'tfm •>! Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Rates For Want Advertisement* In ThI* Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Thl* tlse type 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each inse»*tion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, wui be charged 25c tot first insertion. , , . __i --:_ l» YOU ARB PLANNING rO build let us make an estimate P ans and sketch** cheerfully suu mttted First class workmanship guaranteed. Lowman Brothers con tractors Phone 727-J tl 18c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analises S3 per cent protein Excel' lent for hog and chicken feed 170 por ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Ball. . tf 7c HOWELL TRANSFER: WB haul anything anywhere, any time All grades of sand for sale Prompt service Shelby, N. C Day phone 718 Light 124-R. tf 23c WEDDING INVITATIONS A^Dl announcements, primed, engrav.-v or rencigraf Three different fcindi oi printing, many styles ol lettering Brides-to-be. your sf’et will oe aep> Piace your order w.,u us and wv. money The Star Pwone No ll FOR SALE-Eeauti ful tan room residence ^cn Ncrlh LaFayette s:reet. Large lot. Two thousand cash, seven thousand Bulld'ng & Loan in six years, bal ance in three years. Prompt possession. Formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Patt'e Ware. A. C. Miller, tf FOB RENT TWO ROOMS AND large hall, steam heated. At , Weathers apartment. tf 24c FRESH COWS FOB SALE: I have several fresh cows for sale at bargain prices. Most all at these rows have young calves with them You will find some extra good cows in this lot. B. O. Hamrick, tf J8c FOB SALE- STOVE WOOD ready for use. Phone 406 Morrison Transfer Co. tf 8: FOB SAL* CHEAP TO QUICK ..buyer, nice desirable lot Just off Highway No. 20 west of Shalby. Zeb C. Mauney. tf 28c AT AUCTION FRIDAY JAN uary Jlth at 10 o’clock at J. M Moore's none In the Mount Pieas •» ont section, two mules, one horse wagon, buggy and farming tools. Terms, cash. High dollar buys. J. M. Moore, owner. 4t-2p BOOMS# WITH MEALS. MRS. Frank Rippy, 417 South LaFayette Street. tf 4c FOR SALE: THREE RANGE stoves, one electric range and a lot of new furniture. C. B. Cabaniss. 3t 4c TWO FURNISHED CONNECT - lng rooms for housekeeping, one ' block of business section. Telephone 61h 3t 4c WANTED: TO BUY SECOND hand Fordson tractor and Athens plow-. D. W. Carpenter, Shelby, N. C. 4t 2p NOTICE; ALL PERSONS ARE forbidden to bunt or trespass on my land in any way. D. w. Car penter. 4t 2p FOR SALE: 140-EOO INCUBA tor and 32 Inch canopy top brooder. f Deane Hoyle, Fallston, M. C. 3t 4p FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 313 N. Morgan . street, Phone 4#o. tf 19c FOR RENT: "J TWO HORSE farm, good house and good out buildings, near Bolling 6prings. A. R. Hamrick, R-3, Shelby. 3t 7p WANTED GOOD TWO HORSE fa;mer for my Buffalo Mt. farm Must have two good plow hands. I will furnish stock. Tom Webb, Shelby. 2t 7c 1 FOR BALE: THREE MILK cows. Two fresh, one five gallon milker and one four gallop per day. Geo. T. Jarrett, Oherryville. 2t 7p LOST IN SHELBY SATURDAY yellow leath pocketbook with name pad Blanton on card under cellu loid. Contained $-3 bill, one $9 bill several $1 Ml) or mere, one $1260 "check on J. D. Haynes, one $11 £0 ri J. D. T*mt. Reward u re d to Star office 2t 7p BUUiDINO LOTS—GOOD LO- j cation. C. 6. Toung. tM3c FOR RENT: ONE HALF STORE room. Apply at Star office. 8t 12p FOR SALE—TERMS TO emit the buyer. Ten room, two* story house, suitable for board'ns or rooming house, ean be mads into apartment house, large barn, on tha Cleveland Springs road—No 20 ^highway. Two minutes 'rive from center of town. 3 and 3-1 asres of land all suitable for building lots. A shance to buy like this does .ot come often. See your i eal estate ran and let him make terms to suit you. T*n years time if you want it. Titles guaranteed, when all ayments are ma e. The own er will guarantee 5 per cent crc-'se in value pe- year for the next five years. See James W Ison, owner. 