Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost —_ * • Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c foi first insertion. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plana and sketches cheerfully suo mltted. first class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J tf Itfc FOR RENT—NICE FOUR ROOM apartment with bath in private home. Close in. Price $40 00 per month- Phone 41. tl-39c FOR RENT: GOOD 2 HORSE farm, 3 miles from Rutherfordton on Highway 20, good land and houses. L. W. Gardner. Shelby. 5t 28c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, anallzes 65 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c HOWELL TRANSFER: WE haul anything anywhere, any time All grades of sand for sale. Prompt service. Shelby, N. C. Day phone 718 Night 124-R. tf 23c DON’T FORGET THE STAR OF fice Is the place to secure your job Printing. We are prepared to do all kinds and sizes of jobs. The price is the lowest and the quality and workmanship Is the best. And every job registers full count. WEDDING INVIT ATIONS AND announcements, printed, engraved or reiiefgraf. Three different kinds ol printing, many styles of lettering. Brldea-to-be. your secret will oe kept. Place your order with us and save money. The Star. Phene No ll FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 R C. A. loud speaker; 1 Western Electric heater; 1 cole heater. Address '•Me.” care Star. tf 30c FOR SALE-Beauti ful ten room residence on North LaFayette street. Large lot. Two thousand cash* seven thousand Building & Loan in six years, bal ance in three years. Prompt possession. Formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Pattie Ware. A..C. Miller, tf FOR RENT TWO* ROOMS AND large hall, steam heated. At Weathers apartment. tf 24c FOR SALE: QUANTITY OF AR bor Vitae evergreens. Bargain. Call on Minnie Royster, R-6, Shelby, N. C. 4t 28p FRESH COWS FOR SALE: I have several fresh co’vs for sale at bargain prices. Most all of these cows have young calves with them You will find 6ome extra good cows In this lot. B. O. Hamrick, tf 28c WANTED: TENANT FOR TWO horse farm. Stock furnished by owner. A. R. Sparks. Lawndale R-2. 3t 31p WANTED: THREE NICE UN furnished rooms. Close in. Apply The Star. 3t 31c FOR RENT: FURNISHED rooms. 305 S. DeKalb St. Mrs. VaJ Thomason. 3t 31p FOR RENT: TWO HORSE farm, known at, T. W. EHliott home place. Mrs. Julius Elliott. tf 28c FOR SALE- STOVE WOOD ready for use Phone 406 Morrison Transfer Co. tf 8c FOR SALE: 4 SLICE SAND wtch toaster. Make Toast Master. Two gallop coffee urn. Casey’s Place. 2t 2c Tor RENT: NEW .7 ROOM house. N. Washington Street. See J. B. Nolan Co. 2t 2c FOR RENT: ONE ^ARGt OF lice fronting N. LaFayette street over Woolworth’s store. Possession can be given at once, see Wm. or J. D. Linebt r. 3t 31c FOR SALE CHEAP TO QUICK buyer, nice desirable lot just off Highway Ro. 20 west of Shelby. Zeb C. Waupey. tf ?8c AT ACC1TPN FJUPAY JAN uary Uth at 10 o'clock at J. M. Moore's hom$ ip the Mount Pleas* ant seetion, two mules, one horse wagon, buggy and farming tools. Terms, cash. Higli dollar bu.\s. J. U. Moore, owner. 4t-2p BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. t f- 12c FOR RENT: ONE HALF STORE room. Apply at Star office. 8t 12p FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 313 N. Morgan Street, Phone 480. tf 19c WANTED. TO BUY SECOND hand Fordson tractor and Athens plow. D. W. Carpenter, Shelby, N. C. 4t' 2p NOTICE: ALL PERSONS ARE forbidden to hunt or trespass ou my land in any way. D. W. Car penter. 4t 2p MONEY TO LEND We are prepared to make loans on good residential and husi ness property in Shel by. Semi-annual inter est and curtailments. Several loan plans. Prompt settlement. Address Geo^ A. Leathers, P. Ofl£ox 339—or care Flay H. Hoey, Room 25, Roy ster Bldg. 2t-2p WANTED: OLD TIME KITCH en safe, gcod condition. Call 282 J. 3t 31c New Cars On Market In Shelby Saturday New models of both Hudson and Essex cars were on display Satur day at the D. H. Cline establish ment, on West Warren street. Com ment on the new vehicles was fav orable in the extreme. Mr. Cline explained that the new Essex has 76 improvements over the old, in cluding a 70 h. p. engine as com pared with a 60. with a sixty mile possibility to be maintained all day; while the Hudson has 64 new fea tures, with a 92 h. p. engine, in stead of the 80, with an 80 mile possibility, and both models are re duced, the Hudson substantially. The New Chevrolet. The new Chevrolet six made its metaphorical bow to Shelby Sat urday at Chevrolet headquarters in the Gardner Garage. Many visit ors passed very favorable judgement on this latest of the General Mo tors products. Mr. J. R. Crawford was in active charge of the display, having taken over the Chevrolet agency from Mr. Jordan. The sales men were talking price feature to the crowds, elaborating on the much advertised theme of a six “in the price range of the four.” The new car will be on display after the first of th-? year at the Buick building, to which the Chev rolet headquarters is being trans ferred. ADMITS ASSAULT Thomasville. Jan. 1.