and radio-activity, but they may be to a large extent stabilised. The self compression of the sarth Is capable of producing all the heat which wo have in evidence.” TUI STIR!«IDS NOTICE or SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by y. w. Blanton and wife, Hessle Blanton, to uie First National Bank of Durham, N. C.. trustee, dated the 15th day of December. 1927, and recorded In book 150, page 49, Cleveland county registry, the First National Bank of Dur ham, N. C., trustee, will on January 2* 1929, at 12 o’clock .*! at the court house door in Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Being the western portion of lot No. 23 of the B. F. Curtis property as shown by plat of property which is recorded In office of register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. In book of plats 1, page 57. refer ence to which Is made for a muie full and complete description of said property: Beginning at a stake on the north edge of Elm street. 100 feet south #3 degs. 30 mins, west of in tersection of Park View street with Elm street: thence with the north edge of Elm street south 83 degs. 30 mins- west 61 feet to a stone on west edge of Oak street; thence i north 3 degs. east 76 feet to a stake; comer of lot No. 21; thence with line of lot No. 21 north 87 degs. 6 mins, east 61 feet to center of gar-1 age; thence through center of septic tank south 3 degs. 25 mins, west 70 feet to the place of begin ning. The aforesaid property Is the same as that conveyed to Y. W Blanton by deed of record in of fice of register of deeds for Cleve land county, N. C. in book 3, W. page 161. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This the 19th day of December. 1928. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. North Carolina, Trustee. W. & Lockhart and Newton and Newton, Attys. Rio’* Own Jimmy Every bit as likeable as New York’s own Jimmy Walker is Antonio Prado (above), the debonair mayor of beautiful Rio de Janeiro, who was one of the official welcomers of Presi dent-elect Herbert Hoover and his party of “good willers.’* MEYER TO SPEAK AT SCOUT MEET HERE Piedmont Council Boy Scouts Of America To Meet At Cleveland Sprlng'i Kith. i Special to The Star.) Gastonia, Jan. 1.—Dr. Harold D. Meyer, of the faculty of the Uni versity of North Carolina, has ac cepted an imitation to deliver, the principal address at the annua! meeting of the Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America at Cleve land Borings hotel, Shelby, on the night of Tuesday, January 15, ac cording to announcement made to day by" J. M. Holland, chairman of the annual election of officers, re ports on the work accomplished during the-pact yaws by Scout Ex ecutive Shiele and hts associates and the chairman of the various committees, and discussion of plans for the ensuing year. Dr. Meyer Is associate professor of sociology and assistant director of public welfare of the university. He is also tv lecturer in the ex tension service of the university, tweaking principally on character building- and recreational programs. He is the author of numerous pub lications on playground and recre atton work and on community wel fare development. He has conduct ed numbers of scout leadership training schools, has addressed Boy 80ou(i,.convel|tions frequently and 1* weH qualtftad to talk on the op portunities for volunteer sendee to boyhood through the medium of scouting. Present at the annual meeting and banquet will be the council of ficers. committeemen, scoutmasters, assistant troop committeemen and volunteer leaders In the extension territory recently attached to the Piedmont area, said territory con sisting of Iredell. Alexander, Cataw ba, Burke and McDowell counties The Piedmont council area Itself is composed of the five counties of Gaston. Cleveland, Lincoln. Ruth erford and Polk. President Jas. W. Atkins of the council states that the year Just closing has been the best in the council’s history of five years. Re cently a county-wide drive in Gas ton county to raise the 1920 budget resulted in the raising of the coun ty's quoto easily and quickly. Re ports from other portions of the district indicate that the finances for negt year will be raised with little if any difficulty. The budget for the district is about $12,000 a year. The troops are doing splendid work and the number of scouts in the council is constantly increasing. The Piedmont council is recognised as one of the outstanding coun cils in the entire South, it’s camp at Lake Lanier, Tryon, N. C„ tak ing high rank among those of the entire nation. All indications at the present are that next year will see still further growth of scouting in the district. MODERN’ NIMROD USES ALTO TO Rl'N DOWN DEER Raleigh.—They’re hunting deer with automobiles in Northampton county now. J. H. Ramsay, county game war den. informed the, department of. conservation and development here that R. H. Garris of Northhampton county, chased a young buck down in his automobile on the Rich Square to Jackson highway, cap turing it. Ramsay said o arris re. lated that there had been a doe with the buck when he first sight ed it on the highway. The doe cs (caped. Put Light On Top Of Kings Mountain Beacon Light To Aid Air Mail To Be Erected On Top Of Battleground. Bessemer City —The pinnacle, of the mountain that lor more than a [ century has been termed "the | turning point.'’ and which derived Its name, from, “this is the Kings Mountain,-’ is to continue before the eyes ol the world, but in a dif ferent way, than history records In Revolutionary times. Again the famous < d mountain is pressed Into servlc as it is a stumbling block. In the aviators’ path. It is necessary *nat a beacon light with a 2,300 voh capacity be erect on Its highest ootnt, to aid the airman In his m rsc and will be a lighthouse over the little sea of mountain tops that the aviator encounters for a long distance when he makes hi trips from Spartanburg to Greensboro. Oo down the York road out of town of Kings Mountain, and you can see the right ol way that has been cut through the forest and shrubbery almost to the very pin nacle. The posts have also been placed and the workmen are now waiting lor the special apparatus, that will hoist the huge tower: over the high rock, onto the top where there is already a concrete ; slab that was put there to support the flag. Of course this same slab i will not be used for a base, but] those who are familiar with the; mountain will remember this site. As the mountain its self is visi ble for a radius ol perhaps fifty ; miles the search light wtll certain ] ly not be hidden ' ll lb ai*U I i similar light Is to be placed on the i j pinnacle of Crowders mountain, I . but nothing official has been been i I given out. When these lights are complete,) 'the course or "road" of the mall-I i plane will be straightened as those i ; living near the mountain know ! i t hat on moon light nights, the j i planes go direct over the nioun* ; tains, where on dark nights, he ' courses to the west, and Just be I fore he gets over Bessemer City ' he curves back and neads direct i for Greensboro. -. : QUESTION or MORAL MURDER TO COME LT j Canton, Ohio. Jan. 1.—The next 1 chapter in the Fearn-Heldman ! slaying and suicide will be written here next Monday. A grand Jury will convene at that time to con sider a "moral murder" charge against Wilbur O. Heldman. whose wife, Margaret, killed hcwelf after confessing to film that sh«,ha4 slain a Canton coal man on December 6. Heldman. 27-year-old Loraine furnace salesman, Was held to the grand Jury without bond on the murder charge late yesterday at the conclusion of a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Donald Smyth. - .11 iiiWl . For colds, grip and flu take Relieves the congestion, prevents complications, and hastens recovery. i INDIGESTION Taxi Driver Goes Back Ta Medicine He Had Taken When a Boy to Find Relief. Nicholasvflle. Ky.—“Running a 1 taxi is my business, and I am called out at all times, sometimes Just be fore meal time, and this makes my eating as well as my sleeping very irregular." says Mr. Jesse Dickerson, of 502 Central Avenue, this city. “1 had indigestion, on account of this Irregularity. X would feel very uncomfortable after meals. I would be constipated and have dizziness. "I kriew I had to take something, t remembered how. when at homo before I was married, my mother would give us Black-Draught, and how she believed In It. “So I decided in take It again. It sure did me good. I am glad to let others know what a good laxative Black-Draught Is. Xt clears up a dull headache, and makes me feel like a new person." Thousands of other men and women find Black-Draught a gnat help in rallavlng common ailments; due to indigestion, constipation and biliousness. In thousands of families. Thed ford's Black-Draught has a corner all he own on the medicine shelf. In use nearly 100 years. Safe, efficient, rehab la Bold everywhere. Tty ML NOisr ln«li|ii'VtiOn llilioutnctt PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk tiler Shannon, Plaintiff vs. Ed Samuel Shannon Defendant, To Ed Samuel Shannon, non-resid ent defendant: You arc hereby notified that an action, as above entitled, has been Instituted in the superior court of Cleveland county, N. c„ against you by the plaintiff, in which she is asking for an absolute divorce upon the ground of adultery, and you are further notified that a verified com plaint has been filed to tpy office and that you are hereby required to appear and answer same on or be fore December 17, 1S28, at my office in Shelby, N. C., or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this sum mons make due return. Witness my hand and seal, this November 12, 1928. A. M. HAMRICK. Clerk Su perior Court, Cleveland Coun ty. A New York air transport com pany advertises "nights started at any hour for any desired destina tion. Return trips not guaranteed.” Somehow the last of this discour ages haste about the Journey.— Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted and Repaired. Located next to Haines Shoe Store. (Down Stairs) SHELBY, N. C. TELEPHONE 585 . TRUSTEES SALE. Pursuant to the authority con tained in a certain deed of trust given by Alma Webber and wife, Hettte Webber to secure an in debtedness to Marvtn Blanton, de fault having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, the un dersigned trustee will on January 21, 1929 at the court house door In the town of Shelby sell at public auction to the highest bidedr for cash the following described real estate: Situated In the southeast por tion of the town of Shelby, North Carolina, being a portion of that lot deeded by B. F. Curtis by H. F. Young and A. V. Wr- • and others, and being lot No. }4 of a subdivi sion thereof as shown by map made by A. M. Lovelace in June 1923, and recorded In book No. 1 of plats at page 52 In the office of the regis ter of deeds of Cleveland county, N. C. reference to which map is hereby made for full description by metes and bounds. HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee. I 666 Is A Prescription For Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy knowr r No one knows how to see i that the funeral ceremony ' is conducted in a fitting and 1 appropriate manner quite | so well as does an earnest, trained, experienced and conscientious funeral direc tor. The expense is entirely within your own control in accordance with your wish es when you confide the funeral arrangmeiits to THE STAMEY COMPANY Fallston, N. C. Funeral Directors and Fmbalmers. Ambulance Service Day Phone No) 4 Night Phone No 6 v s TO MAKINO THE YEAR 1929 ^ e have two pieces of property that we are ready to-absolutely risk our judgment as forecast ers when we say that the purchasers of either tract will before the year 1929 gets by, be offered a VERY SUBSTANTIAL PROFIT. The FIRST is in the nature of an uptown busi ness lot. It is located on South Washington Street, directly in front of the Arey Block, and only 50 feet south of the alley from the Royster Building. This lot is 50x90 feet, joins property of A. P. Weathers on south and J. F. Harris and John Black on north. It is only a short city block from the square, and is the ONLY CLOSE IN VACANT PROPERTY suit able for retail trade now on the market. PRICE $9,000.00. The Second Tract, that is a real Bargain, is in the nature of a farm. The location is three and one half miles East of Shelby, fronting the vest side of the Post Road about 1100 feet. The land is fertile, lies practically level, no rocks and absolutely no waste land. There is a good 5 room dwelling, sealed and painted. The house has been built about five years. The outbuildings made up of a good barn, crib, garage, cotton house, sheds, etc., are in good condition and are only five years old and all painted. There are 54 acres in the tract and every acre can be cultivated. Charlie Wright joins land on the south, Julius Mull on the north and G. C. Pruitt on the east, and each man is good farmer and neighbor. WE SAY that this farm, which is known as -the best part of the Max Gardner “More-Per-Acre” Farm is the best bargain in the way of farm land offered FOR SALE in Cleveland County during the past TEN YEARS. It can be made to absolutely pay for itself in FIVE years farming. The price per acre is $165.00, on terms of $1, 000.00 cash, balance on terms easier than paying rent We can give immediate possession. THE ABOVE TWO PROPERTIES are our BEST BARGAINS, either purchase will make you money and a good profit the first year. Anthony & Harris — OVER WOOL WORTH’S — EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the will of T. H. Bridges, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned®on or 6efore the 21st day of December, 1929, or this notice will be pleaded to their recovery. All persons ed to the said estate will make immediate payment. JOHN L. BRIDGES, GEO. O. BRIDGES, ExAjii tors of T. H. Bridges, De<Jd Try Star Want Ads. Start The New Year Right — Use "MUX I* CAMUM* eNAOUAK MADE SUPERLATIVE PLOUK, f AOLF ROLLER MltL CO. SHELBY. N C. Eagle Roller Mill Company REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Cleveland Bank AND Trust Company SHELBY, N. C. DECEMBER 31, 1928. —RESOURCES.— X toan§ and Discounts ...... $529,559.42 Overdrafts.. 220.29 Banking House ........ 27,988.56 Furniture & Fixtures. 13,595.24 Other Real Estate.. 15,949.66 Stocks and Bonds.. 3,000.00 Cash and Dbe from Banks-. 91,273.58 s Total Resources.$681,586.75 i — LIABILITIES — Capital Stock.$125,000.00 Surplus, Undivided Profits And Reserves . 33,551.87 Dividends Unpaid.3,750.00 .Deposits . 519,284.88 Total Liabilities $681,586.75 Business during the past year has been satisfactory with us, and we take this occasion to thank ouj^riends and customers for their friendship and pa tronage. We enter the New Year looking for ward to a growing business. We wish one and all health, happiness and pros perity. WE INVITE NEW BUSINESS— BOTH BANKING AND INSURANCE. Cleveland Bank AND Trust Company -A new quarter started in our Savings Department January 1st — deposits made through Saturday, January 5th will draw interest from January 1st* $1.00 or more will open an account in this department—START TODAY, —SAVE—

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