2t-7c FOR SALE AT A ’.argain, One No. 3 L. C. Smith Typewriter with 12 inch carriage. Tn good cond:t*cn. Cigar Co. 6t«7c FOR RENT — THE CORBETT House N. E. corner court square. B. T. Falls. jt-e LOST-WOMANS Black Hat Bex be tween Belwocd and Shelby. Containing clothes and money. Liberal reward for re turn to Star Office. Ostine Brackett, Shel by^ 3t-7c NEW BROWN LUMBERJACK wrapped in paper, left in wrong car in Shelby Saturday. Return to Star office for reward. W. A. Cook, B-t. Belwood. jt 9p Once I know how to talk. Now I have learned silence .—Georges Cle* menceau. q FOR SALE 64 acres, 200 fruit tr~e*, 2 houses 1 mile from Maiden, ST55.00 acre. 100 acres 5 room house, 8 miles from Lincolnton, ?33.00 acre. The above farms are on good ror.ds. Also h~ve a few other good values, all on easy terms. Fee or write, J. Robt. McNeely Linco'nton, N. C. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified 14 executor of the will of w. F. Gold, deceased, this is to hereby notify all persons holding claims against his estate to file same with me on or before the 7th day of January, 19J0, or this notioe will be pleaded In' bar of re* covery >n sam:; and this is to fur ther notify all persons to make pay ment Immediately of any indebted ness owing said estate. This January 7th, 1929. J. M. GOLD, Executor of Will of W. F. Gold, dee'd. Newton it Newton, Attys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE." Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Damon | Jenkins, deceased, this Is to notity. all parties having claims against the said deceased to present them to me properly proven on or before the 19th day of December. M39, ot this nodes will be pleaded In bar o recovery thereof. All person* ow ing the said estate will please make immediate ayment to the under signed. This December 19. 1999. WILUE AGER, Administrate: of Damon Jenkins, deceased. A. R. Bennett, Atty. , Shelby Shoe Shop Slices Repaired By The ■ Goodyear Welt System l With shoes the price they are, it is not only ecoromv but proo'* eenre to have them retired as often as pos sible. — PHONE 569 — West War en Street, At The Railroad. t 11. - “GUS AND GUSSIE” — still a Fright SO, ybg'ft* A U'L LOSTSD <Si*C And ALU you VUA.NT IS CASPARS "T& e»T HOMS • WHSRS, 5 Australia . t <*) INf/Kin# Intvts Byndiat*. Jat Oiwt rl^Vt rM»mi| * sjpggiffiw.. ...-1 oucw- Australia! TUats A LOH<5 V/AVS PROM HEELS 5*^ WSU.,' x alwus wanted to / THEIR. OO TW1RB AN" DO MV/^MONEY 4TH ACT, BUT TWERB'S />*, fiOOD ATM NOTHIN* THERE L ANVRftOVTU BUT KANGAROOS ^ 7BUyT ITS AlSAR. A' D'SEASB AlAMBD “IAbmania, t>OM‘T Vou? MO» Vbo‘*» V. -TklM*INO Ol* A \ PBNIMTHOLA WHBN \T SHOULD 8v a polvmbthia * TWfc DlfBBRBfsnV.B ITH THITH.... NEITHER. ith a TATAOOMIA. The Reason is “Apparent*’ HAS LBPT <SOS NOW, AND MB >S DOlNQ HIS WISECRACK !N« REPARTEE WITH 5USIS AS SMOOTH LV AS STRippiHS A Set op gears ON A TWO .TON TRUCK. M ay, or l mow CAM A MAM $o punnv OFF *TAM AMD SO OMPUNMY ON STABS * ’’and THAT Ll'U OlRL. is WHV I CANM< ITTH ATH CLEAR ATM <3LU«/TWIR .THANK >t5U *ORThE . UTHB OF THE HAUL* W»A* A 61AHO/0UT I MU7WT AWAY. IKI THE A ANA THBARCHINS WlMTBR X FOR. My MOTHS’*. <■ . T'AAE .rmiTH ITW HER PICTURE, ^-—TMlTH COM* *tto My AHAA9, MV LOMflLOrr QAB6«. *on. I AM vtouflt. i MOTHER./ Copeland's Health Talk # v. % <• .«**r ** Soaping The Baby BY ROYAL S. COPELAND. M. D. (United States Senator And Former Health Commissioner of Now fork.) It U a real task to take care of a ttey baby. Nobody regrets this, of course. If then la one task In t ha world that Is cheerfully, happily, easily dona ft ta the cere of the boby. The mere feeble and delicate the infant and tha more real the needs of the child, the more anxious I the mother is to give her whole being to Its welfare. DR. COPELAND Nothinf if more important than the care of the baby’s skin. You know how sensitive your skin Is—how It suffers In cold or extreme heat. You know how It feels to have the skin chapped. Strop? soap will turn every sore spot you have Into a flame of fire. Washing the baby la a real art. Soma moth* era to about this matter with all