—William Simpson, 57, of this city, arraigned for preliminary hearing here yester day for criminal assault on a girl seven years old. admitted his guilt and was bound over to Davidson county superior court. Simpson, according to his own story, com mitted the crime under his own roof after having called the child into the house as she was passing by. She is a member of a well known family. Simpson was taken to the county Jail at Lexington to await the next term of superior court. He is said to be a man with iamily and was recently employed in a local cotton tnijl. LEXINGTON MAN TO SEEK POL S POST Lexington, Jan. 1.—Major James A. Leonard, former major ol Lex ington, and operator of a hotel and cafe here, who is an avowed can didate for appointment of the posi tion of superintendent of the State prison to sueceed George Boss Pou, has no opposition in the race for the appointment, so far as is known here. The Wends of the Using tot) man are astjve ip bl* behalf and doubtless a large number of signatures wUl go with recom mendations to Governor-elect O. Max Gardner, of Shelby, asking for the appointment of Major Leonard to the responsible position at the state prison. “GUS AND GUSSIE ft Dumb-Founded. “7 VT I 1* Gussie's r>AMCE HAS STARTED » THE SAL CAN KICK. AND CARTWHEEL. AND DO ROLLING SPLITS AND BACKBENDS AND NlPUPS AND ! FRONTOVERS „ SWES <50T 'EM - TMEy'RE SO QUIET, Vfc>U COULt> WEAR A PIN DROP. ' WANVTS j j TO ' WEAR. ! A PlM j DROP ? ! AUDIENCE APPLAUDING, WITM 1 SOUND EFFECTS.CAN VOU 1 HEAR IT ? CPFQDESS WVTeNTED) P OoLLV LAV, SHE ST UMCANDy* LOOK. HOW Still am' quiet she MAS ’EM, RlOHT AT THE START oF HER STUFF — \ r ~zi T7T* T| PROBABLV ATH THTILL amd Quiet ATH THS'/'U. BF AT THE END or*-* OURTf4.“ y Putting It Across. A i (SuSSlE'S DANCE, STARTING OFF THE GUS AND ( <3ussie quartets new act \s ! a smash j A KNOCKOUT A PANIC — a wow!! • WwwWVW • ) Kmj; Features Syndicate. I «SiO WSMCJ'I C<J>* • r-~.SU <30 SAC'C AM' '■ Give 'em a send They‘re demamdim' you — v'ou'rs a RIOT— <30 SAUK. . AM <3ive 'EM A SPEECH »s'; / ...m KM# . W KIND friends — “THIS IS TOO MUCH —. ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND My FELLOW ARTISTS' *y%T TO APPEAR BEFORE Vbu, i Than ic Vou— i ’tmask Vou — IN OTHER WORDS, , V I TMANK. VOU \\ J girl s vine STILL I ray Nearly One Year Now Since Dis appearance Of Frances Si. John Smith. Boston. Where is she? What was her fate? As the year of 1928 went out it leaves unsolved the greatest disappearance mystery of the year, that of Francis St. John-Smith, heiress and Smith college student, Miss Smith left, the college dor mitories on Friday, January 13, and stepped to all intents and purposes into another world. Nearly a year of search as thor ough as the love and great wealth of her family could provide has failed to penetrate the veil of mys tery surrounding her vanishing. Arnold Case. As a cause celebre the Frances St. John Smith case promises to rival the never-solved mystery of what happened to Dorothy Arnold, New York heiress, when she walked out of Bretano's, where she had just purchased a book and disap peared on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight. Was Fiances killed or kidnapped, and, if so. what was the motive? The country’s foremost detectives have been unable to say. At first it was believed the girl might have been drowned or had thrown her self in a river near the college, but the streams in the neighbor hood were dragged to no avail. Girl Disappears. Two years before Miss Smith disappeared—also on a Friday, the thirteenth—another Smith college girl, Alice Corbett, disappeared from the college and has never been seen since Frances would be nineteen years old now' and would have $2,000,000 in her own right. Some time before she disappear ed the girl wrote in the "Magus" publication at Milton Academy, where she had propped, that she believed it would be "unalloyed bliss” to run away. She wrote: "My idea of unalloyed bliss has always been to run away, but the only difficulty with that was that I had no indisputable reason for so doing. "I know that unless I felt myself entirely Juetif,ed in pursuing my course ihere might be some meas ure of regret ard fear alloying my happiness, and I never could re solve upon so radical a step* before making sure that I should receive the fullest measure of bliss in re turn ' Find rier Reason. Did Frances finally find her “in disputable reason?" Did she run away, deliberately turn her back on