the confidence In the world. But others, poor souls, era in a fever of fear that the baby may fall or be in jured in some other way. But it is not my purpose today to describe the bathing of the child, AU l wish to say about 'this is to point out the imports nee of selecting a soap that doe* not irritate the skin of your baby. ' we differ in our reactions to drugs ana chemicals. one «nn wui accept certain applications and thrive under thetn. Another skin will smart and bum and become inflamed under the tame appljaotloe. On this account a soan must be selected that la acceptable to the baby’s sUn. the oil of the skin. Then it it left unprotected and le sure to smart end burn in consequence. After bathing the skin must be thoroughly dried. Moisture will leave the surface liable to chapping. The use of powder after bathing hbs a scientific foundation. It guar* antees perfect dryness of the stein A baby should not be left In wet garments. Immediate attention is important, because without it the Skin wlll chafs and chap Petroleum oil has its uses as an application to the skin of the body after bathing. It should not be used on the face, but Is quite all right to apply elsewhere. It is soothing and j protective too. If the baby’s skin » pimply 4t mey. be dug to heavy cloth ice causing excessive perspiration. This to like ly to -cause a rash to appear. , Another cause for skin eruption is ' wrong feeding. The milk mixture may not be right, or the milk itseh may not be acceptable, ft isn’t a bad idea to change the milk supply if the skin Is not dear This simple thing may solve a problem , Nothing to sweeter or more ap pealing than a clean, smiling baby. To have It attractive the skin must be perfect, arid no’effort to too greet to make this' possible. K. W. 3-—X am troubled with constipation, what do you advice? A.—Eat simple, wen-cooked food.; Avoid foods unduly rich in fats and; starches, crink plenty of water be tween merty. -Send self-addressed, stamped envelope for further partic ulars end repeat your question. S- M ©.—What causes a pain near the heart whan a deep breath to taken? What causes the feet te swell? A.—This may be due to a little .ndlgwtlon Your diet Sheu’d be cor noted and the Intestinal tract kept elm. For details send a self-ad* dressed stamped envelope and re peat your que*thw 3.—Perhaps circulatory condition la responsible, sometimes heart or kidney trouble may produce swell ing, Consult your family doctor for a thorough examination. H C. Q—What causes prickly heat? ft It harmful in any way? A.—Hot weather and easily irri tated skin produce this symptom. Heap the parts clean and use a good antiseptic dusting powder. No. YOUNG HONOR CONVICT FREE AFTER FLIGHT Raleigh, Jan. I.—Albert Turner. 19-year-old *honor prisoner" at State’* prison, spent this morning assisting servants at the executive mansion prepare for the coming of Governor-elect Q. Max Gardner, who is to take up his residence there January 11. Where Aibert .spent the after noon is not yet known to officials of the prison. Some time during the lunch hour today he peered. He was convicted of forgery in Richmond county superior, (jOurt last sprites and received a sentence of from one ygar told months. NOTICE OF ? STOCi meeting c;\ rmsT . . BANK OF smtLRT. N. C. The stockholders of the First National Bahk of Shelby. N. C. will hold their annual meeting' for the election of directors, to vote on a proposed inoreM* of capital stock and any other business which may come before the meeting, at eleven o’clock a. m. Tuesday, Janmry 8 1S38 at their banking room, Shelby. N. c. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day auallflad as ad* mlnlstrator of the estate of Pinkney Little deceased, this la to notify all pertcfls having claims against the said estate to present same to me for. payment on or before the 14th day of December. 1939. or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof. All persons ow ing the said estate will make Im mediate settlement to the under alined. This 14th day of December. 