her family and fortune and create for herself another identi ty? A letter written shortly alter the girl vanished and broadest by her parent*, Mr. Mrs- St. John Smith, Indicates that they half believe the girl had run away, rath* er than beep kidnapped or kiljed. The letter said' "We want you to know that we are thinking of nothing but your safety and happiness Ii you are I safe and want to make a different life for yourself we do not want, to interfere, but to help you if we can. Please Come Home. "But we do want to know that j : you are safe Won’t you write toj Aunt Susie or M. T. and say that you are? They will see that your confidence is respected and your wishes carried out. Above all, we want you to come home; but, if you wish rpdet and seclusion, they! will sec that you have ii. We want no explanation. We only want to esrre for you end ‘fcnow that you are safe. We yet through the days only because wc hope every hour to hear from you “With. dearest love, "MOTHER AMD FATHER ’ It was raid that Frances, despite her beauty, apparently cared little for men. She had no serious love affairs, as far as was known.. She had only one date with a boy at Smith college. Search for the missing girl has been made all over the country. FILM stak gets IN BAD WITH LAW Los Angeles—Facing arrest on charges of annoying her neighbors with "wild parties," Alma Rubens screen actress, announced today that she would fight the case and would "hold to strict accountability all persons’’ who made the accusa tions. ft uarrum wus issued nere ycs trrday for I he arrest of Miss Ru bens on a charge of disturbing the peace. It was issued .on complaint of Mrs. Elizabeth Uhl, landlady and neighbor of the actress, and charged that Miss Rubens several times disturbed tenants by looking into their homes at night with the aid of a flashlight and oy turning oft all lights on one occa sion by pulling a main switch. The complaint declared that Mr , Rubens staged a “wild party'1 in her apartment last Saturday, during which she threatended to "get Mrs. Uhl. The landlady also al leged that Miss Rubens frequently had used profane language iVi the presence of other tenants and that j she had refused to move when re- j quested 10 do so. Whooping cough is breaking out 1 In England, but who gives a whoop j over here? WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to an w e a k, nerve: or ailing women. Dr. Pierce’s F vorite Prescrip tion comes o her aid. Won- r. in every w; : of life today < Dr. Pierce's* I vorite Presc y tion is a reli 7 i ■ HH UItlUC. 4 . made from roots and herbs sold druggists, in both fluid and tablets. Mu N. V Djson of 403 Howard 1 Spartanburg. S. C.. raid: As a tpcjc Jo. we«k weaken tb«e is jjeiCiipg J cap * MftfJly rtcemmcM as pf fi.rea's r*wer.* WSCfiptusn. I Jsad ♦ )weak<}«wn. my gervie wfcrs in such a state Cist 1 could net gat r*. oSeded rest and sleep. I had backaches an paips in my side, was weak, tired and a ; dragged out. I took the ‘Prescription and . built me up in splendid health and relic Iro* of my nfnoi., condi''or\ f neve* 3. i>eftfi linn I 0: J :U<:, taking it " _ Send Me let trial j>l-g tablets’ to L' Pierre’s InvnliH M f p . \ v *{,000,004} $ came the first r——\ Greater Beauty Larger Bodies Acclaimed > Everywhere! WITH THE MW IlMiliB-TU' CONTROL*’ A single button at the center of the steering wheel, which controls all functions of starting the motor, operating the lights and sounding the horn. CHEATER BEAUTY—LARGER BODIES » lien the new Superior W hipprt presented to the American public last month, it won the enthusiastic praise of millions vho thronged the 6,000 show* rooms of W tll vs-Ovrrluml dealers. I ho style creation of master designers, the new Superior whippet introduces beauty ofiine and color never before associated with Fours and light Shes. Longer bodies, higher radiator and hood, sweeping one-piece full crown fenders, all contribute to the trim, smart, appearance that arouses the admiration of mil lions throughout the country. In roominess and comfort, the new Superior Whippei pels its own advanced standards. The more spacious interiors are scientifi eally designed for maximum head riiom, leg room and elbow room. Hiding comfort is further en« hanced by wider seats with form fitting harks, oversiae hall.ion * ires, snubbers, and longer springs l*oth front and rear. Mrrhanieiillv, the new Superior Whippet improves upon even its own predecessor. V higher .(im pression engine gives rctusulerabljr more speed, power, pick-up. See the new Superior Whippet today. An immediate order will aid iu early delivery. *»!. Mm M**. RoadatarliMt Tuurlnattfi t^oQUucjrouU CluuMi# whippet « ctJiri Orerl«ml price* Toledo, Ohio and cation* eubject to without notice.

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