1938. J. B ELH6, Administrator Estate of Pinkney Little,, deceased RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas our Heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom haa seen fit to call from earth to heaven the soul of Brother B. E. Mcflwatn who de parted from this life December 18. 1938. Therefore, be It resolved by Trinity Baptist church: First, that while we contemplate with sorrow the loss whlcti church has sustain ed through the going away of our friend and brother w* bow In hum lie submission to the will of Him who doeth all thtnga well Second. that with the removal of Brother JtfcSwatn from among us we have lost a true and faithful brother and his family has los* a gentle and de voted father, a wise counsellor and to them we extend our sincere sym pathy la thetr great sorrow. Third, that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of our church and a copy be sent to the family, also that a copy be sent to The Cleveland Star, Jharity and Children and Biblical Recorder. R. V. GREENE. WADE HARRIS. MISS OLLIE BRIDGES, Committee. TRY STAR WANT ADS BL0ATEDJEELIN6 And Other Trouble* Wes' Away After This South Carolioian Had Taken Black-Draught. Tv*, S. O.—*T have used Black Draught, at Intervals, for about five years,’' sayaMr.-J. f. OtHiland. of this place. "I take It for Indigestion. “After eating, r would have m tight, blo*t«l feeling, and pains in ray chest and stomach. I would spit up my fodd, and some things X ate would not agree with me at alL “I would be hungry, hut afraid to 3at on account of the indigestion. X •vould bo constipated, too. "Soma one told me that T should ry Black-Draught, which I did, 1th good results. X take just a mall dose after meals, and X leal Jv a different person. *T do not have any more trouble f that kind X can now eat at test anything I want to. at any me, ang ft does not hurt me. “Black-Draught is * splendid uedlciae. I can xeoomend it to :ihers." Thousands of people have fount' dlef, iq casts or common indiges on. bytaktng a pinch of Black r&ught after meals, and continuing ■ 'Us treatment for setter*! days. Taka Thedfoed’s Black-Draught t is purely vegetable and acts in < ipful way, without the bad effect a drags. NC-iar LACK-DRAUGHT m for Constipation Indigestion Utiigusnexa t Discriminating A colored couple were be ing married end when the clergyman came to the words, Love, Honor and Obey the bridegroom inter- j rupted: "Read that once moh, eo the lady kin ketch de full solemnity of its meaning, cause I’se been married befoah." We want you to ketch the full meaning when we say that Sinclair gas and oil represents the ultimate in purity and pep. Sinclair motor fuel will save you .money annually by increas ing you mileage range at do greater increase in your outlay. Wholesale. The Moit Persistent Thief . OF YOUR PROFITS W?-?**’* HIGH INTEREST RATE *'?7> M't. THE EASIEST WAYTQMY*! Sf It Through LOW INTEREST We Lend On Acceptable First Farm. Mortgages At Lowest Rate Of Interest 5 TO 35 YEARS $*% ^ J Nothing Complicated About It. Let Us Tell You. I Shelby National Farm Load a • ,» , t- t, Association HENRY B. EDWARDS, See..Tre*s. 21 Royster Bldg. Phone No. isiSk s*&S SPECIAL EXCURSION SOUTHERN RAILWAY RALEIGH, N. C ACCOUNT INAUGURATION GOY1 ELECT OF NORTH CAS JANUARY 11TH, l Round trio fve from Shelby „,,..;*„«,***** Id Round trip fere from Ruther'ordton *4.*^ p Round trip fere from Forest City II Tickets on eale January 10th, final limit midst January 12th. Special pullman sleeping care for the'-reuad-' including occupancy Raleiorh January Hth. Ik. berth 18.50, upper berth 16.80. Leave Rutherfordton January 10th at,8i20.P Forest tfty 5:S5 P. M.*, Shelby 6:81 P M At Raleigh 8:46 AM January Hth. Car* t© bo o pied as desired returning leave Raleigh 19:10 A January 18th arriving home same morning.' For reservations and detail information ctf Vernon Procters Ticket Agent, Shelby, C. T._R rick, Ticket Ag«t, Rutherfordton, A. L. Ticket Agent, F^est City. r. k graham, Dmmon Fl—w Ajcnt, Ctori Ktm

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